Philip, you die for railing at me. Proud Lord, you die,
That with Mendoza cried, banish the Moor
And you my loving liege, you’re best sit fast
If all these live not, you must die at last.
Act II
Scene I
ENTER TWO LORDS, Philip his brother, Mendoza, Eleazar with him, the King Crowned, Queen mother, Alvero, Zarack, Baltazar, and attendants.
MendozaWhy stares this devil thus, as if pale death
Had made his eyes the dreadful messengers
To carry black destruction to the world.
Was he not banished Spain?
Phillip Your sacred mouth
Pronounced the sentence of his banishment:
Then spurn the villain forth.
Eleazar Who spurns the Moor
Were better set his foot upon the devil.
Do, spurn me, and this confounding arm of wrath
Shall like a thunderbolt breaking the clouds
Divide his body from his soul. Stand back.
Spurn Eleazar?
Roderigo Shall we bear his pride?
AlveroWhy not? He underwent much Injury.
MendozaWhat injury have we performed, proud Lord?
Eleazar Proud Cardinal, my unjust banishment.
MendozaIt was we that did it; and our words are laws.
KingFernando It was we repealed him, and our words are laws.
Baltazar If not these are.
All the Moors draw.
PhillipHow, threatened and out-dared?
KingFernando Shall we give arm to hostile violence?
Sheath your swords, sheath them; it’s we command.
Eleazar Grant Eleazar justice, my dread liege.
MendozaEleazar hath had justice from our hands,
And he stands banished from the Court of Spain,
KingHave you done justice? Why, Lord Cardinal,
From whom do you derive authority
To banish him the Court without our leave?
MendozaFrom this, the staff of our protectorship;
From this, which the last will of your dear father
Committed to our trust; from this high place
Which lifts Mendoza’s spirits beyond the pitch
Of ordinary honour, and from this.
KingFernando Which too much over-weening insolence
takes the staff from Mendoza and gives it to Eleazar
Hath quite ta’en from you; Eleazar, up,
And from us sway this staff of regency.
All How’s this?
PhillipDare sons presume to break their father’s will?
KingFernando Dare subjects counter-check their sovereign’s will?
’Tis done, and who gainsays it is a traitor.
PhillipI do, Fernando, yet I am no traitor.
MendozaFernando, I am wronged; by Peter’s chair,
Mendoza vows revenge. I’ll lay aside
My Cardinal’s hat, and in a wall of steel,
The glorious livery of a soldier, fight for my late lost honour
KingFernando Cardinal -
MendozaKing, thou shalt be no King for wronging me.
The Pope shall send his bulls through all thy realm,
And pull obedience from thy subjects’ hearts,
To put on armour of the mother church;
Curses shall fall like lightning on your heads,
Bell, book and candle, holy water, prayers,
Shall all chime vengeance to the Court of Spain
Till they have power to conjure down that fiend,
That damned Moor, that devil, that Lucifer,
That dares aspire the staff, the Cardinal said.
Eleazar Ha, ha, ha, I laugh yet that the Cardinal’s vexed.
PhillipLaughst thou base slave? The wrinkles of that scorn
Thine own heart blood shall fill; Brother, farewell,
Since you disprove the will our father left,
For base lust of a loathed concubine.
Eleazar Ha, concubine, who does Prince Philip mean?
PhillipThy wife, thy daughter, base aspiring Lords,
Who to buy honour, are content to sell
Your names to infamy, your souls to hell,
And stamp you now? Do, do, for you shall see,
I go for vengeance, and she’ll come with me.
Eleazar Stay, for she’s here already, see proud boy.
They both draw.
Queen MotherHold, stay this fury; if you long for blood,
Murder me first. Dear son you are a King:
Then stay the violent tempest of their wrath.
King Fernando Shall Kings be overswayed in their desires?
Roderigo Shall subjects be oppressed by tyranny?
Queen MotherNo state shall suffer wrong; then hear me speak:
Mendoza, you have sworn your love to the Queen,
Then by that love I charge you leave these arms;
Eleazar, for those favours I have given you,
Embrace the Cardinal, and be friends with him.
Eleazar And have my wife called strumpet to my face?
Queen MotherIt was rage made his tongue err, do you not know
The violent love Mendoza bears the Queen?
Then speak him fair, for in that honeyed breath
I’ll lay bait shall train him to his death.
Come, come, I see your looks give way to peace;
Lord Cardinal, begin, and for reward,
Ere this fair setting sun behold his bride,
Be bold to challenge love, yet be denied
Mendoza That promise makes me yield; my gracious lord,
Although my disgrace hath graven its memory
On every Spaniard’s eye, yet shall the duty
I owe your sacred Highness, and the love
My country challenges, make me lay by
Hostile intendments, and return again
To the fair circle of obedience.
King Fernando Both pardon and our favour bids you welcome,
And for some satisfaction for your wrongs,
We here create you Salamanca’s Duke.
But first, as a true sign all grudges die,
Shake hands with Eleazar and be friends;
This union pleases us; now, brother Philip,
You are included in this league of love,
So is Roderigo. To forget all wrongs
Your castle for a while shall bid us welcome,
Eleazar, shall it not? It is enough,
Lords, lead the way, that whilst you feast yourselves,
Fernando may find time all means to prove
To compass fair Maria for our love.
Exeunt omnes.
Scene II
Eleazar Madam, a word now. Have you wit or spirit?
Queen MotherBoth.
Eleazar Set them both to a most gainful task;
Our enemies are in my castle - work.
Queen MotherAye, but the King’s there too, it’s dangerous pride
To strike at those that couch by a lion’s side.
Eleazar Remove them.
Queen Mother How?
Eleazar How? A thousand ways:
By poison, or by this, but every groom
Has skill in such base traffic; no, our policies
Must look more strange, must fly with loftier wings.
Vengeance the higher it falls, more horror brings:
But you are cold, you dare not do.
Queen MotherI dare.
Eleazar You have a woman’s heart; look you, this hand,
Oh! It’s too little to strike home.
Queen MotherAt whom?
Eleazar Your son.
Queen Mother Which son? The King?
Eleazar Angels of heaven, stand like his guard about him, how the King?
Not for so many worlds as here be stars
Sticking upon the e
mbroidered firmament.
The King? He loves my wife and should he die?
I know none else would love her, let him live
(In heaven) good Lord Philip.
Queen MotherHe shall die.
Eleazar How? Good God.
Queen MotherBy this hand.
Eleazar When, good God? When?
Queen MotherThis night, if Eleazar gives consent.
Eleazar Why then this night Philip shall not live
To see you kill him. Is he not your son?
A mother be the murderer of a brat
That lived within her; hah!
Queen MotherIt is for thy sake.
Eleazar Puh! What excuses cannot dammed sin make
To save itself? I know you love him well,
But that he has an eye, an eye, an eye.
To others our two hearts seem to be locked
Up in a case of steel; upon our love others
Dare not look, or if they dare, they cast
Squint purblind glances; who care though all see all,
So long as none dare speak, but Philip
Knows that the iron ribs of our villain[ie]s
Are thin; he laughs to see them, like this hand,
With chinks, and crevices; how, a villainous eye,
A stabbing desperate tongue? The boy dare speak;
A mouth, a villainous mouth; let’s muzzle him.
Queen MotherHow?
Eleazar Thus:
Go you, and with a face well set do
In good sad colours, such as paint out
The cheek of that fool penitence and with a tongue
Made clean and glib, cull from their lazy swarm
Some honest friars, whom that damnation gold,
Can tempt to lay their souls to the stake;
Seek such: they are rank and thick.
Queen MotherWhat then, I know such, what’s the use?
Eleazar This is excellent.
Hire these to write books, preach and proclaim abroad,
That your son Philip is a bastard.
Queen MotherHow?
Eleazar A bastard, do you know a bastard? Do it!
Say conscience spoke with you, and cried out, do it;
By this means shall you thrust him from all hopes
Of wearing Castile’s diadem, and that spur
Galling his sides, he will fly out, and fling,
And grind the Cardinal’s heart to a new edge
Of discontent; from discontent grows treason,
And on the stalk of treason death; he’s dead
By this blow, and by you, yet no blood shed.
Do it then; by this trick, he gone,
We stand more sure in climbing high;
Care not who fall, ’tis real policy;
Are you armed to do this, hah?
Queen MotherSweet Moor, it’s done.
Eleazar Away then, work with boldness and with speed;
On greatest actions greatest dangers feed.
Exit Queen Mother.
Ha, ha! I thank thee, provident creation,
That seeing in moulding me thou did’st intend
I should prove villain, thanks to thee and nature
That skilful workman; thanks for my face,
Thanks that I have not wit to blush.
What, Zarack! Ho, Baltazar!
Enter the two Moors.
Both My Lord.
Eleazar Nearer, so; silence;
Hang both your greedy ears upon my lips,
Let them devour my speech, suck in my breath;
And in who lets it break prison, here’s his death.
This night the Cardinal shall be murdered.
Eleazar And to fill up a grave Philip dies.
Both Where?
Eleazar Here.
Both By whom?
Eleazar By thee! And, slave, by thee.
Have you hearts and hands to execute?
Both Here’s both.
1 Moor He dies, were he my father.
Eleazar Ho away?
Stay, go, go, stay, see me no more till night;
Your cheeks are black, let not your souls look white.
BothTill night.
Eleazar Till night; a word: the Mother Queen
Is trying if she can with fire of gold
Warp the green consciences of two covetous friars,
To preach abroad Philip’s bastardy.
1 Moor His bastardy? Who was his father?
Eleazar Who?
Search for these friars, hire them to work with you;
Their holy callings will approve the fact
Most good and meritorious, sin shines clear,
When her black face religions mask doth wear.
Here comes the Queen and the friars.
Scene III
ENTER TWO FRIARS, Crab and Cole, and Queen Mother.
Cole Your son a bastard? Say we do,
But how then shall we deal with you?
I tell you as I said before;
His being a bastard, you are so poor
In honour and in name, that time
Can never take away the crime.
Queen MotherI grant that, friar, yet rather I’ll endure
The wound of infamy, to kill my name,
Than to see Spain bleeding with civil swords.
The boy is proud, ambitious, he woos greatness;
He takes up Spanish hearts on trust, to pay them
When he shall finger Castile’s crown; Oh then
Were it not better my disgrace were known,
Then such a base aspirer fill the throne?
Cole Ha brother Crab, what think you?
Crab As you, dear brother Cole.
ColeThen we agree:
Cole’s judgment is as Crab’s, you see.
Lady, we swear to speak and write
What you please, so all go right.
Queen MotherThen as we gave directions, spread abroad,
In Cales, Madrid, Granado and Medina
And all the royal cities of the realm
The ambitious hopes of that proud bastard Philip,
And sometimes as you see occasion,
Tickle the ears of the rude multitude,
With Eleazar’s praises, guild his virtues,
Naples’ recovery and his victories
Achieved against the Turkish Ottoman,
Will you do this for us?
Eleazar Say, will you?
Both Aye.
Eleazar Why start you back and stare? Ha, are you afraid?
Cole Oh, no Sir! No, but truth to tell;
Seeing your face, we thought of hell.
Eleazar Hell is a dream.
Cole But none do dream in hell.
Eleazar Friars, stand to her and me, and by your sin
I’ll shoulder out Mendoza from his seat
And of two friars create you Cardinals;
Oh! How would Cardinals’ hats on these heads fit?
Cole This face would look most well under it.
Friar Crab and Cole do swear,
In those circles still to appear
In which she or you do charge us rise;
For you, our lives we’ll sacrifice.
Valete, Gaudete;
Spereamus flete;
Orate pro nobis,
Oramus pro vobis.
Cole will be burnt, and Crab be presto;
Ere they prove knaves, thus are you crossed and blessed.
Exit Friars.
Eleazar Away! You know now, Madam none shall throw
Their leaden envy in an opposite scale,
To weigh down our true golden happiness.
Queen MotherYes, there is one.
Eleazar One who? Give me his name and I will
Turn it to a magic spell,
To bind him here, here, who?
Queen MotherYour wife Maria.
Eleazar Hah! My
Queen MotherShe’s the hell’s point divides my love and me,
She being cut off -
Eleazar Stay, stay, cut off; let’s think upon it; my wife?
Humph! Kill her too!
Queen MotherDoes her love make thee cold?
Eleazar Had I a thousand wives down go them all!
She dies! I’ll cut her off now. Baltazar!
Enter Baltazar.
Baltazar Madam, the king entreats your company.
Queen MotherHis pleasure be obeyed, dear love, farewell;
Remember your Maria.
Exit Queen Mother
Eleazar Here, adieu!
With this I’ll guard her, whilst it stabs at you.
Baltazar My Lord! The friars are won to join with us.
Eleazar Be prosperous about it, Baltazar.
Baltazar The watchword?
Eleazar Oh! The word let it be treason;
When we cry treason, break open chamber doors,
Kill Phillip and the Cardinal hence.
Baltazar I fly.
Eleazar Murder, now ride in triumph, darkness, horror;
Thus I invoke your aid, your act begin;
Night is a glorious robe for the ugliest sin.
Scene IV
ENTER COLE AND Crab in trousers, the Cardinal in one of their weeds and Philip putting on the other.
Both Friars Put on my Lord, and fly or else you die.
PhillipI will not, I will die first; Cardinal
Prithee, good Cardinal, pluck off, friars, slave,
Murder us two? He shall not by this sword.
Cardinal My Lord, you will endanger both our lives.
PhillipI care not; I’ll kill some before I die,
Away, s’heart, take your rags; Moor, devil, come.
2. Friars. My Lord, put on, or else.
PhillipGod’s foot come help.
Cardinal Ambitious villain! Philip, let us fly
Into the chamber of the Mother Queen.
PhillipThunder beat down the lodgings.
Cardinal Else let’s break into the chamber of the King:
A pox upon those lousy gabardines.
Agreed, I am for you Moor; stand side by side,
Come, hands off, leave your ducking, hell cannot fright
Their spirits that do desperately fight.
Cole You are too rash, you are too hot,
Wild desperateness doth valour blot;
The lodging of the King’s beset
With staring faces black as jet,
And hearts of Iron; your deaths are vowed
If you fly that way, therefore shroud
Your body in Friar Cole’s grey weed,
For is it not madness, man, to bleed
Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker Page 19