Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker

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Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker Page 223

by Thomas Dekker

  II. A Prayer for the Citie.

  O Father of mercy, look downe vpon this cittie, not with an eye of Iustice, for no flesh is righteou in thy sight: but behold this thy sanctuarie, as thy Sonne did Ierusalem, when he wept, that the citie of the Lord should bee so full of iniquitie. If those miracles (O God) which haue bene shewen in this greatest city of thine now vpon earth, had beene done in Tyre and Sidon, they would haue repented in sackcloth and ashes; but wee more and more prouoke thee to anger: yet, O Lord, stay thy hand from striking, and thy lippes from pronouncing those woes that were breathed foorth by thee against Chorazin and Bethsaida. Say not thou, O God, to this Citie, as thou didst to Capernaum: And thou Capernaum which art lifted vp to Heauen, shalt be brought down to hell. But gather thy children together as the Hen gathereth her chickens vnder her wing, and suffer not thy holy habitations to be left desolate. Set, O Lord, an hoste of Angels at the gates, and let trueth spread her banner on the walles: suffer not the arrowes of the inuader to fall vpon our houses by day, nor the sword of the strong man to smite vs by night. Giue wisedome, O Lord, to the Rulers of this Citie, zeale to the Preachers therein and holinesse of life to the Inhabitants. Let the tree of thy Gospel (which so many years hath here flourished) still spread into large branches, and those branches beare abundance of liuely fruit. Saue, O Lord, this Temple of thine; blesse it, defend it, crowne it with honours, that it may out-shine all the Cities in the world in goodnesse as it doeth in greatnesse. Amen.

  12. A Prayer for the Countrey.

  O Thou that art the Creator of all things that are good for man, giue vnto our corne-fields fatnes and increase, and vpon our medows raine downe the waters of plentie: let our la¯d be like vnto that which thou saidst should flowe with milke and hony: for as the heauens are thine so is the earth thine: Thou hast made also the North and the South: the winds are in thy hand; bridle them therefore, and binde them in the prisons of the earth, that they may not come forth to destroy the labours of the ploughman, nor to defeat the husbandman of his hopes. Set, O gracious Father, faithfull and learned and watchfull shepheards ouer the poore flock of vs thy people, that the blindnesse of ignorance may not cause our soules to wander in the shades of euerlasting death. Guide vs, O Lord, neither in the pathes of our forefathers (if they went astray) nor after the common steppes of the present time, vnles it be according to those wayes which are trode out before vs, by thy Sonne Iesus Christ. Teach vs to loue thee, to know thee, to liue after thy lawes, and to die after thy commandements; so shall we be sure to cha¯ge this countrey of frailtie, of sinne and of miserie, for the land of promise, and the kingdome of all fulnesse & felicitie. Grant this O Father of vs all, grant this O Redeemer of vs all. Amen.

  13. A Prayer for a Magistrate.

  THou hast called mee (O Lord) being but a worme of the earth, and raised to riches, as it were, euen out of dust, to be a Ruler ouer others: bestow on mee therefore the spirit of Wisedome, that I may first learne how to gouerne my selfe: for the perfect knowledge of a mans self, brings him (O God) to the true knowledge of thee. Humble mee (O my Maker) in this toppe of my height: that my head being lifted vp to honor, my heart may not swell vp with pride: giue mee a mind not to execute my owne will but thine: giue me an eye that may not lust after my owne profit, but the aduancement of thy glorie, and the good of the Commonwealth. As thou hast placed mee, to bee a Pillar to vphold others, so grant that I may not prooue a weake Pillar, to throw my selfe downe; and with my fall to bruise others that stand vnder me. In all my waies (O Lord) goe thou before me, as a Lanthorne to my feet: In all my actions stand thou by me, as my Schoolemaster to direct mee: In all my prosperity let mee looke onely vpon thee: In all my troubles of bodie or mind, turne not thou thine eyes from mee: suffer mee not (O Sauiour) by abundance of wealth to forget thee, nor by feeling want, to fall into despaire, and so forsake thee. Grant this, and whatsoeuer else O Lord, I stand in neede of to guide me in this dangerous Sea, wherein thou hast appointed me to saile. Grant it O God, for thy Sonnes sake, in whose Name I beg thy mercies. Amen.

  14. A Prayer for a Lawyer.

  O THOV that art the truest Law-giuer, so instruct mee in the holy decrees of thy word, that I may practise nothing but the fulfilling of thy Ordinances: let not my to¯gue plead and bee imployed about purchasing earthly goods for other men, and be forgetfull how to prouide for the saluation of my owne soule. As my profession is the law of man, so let my profession bee to doe right to all men: for equitie is the ground vpon which law is builded. Take from my bosome, O Lord, all moderate and vnmeasurable desires of heaping the riches of this world together by meanes vnlawfull. Suffer mee not by oppression to ioyne house to house, land to land, and lord-shippe to lordship; but that I may euer remember that I am but as a pilgrim vpo¯ earth, and that at my departure from thence I must goe either to glorie eternall or torments to endure without end: grant therefore (O my God) that I may deliuer to euery man his true Epha, & his true Hin, that is to say, Iust measure, of that which of right belongs vnto him. O Lord, giue mee (as thy kingly Prophet beggeth at thy hands, neither pouerty nor abundance of wealth; onely grant vnto me so much as may maintaine my life. For thy Sonnes sake my redeemer, hearken, O Lord, to these requests of thy seruant. So be it. Amen.

  15. A Prayer for the two Vniuersities.

  O THOV insearchable depth of all wisdome, open thou the fountaines of knowledge, and let the streames of it equally run to the two famous Nurseries of learning (the two Vniuersities of this land) Oxford and Cambridge, that from the brests of those two (as it were from the tender nipples of mothers) the youth and Gentry of this land may sucke the milke both of Diuine and Humane Science. Graft thou, O LORD, vpon those two great Trees infinite numbers of Plants, that in good time may yeelde much fruite to thy Church, and profit to the weale publicke. And seeing that these two Starres of Learning are to giue Comfort, or to fill with darkenesse this our whole Kingdome, bestow vpon them (O Lord) such beames of Heauenly light, that euen forraine countreyes, aswell as our owne, may be glorified in their splendor. Direct all the studies of those that liue vpon the foode of the soule there, (which is wisedome) to a holy end. Make them to loue as brethren, & to liue as Christians: suffer not vaine glorie to ingender pride amongst them, nor phantasticknesse of wit, to drowne them in ridiculous and apish folly. But so mould both their minds & bodies, that they may enter into those sanctified temples as thy children, & come from thence as seruants of thy ministerie. Amen.

  16. A Prayer for the confusion of traytors.

  O Father of nations, O king of kings, & Lord of Lords, send from thy throne an hoste of Angels to guard our Prince, his Realme & his people from the deuouring iawes of traitours that are stretched wide open to swallow vp this land, where thy Gospel is taught & practised. Arm vs with safety & with boldnesse that we without feare or perill may walke vpon the lyon & the adder, that lye in dennes waiting to sucke our blood: yea couer vs (O God) with thy wings, that wee may tread vpon the yong lyon and the dragon, that spit fire to destroy this noble kingdom, & to drinke the blood of thine anointed. The death of Saul fall vpon the¯ that persecute thy seruant Dauid: let Dauid (O Lord) escape, but let these Sauls perish by the sword. The miserie that struck the house of Ieroboam, because hee made Israel to sinne, round begirt these enemies of thy Church and of our countrey. Smite (O God) in thy iust wrath the rocks, & send the whirlewinds forth to blow the dust of their wicked counsels into their owne eyes: giue to these Achitophels, the shame and confusion that Achitophel met with in his cursed treasons to Absolon against his father Dauid; yea, O Lord, let the proudest of the faction die vpon a tree as proud Absolo¯ did. Vp, Lord arise, and with the breath of thy nostrils, disperse into aire, all these conspiracies: scatter the traytors and their treasons, as chaffe tossed before the wind. Bring to light whatsoeuer they plot in darkenesse, and let their owne counsels bee their owne confusions. Amen.

  17. A Prayer in time of ciuill warre.

  HEauie are our sinnes, and many in number, yet doe wee run out still in the summe
of them, not thinking vpo¯ the last, deere and most dreadfull accompt, to which one day we must be called: our sins are great in quantitie, yet haue they a quicke pace, & are euer at our heeles, flie weneuer so fast from them: so that if thy iustice (O God) pursue vs, we are but as sheepe running to the slaughter, or as soldiers felled to the earth in the day of battell. Haue mercie therefore (O thou God of all mercie) pull in the rod of thy anger, and take pitie of vs thy children. Smite vs not in thy rage, for then wee perish, but beate vs in thy loue, and then we shall amend. But aboue all the punishments which thou hast layd vp in store for vs, and which wee all deserue, deferre, O God, defer, yea, sweare thou wilt no more mowe downe this land (as the haruesters sickle doeth the Corne) with the iron sword of ciuill warre. Beat backe those surges that would drowne their owne shores to whom they owe obedience, and let them serue to quench any fires that by rebellious hands shall bee kindled to burne in the bosome of our kingdome. We haue beene (O Lord) a long time lookers on vpon our neighbour-contreyes, and haue seene their cities turned to cinders, yet haue not beene scorched with the flames. France doeth yet mourne in the ashes of those fires, and Germany is eue¯ now stiffled with the smoaks. O send not thy Angel with a fierie sword from them to vs, to make them spectators of our miseries, nor to shake it ouer our cities, as thou didst whe¯ thou threatnedst destruction to that thine owne citie Ierusalem. Spare vs, O Lord, and looke not vpo¯ vs in the day of indignation, saue vs from the arrowes of strange nations, and suffer not the hands of our owne to bee our own murderers: for thy Sonnes sake Iesus Christ, who lost his blood that ours might not bee cast away, doe we beg this. Grant this, O Lord. Amen: Now, and for euer. Amen.

  18. A Prayer to stay the pestilence.

  CAll home, O Lord, thy messengers who¯ thou hast sent forth with full vials of thy wrath to powre vpon thy people: O stay the Inuaders arme, who shooteth darts of pestilence so thickly amo¯gst vs, that in heapes we descend into the mericlesse graue. Death is but thy seruant, and can execute none but those whom thou condemnest, yet hee hath (and still doeth) plaid the cruell tyrant: for the liuing whom he spareth, are not able to bury carcases so fast as hee destroyeth them. Checke him therefore, O God, and charge him no more to spoile these temples made by thine owne hands. O God of heauen, wee haue broken thy lawes: we confesse so much: wee repent that wee haue angred so good & gracious a Father. O Sonne of God, wee haue crucified thee againe and againe in our sinnes, wee confesse so much, wee repent that wee haue abused so excellent an Author of our Repemption; yet haue mercie vpon vs: O Father speake in our behalfe, O thou blessed Sonne, plead for our pardon: bee thou our mediator, reconcile vs to the king of heauen and earth, against whom wee haue committed treason. And whatsoeuer becomes of our bodies, or how soon soeuer they must turne into earth, yet haue mercy on our soules, saue them (O Sauiour) challenge them for thine owne, and lay them vp in the treasure-house of Heauen, because they are the iewels bought with the price of thy precious blood Amen.

  19. A Prayer in time of Famine.

  THree whips (O Lord) thou holdest in thy ha¯d, when thou art displeased with any kingdome, each of the¯ with one blow being able to destroy the mightiest nation: & those are, Warre, Pestilence, and Famine; the last of them being the worst, the sharpest & most terrible: wind vp therefore (O mercifull God) the cords of this thy dreadfullest executioner: bind vp the iawes of this insatiable vulture, that she breath not vpon thy people: but open the entrals of the earth, that shee may giue to man and beast their wonted sustenance. As thou hast made mouthes, so make meate to fill those mouthes; lest otherwise Christians feede vpon the blood of Christians, as heretofore they haue done in other kindgdomes, that haue fallen from thy obedience. Auert, O Lord, this consuming plague fro¯ the gates of our cities, and in stead of peniury, send plentie to relieue vs. Make vs thankfull for thy blessings, let vs not repine at thy punishments, but with patience beare willingly whatsoeuer thou laiest vpo¯ vs; yet, O FATHER, lay no more then flesh & blood may suffer, and let all that thou doest bee onelie for our triall and amendement. Amen.

  20. A Prayer in time of persecution.

  WOlues (O Lord) & rauenous beasts haue from the beginning broke into thy pastures, and suckt the blood of thy sheepe: now, euen now, are the snares pitched, and the Butchers knife whetted to take away the liues of thy yong ones. Arise therefore from thy throne, and set thy foote on the proude and stiffe neckes of these persecutors of thy Gospell and scoffers of thy glorie. Strike them (O Lord of hosts) with thy right arme, and make them feele what it is to striue against the Almightie: Smite them blind in their own works: and as at the building vp of Babel, thou didst confou¯d the pride of thine enemies by altring their languages; so (O GOD) cast thou downe this Babell of idolatrie which these vngodly ones build vp in their own braines, and by the traditions of men: and put into their mouthes, tongues which none may vnderstand. Bee thou our God, & saue thy people whom thy Sonne hath redeemed; bee thou our Captaine, and fight for thy Church, whom thy Sonne calleth his Spouse: Be thou Iehouah, and command the earth to open and swallow these prophane and professed enemies of thy truth: so shal we thy people worship thee freely; so shall we triumph to see thy honour aduanced; so shall we euer praise thee; so shall all nations glorifie thy Name. Amen.

  21. A Praier for the Master of a Family.

  SINCE thou hast (O Lord) made me a Steward ouer a familie; direct me by thy owne Lawes, that I may neuer steppe beyond the limits of my duetie: to the intent that when at the great Audit-day I shall bee called to an account, how I haue behaued my selfe in that office; I may receiue from thee (O LOD) the hire of a faithfull Seruant. Blesse (O Father of heauen and earth) the labours of mine owne hand, and of those that are committed to my charge. Suffer mee not to descend into base and indirect wayes, to purchase riches; but (according to thine owne statute) with the sweat of my brow let mee eate my bread. Inspire me with knowledge of thy holy word, that I may learne how to liue well my selfe, and instruct others (about mee) to doe the like. Temper, O Lord, my mind & my affections, that no houshold brawles be kindled vnder my roofe; or if they take fire, giue me patience to endure them, & wisedom how to quench them: preserue my name (O my GOD) from the sting of the slanderer, and let me be so iealous of my reputation, that I enter neuer into any action to the dishonouring of thee, or bringing my own life into infamie. At my vprising, blesse mee: at my downe-lying, lay thy hand ouer me: In my walkes, be thou my guide: In my meditations, be thou my Tutour: let thy booke be my studie, and let all my study bee to get aduancement with those that are preferred to euerlasting life; to which (O Lord) bring me, I must hu¯bly beseech thee, for thine owne glories sake, and for thy Sonnes sake Iesus Christ. Amen.


  THE Pellican.

  The PELLICAN bringeth health.

  Vigilate & Orate.

  London printed by H. B. for Nathaniel Butter. 1609.

  To the Reader.

  READER: as it behoueth thee to become an humble supplia¯t to God, when thou standest in neede of any necessaries to maintaine thine owne life: so art thou bound by duety to thy maker, and by the lawes of religion and Christianitie to bee an earnest suter to his Maiestie in behalfe of others: sithence then that the most righteous man vpon earth sinneth seuen times a day, and that Rulers and Magistrates, who are set ouer others, are but men themselues; God hath appointed thee to make intercession (before him) for them, because it is his custome to lay his blessings vpon one man, through the faithfull and zealous Prayers of another. I haue in few words told thee with what office the king of heauen & earth hath put thee in trust. Read ouer this booke, and it will teach thee how to execute it: and by discharging the place, to be a true Christian. Doe so: Thou knowest thy reward.


  THE Pellican.

  The PELLICAN bringeth health.

  Vigilate & Orate.

  Printed at London by H. B. for N. B. 1609.

  The Pellican.

  THe third Bird that I call out of Noahs Ark, is the Pellican. The nature of the Pellican
is to peck her owne bosom, & with the drops of her blood to feede her yong ones: so in our Prayers wee must (in the loue that wee beare to God) beate at our brests till (with the bleeding drops of a contrite and repentant heart) we haue fedde our Soules with the nourishment of euerlasting life. The Pellican is content to yeeld vp her owne life to saue others: so in our Prayers, wee must bee willing to yeeld vp all the pleasures of the world, and to kill all the desires of the body for the preseruation of the soule. As Christ therefore suffered abuses before his death, and agonies at the time of his death (both of them being to the number principally of ten) so (because our Pellican is a figure of him in his passion) doth this third Bird take tenne flights; at euery flight her wings bearing vp a praier, to defend vs fro¯ those sins for which Christ died. The abuses & agonies which Christ put vp & suffred being in number x.) are these: First, the betraying of him by one of his owne seruants: Secondly, the buffeting of him, and scrourging him in the open Hall by his owne nation: Thirdly, his arraignement and condemnation, when nothing could be prooued against him: Fourthly, the compelling of him to carrie his owne crosse, when already he had vndertaken to cary on his backe all our sinnes: Fiftly, the nailing of him to the tree of shame: Sixtly, the crowning of him in scorne, with a crowne of thornes: Seuenthly, the hanging of two common theeues in his company: Eightly, the giuing of Vineger and Gall to him when he was thirsty: Ninthly, the sorrows of hel, which he felt when in the vnspeakable anguish of his soule hee was forced to cry: Eli, Eli, Lamasabacthani. And lastly, the piercing of his glorious side with a speare. These are the ten wings with which Christ (our Pellican) flew to his death. Now cast vp your eyes and behold, and listen with your eares and heare what ten notes our Pellican maketh comming out of Noahs Ark.


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