No Time for Romance

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No Time for Romance Page 6

by Raine English

  “Let’s take the shuttle,” Dylan advised. “We’ll do enough walking throughout the night.”

  While waiting in line, Kinsley and Dylan chatted with a couple behind them and said hello to almost all who walked by. They had to know everyone in Camille. City life didn’t allow for that. Emilia was lucky to know even a handful of people in her apartment building. That had been the case for Kinsley too a few years back. But once she moved to the small town, it didn’t take her long at all to fit right in. Would it have been like that for her too if she’d gone to Minnesota with Chase? Thankfully, the shuttle arrived, and they were able to get a seat, shifting her attention away from the past.

  It only took a few minutes to get to the festival. As soon as they were through the gate, Kinsley said, “I’m starving. Lunch was hours ago, and we didn’t have dinner. Why don’t we grab something at a food booth?”

  “I’m game,” Chase replied.

  “Do you guys like corn dogs?” Dylan asked.

  Emilia scrunched up her nose. “I don’t know. I don’t usually eat pork.”

  Chase tapped her arm. “Come on. Be adventurous.”

  Kinsley laughed. “If I can eat them, you can too. My first time here, I wouldn’t even consider trying one. I’d never eaten food from a truck before. But last year, Dylan convinced me, and I have to admit, I’m now a fan.”

  How could Emilia say no? “Okay. If you’re all getting corn dogs, I’ll have one too.” She hoped her stomach would agree, and she wouldn’t come to regret it later.

  When they found the booth, Dylan and Chase got in line, while Emilia and Kinsley sat down at a picnic table.

  “Chase seems like a good guy. He’s really hot too.” Kinsley gave her a nudge.

  “Looks can be deceiving,” Emilia replied, sourly.

  “Oh, you’re just down on men. You need to be able to spot a good one when he comes along.”

  “Well, it’s not Chase. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the ring on his finger?”

  Kinsley’s gentle laugh rippled through the air. “Lots of men wear a gold band. That doesn’t mean they’re married. It means they want you to think they’re off the market.”

  Emilia pursed her lips. “That’s not the case with him, though. There is a wife. He’s told me about her.”

  Kinsley still looked skeptical. “He doesn’t act married. Especially when he’s around you. I have a good sense of these things.”

  “What if I were to tell you we have a history?”

  Kinsley’s dark eyes widened in surprise. “You two knew each other?”

  Emilia sighed, not wanting to talk about her past with him, but since the conversation had gone in that direction, she really didn’t have a choice. “Remember the guy I’d been in love with back in high school?”

  “The one you were going to move across the country with?”

  “Yep. That one.” Her tone was caustic.

  Intense astonishment touched Kinsley’s beautiful face. “That was Chase? I don’t believe it. He doesn’t seem like he could be such a dog.”

  “Charming on the outside, but deceitful inside. That’s the guy who broke my heart.”

  Kinsley’s expression turned from disbelief to one of anxiety. “Have you talked to him about that night to find out what happened?”

  “Nope. And I don’t plan on it. What difference does it make now? There’s nothing he could say that could change the past or take away all that pain. It would only open it up again. That’s not a place I want to go to.”

  Kinsley touched her arm. “I’m so sorry. And now you’re working with him.” She shook her head sadly. “Please don’t do it for me. I can figure out something with the reception food.”

  “What? Cook it yourself? You can barely boil water.” That brought on a chuckle from them both. “Seriously, I’m okay. This is your wedding. The most important day of your life. I’ll deal with it.”

  Kinsley narrowed her eyes to slits as she studied her. “Are you sure?”

  Emilia cracked a smile. “Positive. And please promise me, you won’t hold what happened against him? I can keep work separate from my personal issues.”

  Kinsley’s perfectly arched brows shot up. “Can you? I didn’t just sense a spark in Chase when you two were together, but in you, as well. Are you sure there isn’t a little flame left inside? You two were so young. What if he’s changed?”

  Before she could answer, the guys arrived with the food. “You said you were starving,” Dylan remarked to Kinsley, setting a corn dog and a huge order of long, square-cut fries in front of her. Chase handed Emilia the same, before taking a seat beside her.

  As they ate, Dylan and Kinsley told hilarious stories about some things the sanctuary animals had done over the years. Emilia was thankful for the lighthearted mood. It helped removed the dour one that had befallen her after the conversation with Kinsley.

  When they’d finished their meals, Dylan checked his watch for the time. “We’d better head over to the concert. Serenity’s due on stage in about fifteen minutes.”

  A massive crowd had gathered outside the tent, and music filled the air. “It might be tough for us to get inside,” Chase said.

  “Wait here,” Dylan replied before going to talk to a security guard. A moment later, he waved them over, and they were let in. “Pays to have connections,” he remarked, leading them toward the stage.

  As they maneuvered through the crowd, Chase held onto Emmy’s arm, causing what felt like an electric current to shoot through it, and when they found a spot to stand, he moved his hand over to the small of her back. Instead of being uncomfortable with that, she welcomed it. Better to accept his touch than to be jostled by throngs of adoring fans vying for a good place to see Serenity.

  When she came on stage, the crowd erupted into applause. The singer appeared in person to be much more petite than she did on TV. However, she was just as pretty. Makeup wasn’t needed to enhance her classical features. As soon as she addressed the crowd, it quieted, and when she sang, you could hear a pin drop. Her voice was clear and pure, and without too much of a twang.

  While listening, Emilia was transported back to a time when music had been her world. She couldn’t help but wonder if she hadn’t given it up if she could’ve achieved some level of success. Knowing it would serve no good to travel down the road of what-ifs, she pushed those thoughts away and, instead, enjoyed the concert.

  Chase leaned over and said, “That could be you up on stage.”

  “I don’t sing country music.”

  “You know what I meant. You have a God-given gift, Em, and you shouldn’t waste it.”

  She wasn’t about to tell him she’d tried that, but seven years of rejections were more than enough.

  Serenity slowed the tempo with one of her bestselling love songs, and Dylan wrapped his arm around Kinsley’s waist as he led her onto the dance floor. They moved in perfect unison, and the way he held her and she lay her head on his shoulder, it was evident they were madly in love. A twinge of envy tightened Emilia’s chest. Years ago, she’d thought she’d shared that kind of magic with Chase. A cold knot formed in her stomach, and she was completely caught off guard when he took her hand and pulled her onto the floor.

  “Oh, I don’t want to dance,” she said, but the music was so loud she wasn’t sure he’d heard her.

  Whether he had or not didn’t matter because before she knew it, his arms were snugly around her. The feel of his rock-hard body pressed close to hers was almost too much for her to handle. She breathed in shallow, quick gasps trying to regain control of her senses. But raw emotion had been unleashed. Every time his eyes met hers, her heart turned over in response. She gave in, letting the music and his embrace transport her away.

  When the song was over, she looked up at him, and his gaze was as soft as a caress. Was it possible that he still had feelings for her? She couldn’t go there… Wouldn’t go there. What would Vera think if she knew her husband had been slow dancing with his old

  “Thanks for the dance,” Emilia said, trying hard to keep her tone even and void of all emotion.

  “My pleasure. I enjoyed it.” He was watching her intently, so she was careful not to reveal her attraction to him.

  The concert lasted for at least an hour, and she found herself glancing over at him from the corner of her eye. Afterward, Dylan suggested they try their hand at some games, making Emilia happy to do something less intimate.

  Kinsley and Dylan headed over to the ring toss, while Chase wanted to play balloon darts. It would’ve been rude to let him do that alone, so she followed him over to where rows of balloons were attached to a wall. He was given three darts and wound up popping them all, allowing him a choice of a plush animal from the top row.

  “Which one would you like?” he asked with a grin.

  Emilia immediately spotted a black bear. “How about the one that looks like Hewey?”

  “Great choice!” As he handed it to her, he said, “This can be a reminder of the day I saved you from a vicious bear attack.”

  Her mouth twitched with amusement. “That it will.” And the night we slow danced to a love song.

  “I see you won something too,” Kinsley said, holding up a teddy bear as she walked over to them.

  “We’re going to go see how the interns are doing at the Forever Wild booth,” Dylan said from behind her.

  Chase pointed to a giant Ferris wheel whose lights sparkled brightly against the night sky. “I haven’t been on one of those in forever.” The look he shot her told her the last time had been with her.

  “Have fun, you two,” Kinsley blurted out before Emilia could say a word and then looped her arm through her fiancé’s and strolled off.

  Chase wore a worried expression. “You don’t mind, do you? I figured since we’d spent most of the afternoon with animals, it would be fun to do something different.”

  “It’s fine. I love Ferris wheels.”

  “I know you do.” His voice was low and seductive as if implying he remembered other things she liked too.

  He was so disturbing to her in every way. Unfortunately, she couldn’t complain when he placed his arm across her shoulders. The place was more crowded than ever now, and it would be easy to become separated.

  As they walked, she tried not to focus on the nearness of him, but that just wasn’t possible. He was so compelling, his magnetism was so potent… Thankfully, it didn’t take long to reach the Ferris wheel, and while they waited in line, he stuffed his hands in his pockets. However, once they were in the passenger car and the wheel began to move, he put his arm back around her shoulders. Again, she didn’t complain. Although, she wasn’t afraid of heights, having him hold her gave her a feeling of security.

  When they reached the top, he commented on the spectacular view. They could see the entire town from there. On the second full revolution, he said he had something to tell her. Emilia had no idea what he was about to say, but from the tense look on his face, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to hear it. But being at the top of a Ferris wheel didn’t exactly give her a way out.

  “I should’ve told you this right away.”

  He paused long enough for all kinds of fears to build in her mind. He was going back to Minnesota. Or maybe his wife was on her way to New York. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good. That was obvious by the way he was struggling to find the words. Icy fear twisted around her heart.

  “I’m not married.”

  It took a moment for that statement to sink in, and when it did, she wasn’t sure if she was relieved or angry. Why would he want her to believe he had a wife? Kinsley’s words rang in her ears: Lots of men wear a gold band. That doesn’t mean they’re married. It means they want you to think they’re off the market.

  As if able to read her mind, he said, “Vera and I are divorced. She’s a lovely woman. We just weren’t meant to be.” His compelling eyes were riveted on her.

  Emilia swallowed hard. “So why keep it a secret?”

  He shrugged. “It was easier that way.”

  “To make me think you were married?”

  “To keep my feelings for you in check. Only it didn’t work.” He leaned in toward her.

  For a moment, she had the crazy notion that he was going to kiss her. But the Ferris wheel jerked as it started its rotation, and he gripped her shoulder tighter, instead.

  His eyes were filled with a curious deep longing, and she half wanted to bring up the night he’d left her waiting in Brooklyn Bridge Park, but she didn’t have the courage.

  As the wheel made its third and final revolution, her thoughts felt like they were spinning out of control, and then when it stopped at the top, and Chase pressed his mouth against hers, a delicious shudder heated her body. His lips were more persuasive than she cared to admit, causing her to kiss him back with a hunger that belied her outward calm.

  When the ride was over, she was dizzy with delight. Chase wrapped his arm around her, steadying her wobbly legs. Thankfully, she spotted Kinsley and Dylan at the exit gate because she had no idea where to find them.

  “How was your ride?” her friend asked, her gaze settling on Chase’s arm around Emilia’s waist.

  “Fun, but it left me a little lightheaded.”

  A sly smile curved Kinsley’s mouth. “I think I have an idea of how that might’ve happened.”

  Emilia ignored her comment as they walked toward the shuttle. Apparently, everyone was tired because there was very little conversation during the drive home, which suited Emilia just fine, for it allowed her the luxury of reliving the velvet warmth of Chase’s kiss.

  Back at the Victorian, before heading into his room, he said, “Thank you for tonight. I had a really good time.”

  “I did too,” she replied softly.

  “And for not being upset that I didn’t tell you sooner that I was divorced.”

  “You told me when you felt the time was right. You didn’t have to tell me at all.”

  “Em, I…” He paused and then simply said, “Goodnight,” leaving her to wonder what it was he really wanted to say.

  A little later, while lying in bed, she remembered how she’d asked Lizzy to take her place this weekend. Thank goodness she hadn’t. Tonight was special. It brought her and Chase to a place she never imagined they could go. Where it would lead, she had no idea, but tonight she was wrapped in a silken cocoon of happiness. Tomorrow she would worry about the future.


  Soon after Emilia drifted off to sleep, she was tormented by disturbing dreams. They all involved Chase leaving her stranded in various locations. One was on a deserted island. Another on a mountaintop.

  When she woke in the morning, she felt like she hadn’t slept at all. She shivered with chill and fatigue. Her face was pale and pinched. She pressed both hands over her eyes as if that would stop their burning.

  A long, hot shower helped a little, but it didn’t eliminate the worry that she’d made a terrible mistake last night by letting Chase kiss her. She was nowhere ready to begin a relationship with him. It wasn’t possible when she didn’t trust him. Yet how could she tell him yesterday had been a mistake? She couldn’t afford to make him angry. Not with Kinsley’s wedding the weekend after next.

  While she dressed, her mind scrambled for what to do, leaving her with no option but to play it cool. Luckily, her schedule was full, giving her a legitimate excuse not to see him before the wedding for any reason other than work.

  She let out a long, exhausted sigh, packed up her tote bag, and then headed downstairs for a quick breakfast before going home.

  Chase was already at the kitchen table with Kinsley and Dylan discussing dishes for the buffet. He looked over at her when she entered, bright-eyed and cheerful. Obviously, he had gotten a good night’s sleep.

  “What do you think of freshly carved roast beef and ham? I could set up individual stations for them.”

  “Sounds great.” She helped herself to some orange juice and a blueberry m
uffin before sitting beside him.

  “How do you like your eggs?” Dylan asked, setting his fork down on his plate.

  Before he could get up, she answered, “I’m good with this. I don’t usually eat much for breakfast, and I’m kind of anxious to get on the road. I have so much to do. Most of it involves your wedding.” She sent him an open, friendly smile.

  “I certainly don’t want to hold up our wedding planner or caterer either,” he replied with a wink to Chase. “You have no idea how grateful we are to you. Wine and cheese just wouldn’t cut it.”

  “Glad to do it. You and Kinsley are good people, and what you do for animals is to be commended.”

  Dylan drew his lips in thoughtfully. “They deserve to have a place to live that doesn’t put them in cages. Animals are better and more deserving of compassion than a lot of people. At least in my book.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Chase finished his coffee and then leaned back in his chair. “I’m ready to go whenever you are,” he said to Emilia.

  While she ate her muffin, Kinsley chatted about the centerpieces for the guests’ tables, telling her how much she loved what the florist had designed.

  About a half-hour later, she and Chase were on their way back to the city. Just like on the way to Camille, she kept the radio tuned to opera, but the volume low while he talked more about his food choices for the buffet. When he was done, she turned up the volume a bit, hoping that would keep him from mentioning last night. It worked for most of the ride, as he seemed lost in thought, but as they neared his exit in Chelsea, he lowered the radio and looked over at her.

  “I want you to know, all the while I was in Minnesota, I never stopped thinking about you, wondering how you were doing.” His steady gaze bore into her in silent expectation.


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