Faithless: A High School Bully Romance (The Privileged of Pembroke High Book 3)

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Faithless: A High School Bully Romance (The Privileged of Pembroke High Book 3) Page 23

by Ivy Fox

  Normally I’d turn to the water to escape the turmoil in my life, but with Rome locked away and now Snow being in the hospital, it hasn’t even crossed my mind. And right now, the only person who means more than any lap or dive I could do in clear, blue waters needs me to step up. I’ll only be able to return to my watery home, once my family has been taken care of.

  I walk to the rim of the pool and get splashes from the athletic swimmer inside of it training for Friday’s match. If things weren’t so fucked up, I’d probably be in the next lane, doing the exact same thing.

  I wait on the sidelines until he does his business, feeling a little envious of how he’s been able to shorten his time with each lap without falling prey to exhaustion. When his head bobs up in front of the starting block, he sees me hovering over him and just throws me the middle finger before he turns and breaststrokes his way through another three laps. Seeing as I’m not budging, he finally relents but doesn’t leave the pool. Instead, he crosses his arms over the rim and looks up at me with a firm scowl paved on his face.

  “What part of ‘we’re done’ didn’t you get, Grayson?” Reid scolds, grabbing a nearby towel to clean the water dripping on his face.

  “Never been the bright one in our friendship, so it might take me a minute to get the gist.” I try to joke, but it falls flat on the water like a heavy man doing a belly flop.

  “We ain’t friends, asshole. By my count, we never were.”

  I lower to my haunches in front of him so that we’re closer to eye level.

  “I know you’re pissed, and believe me, I get that. But I didn’t come here to mend fences. Not yet anyway. I came here because you and I each have a woman in our lives that we deeply care about and would do just about anything in the world to make them happy. Even if it means groveling or breaking bread with the enemy.”

  His face turns to stone, but I watch how my words hit their mark. Reid has always been an arrogant, cold bastard, but when it comes to his sister, Addison, he has a fucking huge soft spot for her. I guess it took him turning his back on our friendship, for me to realize its depth.

  “This is about Addy and your girl Holland being sisters, right?” he finally asks, rubbing his lower lip with his thumb.

  “Yeah. It’s about them. How did you find out?”

  “Mom told us a week ago. It left Addy pretty shaken up to discover she was a product of an affair. Mom also told us the senator always knew, so it explains a lot of the shit Addy had to endure over the years from the prick.”

  My brow furrows together, contemplating Reid’s remark. I heard it loud and clear—Addison admitted she knew her real parentage since she was sixteen years old. Apparently, she calculatingly hid that little tidbit from both her brother and her mother.

  “She told Holland a different story this afternoon. Your sister told her that my father was the one to spill the beans to her. I’m only telling you this because last time I omitted something in regards to Addison, you put me in the dog house, so I don’t see the need to keep any secrets from you now.”

  “I appreciate that,” he quips, his scowl even deeper and meaner than it was a few seconds ago. “Still doesn’t tell me what you want. And if you came all this way to see me, then I know you want something. So what is it, Grayson?” he questions distrustfully, his guard still up.

  “I’m not going to beat around the bush with you, Reid. As much as you believe otherwise, I respect you too much to not be real with you. My girl needs a kidney, and your sister has two.” I deadpan, going right to the heart of the matter.

  He lets his head fall, his eyes flashing up to the sky for a beat and then falling back on my crouching frame.

  “Yeah, I heard about that, too. Murphy has made it his mission to try and save your girl. There isn’t a surface in all of Pembroke High that isn’t covered with some flyer or poster to persuade kids to be tested. I also know that people are way more willing to heave out tons of cash for a good cause than they are to go under the knife and get a nasty little scar as a souvenir for their charity efforts. It’s a fucking big thing to ask anyone for, let alone Addy, seeing as the girl is a stranger.”

  “Holland isn’t a stranger, Reid. She’s her sister.”

  “Blood doesn’t mean jack shit. You know that,” he scolds, as if I should know better than saying such a blasphemous thing, considering the two shitheads we had for fathers.

  “How about saving an innocent girl’s life? Doesn’t that count for something?” I bark out, livid and throwing my arms in the air, ready to smack some sense into him.

  “Alright, alright, don’t get your fucking panties in a twist, asshole. I understand what’s on the line here. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have done that whole dog-and-pony show back at Liberty General last week, only to get a big, round ‘no’ for my troubles,” he rebukes, splashing water at me to cool the fuck down.

  I rise up fully, looking at the friend I lost, bewildered by his confession.

  “You got tested?”

  “The fuck are you looking at me like that for? Yeah, asshole! Of course, I got tested. Shit, I might be a cocksucker once in a while, but I’m not a heartless bastard, motherfucker.”

  I can’t help the wide smile that takes over my face.

  “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” I tease him.

  “Fuck off!” He laughs out, and for a split second, I have my friend back.

  Unfortunately, the heaviness of our circumstances and all its elaborate secrets resurface, reminding us both that we’re not there yet. Nor do I know if we’ll ever be again.

  “I just want you to talk to Addison. That’s all. No matter what she might think of Holland, she doesn’t deserve to live her life on borrowed time. No one does. Please, Reid. If you won’t do it for me, do it for your sister. Will she be able to live with herself if something happens to Holland? Something she could have prevented if she put aside her misguided grudges?”

  I look deep into his soul and beg all the deities out there, hoping to have made a case that is strong enough to persuade Reid in doing this. Addison may not care about anyone but herself, but I’m putting all my chips on the off-chance that the bond she and Reid share is as airtight and strong as the one I have with my siblings. There isn’t anything they’d ask of me that I wouldn’t do.

  I know Reid is that type of brother for Addison. I just hope she’s that type of sister, too.

  If Addison doesn’t do it for the sister she despises, maybe she’ll do it for the brother she adores.

  Chapter 16


  “Wake up, Snow. Wake up, baby.” I hear Ollie whisper in my ear, lovingly brushing the errant white-blonde strand sticking to my skin away from my cheeks.

  My eyes struggle to open, the heavy medication to keep me under still coursing through my system. Slowly but surely, the hospital room comes into view, and one by one, I see faces that I treasure most of all.

  Ollie’s adoring smile, shining above me like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.

  Ash’s choked-up stare, trying hard to keep it together and not unravel in front of mixed company.

  Elle’s bright, wide grin and sparkling eyes, showcasing her relief and happiness. And Nana, right at my side, holding my hand as she peppers it with faint kisses, while Candy holds her by the shoulders, not containing one bit of her happy tears from shedding freely.

  Everyone I love in one room. Save for one—Rome.

  I guess, at a time like this, I should count my blessings, whatever they are, but it still hurts that he’s not here to share this moment with me. I prayed for a miracle. I really did. And Rome was always at the heart of each and every prayer. I wished for his freedom, and instead, I got what I honestly didn’t expect in a million years—Addison’s kidney. No strings, no blackmail, nothing.

  Last week, when my doctor told me that Addison had agreed to donate her kidney and that he was scheduling us for surgery, it felt surreal. I have no
idea what changed her mind. I know that nothing I said the day could have persuaded her to do it. But whatever made her heart change, sacrificing herself in such a way, I’m deeply thankful for.

  When everyone found out who the donor was, the only one that didn’t seem shocked or astounded was Ash. My gut tells me he had something to do with Addison’s one-eighty, but if he did, he hasn’t told me yet.

  “How do you feel, child?” my grandmother questions, breaking my inner thoughts as she scrutinizes every inch of my face to check if I’m in pain.

  “Honestly? A little thirsty,” I croak out, my throat feeling like sandpaper.

  “I’ll ask the nurse if I can bring you some water. If not, I’ll get you some ice chips,” Ash gasps, overwhelmed with emotion.

  “Yeah, you do that, big brother, before you break down and bawl like a baby again,” Elle taunts, winking at me, and giving an insight of what I may have missed while in the operating room.

  “Eat me, Elle!” he jokes, but then comes over next to me and stands beside Ollie, tilting his head so his twin can give him some room.

  Ash leans down, pressing a kiss to my parched lips, and being up close to him, I can see how hard he’s working to keep his tears at bay. The sight of my rebel boy looking so vulnerable, makes my throat tighten even more.

  “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere,” he mocks playfully, hoping I don’t see the lingering fear that still has its clutches on him.

  “I’ll be right here waiting.”

  He throws me a mischievous wink, placing his hand on Ollie’s shoulder, who covers it with his own, comfortingly.

  “I’ll make sure she doesn’t move an inch. Don’t worry,” Ollie assures with a broad smile, beaming with happiness.

  “Jesus, you guys are lame. Get my sister a damn glass of water, will ya? Chop, chop,” Elle orders, clapping her hands to get Ash moving.

  While everyone chuckles at Elle ordering Ash around, he passes behind her and places a tender kiss on her cheek, which shuts her up right quick. I see the silent conversation they have with their eyes, relief that I made it out of surgery intact, embedded in their respective amber and hazel jewels.

  “I have one thing to say to you, babe. This new family you got for yourself is entertaining as fuck,” Candy teases, nestling her head on the crook of my grandmother’s shoulder to get a better look at me.

  “Candace, language,” Nana scolds half-heartedly, not in the least upset by Candy’s cussing.

  “They are the best, aren’t they?” I say as Ollie sits by my side so I can lean my head on his chest. I shut my eyes and listen to his steady heartbeat. Always so sure. Always so on point.

  My Ollie’s unbreakable faith is what drives him to believe that everything will work in our favor in the end. If Rome were here, maybe I’d be as optimistic as we are. Lying in this hospital bed for so many days means I haven’t been able to see the other piece of my soul in ages, his letters being the only contact we had.

  Even though everyone here is showering me with love and affection, I can’t help but think it’s all so bittersweet. How can I be happy with any small triumph in my life, when Rome isn’t next to me to share the joy? It feels incomplete.

  I feel incomplete.

  “He misses you, too.” I hear Ollie whisper in my ear, sensing where my head is. “I know he wishes he could be here, Snow. He’d give anything to be here. But a part of him already is. This part,” Ollie explains, pressing his open palm on my beating heart.

  Tears that I didn’t think I had in me fall down my face as I look up at the man who is the kindest, most loving person I’ve ever been blessed with.

  “I love you, Ollie. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I confess on a low whisper.

  “You’ll never have to even imagine such a thing because until my very last day on this earth, I will always be at your side.”

  He picks my chin up and places a gentle kiss on my lips, his tongue teasing me to open a rift for him. As I’ve done with my heart, I let Ollie take what he wants, knowing I’ll always be taken care of and worshiped in his arms.

  A loud cough ensues, and we break apart, acknowledging that now is not the time to give in to our most basic needs. With Ollie’s luminous grin still intact, he cuddles me at his side, as I take in Nana’s crimson blush and Candy’s lust-filled stare.

  “That’s still going to take a little getting used to.” Nana clears her throat, uncomfortable with the show of affection by both brothers.

  “It gets boring after a while.” Elle shrugs, trying to ease my grandmother’s embarrassment.

  “Doubtful,” Candy retorts. “That was hot!”

  “Candace, please!”

  “I’m not lying, Nana. I’m actually kind of pissed right now that Xavi has no brothers. I mean, can you imagine it? One sweet and thoughtful, caring for my every need, while the other is hot lava, ready to burn me alive. You gotta admit, that must do something to your lady bits, Nana. Come on, admit it.” Candy continues to torment my grandmother, making my poor Nana redder than a sun-dried tomato.

  “You’re leaving out Rome, Candy. He brings a whole other ball game to the field,” Ollie provokes my kinky, sex-crazed friend further, to the point she has to bite into her hand to lower the squeal she lets out.

  “I swear, I’ve never had vajayjay envy until this very minute. Girl, you are my hero!”

  Ollie throws her a naughty wink, and I nudge him in his ribs to stop feeding into her imagination.

  “Please don’t encourage her.” I laugh, even though the sensation of talking still feels odd.

  He offers one of his innocent smiles, even though I know damn well he’s loving every minute of Candy’s infatuation with our love affair.

  “Candace, be a dear and see if Asher needs some help. I’d like to talk to my granddaughter alone for a minute.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Elle announces, dragging a drooling Candy out the door, but Ollie doesn’t move an inch.

  My grandmother bides her time, waiting for Ollie to get a clue, but he never falters. Just like me, he’s pretty sure the topic of discussion my grandmother must have in her mind, and he’s not going to give her any room to change mine.

  “Oliver?” she begins, but he just entwines my fingers in his to show her the united front we are.

  “Mrs. West, I already know what you want to say, and I’m here to tell you, the answer is no. Holland is going to stay right here in Manhattan with us. With her family.”

  My grandmother lets out a long exhale, her eyes softening at his insistence.

  “It’s clear you love my granddaughter very much. You would have to be blind not to see how much you care for each other. Asher, too, bless him. But Holland just had a very intrusive surgery. One that will require care around the clock to make sure she can heal properly. I can’t tell you how happy I am that the surgery went well, but there are still risks that can occur post-op. I think it would be best if she came home with me. Brookhaven is her home, too, Oliver. It will always be Holland’s home.”

  Ollie squares his shoulders and stiffens his jaw, not backing down from his initial remark, yet my grandmother won’t be dismayed.

  “Oliver, please be reasonable. Unlike Asher, I know you are a man of logic, a realist. You know as well as I do the risks involved after such an operation. Let me take my baby home and take care of her. I swear she’ll be in good hands.”

  Even though I understand where she’s coming from, it pains me that my grandmother can’t trust anyone with my health and safety, aside from herself. She’s taken care of me all my life. No one else gave me such undivided care and affection throughout my childhood as her. It’s understandable why she’s unable to let go of the reins now when she knows I am at my weakest.

  But the thing she doesn’t understand is that I’ve found my rightful home now. Even with the horror I experienced within the Grayson Manor’s walls, I’ve felt more alive and loved than any oth
er time in my life. And she needs to understand that.

  “Nana,” I whisper, stretching out my arm toward her, offering her to grab my hand once again.

  “I know you mean well, and I can’t tell you how much it kept me sane having you in my life. You were the only person whom I never doubted that loved me, even when I became more of a burden than anything else.”

  “Hush, child. Don’t say such foolish things. Raising you was the best thing that ever happened to me.” My chest aches at hearing how true those words are.

  “And having you in my life means the world to me, Nana. But it’s time you let me go. Trust that you’ve raised a strong woman who knows her own mind and can take it from here. I’m loved, Nana. So loved, and for that, I’m blessed. You don’t have to worry about me. Not anymore.”

  “I’ll always worry. You can’t change my heart, child. But I’m not blind. I see what you found here.” She looks lovingly at Ollie.

  “We’ll take care of her,” Ollie adds. He then leans closer, and hushes to my ears only, “With our lives, we’ll always take care of you, Snow.”

  “I know you will.” I gently stroke his chest, his hazel eyes adoringly watching over me.

  My grandmother lets out a soft sigh, grabbing both our attention, and says, “Young love. It’s all-consuming. I remember it well.” Her gray eyes turn wistful while taking us in.

  “I wonder what your professor friend would think about all this talk of you taking me home. I doubt he’d be thrilled if he learned you were thinking of staying stateside longer than he predicted. I’m sure he misses you.” A teasing smile crosses my lips while Ollie holds me tighter at his side.

  A red hue tints my grandmother’s cheeks, and I have to bite my tongue not to tease her adolescent blush by mentioning her little crush.

  “I do miss the English countryside. If you’re adamant about not coming home, then I suppose I could return to England to continue my lectures. Unless, of course, you want me to stay? I don’t mind staying in New York a little while longer.”

  Ollie chuckles under his breath, witnessing how my grandmother desperately wants to get back to her beau, now that she knows I’m in good hands.


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