Adam's Love

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Adam's Love Page 3

by Adnan Ali

  Chapter 3

  Monday morning. Period 1.

  Adam enjoyed his first lesson of the day because he had ICT in the same class as Zhara, with their ICT teacher, Mr Bharmal.

  “Morning,” Adam cheerfully greeted Zhara and sat two seats away from her.

  For a moment, Adam ached to sit next to Zhara, pursing his lips as he stared at her taking in a long, deep breath.

  “Oh, morning,” replied Zhara. “You sound very happy this morning,” she commented.

  “Why shouldn’t I be,” began Adam, “I’ve got ICT,” and then his quickly voice trailed off when he quietly muttered to himself, “with you.”

  “Oh, I forgot you like ICT,” said Zhara, smiling gently.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” agreed Adam as he smiled at Zhara, inhaling gently inwards on hearing her soft, sweet voice after a full weekend of not having seen her.

  Just then their teacher started the lesson.

  “Right, everyone, settle down, so that I can quickly do the register.

  The students settled down to silence.

  Having settled, Mr Bharmal began taking the class register.


  “Here, sir,” replied Abby.


  “Morning, sir,” answered Farhan.


  “Morning, sir,” responded Bethany.

  Mr Bharmal continued until he came to the next student’s name.


  There was no answer.

  “Jane?” Mr Bharmal asked again as he looked up looking in the direction where Jane would normally be sat. “Where’s Jane?” asked Mr Bharmal.

  “She’s late,” a student shouted out from the back of the class.”

  “Late! What? Late to school?” asked a confused Mr Bharmal.

  “No, her period, sir … she’s late with her period, and that’s why she’s not here,” explained the same student.

  “Oh. Right,” said Mr Bharmal uncertainly rubbing his chin. “I don’t think there’s a code for such an absence,” as he slowly scrolled down scanning for a suitable code to input in to the register against Jane’s name.

  Mr Bharmal continued taking the register.


  “Good morning, sir.”

  “Good morning, Yasmin,” replied Mr Bharmal. “Jack.”

  There was no answer.

  Mr Bharmal looked up.

  “Jack! Answer your name,” reminded Mr Bharmal, raising his voice a little.

  “Sorry, sir. Here,” Jack finally answered.

  “Good. Declan.”

  “Here, sir,” answered Declan.

  “Thank you, Declan. John.”

  There was no answer.

  “John?” repeated Mr Bharmal, and when there was no reply, he looked up again, and checked to see if he was actually present or not; he wasn’t. “Does anyone know where John is?”

  “He’s the reason why Jane is late,” said the same student and the rest of the students started chuckling.


  Mr Bharmal eventually completed the register.

  “Anyway, let’s get on with the lesson,” continued Mr Bharmal. “Focus and face the whiteboard,” he said as he scanned the students to ensure that they followed his instruction, and noted what Jack was doing. “Jack, that includes you,” he added before continuing with the lesson.

  Some ten minutes in to the lesson, the classroom door slowly opened and in entered a student.

  “What time do you call this?” Mr Bharmal asked Brandon looking at his watch having arrived ten minutes late to the lesson.

  “Chill out, man,” Brandon responded brightly.

  Mr Bharmal stared straight at Brandon before saying anything. “A few words of free advice from someone with experience, Brandon,” Mr Bharmal began, and Brandon stood still like a statue. “One: don’t call me ‘man’. And two: there is a proper protocol in place for speaking to me. I’m the teacher here; not one of your buddies.” There was a brief pause as strict silence fell in the class. “So, what’s the reason why you’re late?” asked Mr Bharmal.

  Brandon stared at Mr Bharmal thinking on the spot what to say.

  “Er, I was going to give you a … surprise, sir?” Brandon hesitantly replied.

  “A surprise!” exclaimed Mr Bharmal. “It’s not a surprise; it’s a shock! And I don’t like shocks!”

  “Stop stressing, sir!” stated Steven, but Mr Bharmal ignored the comment and continued. “I’ll see you at the end of the day, and I’ll give you a shock with an hour’s detention!” bellowed Mr Bharmal. “Now, go to your place, sit down and log on. Thank you. Now, the rest of you need to complete your sheets first before …” continued Mr Bharmal giving instructions to the rest of the class.

  Several minutes later Chloe spoke. “Sir, I can’t write!” she cried. “I think I’ve got writer’s block!”

  “More like a mental block,” joked Declan, staring smugly at Chloe.


  During the lesson, Zhara was struggling with one of the tasks set.

  “Hey,” gently said Zhara to Adam still staring at her monitor screen trying to figure out how to complete the task.

  Adam heard Zhara, but thought she was probably referring to someone else and didn’t reply.

  “Hey, Adam,” Zhara gently called again; this time turning her head to face Adam.

  As soon as he heard Zhara call his name, Adam instantly perked up and looked in Zhara’s direction.

  “Did you say something … to me?” asked Adam just to make sure Zhara was calling for him and not anyone else.

  “Yeah. I need your help here,” answered Zhara and Adam’s eyes widened with excitement, his heart beating faster! “I can’t figure out what to do here?”

  “But I’m sat here?”

  “Just log on here next to me,” suggested Zhara. “Sir won’t say anything.”

  Adam swallowed … swallowed real hard. Had he heard Zhara correctly?

  Did she really want him to sit next to her? The girl who never even sat next to an Asian guy before? Adam thought happily to himself.

  “Come on,” Zhara urged Adam as she looked at him.

  “Hang on; let me log off from here first,” said Adam.

  Adam very quickly logged off and sat next to Zhara and logged on to the computer before him.

  “W-what do you need help with?” asked Adam, shocked that he was now actually sitting next to Zhara.

  “It’s this task here; I’m not sure what to do,” stated Zhara as Adam stared at her not believing his luck. “What am I supposed to do to get that box here?” asked Zhara, pointing to the screen in front of her with her pen.

  His heart beating fast, his mind full of beautiful thoughts of Zhara plus the fact that he was sitting right next to the girl he fancied the most, Adam, without thinking or realising, placed his hand over Zhara’s hand that was holding the mouse and began explaining to Zhara what she needed to do.

  “If you place your mouse and select this –” began Adam but then, having realised what he’d done, he instantly moved his hand away and stared at Zhara.

  “I’m s-sorry.” Stammering, Adam apologised immediately.

  Zhara also stared back at Adam, not quite sure what had happened in those few seconds when their hands touched tenderly; her heart was now beating fast too! Zhara felt a feeling, a feeling so strong, that she’d never felt before; a warmth that was irresistible like sunshine. She stared at Adam with a strange sort of beating in her heart. Zhara had not thought of such a beating ever existing before. But now she did – for Adam!

  She closed her eyes for several seconds as she breathed slowly inwards before opening her eyes and seeing Adam’s face staring at her, his expression all apologetic.

  It was strange as if something struck a chord in her heart with the touch.

  “I didn’t mean to –”

  “That’s all right,” Zhara interrupted Adam, her words full of shyness

  Having heard these few sweet words come from Zhara’s lips, Adam just stared at her as if he was in some sort of a trance now.

  Zhara’s hand was still on the mouse.

  “Adam?” Zhara said softly.

  “Huh?” said Adam.

  “You were showing me something,” Zhara reminded Adam shyly.

  “Showing you something?” said a very confused Adam, still not believing what was happening to him.

  “You said something about selecting.”

  “Oh, yeah,” said Adam, having remembered what he was doing. Adam was once again going to place his hand over the mouse, but paused in order to let Zhara move her own hand away.

  Zhara stared at Adam.

  “It’s OK,” said Zhara much to Adam’s surprise.

  “Are you sure?” Adam asked softly.

  After several seconds Zhara answered shyly, “I’m sure,” and all of a sudden, Adam felt Zhara’s friendliness like the warmth of a fire.

  As soon as Zhara said those words, a strong smile spread across Adam’s face. Zhara lowered her gaze to avoid eye contact with Adam, but then raised her head again and looked at Adam.

  They both stared at each other as if hypnotised by the other and everything was in moving slow motion.

  Both Zhara and Adam were quickly snapped out of their trance-like states when their ICT teacher got the whole class’s attention.

  “Right, everyone!” he shouted. “It’s nearly the end of lesson, so I need you to save your work in your Year 11 folders for this unit, and once saved, to log off, please.” Mr Bharmal looked towards the back of the class before speaking. “Jack, remember I need to see you at the end of this lesson.”

  “Oh, not again, sir!” moaned Jack as he slumped back in to his chair.

  “And don’t forget, Brandon. I need to see you after school today,” Mr Bharmal reminded Brandon.

  During the rest of the lesson both Adam and Zhara exchanged glances but the big question was: would they exchange hearts?

  Zhara rose from her seat, placing the strap of her bag over her shoulder, and stood up whilst Adam hoisted his bag over his shoulders as he stood up placing his chair under the desk.

  They both stared at each other.

  “We’ve got Maths next,” shyly said Zhara before looking down to the floor briefly before looking back at Adam.

  “Me, too,” added Adam.

  “You have Mr Khan,” said Zhara.

  “Yeah. He’s a great teacher; the best one!” he stated excitedly.

  “I know,” said Zhara.

  “How do you know? Do you have him for Maths, too?” Adam asked curiously.

  “No,” Zhara answered hesitantly.

  “Right, everyone. Off you go to your next lesson,” shouted Mr Bharmal interrupting Adam and Zhara’s conversation. “Jack, don’t forget I need to have a quick word with you before you leave.”

  “We don’t have any other lessons today,” Adam stated, sounding and feeling miserable. “I won’t be able to …” Adam’s voice trailed off not even bearing to think about it.

  Zhara stared at Adam.

  “There’s ... lunch,” Zhara simply said quietly.

  Adam’s eyes instantly widened with strong surprise and deep delight.

  “Y-you mean you’ll have l-lunch with me?” stuttered Adam, not believing what he heard as he stared at Zhara in anticipation. “Me?”

  Zhara, feeling shy, lowered her gaze before looking back at Adam and gently nodded her head, her eyes elegantly dazzling like bright jewels.

  “Yesss!” hissed Adam in sheer excitement that he’d be having lunch with Zhara, his heart hammering heavily against his chest wall!

  “Where shall I meet you?” Adam asked eagerly, unable to hide his excitement and joy.

  “We’ve both got English; so we could meet in the … English corridor,” suggested Zhara, smiling shyly.

  “That’s great,” agreed Adam. “I’ll meet you there.”

  “Adam?” said Zhara as if a thought came to her head.


  “I’ll wait for you in the hall instead,” began Zhara. “Find me and just come over to the table where I’m sitting,” she added hesitantly.

  “Yeah. No worries,” agreed Adam before noticing that as if fear fell fully across her face. “Are you all right?”

  “No, everything’s fine,” said Zhara before thinking about time. “Come on. Let’s get to Maths before we’re late.”

  “After you,” said Adam.

  “Thank you,” accepted Zhara.


  Both Adam and Zhara walked along the Maths corridor. Zhara suddenly stopped outside of her classroom.

  “Here’s my class,” said Zhara.

  “I know,” said Adam. “I’ve got –”

  “Maths with Mr Khan,” finished Zhara. “I know.”

  Adam stared at Zhara.

  Both Adam and Zhara didn’t know what to say or do next as they stared deep in to each other’s excited eyes.

  “Hey, Adam!” shouted Jordan, Adam’s friend. “We’ve got Maths now. You’d better hurry up before Mr Khan gives us a detention for arriving late.”

  Jordan’s words snapped both Zhara and Adam out of their trance states, and they both looked elsewhere for several seconds embarrassingly before staring back at each other.

  “Well, I’ll see you later then,” eventually said Zhara before entering her classroom hesitatingly.

  Adam stood waiting outside of the classroom until Zhara sat down in her place.

  “I’m coming,” Adam eventually responded to Jordan before looking back at Zhara for the last time and sighing heavily. Adam smiled and Zhara returned the smile shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear before Adam went to his Maths lesson.

  Adam entered the classroom looking extremely cheerful.

  “Good afternoon, sir,” Adam pleasantly greeted his Maths teacher.

  “Afternoon, Adam,” answered Mr Khan, noticing the change in Adam’s usual tone of voice. “You’re looking very cheerful,” noticed Mr Khan.

  “It’s looking good, sir. It’s looking good,” stated Adam smugly.

  “Are you referring about what we discussed last Friday?” curiously asked Mr Khan.

  “Yes, sir!” Adam confirmed excitedly. “Yess, sir!”

  “That’s great!” Mr Khan said, equally excitedly. “You’ll have to tell me about it,” Mr Khan said casually.

  “I will, sir.”

  Mr Khan then turned towards the rest of the students.

  “Right then, everyone. Settle down, thank you. Jason, can you hand the books out, please. Noreen, can you please hand out the calculators to anyone who needs one.”

  The students started settling down.


  The lesson eventually finished and the students hurriedly left the classroom for break time leaving Adam behind collecting his bag.

  “So, do you have any good news?” curiously asked Mr Khan coming close towards Adam.

  “Good news, sir? It’s brilliant news!” Adam exclaimed enthusiastically, hardly able to contain his happiness.

  “So, what’s the brilliant news?”

  “I still can’t believe it, sir, but she actually talked to me,” Adam began excitedly. “Me, sir!”

  “Well, that’s good isn’t it?”

  “Good, sir? It’s fantastic!” exclaimed Adam at the thought of having sat next to Zhara. “And there’s more!” Adam added.

  Mr Khan tilted his head prompting Adam to continue.

  “She wants me to have … wait for it … she wants me to have lunch with her!” Adam stated equally enthusiastic, his eyes eagerly wide with extra excitement.

  “That’s … brilliant!” said Mr Khan. “I’m so happy for you, Adam; I hope it goes well for you.”

  “I hope so, too, sir,” said Adam with added anticipation.


  The bell rang loudly as ever signalling the end of Period 4 and the start of lunch.

  Adam quickly made his way down to the dining hall where he quickly collected his lunch and started swiftly scanning for Zhara.

  “There she is!” Adam excitedly muttered to himself as he saw Zhara sat in a sort of secluded part of the dining hall and promptly made his way to the table where Zhara was sitting, waiting for Adam anxiously with great anticipation.

  And just then the voice, like a kick to the heart, said, “Hi!” as Adam greeted Zhara, instantly noting her shy, captivating eyes.

  “Hi,” said Zhara, returning Adam’s greeting with her pretty, piercing eyes, brightening up at once on seeing him.

  Adam placed his bag on the floor before placing the tray on to the table, and easing himself steadily on to the chair before he took a long loving look at Zhara and stared at her.

  “You’re staring at me,” said Zhara.

  “It’s hard not to,” answered Adam coolly followed by a brief pause between them both.

  Zhara lowered her gaze before looking back at Adam.

  “So what lesson do we have in the afternoon?” asked Adam.

  “It’s a double Science lesson,” answered Zhara, her eyes still sparkling in Adam’s presence.

  “Shame we’re not together,” Adam quietly said himself.

  “Sorry, did you say something?” asked Zhara.

  “No, I was, er, just saying that this school is the better,” answered Adam.

  “Better! Better than what?” asked Zhara.

  “Er, better than before,” Adam answered uncertainly.


  “Anyway,” Adam began unsteadily, “I was … wondering …”

  Zhara looked at Adam waiting for him to finish his sentence.

  “I was …”

  “You were …” prompted Zhara.”

  “I was wondering whether, er, I could see you after … school?” asked Adam, his voice sounding small towards the end of his sentence.

  Zhara stared at Adam, and not expecting his question, she breathed inwards.

  There was silence.

  That’s it! I’ve blown it! Adam thought miserably to himself. What have I done?

  Then, Zhara spoke and Adam expected the worse, and just as she began to speak, he began closing his eyes as his head began to lower steadily in shame and embarrassment.

  “Yes, I’d like that,” said Zhara, shyly.

  Adam’s head lifted in an instant as soon as he heard Zhara’s words and looked excitedly at her.

  “Y-you’ll see me a-after school … today?” asked Adam, stammering, just to be sure he heard Zhara correctly.

  Feeling shy Zhara gently nodded her head as confirmation.

  Just then Zhara noticed that Mr Khan entered the dining hall, and she quickly rose from her seat.

  “I’d better go now,” said Zhara.

  “Is everything all right?” asked Adam, anxious at Zhara’s sudden and unwanted departure.

  “No, everything’s’ fine; it’s just that I’ve got to see my Science teacher about something,” said Zhara, saying the first thing coming to her head.

  “But we’re all right about after school?” Adam asked anxiously.

  “Yes, of course; I’ll see you in the Science area,” instantly answered Zhara but then had a change of heart. “No, I’ll meet you outside of school.”


  “I’ll see you then,” said Zhara and made her way towards the dining hall main doors.

  Smiling, Adam breathed inwards slowly as he watched Zhara eventually leave the dining hall, still not believing that he’d had lunch with her.

  “This day started off really great, and my heart tells me that it’s going to get a whole lot better!” Adam told himself.


  Adam came to his Science lesson and sat next to Jordan, his best friend.

  “Hi,” Adam greeted his friend.

  “Hi,” said Jordan as Adam began taking out his equipment.

  “I see you’ve seen Zhara,” stated Jordan, staring at Adam.

  “How do you know?” asked Adam.

  “Your beaming smile,” stated Jordan. “Your smile tells me you’ve seen her. Don’t think I haven’t noticed, Adam.”

  “Very funny!” said Adam.

  “So, what’s the present status?”

  “Jordan, it’s nothing like that,” stated Adam.

  “As if,” scoffed Jordan.

  “Jordan, drop it,” insisted Adam, his voice rising a little. “Zhara’s a decent girl.”


  “Right then, everyone. Let’s start the lesson, began Mr Briggs, the Science teacher, interrupting Jordan’s conversation with Jordan.

  Adam, of course, couldn’t concentrate clearly on his lesson thinking only about Zhara, and couldn’t wait for the lesson to be quickly over as he looked at the classroom clock every second!

  Adam tried to put Zhara out of his mind, but it wasn’t easy at all, no matter how hard Adam tried.

  “Now, can anyone tell me the difference between ‘habitat’ and ‘environment’ asked Mr Briggs as he then began to scan the classroom to see which student should answer. “Chloe,” he continued. “Can you tell the class the answer?”

  “One’s where you live and one’s what’s happening around you,” shouted Declan without either raising his hand or being told to answer at all.

  “Brilliant, Chloe!” exclaimed Mr Briggs. “You answered that without even moving your lips!”

  The rest of the class chuckled.

  “Come on, Chloe. Can you tell us in your own words the difference between ‘habitat’ and ‘environment’?” asked Mr Briggs. “Don’t worry if you get it wrong.”

  “Sir, you need to worry because she doesn’t understand science,” said Liam, sitting next to Declan, and then had a sudden thought. “Come to think of it, she doesn’t understand anything at all!” added Liam, clearly enjoying his little performance.

  “Oh, did you think that one up all by yourself, Liam,” Chloe instantly said to Liam, staring frowningly at him; Liam smiled at her smugly.

  The whole class burst out in laughter as Chloe then swore at Liam under her breath.

  During the lesson, some of the students were messing around, being silly.

  “Home time is looking unlikely for some of you,” began Mr Briggs. “So if you want to leave on time, you need to make sure your work is complete,” he advised.

  Eventually, the bell rang loudly as ever signalling the end of the lesson and indeed the school day.

  “Great!” Adam said to himself and quickly left the classroom.

  Adam hurriedly made his way through the crowded corridors dodging other students and eventually out of the school grounds.

  Adam looked both left and right but no sign of Zhara.

  “Damn it!” he said to himself in frustration. “Zhara didn’t tell me where exactly she would meet me; she only said outside of school. “Shit!”

  Just then Adam heard the one voice he wanted to hear: it was Zhara’s.

  “Hey, Adam.”

  Adam immediately turned his head and much to his relief, he saw Zhara, standing gracefully staring at him. Adam inhaled instantly with huge relief and began walking in her direction.

  “Hi,” Adam greeted Zhara.

  “Hi,” said Zhara, returning Adam’s greeting.

  “For a minute I thought I wouldn’t find you,” said Adam.

  “I know. When I got to my Science lesson, I realised that I forgot to tell you where to meet me outside of school. So, I came quickly as I could, and I saw you,” explained Zhara.

  “Anyway, we’ve met and that’s the main thing,” began Adam as he stared at Zhara’s sparkling elegant eyes. There was a pause before Adam spoke. “So, where do you want to go?” asked Adam.

  “Wherever you want to go?”

  “You decide,” offered Adam.

  Zhara began thinking to herself, swaying her body gently side to side as she did so.

  “I’m feeling a little hungry,” began Zh
ara looking upwards with her finger to her lips. “I wouldn’t mind going somewhere where we can eat.”

  “Not a problem,” agreed Adam. “Any particular place?”

  “There’s a new fast food restaurant just opened not far from here,” suggested Zhara. “I was thinking we could go there.”

  “Lead the way,” said Adam, smiling at Zhara.

  “Great! Come on.”


  Both Zhara and Adam sat at an empty table with their food and drink.

  “It’s nice here,” commented Zhara, looking round at the new surroundings. “I’ve wanted to come here since it first opened.”

  “So, how come you didn’t come before?” casually asked Adam.

  Zhara lowered her head before looking back at Adam.

  “I didn’t know any … guy before,” Zhara answered shyly, finding it difficult to meet Adam’s own gaze. There was a pause. “Have you been here before?” asked Zhara.

  “No. Never,” confirmed Adam, staring at Zhara.

  “And why didn’t you come here before?” asked Zhara.

  “I guess … I didn’t have the girl I wanted to come here with,” answered Adam, his reply saying something unsaid.

  There was a brief pause as Zhara stared at Adam trying to comprehend what he was perhaps trying to say but not actually saying it.

  “And have you got that girl now?” asked Zhara slowly.

  “I … don’t know,” began Adam. “Have I?” he asked.

  Zhara shied away, her heart beating against the wall of her chest realising what Adam was actually trying to ask her.

  Adam continued to stare at Zhara, admiring her beauty that simply poured out of her face like sunshine.

  Zhara looked back at Adam.

  “How long has this been going on?” Zhara asked seriously, beginning to realise the full impact of Adam’s last question to her without actually answering Adam’s question posed of her.

  “Ever since the first day I laid my eyes on … her,” answered Adam, but not making the direct connection to Zhara.

  “I see,” Zhara simply said, acknowledging Adam’s answer.

  “And what do you want from her … I mean, this girl?”

  “Nothing,” Adam answered quickly.

  “Nothing?” Zhara said in surprise instantly. “You want nothing from her?”

  “So far I’ve been living simply with her thoughts,” began Adam. “And I’ll continue living with her thoughts in the future.”

  “Don’t you want her?” asked Zhara, a faint frown on her face.

  “Do I want her?” scoffed Adam. “Can you live without oxygen?”

  “Of course not!”

  “Well, there’s your answer but –”

  “But what?”

  Adam lowered his head rubbing his hand across his face before lifting his head and looking back at Zhara.

  “I love her so much I feel that if I told her what this girl means to me, she’ll think less of me, and I definitely, most certainly, don’t want that,” explained Adam. “I’m all right with what I have – I can live with that,” Adam added.

  There was a brief pause as silence fell once again between the two students.

  “Have you asked her … I mean, asked how she feels,” asked Zhara. Adam’s eyes immediately widened. “Have you ever wondered what she feels or what she wants?” Adam looked away from Zhara. “Adam, look at me,” requested Zhara. “Have you ever asked that girl?” she repeated herself but this time placing her hand over Adam’s.

  There was a pause as Adam looked at Zhara with grateful eyes.

  “Adam?” Zhara prompted Adam, and he looked straight in to her eyes. “Tell this girl how you feel about her. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed,” she added as a mesh of mixed emotions tightened and erupted around in her heavily hammering heart.

  Adam stared intently at Zhara, his eyes darting like crazy all over her face.

  Then there was a sudden distinct silence between the two students, and the words ‘I love you’ hung unspoken in the cold air between them. However, encouraged by Zhara’s friendliness and radiant beauty Adam spoke eventually.

  “Zhara, I-I really like you,” began Adam, hope filling his facial features … in fact, I love you,” Adam admitted with a slight wobble in his voice, his throat dry like cotton with anxiety not sure how Zhara would react to what he just told her and, with every second passing, suddenly beginning to feel a little awkward and keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Zhara’s.

  There was further silence.

  And more silence.

  For a split second, Adam could clearly feel panic setting in unless Zhara said something very shortly.

  Just then she did.

  “And I love you, too, Adam,” Zhara admitted too.

  The feeling at this moment was phenomenal!

  “Oh, Zhara!” enthusiastically exclaimed Adam, a smile suddenly breaking out on his face. A rush of joy ran though Adam’s entire body like an electric current! “I really love you! I’ve loved you since the first day I saw you and loved you ever since. Since I’ve known you, I’ve forgotten everything else … even my own name!” exclaimed Adam with the fullest of joy. “I’m totally nuts about you, Zhara,” continued Adam. “I go nuts when I don’t see you, and I still go nuts when you’re round me!”

  Then there was silence yet again as if everything was beginning to fall in to place between Zhara and Adam.

  As Adam stared at Zhara, it was abundantly clear to him that something was on her mind.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Adam.

  “I was just thinking,” began Zhara.

  “Thinking what?” anxiously asked Adam.

  “I was just thinking how lucky I am that someone loved me even though the person he loved didn’t have the slightest idea that she was being loved,” Zhara breathed inwards slowly.

  “And if you hadn’t known today, I would have still continued to love you … forever!” declared Adam. There was a brief pause when Adam had a thought come to him. “When I get home, I’m going to update my Facebook status to ‘Adam loves Zhara!’ Girls no longer now need to apply for friendship!’” stated Adam.

  Zhara lowered her gaze, her eyes full of shyness before raising them to look back at Adam again.

  “Why didn’t you say something before?” asked Zhara.

  “I don’t know,” began Adam. “Perhaps being in love with you was sufficient for me,” explained Adam as Zhara listened very carefully to what Adam was saying, “and I definitely didn’t want to ruin whatever relationship we had together by telling you how I felt about you,” added Adam. “That would have killed me.”

  “Oh, Adam, you’re so sweet!” breathed Zhara as she stared at him, smiling.

  “The more I thought of you, the more my love dived deeper in the depths of my heart,” declared Adam. “And when I couldn’t control my feelings, I would often come near you, but I just couldn’t say anything, not wanting you to think any less of me.”

  “Oh, Adam, I would never have thought like that,” stated Zhara.

  “I know that now, but I didn’t then,” said Adam. “And anyway, I couldn’t take the risk.”

  “With the depth of your love, Adam, even a stone would melt with your love; I’m only a human being,” stated Zhara.

  Adam stared at Zhara.

  “You’re staring at me,” stated Zhara, not used to such close attention.

  “You look so beautiful, and you’re telling me why I’m staring at you,” added Adam. “I think it’s pretty obvious why I’m staring at you.” Adam took a long lasting, loving look at Zhara. “You’re a vision in gold, Zhara!” breathed Adam as he continued to stare at Zhara.

  There was a brief pause as Zhara stared at Adam thoughtfully.

  “Adam, say my name,” requested Zhara.

  “Zhara,” Adam quietly but quickly complied and said Zhara’s name gently. There was a brief pause as Zhara heard affection in Adam’s voice as he softly spoke her name.
  “Why did you want me to say your name?” Adam asked curiously.

  “There are a lot of people who call me by my name,” began Zhara, “but there is only one person who can make it sound so special!”

  “That’s because you are special,” Adam pointed out to Zhara, his excited eyes staring straight deep in to Zhara’s equally excited eyes.

  “You don’t even realise it, but you’re so powerful,” pointed out Adam, happiness flashing through his already excited eyes.

  “Me? Powerful?” asked Zhara pointing to herself with her finger with a completely confused look on her face.

  “The star spreads its light during the day...” began Adam, “… you shine light in my life both night and day,” he continued. “See? You are powerful.”

  “Somehow I doubt it,” said Zhara, still not convinced.

  “But it’s true,” Adam insisted. “In fact, you’re like lightning, too,” added Adam.

  “Lightning?” echoed Zhara with a confused facial look on her face. “Now, that is stretching it.”

  “Yeah, lightning because the first day I first saw, you hit my heart like one,” explained Adam as Zhara listened attentively to what he said. “You see, before you first came here in Year 10, I was always getting in to trouble … it was as if trouble was literally following me,” explained Adam. “Wherever I would go, I would cause trouble.”

  “What sort of trouble?” Zhara asked curiously.

  “You know, the usual: truanting, persistent refusal to follow instructions, verbal abuse to staff, challenging behaviour. You name it, I did it,” stated Adam, thinking of the occasions he had behaved inappropriately as he breathed inwards. “What’s happened in the past I can’t change it,” began Adam. “What I did, I did because I didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. There was no-one to teach me. I did what I thought was right at the time.”

  “But continuing to do the wrong thing doesn’t make it any right, Adam.”

  “I know that now, and that’s why I’ve fallen for you, Zhara.”

  As soon as Zhara heard those welcoming words, her eyes widened with surprise.

  “You are the first person who’s telling me right from wrong. I want to do the right thing. Won’t you give me that chance?”

  “Of course I will, Adam,” Zhara answered and then stared at Adam.

  There was a brief pause.

  “What’s the matter? You’re grinning,” noted Zhara.

  “I was just thinking about my past behaviour,” began Adam. “God, once I even nearly set a student’s clothes on fire!”

  “You set some student’s clothes on fire?” Zhara gasped at the incident, echoing Adam’s words.

  “It was an accident, and it wasn’t even my fault actually,” added Adam.

  “What happened?”

  “Well, I was holding a Bunsen burner and my best friend, Jordan, pushed me, and I stumbled slightly backwards still holding the Bunsen burner in my hand and, it almost lit fire to another student who was stood very close to me.”

  “But it was an accident, and it was your friend’s fault anyway.”

  “Yeah, I know, but Jordan’s my best friend; we’ve known each other since we were little, and so I took the rap for it.”


  “Really,” confirmed Adam.

  “So that’s why Jordan always does what you tell him,” Zhara understood with stunned surprise.

  “Yeah. Well, now you know but don’t go round telling anyone.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t; your secret’s safe with me.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “You,” answered Adam as he slowly inhaled inwards.

  “Me!” Zhara pointed jerkily to herself with her right index finger and thumb pointing upwards.

  “Yeah, you!” Adam said instantly before breathing inwards slowly.

  “But how?” asked Zhara with a totally confused look on her face.

  “For some strange reason, as soon as I saw you, I gained a new appreciation for life,” explained Adam. Zhara listened carefully to Adam. “Do you remember the first day you arrived at this school, and you were sat in the reception waiting for Mr Burns?” asked Adam.

  “Yes, I remember that?” Zhara answered having thought back at the time.

  “Do you remember another student just leaving the reception at that very moment?”

  “Yes, I do but –”

  “The student wasn’t wearing our school uniform, right?” interrupted Adam.


  “That’s because the student was placed on a managed move for twelve weeks, and that’s why the student was wearing the other school’s uniform,” explained Adam.

  “But how do you know all this; about this student?” asked Zhara.

  “Because the student was … me,” answered Adam, a distinct hint of shame in his voice and body posture.

  “That was you?” exclaimed Zhara, not able to believe that it could have been Adam.

  “Yeah, it was me,” answered Adam, his head bowing down a little as he spoke, not feeling proud of himself. There was a brief pause before Adam continued, raising his head to face Zhara. “But believe me, I behaved so good at that school; I pleaded with this school to take me back just, so that I could return here and … see you again,” added Adam.

  “But –”

  “You didn’t see me again until the start of Year 11, right?” pre-empted Adam.

  “Yes,” replied Zhara. “I didn’t see you until then.”

  “The twelve week managed move took me right to the end of Year 10, and then I had to wait another six weeks before I could see you again,” explained Adam.

  “Oh, Adam,” felt Zhara.

  “Then I came back here in September at the start of Year 11,” began Adam. “A little older and a little wiser but boy was I glad to be back.”

  “Why?” curiously asked Zhara.

  “So I could see you, of course!” answered Adam.

  Zhara very gently lowered her gaze before looking back at Adam, and he continued. Adam inhaled deeply inwards before continuing. “Those eighteen weeks seemed like eighteen years of hell for me,” stated Adam. “How I passed each and every day of those eighteen weeks without seeing you, only my heart, my God or I know,” Adam added miserably shaking his head gently sideways.

  Zhara listened attentively to what Adam was saying with great interest.

  “Why didn’t you come to this school?” asked Zhara.

  “I did,” instantly answered Adam, “but because the other school finished later, “when I came here, you’d gone by then,” explained Adam, feeling miserable that he hadn’t been able to see Zhara then.

  “I’m sorry, Adam, but I didn’t know,” Zhara stated sincerely.

  “You don’t need to be sorry, Zhara,” began Adam. “The fact that you were always on my mind and heart, was enough to keep me going,” pointed out Adam. Adam breathed inwards heavily before speaking again. “And then, finally, Year 11 started, and thank God I saw you once again,” said Adam. “It was that first lesson on Monday in ICT.”

  “Yes, I remember that,” began Zhara as she remembered the time, “and I thought you were a new student starting at this school.”

  “Did you notice me?”

  “Yes, I noticed you,” Zhara said shyly. “I mean, which girl doesn’t!” she added.

  A smile sprinted across Adam’s face as he stared at Zhara before he continued. “I couldn’t stop admiring your beautiful face that very first day I saw you on the corridor.”

  “On the corridor?” echoed Zhara.

  “Yeah, on the corridor.”

  “But I didn’t see you,” stated Zhara.

  “You didn’t see me because by the time you did, I had already fallen flat for you,” explained Adam as he inhaled inwards slowly thinking of the precise moment.

  There was a moment’s silence between the two students as Adam stared at Zhara.

  “You’re doing it aga
in?” stated Zhara.

  “Doing what again?” asked Adam.

  “You’re staring at me?”

  “I’d be a fool if I didn’t stare at you,” replied Adam, his chest rising in the process breathing slowly inwards with huge happiness.

  Feeling shy, Zhara lowered her gaze before looking back at Adam and gently tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “Always smile,” said Adam.


  “It looks good on you,” explained Adam as he continued, “and anyway, your smile makes me melt,” added Adam as he continued to stare affectionately at Zhara.

  “Your smile must be an early birthday present,” began Zhara. “I can’t help but picture your glowing smile.”

  “What good did I ever do to get a girl as beautiful as you,” Adam breathed slowly inwards. “You have the gift of being beautiful,” breathed Adam.

  “I’m not that beautiful,” Zhara insisted modestly, lowering her gaze before looking back at Adam.

  “And what about me?” Zhara questioned.

  “What about you?” asked Adam.

  “What did I ever do to get a great gorgeous guy like you,” explained Zhara. “I don’t know if you know, but all the girls in our year fancy you,” she added when a thought came to her. “In fact, all the girls in our school fancy you!”

  “Let them; I only fancy you,” declared Adam, his eyes staring wildly at Zhara. “I now know nothing else except for the fact that I really love you deeply with all my heart and soul and every day my body yearns to be with you,” added Adam as he stared at Zhara. “You’re beauty multiplied many times over,” stated Adam as he stared at Zhara in awe.

  “Oh, is that the time,” said Zhara, looking at her watch.

  “Time flies by when you’re enjoying yourself,” said Adam. “Have you got everything?” he asked Zhara.

  “No,” replied Zhara but not looking around to find the missing item.

  “Why? What’s missing?” Adam asked curiously.

  “My … heart,” Zhara answered shyly as she stared straight in to Adam’s eyes. “I had it when I came, but I don’t have it any longer.”

  “Yeah, I know; I have it now,” said Adam, smiling happily.

  “I’d better get going, Adam; otherwise my Mom will be wondering where I am.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, won’t I?” Adam asked just to make sure.

  “We’ve got ICT with Mr Bharmal first lesson,” Zhara reminded Adam.

  “That’s great!” Adam said thankfully, relief flooding through his body.

  Both Adam and Zhara left the restaurant and walked together for a little while, talking as they did so.

  “Everything looks so much better now,” stated Adam as he looked around his surroundings.

  “Why’s that?” Zhara asked curiously.

  “You’ve added colour to my life. Correction. Technicolour to my life and made it more meaningful many times over,” stated Adam as he inhaled inwards slowly.

  Eventually Zhara came to a spot near to where she would be catching her bus and suddenly stopped.

  “I catch a bus from there,” Zhara explained.

  “Oh, right.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” said Zhara.

  “I can’t wait,” Adam responded enthusiastically.

  “Well, see you, then,” said Zhara and began walking in the direction of the bus stop.

  Having taken several steps, Zhara turned round and waved at Adam.

  “Hey, Zhara!” called Adam. “Next time, blow me a kiss instead of waving!” he said jokingly as he smiled at Zhara.

  Zhara felt shy and lowered her gaze before turning and heading towards the bus stop.


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