The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1 Page 13

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  “Trust? You’re asking me to trust you. After everything you’ve done to me, after all these lies. We’re not going to leave them both behind. I trust Zac and I know that he will keep me safe, as for Liam… He saved my life today and I trust him more than you with my life.” I look at Liam who’s smirking at me. He looks proud of himself. Tyler turns and looks at us with a scowl.

  “We cannot trust him, he’s enemy.” He says.

  “You don’t need to trust him. If you have any problem with him coming with us, you’re free to go. I don’t need you anymore.” I announce and my statement makes Tyler angrier.

  “Fine…” he says after a while. “They can come with us, but if they gonna trick us, it’s gonna be your fault.” Ty turns his back at us and stares ahead. “We have a safe house nearly. Drive two miles straight and then I will give more instructions.”

  We drive for at least thirty minutes. We stop at the small cottage house situated in the centre of the forest. It looks creepy at night. We step out the car and walk to the front doors. Tyler opens the doors and the dust and completely empty space greets us.

  “It’s creepy but where are we gonna sleep?” I ask. Tyler looks at me and leads the way further the house. He stops next to the broken book shelve and puts his hand on top of it. The soft beep sound echoes around and the shelve starts to move right. The hidden room, brilliant.

  We walk inside and the lift takes us down. The automatic doors open, and the huge modern space welcomes us. I gasp in shock. Everything is clean and so innovative. I look around the living room which has a huge sofa, coffee table and a huge TV.

  “There are only three rooms here. Liam and Zac will take one, Tobi you can take one at the end and I and Em will take this one.” Tyler announces. Ha, jokes on him. Is he delusional or something?

  “I will certainly not sleep with you in one room. You guys can share as you wish but I’m gonna take this room and sleep here, alone, thank you very much.” I walk to the nearest doors and open them. Room is normal. A huge bed and a door leading to a private bathroom. Some TV and wardrobe. I march inside and throw myself on the bed.

  I sigh loudly and prepare myself to take a shower. I stride to the bathroom and relaxes under hot water. Surprisingly, the bathroom is full of towels and spare clothes my size. Well, someone really think about it. After a shower, I wrap a towel around me and walk into the room. Liam is waiting for me. He’s laying on the bed with both hands behind his head. He eyes me hungrily.

  “You look hot with wet hair and nothing around but towel.” He smirks at me. I walk around the bed and sit next to him.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” I ask instead and he sits straight after my question. “You know, do you?”

  “I’m not sure. I mean I knew that someone is searching for you and I told you that once, remember? I said to keep your head down because you’ll be dead before the Halloween. I didn’t know that this will happen or who was it. I just overheard my father conversation once. He said something about you being important to some Carol guy. I tried to search his name but he’s like a ghost. I could locate him or even find any information about him, including his last name. I even asked my father, but he said that I will find out soon.” He answers honestly. I know that he’s not lying because he never did before and I don’t know if I should, but I trust him. I nod once at him.

  “My father said that he will explain everything soon, but I don’t believe him anymore. He lied to me before, he may be lying now. I don’t know who to trust, Liam. Everyone I love, are keeping me in the dark as they don’t trust me enough, when they expect from me to trust them. I’m confused who the hell is Amanda and why this guy called me that. I had my birthday already, right before we came here.” This information makes Liam to stare at me with wide eyes.

  “Wait. Are you eighteen already? This can be right, my father mentions something about your birthday being soon, that you gonna find out about something on this day, but if you had your birthday already, just before I met you, he couldn’t mean next year birthday. My father always has good information, or someone told him the wrong ones. This is suspicious.” He removes his phone. “When was your birthday?”

  “June 23rd same day as Tyler’s. I’m nineteen.” I answer. Liam check something on his phone and looks at me.

  “If you were born in June shouldn’t you finish high school a year ago? You’re nineteen, you should go to college now.”

  “I know but my father told me that your country didn’t accept my grades from UK, and I need to repeat the year.”

  “This is strange because we have multiply number of students from abroad. We have a special system to transfer the grades or did you fail the year?”

  “No, straight distinctions, I mean A’s.” This is becoming weird.

  “I don’t know what it means specifically but we need to look closer to it. And it sounds to me like your brother may know the answers we need but we can’t ask him yet.”

  “Why’s that?” I ask even when I know the answer. He will not tell me, because he doesn’t trust me enough.

  “You know why.” He answers and takes my hand in his. “I know you don’t trust me, but hell, Emlyn didn’t I show you already that you can?”

  “Yes, you did. I know that you want to help.” And I mean that. I really do trust him. I don’t know when it happened, but it did. I squeeze his hand and look into his eyes. They are so beautiful and full of care. I move closer to him and our lips meet. The kiss is soft and loving. There are no hidden motives behind his touch, just pure care.

  His hands hug me around my middle, and I sit on him with both my legs on each side of his hips. Liam break a kiss and motion his head at my breasts.

  “Can I?” He asks. I nod my head and his large hands start to unfold the towel. The towel falls around me and I’m completely naked. A cold shiver runs down my spine. I remove his T-shirt and proceed to unzip his jeans. He stops me by putting his hand on mine. “Are you sure you want it?” I answer him with a passionate kiss and his hands fall from mine. I unzip him and his cock jump from his pants. He is so ready for me. I lick my lips and lift my hips to sit on him. Liam’s hand helps to position his dick at my entrance. He nods his head and I push down.

  He fills me completely. A soft moan escapes my lips as I adjust myself on him. After a moment, I start to move up and down. Liam’s hands are gripping my ass as he groans with me.

  “You’re so tight…” He moans. I tilt my head back and a wave of pleasure envelops me. I start to move faster and Liam’s hand travels to my clit. He starts to rub it gently and I moan louder. I hope that no one can hear us now, but actually, I don’t care. Our movements become fast as the orgasm creeps its way closer and closer.

  “Liam… I’m close…” I rasp and Liam presses his hands tighter on my hips. The movement is brutal but oh, so loved by me. He moves my body up and down faster, more brutally and I come like never before.

  Liam’s cunt fills me to the top and I move to go to the bathroom to clean myself. Liam lays on the bed and breath heavily. After I clean myself, I join him.

  “If you think that this is over, you’ve never been more wrong Morpho.” I smile down on him.

  “We have God know how much time we have, to do this over and over again.”

  “You don’t know for how long I’ve been waiting for that. The day I saw you on that roof… I never seen anyone that beautiful like you. I wanted to help you, but I realised soon that you don’t need help. I did because you destroyed me from that moment. I knew back then that I need to have you. I couldn’t sleep at night because your picture was always in front of me. Your beautiful face and I looked for you every day. I thought that you’ll come back to that roof. But you never did.”

  “I was thinking about you as well. Maybe you don’t know but you helped me. You saved my life and my soul.” I kiss him softly. “Let’s take a shower because I have something for you.” Liam jumps from the bed and run to the bathroom. I run after him and we step into
the shower.

  Hot water greets us as we kiss under it. I grip his dick in my right hand and start to stroke him. He is already hard for me and my pussy is so much wet for him too. I kneel before him and lick him from down to the top. He groans loudly as I take his tip in my mouths. I still can feel myself on my tongue and it makes me suck him harder. My hands grip his buttocks as my nails grits into his skin. I take him whole and suck. Then I gently place his hand on my head, and he squeezes my hair hard. He pumps inside my mouths. I nearly gag but compose myself. Soon enough his liquid slides down my throat and I take it all.

  I stand up and kiss him one more time as we become to wash ourselves.

  Chapter 21

  I haven’t sleep whole night because Liam occupied my time. We spend this time together talking, laughing and obviously having sex. Oh God, the sex was amazing. I think I never come that many times.

  Liam leaves my room before anyone could spot him. I tried to sleep but my mind was full of questions. I need answers and I need them soon because I’m going to explode. A soft knock sounds on my door and Zac’s head appears in the doorway.

  “I see that you’re not sleeping as well.” He says sadly.

  “Who else is not sleeping?” I ask.

  “Liam” So someone saw him. “Listen, I’m not stupid. I share a room with him and when the guy is telling me that he’s going to the toilet and doesn’t come back after seven hours, something is wrong. I know he was with you.” I don’t know but I feel bad.

  “Yeah, he was. We… we have sex together.” I say softly and look down at my hands. Zac steps closer to bed and sighs.

  “I know I told you that I don’t feel anything but damn, it hurts.” Shit, I didn’t want that. I didn’t know that he has feeling for me. I used him, fuck, I thought that we’re having fun, but I gave him a fake chance. I showed him that something can be between us.

  “Zac, I’m so…” Zac doesn’t let me finish. He lifts his hand to stop me from talking.

  “Don’t be sorry because you care about someone. I saw you looking at him. You show the expression that you hate him, but I could read you. I knew that you care about him, and I know he cares about you too. Damn… He always has the best girls and I’m always the last one. I’m this nice friend.”

  “That’s not true and you know that. I don’t know why it happened. I like you, Zac, I really do. To be honest I don’t know what this is between me and Liam between me and you. I care about you two. I just… I’m confused because I never had anyone who cared, expect my brothers. You see, I thought that I have feelings for Tyler, but I don’t. I was just confused that I misread my own feelings. And now I don’t what I feel either.” I say honestly.

  “I understand and I don’t know what I’m feeling. It’s just that when I had you, I felt like a winner because finally, I had an interest of a girl who is… you. And then I get scared and told you that shit and now I’m regretting this, but I don’t know if I would be able to avoid this scare, so I’m not mad at you or Liam. You know what I mean? I think I need to search my own answers and feelings and then maybe compete with him.” I take his hand in mine and nod.

  “We’re still friends?” I ask. He nods his head and smiles at me.

  After a while, we walk to the main room where everyone is gathered. Tyler looks my way and then looks at Liam and then I know that he knows. But he can’t blame me, I told him that we’re done.

  “We have an incoming call from our father,” Ty announces putting his phone on the table. I sit next to Liam and look at him. He smiles at me and takes my hand in his. This simple gesture shows me that he’s here for me. I take a deep breath as Tobias presses the accept button. My father’s face appeared on the TV screen in front of us.

  “Hello children, I see that you’re well.” He eyes Liam and Zac. “I see that we have here some unwelcomed people.”

  “They are staying father. I trust them.” I stand up from my seat, still holding Liam’s hand. My father sees that and smirks.

  “I see. Okay, let’s begin. So, yesterday we had expected situation. Expected because I knew these people will come for what’s mine, but I didn’t know when. You need to come back home. It’s safe now. We will discuss it further then.” He states.

  “I will not leave this room until you tell me what they were looking for,” I say. My father studies me and sighs.

  “You. They were looking for you princess. This is not a conversation for now. Come back home and I will explain you everything. Tyler you know what to do.” Tyler nods his head and the call ends.

  “Tell me now, Tyler. I need to know!” I shout.

  “I’m not the one who should tell you this princess. Let’s go home. You will find out soon.” He walks away and I look at Tobias. He shook his head and I know that he is confused as I am.

  We leave the house and drive to our home. The ride was long and silent. I didn’t want to push. My father would explain himself soon.

  Chapter 22

  We arrive soon enough, and I ask Liam to go with me along with Zac. I don’t want to be there all by myself. I should be confident around my family, but the truth is that I don’t know them anymore. They lied to me too many times. I never expect to say this, but I trust my so- called enemy more than them.

  We step inside and Tyler leads us to my father office. He is sitting behind a huge desk with his head hang above some papers. He lifts it as soon as we walk in. His eyes travel to Liam and Zac, standing behind me and he sighs.

  “Welcome home kids and… friends. Please come in, I’m not biting.” He laughs but there is nothing funny in this situation. We move forward and sit on the leather sofa situated near his desk. My father steps up and walk to us. He takes his chair and sits on it in front of us. He crosses his arms on his chest.

  “My dear princess. I know that you have many questions and I’m going to answer them now.” He murmurs.

  “Why they were looking for me?” I ask straight away.

  “You see. This is going to be hard. The people who were looking for you are your father employees. Your real father.” My breath catches inside my chest. My who? I know I’m adopted but dad told me they didn’t want me, so why now they’re looking for me? “I know it’s confusing. Let me explain. Your father didn’t fight for you when I kidnapped you. As I already said I changed your identity and I was sure that you’re safe. But your grandfather, your real father dad, died recently and he gave you all of his assets and money, and also shares in company. Because of that, your real father decides to search for you because he wants the assets, shares and money to himself. He doesn’t need you as a daughter, he is in a trap because his attorney is not able to fight against your grandparent will.”

  I gape at him for a long minute. Is this the reason? I don’t need his money. I don’t even know the guy.

  “Is that all? I don’t want it. I can give it to him. He could just tried to contact you and tell me what to sign and I will do it.” I answer.

  “You see, this is more complicated because your grandfather stated in his will that everything goes to you and only you can be the CEO of his company. In order, if you will not accept his will, the company will close down and all the money and assets will go to the specific charity. Your father doesn’t want that. The only exception is that when you will die, everything will go to your father, Carol.” This name.

  “Wait! Carol. I know that name! I remember him, his face.” I continue. My father’s face pales.

  “Y- you do?” He slurs.

  “I had this dream- chasing me for years now. In this dream someone is threatening Carol and telling him that he owes some money. I’m standing there, I’m small and then nothing.” I say and look at Liam who’s face look puzzled like he’s thinking about something very hard. His eyes focus on me as the realisation slams on him.

  “You didn’t kidnapped her! They wanted her back! You lied to her!” Liam shouts at my father and my jaw drops. No one is allowed to talk to him like that.

Son, you have no idea what you are talking about.” My father voice is calm and calculating as always. My eyes jump from Liam to him with shock. I don’t understand anything.

  “I think I know! My father told me something about Carol and the day of Emlyn birthday, but she told me that she already had a birthday and it didn’t make any sense, but now I know. You were the guy who threaten Carol and took her away because of revenge, as a payment. You change her date of birth to the same date your son was born because you didn’t want Carol to find her! She is not nineteen, she’s eighteen and she had her birthday yesterday. You kept her away because she was underage and recording to law, he had all rights to take her from you. Now when she’s actually eighteen, he doesn’t have any right to her. That’s why she repeated her high school because legally she needed to attend it.” Everything what Liam’s saying seems correct. I can’t believe this.

  “This is not true princess. You need to trust me! He’s the enemy here, not me. You know me!” My father stands up.

  “Why would you do something like that?” Tobias asks.

  “Because he didn’t want to lose again.” A hard voice sounds from behind me. I turn around and spot a man who looks exactly like Liam.

  “Father? What are you doing here?” Liam asks.

  “Son, you and this young lady here were signed to get married from the day she was born. Our family and her wanted to increase our names and decided that we will work together from the day you two will get married. Unfortunately, Tom took her away and she disappeared. We tried to find her, but we failed. I knew who she was from the beginning. She looks exactly as her mother.” I gape at newcomer with shock. This can’t be true.

  “I don’t understand. What about the agreement with Simpson?” Liam asks.

  “I needed to protect our family. After her disappearance, Carol hid somewhere and said that our agreement finished, so I decide to marry you to Simpsons because they had prestige and all that. But now that she’s here, my agreement with Carol reopen and officially you going to be my daughter in law.” Tyler stands up from his seat and run to me. He stands between me and Liam’s dad.


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