Jagged Edge

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Jagged Edge Page 11

by Dennis Young

  Talice chuckled.

  The train arrived, and they found seats in a car at the rear. Talice said nothing, looking over her shoulder at the infirmary as they pulled away. She closed her eyes and laid back, her face a mask of worry.

  * * *

  “Low lights, darken the windows.” Talice dropped her duffle at the door as she entered her apartment. She popped the top from a bottle of S-H at the kitchen counter and drank, pondering.

  Maybe Mac’s right. Maybe Babs is rethinking things. But dammit, why hasn’t she called?

  Talice headed for the shower, turned the water on, stripped off her camis in the bedroom, and sat again. Something isn’t right. This whole sex slave thing, hostage-takers getting bold again, literally stealing people off the streets… Fawkes knows more than he’s telling us, but that’s nothing new.

  She ducked into the shower, letting the hot water dance on her skin and work some of the tension out. Finally, she emerged, toweled down, and donned a night shirt. She took her wristcom into the living area, sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor, thinking what to say in a message she hadn’t already said. She started as it buzzed in her hand. The ID was a familiar one.

  Babs! Finally!

  She scrolled through the message, her expression turning from relief to horror.

  Hello, Talice. Looking for your little blonde friend? We need to talk. Jance.

  Jance! I knew it! I fucking knew it!

  She threw the wristcom across the room.


  Trouble in my Blood (Part One)

  Giving it the Olde College Try

  “To prevent the enemy from fathoming one’s intentions

  is of the first importance.”

  Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”

  The Streets of Anchor Prime…

  There was no way Talice was going to sleep this night. She dressed quickly, grabbed her jacket, and headed for the door. Then stopped, picked up her wristcom from the kitchen floor, and exited quietly. She didn’t know where she was going, only that she had to move. That, or kill something.

  She walked the streets. Under other circumstances, the evening would have been pleasant. She raised her collar against a cooling breeze, the crowd thinning as she walked. It wasn’t late, and she ended up in a street-corner restaurant with tea, thinking. She dug out the wristcom, unbroken. Yeah, they probably build these things for people like me.

  She read the message again. It was taunting, as Jance always was, but didn’t really hold a threat. And the “we need to talk” was… Talice wanted to say “intriguing,” but knew better. She just wants to get me somewhere she can cut my throat… like she did Konee. Fuck… poor Konee.

  She emptied her cup and refilled it, thinking. At last, she punched in a reply. So talk. Talice.

  The reply came back in only moments. She’s alive, but hardly safe. Serious shit going down on Crius. I’ve followed it for nearly a year. And there’s a new crater in the outback there. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you? Jance.

  How the hell does she know that already? Unless she was there and part of Nemesis’s operation?

  Talice typed again. What do you want? I don’t make deals. Talice.

  She drummed her fingers on the table, waiting. Waved away a server with the dessert tray. Waited some more. The wristcom screen lit.

  Then you’ll never see her alive again. I’m offering a chance to save her. And right now, you’re asking yourself if this is a trap, right? No, it isn’t. But what if I’m lying? So what’s more important to you? Jance.

  Holy fuck… Game-playing bitch! But Babs…

  Talice typed again. Face to face. You and me. That’s the only way I’ll talk. And I want proof. Talice.

  She was beginning to shake, and knew she needed to head for home. Stress is hell with these bugs. They seem to love it.

  The wristcom chimed once more. Face to face is fine. A public place, no tricks, no ambush, I promise. I’ll even let you choose. And I’m sending from her wristcom. What more proof do you need? Jance.

  Where? The Olde Place? No, someone would recognize us. The Bloody Tavern, same thing. Call up restaurants on the net? We can’t go anywhere either of us know. Ah… got it. She typed quickly. Harbor Row, Pier Thirteen, along the railing. We can watch the boats come in together, like old times. Talice.

  Talice counted out the seconds. Then a minute. She’s dithering. Wondering if I’m—

  The wristcom tone sounded. Fine. I’ll meet you there in two hours. Jance.

  Talice paid her tab, left the restaurant, and crossed the trafficway slowly, thinking. I should call in the team and take her down now. But Babs… Fucking dammit!

  She turned north, headed for the harbor.

  * * *

  Talice swung by her apartment and applied a fresh C-12Plus patch, downed a bottle of S-H, and rushed out the door. She thought about a weapon, but went unarmed, hoping Jance would be the same. Still, she knew regardless of Jance’s promise, she could be walking into a trap. So she’d chosen someplace public, but with few civilians around this time of night.

  Plenty of room to maneuver, but still enough foot traffic Jance might think twice about being caught, or at least recognized. Hell, maybe that “I wanna be your fuck-buddy” guard will show up and save the day again. Talice chuckled wryly.

  She’s better at hand-to-hand than I am, got into that ancient Kung Fu or whatever it’s called before my discharge. I’m taller, better reach, a bit stronger, but these fucking bugs have sapped my strength for five years. Hell, who am I kidding? She could beat me to a pulp with one hand behind her back…

  Talice slowed as she approached Pier Thirteen. Jance was there, leaning on the rail, watching. Her long strawberry-blonde hair was tied back with a simple band. She was dressed lightly; loose pants, sleeveless top, and jacket, almost as Talice. A crooked “I know something you don’t know” smile crossed her face.

  Talice paused, watching closely from three meters away.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Talice, if I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead already.” Jance moved slowly up the rail, stopping an arm’s-length away. “You look worse than the last time I saw you. And you were bleeding your life away then.”

  “Courtesy of you. What’s on your mind?”

  Jance slowly put a hand in her jacket pocket, drew out a wristcom, and tossed it to Talice. “Check it out. It’s Babs’s. Do I have your attention now?”

  Talice glanced at the device, turned it over and saw an inscription. To my Darling Daughter Barbra on her Graduation. All My Love, Mom. She pocketed the wristcom. “I’m listening.”

  “Your little friend was nabbed on her vacation, along with a couple of others. Stupid, that. Should never take more than one from anyplace.”

  Talice’s face flushed, and she willed her fist to unclench. “So you’re Nemesis now and into kidnapping? Why am I not surprised?”

  “No, I just know people who are. For money, sure. For… other things…”

  Talice nearly rolled her eyes. “Other things like what?”

  “You know exactly what I’m taking about. So unless you want to see your little friend spread-eagle for the rest of her life, stay on the subject.”

  “Is that a threat? You’re a kidnapper now?”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Talice. I’m trying to do the right thing here. Work with me, or else.”

  Talice released her strangle-hold on the railing and faced Jance again. “What’s your offer? You’re not doing this out of the kindness of your black heart.”

  Jance narrowed her eyes. “My heart isn’t any blacker than yours, you fucking mercenary. You kill people for a living. For money. Don’t put yourself on any kind of pedestal.”

  Talice blew a heavy breath. “Dammit, Jance…”

  “I know where Babs is. I can get you and a team in, but we have to move within the next thirty days.”

  “And what do you get out of this?”

  “Payment. Just like you.”<
br />
  Talice turned, gazing into the harbor. Two boats were carefully maneuvering around each other as they approached the dock. A small harbor security skiff stood off, watching. “What else? I’m sure there’s more to this than creditmarks.”

  Jance moved closer, and Talice tensed. “Look… this is one time… probably the only time, really, that we’ll agree on much of anything. I won’t let these predators have women if there’s anything I can do about it. You promise to bring the others out, too. Not just her.”

  “And I’m sure you’ll be right there alongside, fighting with us, right?”

  “Don’t be stupid. If they had any idea I’m even in this city, they’d feed me to the fish.”

  Talice glanced at Jance, waiting. So maybe she’s serious. Risking her own life, not just looking for… whatever she’s looking for. “I’ll need intel, soonest. Thirty days doesn’t give us much time. I assume this is all on Crius?”

  Jance smiled wickedly. “You’re smarter than I thought. Not that I think you’re dumb or anything.”

  There was silence between them for a long moment. “I could have almost forgiven anything you did until you murdered Konee.”

  Jance coughed a laugh. “That wasn’t murder, it was revenge.”

  Talice faced her again. “For what? Fucking your boyfriend Mikal? You were a threesome! Hell, you were in bed with them when they were doing it! You probably got your kicks just watching!”

  Jance slid even closer. “Don’t push this, Talice, or I’ll waste your little friend myself.”

  Talice eyes flared. “And there won’t be any place you can hide that I won’t find you. Either work with me honestly, or I’ll chase you down with the rest of the scum. And I swear, Jance… I’ll kill you with my bare hands if I have to.”

  They stood eye to eye for a dangerous moment. At last, Jance backed away a bit. “Alright… I’ve been duly warned. Fair enough. Now go home and get some rest. You look like hell.”

  “I need the intel in forty-eight hours or less.”

  “You’ll get the fucking intel when I send it to you. In the meantime, get your team prepped for space again. Get Fawkes on the ball.”

  “I’ll tell him everything we’ve talked about tonight.”

  “Hell, I don’t care! Let him know next time you’ve got your legs wrapped around him. That could even be funny. ‘By the way, Colonel, there’s something I need to tell you’.” Jance almost laughed again.

  Talice looked away. “We’re not lovers. Never have been. Not likely to be.”

  “Damn, you’re as dull as all those other officers. Oh, well…”

  Talice straightened. “Alright, we’ve had our talk. Get me the info I need so we can do this. Everything.”

  Jance started to walk away, then paused, looking over her shoulder. “Too bad things worked out the way they have. This could have been a beautiful friendship.” She disappeared in the darkness as Talice watched.

  Never. This is nothing but a truce for purpose. And so help me, Jance, if you show one sign of treachery, I’ll make you die a thousand deaths. You’ve never seen my rage. Pray you never do.

  * * *

  Northland Marine Base…

  Three hours of fitful sleep and another shower found Talice on the metrolink once again, headed for Northland Base. She had to talk to Fawkes, face to face. She sent no messages to him or his office, none to Mac or other members of the team. They all knew Jance had compromised their comm and couldn’t take a chance someone else had, as well.

  The courier system to the training facility helped. How the hell did they break into the Marine central command comm, though? After this, I gotta get Mac briefed. Geez, this is almost like the Corps again, only scarier…

  The train pulled into the station and she nearly ran for the exit. Checked in at the guard station, offered her Marine ID, and asked to talk directly to the colonel’s office by hardline, not wireless.

  “Please wait, Ms. Wyloh.” The guard retreated to the security station and talked with the sergeant in charge. In a moment, both returned.

  The sergeant was short, black, and all business. She reminded Talice of Mac. A lot. The Marines must have a factory they run senior NCOs out of…

  “What’s this about, ma’am? Can I help?”

  Talice gave the short version. “My team is working with the Marines on special projects. We know from past experience our comm with the colonel’s office has been compromised. The info I have for the colonel needs to be given in person.”

  She paused as the sergeant looked dubiously to the guard beside her. “Look… I’m a former Marine Captain under Colonel Fawkes’s command. You can look me up in the retired register. If you want, please accompany me to the officer’s HQ. This really is urgent.”

  The sergeant nodded at the last and turned to the guard. “You and Buster take Ms. Wyloh to HQ. Don’t leave her until you get the okay from the colonel.”

  The guard motioned to a waiting jeepster. “This way, ma’am. We’ll have you there in a few minutes.”

  The ride was one Talice taken many times. The trio entered officer territory nearly as a unit. The orderly looked up. “Ms. Wyloh. We weren’t expecting you today—”

  “I know. Apologies for the interruption, but is the colonel available? This is urgent.”

  The orderly looked to the guards, then back to Talice. “I’ll see. Excuse me a minute…” She disappeared behind the door leading to the office corridor.

  Talice glanced to the guards. “You guys can leave now. Thanks.”

  “We’ll wait with you, ma’am. No problem.”

  Talice noticed neither guard’s hands drifted too far from their sidearms.

  The orderly returned. “Fifteen minutes, and the colonel will see you, Ms. Wyloh.” She looked to the guards and smiled. “I’ll vouch for the captain. She’s well-known in this office.”

  Talice tossed a crooked grin of her own at the guards again. “Told you. Thanks.”

  “C’mon,” said Buster. “I think it’s safe here.” They took a quick exit as Talice paced the room.

  “Coffee? Oh, wait, you’re a tea drinker, right”?

  Talice shook her head. “Not right now, thanks. I’ll just wait.”

  It was at least thirty minutes before she was allowed into Fawkes’s office. By then, Talice was ready to climb the walls. She entered, waited for the door to close, and looked Fawkes square in the eye. “Trouble in Paradise.”

  Fawkes’s shoulders drooped, then he shook his head. “Follows you everywhere, doesn’t it? Tea?”

  “Yes, please. Colonel…”

  Fawkes held a hand as he poured at the sideboard. He offered the cup, then took coffee to his desk and sat. He motioned to the chair. “Tell me the bad news.”

  Talice dug out the wristcom from her pocket, and handed it to him, then sat. He scrolled through the messages, looked at the inscription on the back, and set it away. Then blew a breath and drank.

  “Colonel, square this with me. You talked Babs out of resigning, didn’t you?”

  Fawkes nodded. “The Base needed her. We’ve had so many young medtechs and doctors rotate out, we were desperate for stability. Babs and a few of the other older staff gave us that. I promised this would be her last one, that we’d bump her up to Major on retirement, and put her on our advisory staff if she wanted.” He waved a hand. “Yes, I bribed her, in essence.”

  Talice dropped her eyes away, then back to him. “I understand your reasons, but Babs isn’t a typical doctor. She’s… well, she’s a free spirit. She talked a lot about setting up a clinic in some pretty inhospitable places, where medical care isn’t like here.”

  Fawkes nodded.

  Talice looked down into her tea cup. Well, here comes the fun part. Either he gets on board, or I probably go to prison. Nothing new, right?

  She drew a breath. “I made a deal last night.”

  Fawkes said nothing but gestured her to continue.

  “With Jance.”

Again, Fawkes’s said nothing. He pursed his lips, drank, and motioned again.

  “Babs is likely on Crius with the other hostages in the main Nemesis center. The one you told us was next on the agenda. Jance said she can get me and the team in. But we have to bring everyone else out as well.”

  “That was always the plan, Talice.”

  She nodded. “Yes, sir, and I’ve said nothing to her about working with you or in any official Marine capacity. Or covert, for that matter. I’m sure she suspects, though.”

  “So… your arch-enemy has offered a truce, to get the hostages out and rescue a friend of yours, as well. What’s she getting out of this?”

  Talice nodded again. “My exact question to her, and she said payment. But I’m sure there’s more. She also threatened to kill Babs herself if we double-crossed her.”

  “What is this ‘we’ you speak of?” Fawkes laughed.

  Talice glared. “I don’t appreciate your humor, Colonel.”

  Fawkes lost his humor. “Jance is a known criminal. Doctor Barbra Cromwell is a Marine officer. Technically you could say she’s now a prisoner of war. You’re making this a personal vendetta against Jance and really bending the rules, Talice.”

  “No, sir! This is information we didn’t have, being offered in return for something we were going to do anyway! Babs is a Marine officer, and as a former Marine and personal friend of hers, it’s my duty to see she’s rescued. It’s a win-win all the way.” Talice paused for breath. “If I happen to have a chance to take Jance out in the operation, I would think that would be to everyone’s advantage. And the Marines bear no responsibility for it.”

  Fawkes considered. “Alright, your point is valid. So we proceed as planned, then you take in your team. I can tell you now, as the information was going to be delivered in our next communique, we’re planning a battalion-size operation against the main Nemesis holding area. You’ll have a better opportunity to get in and out without casualties.”

  Talice thought it over, then nodded. “Thank you. Yes, that will be a big help. I was concerned we’d be facing pretty serious odds. Getting out of the minor complex was tough enough.”


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