End of the Line

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End of the Line Page 46

by Ottilie Weber

As other little girls were getting tales of Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood, this was the bedtime story I heard most of my life from my dad. It was his side of the family. My dad says I’m a lot like her, from what he remembers of her and what his parents say about her. I have her brown, slightly curly hair, but just cut a little shorter. I also seem to have the same attitude and the same light, very small, circular birth mark on my neck like she did, or as it is known by my friends, unfortunately, the fake hickey. I always forget it’s there ‘til someone says something about it.

  I’m Abby Emma Morrison, the great granddaughter of Emma Lexington. I’m sixteen years old, but very mature for my age, or at least that’s what I’m told. I’m a little nerdy in some ways—I’ll admit that. I can’t hide the fact I like using my brain. I live with my parents and older brother, Josh, who’s a year older than me. We live in a small, run-down kind of town in New Jersey which people forget about. Yet there is a certain charm about it that makes it home.

  When I got a little older, I asked Dad why she didn’t like being a baroness. Let’s face it, she was rich, powerful, and had everyone at her command. What little girl hasn’t dreamt of being a princess at one point or another? My dad just says she felt trapped and would say no more about the topic. I think he just says that because he doesn’t know as much as he likes to pretend he does about her life. She died many years before I was born, so of course, I never got the chance to meet her myself. I wish I had gotten to know her. It may have helped with what happened to me.


  Writing is something that I have always loved to do, but it is a journey that is a full of interesting turns. The people that have helped me along the way are not only people that I have known for years, but also new friends. End of the Line was my first book to be published, but for a point of time I had to unpublished the work. So the people who helped to get to the second edition were wonderful.

  Taylor and I have known each other since sixth grade, started out in band then reconnected with each other in eighth grade when we had homeroom together. Taylor edited the first edition for me back in our senior year of High School. Despite all the computer trouble she had during that time she was able to edit the story. Taylor also had created the first edition’s cover one night when we were hanging out.

  Samantha was the first blogger to really take me on. She not only reviewed the book, but also offered to help with the second edition. Also listened to when I started up drafting a second book.

  My friend Amy Carrino and I have known each other for years. We were in band together in high school. Leave it to a couple of clarinets to stay connected over the years. While Amy edited the story, she helped make sure things were phrased correctly. We highly entertained ourselves with the comments she had for me as she went along. Amy did the cover for this edition. She had many pictures from her camping trips making it a hard decision.

  Then there is Amy Eye. I first met her through Goodreads and her radio show. She is an awesome person who was unbelievably patient while editing End of the Line. She gave great tips and helped with loop holes that I hadn’t thought of. If given the chance I would work with Amy again because it was a great experience.

  Another great author I talk to is, Shawn Maravel. She has given me tips on writing not only for marketing, but also for grammar. Shawn is extremely sweet, and I am so thankful that I have met her for us to become friends. I am lucky enough to have countless family members who have all listened to and supported my writing. Not only do they read what they can, but they do what they can to help spread the word.

  I love meeting people as I go along in life. Part of publishing is finding new people and helping each other out during the process. You are never done learning in life. I am thankful to anyone who can lend a hand and I try to return the favor to others.

  About the author

  In a fantastical land where the weather is always changing, not too far from the beach and the moon is high in a freckling sky Ottilie lives. This land is call New Jersey where she has lived her whole life and she mostly grew up in Wall Township. Ottilie is currently studying History Education at The College of New Jersey. Writing helps as a procrastination tool and a savior to her sanity. Ottilie has major support from her caring, supportive family along with her loveable, insane friends. She has two books out End of the Line and Family Ties!

  You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and her blog:



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