Get to Me

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Get to Me Page 17

by Lara Van Hulzen


  “See you soon.”

  Aimee ended the call and set her phone on the bed. Her heart warmed at her friend being close, but she feared what Torie had in mind. One thing was for sure. Aimee was ready to do whatever it took to get Damien Marcos out of her life for good.


  True to her word, Torie pulled up an hour later, her old Ford pickup bouncing over the dirt section of driveway.

  Dane and Aimee were leaning on a corral railing watching Keith. The new horse had been delivered that morning, and he hadn’t wasted any time. Said he wanted to get working with it right away.

  Aimee watched as her friend got out of the truck, the driver’s side door closing with a thud. Her blond hair flowed behind her in the breeze. Aviator glasses shielded her eyes. As she walked towards them, the only thing throwing off her runway model look was the Glock holstered to her side.

  Aimee met Torie halfway and hugged her.

  “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too.”

  The friends walked arm in arm back over to the corral. Dane gave Torie a quick hug and they all turned their attention to Keith.

  “Wow. That is…beautiful.” Torie said.

  “I agree. We just bought her. She arrived this morning.” Dane grinned.

  Aimee looked between Keith and Torie and giggled. “I don’t think she was talking about the horse.”

  Dane looked confused for a moment then rolled his eyes. Aimee laughed harder.

  “Wow.” Torie said again, this time in almost a reverent whisper.

  Aimee had never seen Torie so mesmerized over a guy before. Although she had to admit, Keith made quite the first impression. Even more so while riding a horse.

  “Okay, ladies. Maybe we ought to wipe the drool off your chins and head inside. I believe we have something important to discuss.”

  Aimee nodded and took his hand.

  “Fine. Whatever. But you sure know how to ruin a girl’s fun.” Torie took one more look at Keith and then followed them to the main house.

  Aimee’s gut tightened with every step. She trusted Torie and Dane with her life. But this nightmare was far from over.

  Chapter 23

  Dane, Aimee, and Torie all sat in the great room. Well, Aimee and Torie sat while Dane paced.

  “So what’s the plan?”

  Torie sighed. “You’re not gonna like it.”

  “I don’t like Marcos running around free. It’s gotta be better than that.”

  Torie snorted and took a sip of coffee. With the mug cradled in her hands, she continued. “I’ve talked with the police department here, and they are in full cooperation with us. I believe we need to lure Marcos out into the open. You and I both know the best way to do that.”

  “No. No way. I won’t allow that.”

  “Allow what?” Aimee jumped in. “You two can’t do your cop thing where you speak without words. I’m as much a part of this as anyone. I AM this, for crying out loud.”

  Dane glared at Torie, who set her coffee mug on the table and turned to Aimee. “The best way to lure Marcos out into the open is to have him see you. Alone. Think he has a chance of grabbing you.”

  “You want to use me as bait.” Aimee looked at Dane, who actually shivered.

  “No, Aimee. That’s not an option.”

  Aimee took a deep breath and let the thought of Torie’s plan sink in for a moment. “It’s not a bad idea, Dane.”

  “It’s not an option, Aimee.”

  She stood and faced him. “Why? I know it’s dangerous. I get it. But I trust you both with my life. Torie wouldn’t suggest this if she wasn’t confident she could protect me.” She looked at Torie, who nodded in agreement.

  “I think this is the best way to end this thing.”

  “It’s reckless, Aimee.”

  Dane stood with his hands deep in his jean pockets. His muscles flexed as if he were fighting for control. The look in his eyes was the same one as when he talked about Beth. Would she always be there? Could he ever see Aimee without seeing his past?

  “Dane. You’re a police officer. I could say that what you do every day is reckless.”

  “It’s dangerous, Aimee, but not reckless. We are trained professionals who don’t do things without thinking them through. That’s not reckless.”

  She put a hand on his arm. “Exactly. Torie has thought this through. And you are both trained professionals, along with the police force here.”

  His shoulders dropped. He ran a hand through his hair and paced again. “I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t like it either,” Torie agreed. “This is my best friend we’re talking about. But Aimee’s right. Between us and the police here, I believe we have a good chance of grabbing Marcos while keeping Aimee safe.”


  Keith came in the front door just in time to hear something about Marcos being caught and Aimee being safe. Dane and Aimee stood together on one side of the coffee table. The leggy blonde he’d seen pull up earlier sat on the sofa across from them. Her back was to him.

  “And how are you proposing that happens?” Keith’s baritone voice boomed through the room.

  “They wanna use Aimee as bait,” Dane answered.

  “I think it will work,” the blonde said to Dane and Aimee, all but ignoring Keith.

  He moved into the room and stood by Dane. “And who might you be?”

  She stood from the sofa and reached out her hand. “I’m Torie Walker. I’m Aimee’s roommate.”

  Keith followed her movements as she stood. Good Lord, she was tall for a woman. Six feet at least. At six foot five, he rarely met anyone who didn’t make him look like a giant. Certainly not a female.

  He shook her hand and a current shot through him. One he’d never felt before. It knocked him off balance a moment. He recovered enough to say, “I’m Dane’s brother, Keith.”

  Torie nodded and sat back down.

  Hmmm, a woman of few words. Also a novelty.

  Aimee broke through his thoughts. “Torie thinks if we use me as bait, we can lure Marcos into the open. I’m willing, but…” She looked at Dane.

  Keith eyed his brother. He knew Dane’s hesitation. Hell, he’d be hesitant too if it was the woman he loved. And he understood Dane’s past creeping in. But the plan was a good one.

  “I agree.” He looked at Dane. “With you, me, and Torie and the police, Aimee will be fine.”

  Dane nodded.

  “Good. Then we’re all in agreement.”

  “Um, hold on a second, big boy.” Torie put her hand up and stood again.

  Big boy? He thought he saw Dane smirk out of the corner of his eye, but there was no way. Dane knew better.

  “You aren’t a cop, are you?” Torie asked.

  “No. I’m a United States Marine.”

  “Ah. Well. You can be a …presence, that’s for sure.” She looked him up and down as she talked. His spine tingled. “But you’re not going in armed.”

  Keith glared at her but she didn’t back down. In fact, she took a step towards him. Interesting.


  Torie looked surprised, which pleased him. He’d knocked her off her game. Momentarily, but it was enough. Oh, he liked this one. She was a challenge and then some. And he was always armed, but what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

  “Okaaay,” Aimee said. “Anyway. Maybe we ought to go over the details.”

  “Good idea,” Dane agreed.

  Keith heard them talking but couldn’t take his eyes off the hazel eyes that bore into his. She blinked then looked away. Another small victory. He smiled in spite of himself.

  “Let me get washed up. Meet in thirty minutes at the kitchen table?”

  Dane nodded and Keith left the house. He hopped in his truck and headed for his place. He’d been excited about the new palomino delivered today, but never expected the woman who’d just gone toe-to-toe with him in his parents’ living room. Oh yeah. This day just go
t a whole lot more interesting.


  “What was that all about?” Aimee sat on the bed in Keith’s old room as Torie moved around, unpacking her things.

  “What was what?”

  “Don’t fake stupid with me. I saw what happened between you and Keith.”

  “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” Torie placed a pair of black leather boots at the bottom of the closet and turned back to her bag.

  “Oh yes you do. Sparks practically flew between you and Keith in there.” Aimee pointed towards the great room.

  “Those weren’t sparks, that was irritation. Gigantor thinks because of his size he can command a room and everyone in it.” She waved a blue sweater at Aimee. “Believe me, I know the type.”

  “Well, protest all you want. But I know what I saw. You even called him beautiful outside when you first saw him.”

  Torie shrugged. “So he’s nice to look at. Big deal. There’s a ton of those around.” She turned to the closet and hung the sweater on a hanger.

  “Whatever. But a word of advice. I’d stop calling him nicknames.”

  “Fair enough. But let’s not talk about him anymore. I need to know you’re really okay with this.” Torie sat next to Aimee on the bed.

  The softness in Torie’s tone comforted Aimee. “Yeah. I am. I mean, I’m scared. Who wouldn’t be? But I want this over. I want my life back. If we don’t catch him, then what? I live in hiding forever?” She shook her head. “That’s not an option for me, and you know it.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “And I do trust you with my life. All of you. I’m so lucky to have you guys on my side.”

  Torie reached out and tucked one of Aimee’s curls behind her ear. “Oh, I think we’re the lucky ones, kiddo.”

  Aimee hugged her friend. Even though she was terrified, she had to go through with it. She just prayed the plan would work. Thinking of the alternative wasn’t an option.


  Dane walked through the crowd in Heavenly. Shoppers moved in and out of stores, kids held their parents hands and skipped along. Just another vacation day for many. But not for him. He kept his eyes glued on Aimee as she strolled by shop windows, looking relaxed and content. Or trying to anyway. He knew better. Her brow furrowed a little, something he’d noticed about her whenever she talked about Marcos.

  Keith’s voice came in smooth through the unseen earpiece. “We’ve all got eyes on her, Dane. Relax.”

  Relax? How was he supposed to relax? The love of his life was thirty yards away with a bull’s-eye on her back. No. He would relax when he had her safely back in his arms and away from here.

  Torie’s voice was next. “Keith’s right, Dane. We’ve got her. Any sign of Marcos yet?”

  A chorus of “Negative’s” came through the line.

  A group of teens wandered near Aimee. Dane’s heart raced in his chest. She was shorter than the group and he lost sight of her.

  A woman bumped into him, her shopping bags dumping on the ground. She held onto his arms as she apologized. “Forgive me. I’m so sorry. I can be so clumsy sometimes.”

  “No worries, ma’am.” He bent down and helped her collect her things. With her bags settled on her arm once again, he turned back to Aimee. The crowd of teens was moving down the sidewalk but Aimee was nowhere in sight. Dane’s heart pounded. He looked left, right. Spun around. She wasn’t anywhere.

  “Keith! Torie! I don’t see her. Have you got her in your sights?”


  Dane ran towards the spot where he saw Aimee last and looked around. Nothing.

  “Guys! I don’t have her.”

  “Negative, I lost sight of her.” This from Keith.

  “Crap. Same here,” Torie said. “Hold tight, Dane. We’re moving in.”

  Dane ran down the street, his head pounding with every step. No! No! No! How could they have lost her? It wasn’t possible.

  He stopped to catch his breath. With Marcos, anything was possible. Keith and Torie joined him. “We don’t see her.”

  Dane shook his head, unable to speak. She was gone. He’d put her in the line of fire and now she was gone.


  The gun bore into Aimee’s side. The steel cold and hard. Marcos hissed in her ear. “All you’ve gotta do, Red, is act like all is well, and no one gets hurt.” He poked her harder with the gun to make his point.

  Aimee nodded, words eluding her. Well, she had a few words for Marcos, she simply couldn’t get her voice to work.

  They sat down side by side, the gun hidden under Marcos’s crossed arms. Aimee’s gut churned at the nearness of this man.

  “Give me your phone,” he demanded.

  “Why?” Aimee asked.

  “Just do it!”

  She found her phone in her purse and handed it to him.

  “Now let’s have a little fun with that boyfriend of yours.”

  The grin on his face made Aimee shiver.

  Please Dane. Please find me.


  Dane’s cell phone rang. He whipped it out of his pocket.


  The wicked laugh on the other end made his veins turn to ice.

  “Don’t you wish, Loverboy. You thought you were so clever, bringing our girl up here to protect her from me.”

  “Let her go, Marcos.” Dane scanned the crowd as he talked. Keith and Torie did as well. Nothing.

  “Now, why would I do that? I just found her. No, no, no. Your precious little redhead is all mine now.”

  “When I find you, Marcos, you’re gonna…”

  “I’m gonna what?” He laughed. A throaty, thick sound that made the hair on Dane’s neck stand on end. “I believe I’m the one holding all the cards here, friend.”

  “What do you want, Marcos?

  “I want this mess gone and cleaned up. I can’t have any loose ends out there running around. I’m sure you understand. Definitely not pretty little mouthy loose ends.”

  Dane heard Aimee whimper, and he pushed down the urge to throw up.

  “Let me talk to her.”

  “Sure. Why not. I’m not heartless. I’m all for sappy good-byes. Besides, I’ll kill her here and now if she says anything stupid.”

  A rustling sound and then Aimee’s voice was on the line. “Dane…”

  Dane let out a breath. “Aimee. Sweetheart. Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She was crying. Damn it! He had to find her.

  “Aimee, I’m sorry,”

  “Just get to me, Dane. Okay? You get to me.”

  More rustling. “That’s enough.” Dane heard Aimee sob then Marcos’s heavy breathing on the line. “You’ve had your fun. Now back to work. I’m afraid our redheaded friend is going to face a tragic and sad accident soon. But hey, those happen, right? Nice knowing you, Loverboy.”

  The line went dead. “No! Marcos wait!”

  Dane stared at the blank screen. He looked up at Keith and Torie. They looked back with a mix of dread and anticipation.

  “What’d he say? Any idea where he took her?” Torie asked.

  “Yeah, I know exactly where they are.”


  Aimee hated that she was crying. She was stronger than this. But after the phone call to Dane, acceptance set in. She was going to die. A small glimmer of hope still flickered inside her that Dane had caught on to her clue, but even so, could he find her in time?

  Please God. Please help him find me.

  The gondola groaned to a stop, and Marcos nudged her with the gun. “Get out.” Aimee stood and they stepped out of the gondola. “This way.”

  Marcos put an arm around her like they were a couple enjoying the view. The lookout was a large deck-type structure that wrapped around the mountain. Tourists took pictures, families posing against the railing with the lake view behind them. Everyone smiling, enjoying the day.

  Aimee’s knees wobbled beneath her. Her shoulders trembled.

  “There, there,” Mar
cos hissed in her ear. “Don’t worry. It will all be over soon.”

  He guided her to an area behind a large rock, where they were hidden from view. Aimee’s breath caught as Marcos nudged her to the edge. A small piece of the railing was missing. Perfect for her body to fit through and plunge down the mountain. Her stomach lurched. She took a deep breath.

  Jesus, please.

  “Any last words?” Marcos had the audacity to sound happy. Relieved even.

  “I have a few for you.”

  The deep voice behind them didn’t register at first. Aimee blinked away the tears that now flowed down her cheeks.


  Afraid to turn, she stood stone still and waited.

  “What the…?” Marcos’s voice went from cocky to scared in a heartbeat.

  Aimee stared down the mountainside, still not able to move.

  She heard the sound of footsteps behind her and the click of handcuffs, along with Marcos hollering something, but it was as if it all happened in a tunnel. Her vision blurred. She put out a hand to grab the railing when two strong arms wrapped around her from behind.

  “Whoa. Don’t you dare go falling over the side on me, Sunshine. Not after all this work to get to you.”

  Dane. Dane’s voice in her ear. His arms around her. She was safe. Leaning back against him, she closed her eyes and let her world go black.


  Dane held Aimee in his arms. Snuggled on the couch back at the main house, she was curled up in his lap, her head on his shoulder.

  He’d come so close to losing her. Too close. He tightened his hold on her. Never again would he let her go. Ever.

  “Hold me any tighter, Cowboy, and I won’t be able to breathe.”

  Her breath was warm on his neck, sending tingles down his spine.


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