Alien Tribute

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Alien Tribute Page 14

by Lee Savino

  “Maybe you could talk to some of them and find out?” Dawn suggests.

  "Like a group session?" I'm joking, because so far, I haven't really been able to interact with any of the Tsenturion warriors other than Bogdan, and to a much lesser degree Arkdhem, but Dawn nods. Hmm. I have to admit, I'm intrigued by the idea. I’d have to adapt my technique and think of it as information gathering versus treating patients, although I could end up doing both.

  “Medik and Arkdhem would do it, for sure. Gavrill’s been busy with the Vgotha hunting, but I bet there are a few other officers who’d volunteer. Let's do it." Her eyes light up with enthusiasm for the idea and she stands up, which is when I realize she means right now.

  "Now?" My voice rises a little in a kind of panic. I don't want to disappoint my new, and only, friend, but I also don't want to disobey a direct order. My bottom tingles at the thought and I am suddenly very aware of the wall of pain, even though it's behind me and I can't see it. "Bogdan said to stay here."

  While I'm enough of a masochist to enjoy some punishments, actually disappointing him or causing him any distress would be worse than anything he could dish out physically. If it wasn't an emergency situation, I might be more willing to be 'naughty.'

  Seeing my reaction, Dawn pauses and then grins widely. “Maybe you can’t leave, but did he say anything about entertaining visitors?”

  My lips quirk in amusement. Dawn is definitely what the BDSM community would define as a brat. She's also very good at getting around orders that she doesn't want to follow. I bet she keeps Gavrill on his toes.

  “No.” I draw out the word, because he didn't. It probably hadn't occurred to him that he would need to. I already know him well enough to know that he probably won’t like it. On the other hand, it's not something that will interrupt this emergency or disappoint him, even though I'm following the letter and not the spirit of his order. “He didn’t say I couldn’t. I’m okay with exploiting this loophole.”

  My bottom tingles again as I say this. Some sort of bratting sixth sense warning me that I'm not going to come out of this unscathed.

  But who knows... he might not even find out. And I need something to do. Being his sex toy is fun, but if this is all real, that's not going to be a fulfilling life for me. From how possessive he seemed in the training area; this might be a case of 'better to ask forgiveness than permission.'

  Plus, I don't want to disappoint Dawn.

  Yes, I can be a little subby when it comes to my friendships as well. Recognizing the fact doesn't always help me avoid it.

  “A woman after my own heart.” Dawn is all smiles. Maybe the High Commander’s more lenient with her? Or she just likes being naughty. Come to think of it, we never really talked about punishments, I just assumed. I'll have to ask her later. “I’ll go gather who I can and be back soon. We should be done before the double shift ends.”

  “Sounds good.” I glance around the room. We can’t all sit on the couch. Bogdan seemed to be able to conjure up new furniture with his mind. “Maybe I can figure out how to make furniture…”

  “I’ll bring chairs,” Dawn waves a hand and the door opens. She steps into the hall as I remember something.

  “One more thing—” I race to her, stopping just inside the door.


  “Bring back cookies.” I grin at her. “A proper group session should include snacks. And cookies make everything better.”


  The planet looms ahead, its curvature blocking out the sight of the Vgotha ship.

  "Faster," the High Commander orders, his tone full of frustration. It is not the first time, but it is already too late.

  I grit my teeth, slamming my fist against my thigh in anger. We are going to lose them again. When we passed by the planet, all signs of the Vgotha ship had disappeared. The screens were empty, there wasn't even a signature to follow anymore. It was like the Vgotha ship had never existed.

  Except that we'd all seen it.

  When I find out who they got this new tech from, I am going to hunt them down and kill them with my bare hands.

  "Put us in orbit," the High Commander ordered, his voice tight.

  There are a myriad of possibilities before us. The Vgotha ship could also be in orbit, using the planet to hide their presence, just far enough ahead of us that we cannot see them, and they do not appear on the scans. It could have disappeared, using that technology they seem to sometimes utilize and sometimes not. Or they could have gone down to the planet itself. There should be some sign though...

  Or perhaps not. If they can disappear from our scans in open space, perhaps they have a way to land on a planet without leaving a trail. Since we have never encountered a Vgotha on a planet before, there is no way of knowing. This might not even be new technology.

  I peruse the large display of the planet. With its sheltering atmosphere and large expanses of water, the planet looks much like Tsentur. I swallow a knot of pain and longing and turn to the scans. “They could be using their deploying cloaking technology.”

  “Or they disembarked planet side," the High Commander says. He studies the scans of the planet. "There are plenty of forests for their kind to hide in.” The Jabol told us that the Vgotha are very fond of wilderness. They did not have large population centers as we did but preferred to be a part of nature. Even after so many cycles on a spaceship, they could be more adept in such surroundings than any of us.

  “But which is the trap?” Kalexston murmurs. A wave of unease ripples through the bridge. No one is comfortable with the new Vgotha tactics, and this one is more confusing than the others.

  "Speed up our orbit and scan the planet,” the High Commander orders Zakhar before heading to his seat. "All warriors on duty to defense positions."

  In the past, a mere sighting of the Vgotha would not mean such measures, but I understand and approve of the High Commander’s increased sensitivity to the threat. The last time we intercepted the Vgotha, they infiltrated our defenses, managed to board the command ship, and captured Dawn. It was a cowardly tactic, but the Vgotha have no honor.

  I will fight to the bitter end to ensure they do not threaten Pareena. The Vgotha might be good at hiding, but they can’t run forever. We will catch them, avenge Tsentur, and secure a safe future for our Tributes. There is no other option.



  About ten minutes after she left, Dawn returns with three warriors, including Arkdhem, and each of them is carrying a chair. Arkdhem is glowering at her, making me worry because the last time I saw him he was nothing but patience and smiles, but she catches my expression and waves her hand.

  "Don't worry about the grumpy cinnamon roll, he's just mad because I went out without him."

  "I must protect you," Arkdhem says fiercely, with an urgency that reminds me very much of Bogdan. There is an undercurrent to his words that makes it seem as though there is more to what he is saying than mere words. Possibly part of Survivor's Guilt? That would make sense. "I cannot protect you if you wander about without informing me. Do you wish to be captured by the Vgotha again?"

  Wait, what's this about Dawn being captured? That hadn’t come up when we talked before and that seems like a pretty big thing! I look at Dawn, startled, but she isn't paying any attention to me. Instead, she sighs and puts her hand on Arkdhem's shoulder. "I told you I was sorry. I just wanted to get some one on one time with Pareena, human to human."

  She smiles winningly at him and Arkdhem scowls, but now that I look more closely, I can see that he's more fearful than angry at her. The expression resembles that of a put-upon older brother, doing his best to look after an unruly sibling that he's been put in charge of. Since I know he's basically her bodyguard, that makes sense.

  "Anyway, this is Borodem and this is Corin," Dawn says, smiling at them. They don't smile back exactly but they do look at her fondly. "They are off duty and willing to be part of our experiment."

  "Anything for the Tributes,
" Borodem says seriously, bowing his head slightly. Corin nods, just as serious.

  "If there is a battle, we will protect you with our lives."

  They aren't as broody and closed off as Bogdan, but they aren't as open as Arkdhem either. On the other hand, Arkdhem is also nodding in agreement at Corin's comment, just as serious as the other two. Maybe being serious is just a Tsenturion trait, even if Arkdhem smiled more when it was just him, Dawn, and me.

  "Come on in and sit down," I say, gesturing. As they move past me, I pull Dawn to my side and whisper. "Did you tell them what the 'experiment' is?"

  "No," she admits, whispering back. "I wasn't sure they'd come if I did."

  Great. Well this should be interesting.

  I move over to the bed so the warriors can put down their chairs facing it, giving Dawn and me a comfortable and more informal place to sit. I don't want this to be a formal thing, since I'm going to be asking questions about emotional stuff.

  "What would you like us to do?" Arkdhem asks as he sits down. His annoyance at Dawn seems to have dissipated entirely and he is smiling slightly at me, waiting to hear what he's been called there for. I can understand why he and Bogdan grate on each other—they are very different. While Bogdan broods and holds grudges, Arkdhem doesn't seem to let anything keep him down for long.

  Before I can speak, Dawn plops down on the bed and smiles sunnily at him. "Well, Pareena and I were hoping you could tell us about Tsentur. We're trying to be the best Tributes we can be, but sometimes our mates aren't always big on talking, you know."

  She winks and Arkdhem shakes his head, sighing with a kind of resignation. Both Borodem and Corin shift uncomfortably.

  "What about Tsentur do you want to know?" Corin asks, his voice deep and slow.

  "Bogdan told me about the Mating Festival," I say, because that's the main thing I know about and that will hopefully lead in the direction I'd like to go in. All three warriors flinch. It's a tiny movement, but when done in unison it's very noticeable. I hurry on. "Were any of you preparing for the festival as well? Or did you have more years to serve as warriors?"

  It does not surprise me that Arkdhem is the first to answer. Both Borodem and Corin look like they're already regretting agreeing to be a part of this, but Arkdhem... there's something about him. I do believe he truly cares for Dawn in a brotherly fashion, but there's something more. Like he's also motivated by something else, as if he's trying to impress both Dawn and me. I’m absolutely willing to use that to my advantage right now though.

  "I had more cycles aboard the fleet to serve," he says, before leaning forward and speaking much more earnestly than Bogdan ever has. Again, I am struck with the impression of a young man, eager to impress a woman. But is that actually how the mannerisms translate between species? That is the unknown. "Now, though, all of us have served well beyond that and are ready for mates of our own."

  He smiles widely at me. Corin and Borodem both nod. They aren’t as eager and earnest as Arkdhem, but the longing in their expressions echoes his, even without the smile. There is a desperation there that shouldn't surprise me, but for some reason I hadn't expected it. Perhaps because Bogdan has been so standoffish from the beginning.

  It's possible these three are more representative of the rest of the warriors though, since Dawn told me Bogdan was the only one outspoken against the Tribute program. I really wish I had something to write down notes on, but I hadn't been expecting to do this today. I'll just have to make an effort to remember everything that I can and make notes later.

  I turn my attention to Borodem, smiling as warmly as I can and hoping he'll be receptive even if he's not as eager to share as Arkdhem is. "And what about you?"


  When I am dismissed from the bridge, I find myself hurrying back to my room, much more eager than I normally would be. In the past, it would not have been uncommon for me to continue to work long past my shift. Now, all I want is to return to my Tribute.

  I step out of the lift, grateful the hall to the officer’s quarters is empty. As I approach my room, I retract my helmet. I am tired. I want to return to my quarters, remove my armor and spend time with my Pareena. Seeing her will be a balm on an otherwise wasted cycle. We spent every moment scanning for the Vgotha and found nothing. It is possible they have left the quadrant. Either that or they are on the planet. The only thing we are sure of is that they are not in orbit around it.

  A sobering thought.

  The planet itself is highly interesting. Dense forests and no discernible civilization.

  We have a sample from the escape pod that returned Dawn to us. It was organic based—similar to plant matter. Perhaps organic matter from a planet such as this. Of course, that type of ship will not be not easy to find on a lush tropical planet, such as the one we are currently orbiting. Even if this planet is not the source of their new technology, it makes a good hiding spot for them.

  If they are there.

  The uncertainty is maddening.

  My steps quicken as I approach my room. Time with my Tribute will ease me. I sent word earlier to Medik, asking him to bring her a meal and tell her to rest. I am not so tired that I cannot make good use of my pleasure trophy before resting. She seemed to enjoy bathing me. Perhaps we will start with that...

  My door slides open, but instead of the quiet of my quarters and the gentle presence of my lovely Tribute, I am greeted by a shocking sight: a group of Tsenturion warriors inside my room, seated in a circle, with my Tribute.

  I halt abruptly. My first thought is that I have somehow lost my way and come to the wrong room, but no, a second inspection informs me I have entered my quarters. My quarters, which are full of other warriors and two Tributes. The Tributes are seated on my sleeping platform. Tribute Dawn sits cross legged with her head propped on her hands while my Pareena sits on the edge, leaning forward. The rest of the warriors are facing her. None of them seem to have even noticed my arrival.

  The sound of a low keening, like the dying sounds of a kurdzu, the four-legged beast that we hunted on planet Tsentur, fills my ears. It’s coming from one of the warriors.

  “And how does that make you feel?” My Tribute leans forward and places her hand on the arm of the warrior closest to her. I cannot see his face. Across from him, another warrior sobs, his suit flashing with grief and pain. It takes me a moment to recognize Borodem, a normally stoic warrior.

  Next to him, Corin hunches in his chair with a sorrowful expression, his armor dark grey with misery. Sitting slightly separated from them is Medik, a platter of food resting on a table in front of him, as he observes my Tribute. Apparently when he brought my Tribute her food, he did not leave.

  I grit my teeth at the invasion of my quarters, the open grief on display grating at my already tired senses, and the closeness of other warriors to my Tribute.

  “What is the meaning of this?” I half growl, half shout.

  Dawn shoots up like a warrior caught sleeping on shift, eyes wide and startled, full of guilt and a touch of fear. As well she should be. When the High Commander discovers she has wandered from his quarters, she will not be able to sit easily for a cycle. Corin winces and puts a hand on Borodem’s shoulder. Together they rise and salute me, Borodem choking back his grief. I look away from him, the display of such open emotion making me extremely uncomfortable.

  My eyes fall on my Tribute and my entire body stiffens with fury when I see that the warrior she is talking to, the warrior whose hand she is holding, is Arkdhem's. Touching any other warrior would be bad enough. That it is him, after I specifically forbade her to go anywhere near him, is enough for my suit to flash with red threads of possessive fury.

  I step toward them. "Get away from my Tribute."

  To her credit, my Pareena does not flinch, although she does jolt, as if just now realizing that she's touching Arkdhem. Immediately her hand falls away from his. She straightens but remains seated, gazing at me steadily with her dark eyes. Arkdhem steps in front of her, as if
shielding her from me, and I nearly launch myself at him. I would have, if not for Medik.

  “Ah, Bogdan, is your shift over already? My, my, the cycles spin faster and faster the older I get.” Medik rises and putters over to the food, beginning to clean it up. A defusing tactic, as it puts him directly between me and Arkdhem. Now I cannot attack him as I would like. I could still behead him in three moves.

  “I will ask again,” I bark. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “We’re having a group therapy session,” My Tribute answers steadily. She has not looked away from me, not once, even though she is having to look at me over Arkdhem's shoulder. A feat that would be impossible were she not on my sleeping platform.

  "What is that?" I demand to know. I ask the question of her, but it is Medik who answers. Corin and Borodem are wisely silent, obviously realizing how close I am to violence. Surprisingly, Arkdhem is too, but his gaze is insolent, and I think if Medik had not stepped between us, we might have fought right here and now.

  “A kind of experiment,” Medik says. He extends a plate of brown discs in my direction. They smell good, although I do not know what they are. “Cookie?”

  "No," I snap out. I do not know what a cookie is, but I do not want it.

  I want my room to be empty other than my Tribute and me, I want some rest, and I want to know what the Vgotha are doing. I do not have the patience for any of this.

  “We can wrap up,” Tribute Dawn says quickly. “I think we went long enough for the first time.”

  My Pareena nods, still watching me.

  “Why were you touching him?” I grit out. Arkdhem smiles widely at me and I nearly snarl. I will cut that smile off his face if he is not careful.

  “A normal human gesture, meant to comfort,” she explains smoothly. Arkdhem meets my gaze, his smile turning to a smirk, his own suit shimmering smugly.


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