Alien Tribute

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Alien Tribute Page 16

by Lee Savino

"Good girl," I say, caressing her head. She beams up at me, although her expression falters at my next words. "Now go bend over the bed. I must decide what I am going to punish you with."


  Waiting for Bogdan to pick out an implement of torture is a torment in and of itself. As if my needy arousal wasn't punishment enough. Or the thick plug now shoved up my ass. Or the tight pinch on my nipples. I hadn't even known the belt could do that. The only difference between the belt and nipple clamps is that when I bend over the bed, my upper body resting on the mattress, the pressure does not increase the pinch.

  I'm almost a little sad about that, because right now my needy pussy is throbbing so forcefully that any distraction from it seems welcome. How long I'll feel that way once my punishment actually gets started, I have no idea.

  "I think you enjoyed the kudzu belt too much last time," Bogdan muses aloud, walking in front of the Wall of Pain and inspecting his options. I can see him out of the corner of my eye and my bottom immediately clenches at his words. Which makes me pant, because my muscles are already almost painfully stretched around the tech invading me.

  Talk about an alien probe.

  I giggle.

  Bogdan whips around, his eyes narrowing at me and amusement flees.

  "I'm sorry," I immediately say, babbling out the words. "I really am taking this seriously, I promise, I'm just nervous. Or something." Because sometimes my sense of humor has extremely unfortunate timing.

  Looking away from me, he picks up not one but two implements of discipline. They look like a paddle and a cane.


  Yup, all amusement successfully chased away, to be replaced by quickly growing anxiousness.

  He puts the cane looking thing down on the bed in front of me. I can see that it's not made of wood, but I'm not exactly sure what material it's made out of. Something shiny.

  "What did I tell you about Arkdhem?" Bogdan asks, his voice deep and growly. Even though I'm pretty sure I assuaged any insecurities he has about the other warrior, I can still hear the possessiveness in his tone.

  "To stay away from him."

  And instead, I’d forgotten to ask Dawn not to bring her bodyguard back with her and then I'd let him sit closest to me out of all of the warriors during the session, and then I’d touched him. All in Bogdan's room. After being given a direct order. While I've never been the type to let someone else dictate my relationships, Bogdan had literally only told me to stay away from one warrior. Not a friend, just an acquaintance. If nothing else, out of respect, I should have at least tried to adhere to his wishes.

  I'd gotten so caught up in what I was doing. I was distracted by thinking that this all might actually be real. Trying to figure out how aliens would deal with grief, I had let it slip my mind.

  Truthfully, I also hadn't realized how long we'd be there talking.

  I'd thought I wouldn't get caught.

  Maybe Dawn isn't the only one who is a bit of a brat.

  But I don't have much more time to think about it, because there's a whooshing sound, followed by a loud thwack! and I cry out as both cheeks of my ass sting with sudden flames.



  Whatever that paddle is made out of, it hurts.

  I start to jerk upright, an instinctive reaction to the painful blow that just landed across my entire ass, but a strong hand immediately pushes me back down, right in between my shoulder blades, and I'm pinned to the bed.


  "Ow! I'm sorry!"


  "I'm sorry, Master!"


  It doesn't matter what I say, Bogdan paddles my bottom with measured, implacable strokes that have tears already sliding down my cheeks. I writhe on the bed, thankful that my movements don't affect how tightly the belt pinches my nipples. Thankful that the paddle doesn't do anything to push the belt deeper into my ass.

  I'd wanted a distraction from the aching need in my pussy, but I'd been wrong. I'd take the needy pussy throbbing back now, because the way my bottom is now painfully throbbing is so much worse. Then I feel the plug in my ass come to life.

  Oh fuck.

  It's vibrating. So close to where I need it to. Too far to give me any satisfaction.


  The pleasurable vibrations do nothing to make the paddle less painful upon initial impact and I cry out. Warmth spreads through my lower body, the licking burn from the spanking but also the needy flare of my arousal coming back online as the belt hums away. My nipples prickle, the pinch loosening and then tightening again, rhythmically tugging, like the nanotech is sucking on them.


  My body tightens, my bottom clenching. Moaning, I dig my fingers into the softness of the bed. It feels like every sensitive part of me is throbbing, aching from the stimulation. The sensations are piling up until I can't tell which are pleasure and which are pain and I can barely breathe from the assault on my senses.


  My Pareena's pussy is swollen and shiny with her arousal even as she cries out in pain from her punishment. The bokarr swings easily in my hand, its length crossing her entire bottom, nearly wide enough to cover her cheeks completely. Her training belt is a thin strand bisecting her now dark red mounds. It parts into two strands to frame her pussy while staying well away from the sensitive inner folds and swollen clit.

  The nanotech filling her ass hums against her clenching muscles, readying her for the final part of her punishment.

  Putting down the paddle, I rest one hand on a swollen cheek, feeling the heat flare from her chastised skin. Despite my recent orgasm, my cock is already swelling again, reacting to her cries and her arousal. I shift my stance slightly and several of my seela reach out to stroke her hot flesh, sending a shiver up her spine at the light touch. I find it most pleasing as well. My seela crave contact with her and my cock swells even more, ready to impale her.

  But her punishment is not yet complete.

  She tenses when I pick up the talin. It is long and mostly stiff with just a little bit of bend, perfect for raising painful welts. I will be very careful with it for this first punishment though. From the manuals, I know the humans have something similar, but I do not know how similar.

  So, I will be gentle.

  "Three strokes with the talin," I tell my Tribute, picking it up from the bed. I'd deliberately placed it where she would be able to see it while I'd spanked her with the bokarr. The manuals had indicated that such a tactic would increase her apprehension and regret for misbehaving. I can feel her anxiety spike when I pick it up, so it seems to be working. "Then we will have the naughty girl sex."


  The naughty girl sex.

  If I'd had any doubts as to what he meant, the way the plug pulses inside of me, making it feel even thicker, makes it very clear. My pussy quivers in response. 'Naughty girl sex' makes me hot. Not that I'm going to admit that to Bogdan when he clearly thinks it's part of my punishment.

  But first I have to get through the cane. Because that's what the talin is and I know it.

  Bogdan's hand drifts down from my shoulder blades to just above my ass, which is already burning fiery hot from the paddle. My cheeks feel swollen, like the skin is stretched too tightly, and I know this is going to hurt.


  A thin line of fiery agony blazes across the center of my ass and I scream into the soft padding of the mattress.



  Two more strokes pop against my ass, just as hard and just as fast. I sob out the strikes, gasping for air as the initial bite fades and mutes, turning into a pulsing—but ultimately bearable—pain.

  Then something buzzes against my clit and I moan as my poor, confused body comes alight with erotic yearning. I feel a little bit like a yo-yo, bouncing back and forth between extremes.

  "Good girl," Bogdan croons and I shiver as I feel the belt sliding away from my ass, leaving me emptier and needier than eve
r. The buzzing on my nipples and clit intensifies. It doesn't make the pain go away, but it does distract. Ameliorates. Makes it feel almost good.

  Something hot and hard and slick presses against my anus. I whimper as it presses forward. The ways in which Tsenturion cocks differ from human cocks has never been so starkly apparent. The tip is thinner and more pointed than a human’s, but it widens a lot faster, and now it's nosing its way into my tightest hole, making me feel ashamed and aroused at the same time.

  Naughty girl sex.

  Because good girls don't do anal.

  Good girls don't like it when someone shoves a cock up their ass.

  But naughty girls get it anyway.

  And really naughty girls, like me, get off on it.

  The stretch of my sphincter to accommodate Bogdan's broad head stings and burns in a completely different way from how the flesh of my bottom does. I moan, pressing my forehead against the mattress, panting for breath as he pushes deeper. I can feel all the strange bumps and ridges along the length of his cock rubbing against my sensitive nerves.

  The fullness is as disconcerting as the way his cock moves inside of me. Then his seela writhe over the reddened, sensitized flesh of my bottom and I cry out at the touch. It hurts... it feels good... and he's still sliding deeper into my ass.


  My Tribute's second entrance is even tighter, hotter, than her pussy. I can feel her muscles clenching around me, making my movements harder. Thankfully the oil I slicked over my cock before I began to push it inside of her helps, otherwise I think this might be a painful endeavor for both of us.

  Although it is somewhat painful for her anyway. Even if I hadn't just reddened and striped her ass, it would be uncomfortable.

  Yet, she is taking it, without protest, for me.

  The power I have over her does not feel half as sweet as her willing submission to me. It flavors my physical pleasure and I can feel the connection between us growing. The more she takes for me, the more I give to her, the more I can feel her.

  Feel her pain, her pleasure, the sheer joy she takes in doing something that gives me pleasure. I could never have imagined that taking a Tribute, taking a mate, could feel like this. Would never have thought that a punishment would lead to such closeness, such intimacy.

  I thought she would make me weak, but instead she makes me feel stronger than ever.

  Then my cock bottoms out in her clenching ass, the heat of her cheeks searing my groin and seela, and any introspective thoughts are lost in the pure pleasure of being buried so deeply inside of her alternate hole. I grip her hips, groaning and shuddering at the way her entrance grips the base of my cock, so tight that without the oils on my shaft, I do not think I would be able to move.

  I hear her gasp when I begin to pull out, her muscles moving over my length, my cock undulating inside of her, stroking the sensitive walls of her channel. My seela slap at her already reddened skin, exploring the welts the talin left, and I can feel the way her pain and pleasure intermingle, almost as though the sensations are my own. The high it gives me is intense and I find my own muscles tensing as I thrust back into her and begin to ride her hard. The way her body contracts around me, squeezing me so tightly, is exquisite.

  I understand why the manuals made such a big deal out of this act now. Tsenturions fuck to breed—and for pleasure, but we know that breeding is always a part of it. It would never occur to a Tsenturion female to use her mouth. Tsenturions do not have a second opening, as our digestive systems are different from a human. This second hole, right beside her first, to be used purely for her mate and master's pleasure… It fascinates me. My Pareena has already made good use of her mouth and now she has submitted this entrance to me as well.

  Even though she has been naughty, I reward her for her submission now, increasing the pleasurable buzzing on her clit and moving some of the belt to cover and then slide into her pussy. To my surprise, I can feel the tech as it pushes into her, almost as though it's rubbing along the underside of my cock as well.

  Groaning, I dig my fingers into her hips and pump harder, faster, increasing the vibrations of the tech filling her pussy at the same time. Both of us will be able to enjoy it and I smile at her gasping cry of shock and desire.


  Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck...

  It feels like my entire body is curling in, the way my toes curl during a really good kiss, because of the chaotic mix of agony and ecstasy rioting through me.

  Not just me. Through Bogdan too. I can feel his rising rapture, the way his possessiveness has become joyful rather than angry, the hot bliss he feels as he thrusts into my ass.

  The movements of his cock inside of me are driving me wild and every full thrust makes me burn with the stretch. His cock is widest at the base and so my muscles are not able to fully adjust, but are forced open again and again and again... The stinging slaps of his seela are like little pinpricks of pain, somehow making the pleasure feel even more pleasurable.

  I've had anal sex before, but I never felt this overwhelmed... this submissive. Now I understand why some people say that sex can feel like being claimed. That's exactly how I feel right now. Like I will never be able to completely separate myself from him again. He's too deep inside of me, his emotions and pleasure too intricately intersected with mine now.

  With my pussy being filled, the vibrations humming along my nerves, it's like every inch of me is being stimulated. I am so full, so needy, and so completely caught up in an erotic haze of lust and pain that I can barely see straight. Tears are still filling my eyes, not from the spanking or from disappointing Bogdan, but because I am so overwhelmed by the sensations that my body is overloading.

  "Please," I beg. "Please, Bogdan... Master... please, I need to come..."

  He groans and thrusts hard, making me whimper at the jolt of painful pleasure that stabs through me. I can feel his cock stiffening even more inside of me, the way it does when he's close to his own climax.

  "Come for me," he orders, and the tech around my nipples and clit contract painfully, vibrating madly, as my pussy is filled and emptied, like a cock thrusting in there as well, rather than just filling it.

  I scream at the double assault, my orgasm rolling over me like a tsunami. My entire body feels like it shatters apart in erotic euphoria. When his seela latch onto my punished skin, I no longer even have the air to breathe, much less cry out. I can feel his seed pumping into me, a wet wash of heat inside of me, as my body finally gives out and darkness spirals.



  Curling around my Pareena's sleeping form, I trace my fingers down her soft skin. Her bottom is still darker than the rest of her skin, but the color is already more muted than it was earlier, and her sweet curves are snugged against my groin. My seela gently stroke the raised welts the talin imprinted on her skin. Those should remain longer than the color the bokarr left.

  I was not easy on her, but it seems the pleasure affected her more deeply than the pain.

  I am not sure that Naughty Girl Sex is as much a deterrent as the manuals suggested it would be. Perhaps that is my fault though. I wanted her to enjoy it. Besides, she had already been punished enough.

  I am more in tune with her emotions than before. It did not escape my notice that she was more upset by disappointing me than she had been being punished by me. Not that she enjoyed the bokarr or the talin, at least, not on their own, but she felt the worst about how she made me feel.

  And I am not immune to being touched by her concern.

  I feel her stirring against me.

  When I first realized she had fallen unconscious I had panicked, thinking I had overdone her discipline, but a quick communication with Medik had assuaged my fears. Despite being altered by the Jabol to be healthier, stronger, and longer lived, our Tributes are still prone to some human weakness. Apparently Tribute Dawn has suffered the same, on occasion, when overwhelmed.

  I kiss the back of my Pareena's neck,
caressing her stomach as she wakes. She makes a happy sound in the back of her throat and then winces as one of my seela slides along the welt across the center of her bottom. I can feel that she is still sore, but the pain is not great.

  "Ouch..." she mutters before turning her head slightly to look at me over her shoulder. Her dark eyes meet mine, still sleepy.

  "Have you learned your lesson, my Pareena?" I ask her, keeping my voice stern. She blushes at my words and then groans, moving her hand back to curve her fingers over her bottom, wincing at her own touch. Why she would want to cause herself further discomfort I do not know, but I do not stop her.

  "Ten points to Slytherin," she says under her breath.

  I frown. "What is Slytherin? What points?"

  The look she bestows upon me now is almost sad. "We're going to have to get you all some more reading materials other than alien abduction romances. Although, since you don't have Urban Dictionary, that still won't explain everything."

  Ah. She is trying to distract me. I narrow my eyes at her as I slide my hand over her bottom and cup it just hard enough to apply some real pressure on her welts and she gasps.

  "Perhaps your punishment was not as effective as I'd hoped," I say thoughtfully, but there is no real menace in my tone. Although I do not understand everything she says, I realize that her attempts at distracting me are also a joke. I can feel her slight embarrassment at being asked to discuss her discipline. "Have you not learned your lesson?"

  "No, no, I've learned it," she quickly reassures me, wriggling to turn over and face me, as if such an act will protect her tenderized bottom from my intentions. "I will talk to Dawn and tell her I can't interact like that with Arkdhem again."

  My arms tighten around her, pulling her into me. My seela begin to explore the juncture of her thighs. Idly and without purpose, but she still sucks in a sharp breath as they stroke her swollen pussy lips.


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