Alien Tribute

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Alien Tribute Page 26

by Lee Savino

  Keep the fleet orbiting around the planet. Watch out for incoming Vgotha or Jabol ships. Do not engage unless you are attacked first. I will return once we have thoroughly investigated their base here.

  I am just here to keep the chain of command, not actually use it.

  At the end of my shift I return to my room and throw myself on the bed mat. The empty bed mat that I long to share with a Tribute. I thought perhaps Pareena... but she was too enthralled with Bogdan, even though he did not deserve her. Had not even wanted her. Hadn't wanted anyone else to have one either. But now he has her... and the Vgotha's claims threaten the ability of the rest of us to even hope for a Tribute. My fists clench in anger.

  But there is nothing I can do.

  My door chimes. Someone is there.

  Forcing myself to my feet, I answer it, and am surprised to see Medik standing there, his expression agonizingly conflicted. I cannot recall the last time I saw him so agitated.

  "What is wrong?" I ask immediately, my armor spreading over my skin in reaction. I know we are not under attack, because the bridge would have informed me, but something is clearly wrong.

  Medik looks over his shoulder, stepping into my room and I step back, surprised by the furtiveness of his actions. But when he speaks, I understand.

  "Frllil has contacted me. Another Tribute is ready for pickup." And he does not know what to do. How to respond. So, he has come to me, the figurehead acting High Commander while the real High Commander and his second-in-command are planet side, cavorting with their Tributes. I know that description is not entirely fair, but I also know that there will be plenty of time when they are not working and investigating. Dawn was very clear on the purpose of a honeymoon.


  "What should we do? We can't leave her there with them... if they... if..." Medik's voice trails off and I realize that he also thinks the Vgotha's lies might be valid.

  I have no fear of the Jabol. I do not believe they are anything more than our allies, but I grab onto his excuse for breaking the High Commander's orders.

  "Of course, we cannot," I say immediately. It is true enough, after all. Surely if the High Commander were here, he would agree. If the Jabol are everything the Vgotha claim, we cannot leave an innocent human female in their grasp. That I do not believe the Vgotha lies makes no difference. My actions will be the same. "I will send a War Ship to collect her. The rest of the fleet and the Command Ship will remain here, in orbit, as the High Commander ordered."

  Medik relaxes. "Good, good." He smiles at me and I realize he truly was worried. It is amazing how the lies of our enemies can undermine even the most secure of alliances. "And congratulations, Commander. I did not want to tell you, in case it would have affected your decision, but Frllil said this Tribute is matched to you."

  To me.

  My tribute.

  My armor flashes bright gold and Medik's smile broadens. I can see the relief in his expression. Clapping me on the shoulder, he nods and then exits my room, leaving me standing there with my universe turned upside down for the second time in my life.

  Immediately, I spring into action, calling into the bridge and ordering a War Ship fueled and prepared to retrieve the Tribute—my Tribute—from Frllil's waystation. A War Ship that I will be on. The High Commander will understand my absence, when he is informed of it, given such momentous tidings, and my presence is unnecessary anyway.

  It won't be long now. Anticipation rushes through me as I hurry through the corridors. Soon, I will possess her. My Tribute. My Future. My Mate.

  She is waiting for me.

  I am coming, my heart.

  Thank you for reading Alien Tribute! We’re grateful to all who read Alien Captive, demanded Bogdan & Pareena’s book and waited patiently—or not so patiently—until we wrote it. Now you have to wait for Arkdhem & Marta’s book. (*evil cackle*)

  Thank you also to Miranda and Jane for editing and proofreading, and our lovely beta readers—Katherine, Nick, Karen, Marie, Annie, Marta, and Jessica. We couldn’t do this without you!!!!

  Check out Dawn & Gavrill’s story in Alien Captive (if you haven’t yet), Mated on Hades or Draekon Warrior if you want more alien goodness. -- Golden Angel & Lee

  About Lee Savino

  Lee Savino is a USA today bestselling author, mom and choco-holic.

  Warning: Do not read her Berserker series, or you will be addicted to the huge, dominant warriors who will stop at nothing to claim their mates.

  I repeat: Do. Not. Read. The Berserker Saga. Especially not the hot excerpt on the next page…

  Download a free book from (don’t read that, either. Too much hot sexy lovin’).

  Excerpt: Draekon Warrior

  Suhas proceeds to tie me up. The coarse rope scratches my skin as he wraps the cord around my right wrist and in a figure-eight, pulling it tight, binding it to my left. He doesn’t leave me any slack. The only saving grace is that he’s bound my hands in front of my body, rather than behind. It’s not much of a saving grace though. The rope bites into my skin, cutting off circulation, and my fingers start to throb.

  The trader moves on to my ankles. When he’s done tying them together, he lifts me as if I’m a sack of grain, and then drops me on the dusty ground just inside the stall.

  This day is going from bad to worse.

  The market gets underway. Hundreds of aliens fill the aisles, the vast majority the same species as the traders. Dozens of aliens wander into Bad-Breath’s stall, but, as the older trader predicted, nobody buys me. They gape though. They stare at me as if I’m some kind of zoo animal. A small child even pokes my scarred cheek with a stick, and then runs away, laughing.

  Alien kid, you’re kinda a jerk.

  In the middle of the day, the traders wake Tanya from her sedation, give her water, and offer her some gruel. “Hey,” I whisper to my friend. “This isn’t exactly going to plan, but any moment, let’s start shooting, okay?”

  Of course we can’t start shooting, we have no guns. It’s a thin attempt at humor, the best I can manage under the circumstances.

  Tanya turns to look at me, and for a second, hope flares. Is she responsive? Does she understand what’s going on?

  Then I take in her expression. Her eyes are blank. As usual, she’s zoned out. I can’t say I blame her. Things would be much easier if I too could disassociate from what’s happening.

  Once the traders feed Tanya, they re-sedate her with a shot that Kravex had helpfully supplied. Me, they ignore completely. Why feed the hoo-man you’re going to throw away?

  The day stretches on. When the scorching red sun starts to set, Zelae and Suhas pack their belongings into boxes that they haul onto the back of a six-legged beast. They sedate Tanya and hoist her up. Bad-Breath jumps on nimbly, not even bothering to give me a backwards look.

  Then they ride away, leaving me behind. Still tied up.

  The market empties. People look through me, acting like I’m not there. Help, I call out, though it hurts to talk. My throat is parched. It hurts even to swallow. I can’t feel my fingers and toes. Please, someone help.

  I’m speaking English, so nobody understands me. But it’s obvious what I want. I’m hogtied like a pig. I’m lying in the sun, sweating away precious moisture. I clearly need help.

  And yet, nobody talks to me. Nobody offers me food or water. Everyone in the market acts as if I’m not there. Assholes. All of them.

  The beasts lumber into the desert. Spaceships zoom away into the night sky. And I’m alone in the dark, at the outskirts of a harsh and unwelcoming city, in the middle of an alien planet.

  I rub my wrists back and forth, trying to loosen my knots. My stiff muscles scream in agony, but I push the pain back and continue doggedly. I have to get free. Tied up like this, I’m a sitting duck for any predator that comes along. Most of the aliens ignored me, but a few of them had leered in a manner that fills me with fear. If one of them comes along to see what fucking a hoo-man is like, I’m scre

  For what seems like hours, I struggle to free myself. Remember the guy who sawed off his wrist to survive, I tell myself. Another Netflix selection. But I’m not that guy. He was a climber, and I’m a doctor. I can pull eighteen hour shifts in the ER, but when it comes to hurting myself, I’m a pussy. My skin chafes painfully, and drops of blood dot my wrists, but the ropes remain unforgivingly tight.

  Finally, I give up. I’m tied up. Even if I got free, I don’t speak the language, and nobody understands me. I have no money and nothing to trade. I am worthless.

  You are not worthless, a voice inside me says fiercely. Your name is Alice Hernandez. You graduated at the top of your class from Johns Hopkins.

  The litany of self-affirmation has kept me sane for seven months. But this time, it fails. The words freeze in my throat. Tears start to roll down my cheeks.

  Something moves in the shadows. I see the glint of metal in the moonlight. A knife. Fuck. A figure looms in front of me. “Hoo-man,” it says.

  For a second, all I feel is panic. Then my fear crystallizes into rage. I don’t know if this alien wants to eat me or rape me, but it’s going to learn that I’m not going down without a fight.

  Bide your time, Alice.

  The hulking shape bends toward me, its massive body filling my vision. It lifts its knife, and with one sharp stroke, cuts the ropes around my wrists.

  Buddy, that was a mistake.

  I clench my hand into a fist, and I swing as hard as I can.

  My punch connects with a strong, masculine jaw. Pain shocks through my wrist, and I yelp. I might as well have hit a brick wall. I’m pretty sure I’ve broken something. You’d think I’d be used to it—daily beatings and all—but it hurts like the devil.

  The alien makes an oomph of surprise and takes a half-step back. “Alice Hernandez?” he says, sounding puzzled, not hurt. “I am here to rescue you.”

  Draekon Warrior

  Captured in space. Imprisoned. Sold to the highest bidder.

  But my biggest problem is the bossy, aggravating, impossible, alien who’s supposed to rescue me.

  The bossy alien I kissed.

  That might have been a mistake.

  Kadir is dangerous. I’ve seen him fight and his body is littered with scars. He’s a soldier. A warrior. And when he loses control, he turns into a big scary dragon and breathes fire.

  Everyone’s terrified of him. I’m not. No, call me the biggest fool in the galaxy, because I’m attracted to the big jerk.


  When I first met the small human I was sent to rescue, she punched me in the jaw.

  And broke her wrist in the process. Irrational woman.

  Then she insists that the two of us set out immediately to find her missing friend.

  No, what I have to do is get Alice Hernandez to safety.

  She’s soft, yet she’s strong.

  Fragile, yet so brave.

  She’s everything I’ve never known I wanted.

  Everything I can’t let myself have.

  When the scientists tortured me, they broke me. And when Alice finds out the truth about the fearsome, raging dragon inside me, I will lose her.

  Grab Draekon Warrior now!

  Also by Lee Savino

  Contemporary Romance

  Her Marine Daddy

  Her Dueling Daddies

  Beauty & The Lumberjacks

  Innocence: a dark mafia romance trilogy with Stasia Black

  The Berserker Saga and Berserker Brides (menage werewolves)

  Draekons (Dragons in Exile) with Lili Zander (menage alien dragons)

  Bad Boy Alphas with Renee Rose (bad boy werewolves)

  About Golden Angel

  Angel is an international best-selling BDSM and interracial romance author and self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy.

  She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry.

  She believes the world is a better place when there's a little magic in it.

  Sign up for the Angel Legion newsletter here - - and grab several FREE sexy stories immediately in a welcome message!

  Read on for an excerpt from her alien romance, Mated on Hades…

  Excerpt: Mated on Hades

  "Welcome to your new home for the next four twenty-cycles," he said, stepping aside so she could enter the cabin behind him, his tone dryly sarcastic. "As you can see, you would have been better off with my parents."

  Rather than telling him that the room was about the size of her entire living space back on Earth—and unlike her home there, this room wasn't crammed with equipment—Jules just looked around as she walked past him. Sparsely furnished, the massive bed on the far wall dominated the whole area. It was even bigger than the bed in her room at Tobik and Sirilla's, and she'd thought that was huge.

  Turning around, she enjoyed the disgruntled look on Tarrik's face as he set her bag down next to the open closet door. Since his clothing seemed to consist mostly of pants and a kind of tunic vest that she'd seen on a lot of winged Hadesians, there was plenty of space for her meager belongings.

  "This looks great," she said. "As long as you keep to your side of the bed."

  Now his expression was almost infuriated. "Of course I will. I'm not the one who can't keep her hands to herself."

  "Excuse me?" Jules' hands slammed onto her hips as she glared back at him. "Since when have I not kept my hands to myself?"

  "Uh, that would be last night when you kissed me."

  She gaped. "You kissed me!"

  "I sure as hell did not," he snapped back. "I'm not even attracted to you."

  "Is that why your cock was digging a hole in my stomach last night when you kissed me?"

  "Look, just stay on whichever side of the bed you pick, keep your hands to yourself, and this trip will be over before you know it."

  Jules was still sputtering and trying to find a good retort as he swept out of the room. Jerk! She couldn't believe she'd let him have the last word.

  "Stupid butt monkey," she muttered, flopping back onto the bed just to see how it felt. It was ridiculously comfortable of course. Which only made her more irritated with him for some reason, even though he had nothing to do with it.

  He'd definitely kissed her first.

  At the very least, they'd kissed each other.

  Her lips pursed as a wicked idea occurred to her. It would be playing with fire a little bit... but on the other hand, he definitely deserved it. And it would be even more amusing than keeping his ship grounded until her say so.

  Just as that thought flickered through her mind, she felt the reverberations of the ship as it began to blast off. Excitement surged. She, Jules, who had never even thought she would see planet other than Earth, was now on her second spaceship this week and off to see a whole bunch of planets.

  While part of her couldn't help but wonder what was happening back on Earth, if anyone was helping those in need, another part of her was thrilled to be on an adventure. New places, new beings, new things to see and do... If this was how traveling made Tarrik feel, no wonder he didn't want to give it up.

  As soon as she thought it, she scowled. She didn't want to feel sympathy for him dammit.

  Pushing any thoughts of the alien male aside, Jules made herself get up from the bed and start unpacking. The sooner she was done, the sooner she could explore the ship.

  The systems were running perfectly, the entire crew was happy, and Tarrik was feeling a lot better than he'd expected. The only thing that would make this trip better was if Juliette wasn't on board.

  Not that she was in the way. No, she was entirely helpful, going out of her way to make herself useful.

  Tarrik told himself he wasn't jealous over the way she and Mrik had
obviously bonded. They definitely weren't behaving as though they were sexually attracted to each other—Tarrik knew that Mrik would never move on Tarrik's female regardless—but he still got a gnawing feeling in his stomach when he saw them laughing together. It might be more envy than jealousy though... she definitely didn't smile at him that way or laugh with him...

  Not that he'd given her any reason to.

  Because I don't want to, he reminded himself for the umpteenth time. The problem was that saying it wasn't making it true.

  She was beautiful when she smiled. Engaging when she laughed. The rest of the crew definitely liked her, she'd already made fast friends with his maintenance engineers, Lessys and Sasslys, who were both Vloss and mated to each other. When they asked if Juliette had ever seen anything like them before, she said they looked like miniature Godzillas, without the back plates. The whole crew found this hysterical when Myrik looked up what she was speaking of.

  So he wasn't in the best mood by bedtime.

  His mood got a hell of a lot worse when he laid down and Juliette announced she was going to take a shower.

  "Great," he said. And then nearly choked when she started undressing right in the middle of the bedroom. She pulled her shirt over her head, revealing tanned skin, soft mounds of her breasts filling out her feminine support, a gently rounded stomach that he suddenly ached to draw his tongue over... When she began tugging down her pants, he finally managed to find his voice again even if it did sound like he was being strangled when he spoke. "What the gark are you doing?"


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