Sydney Storm MC Complete Series

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Sydney Storm MC Complete Series Page 158

by Levine, Nina

  Nodding his head slowly, as if he was deep in thought, he said, “I’m gonna do better than our parents did, Evie.”

  “Yeah,” I whispered, “I know.”

  He stood quietly for another few moments, just watching me, deep in thought, and then he said, “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen so you can direct me with these rum balls.”

  I smiled, all my earlier fight gone. “Okay.”

  As I moved past him to exit the laundry, he said, “And Evie? For the record, you are nowhere near exploding. I fuckin’ love your baby curves.”

  I glanced back at him to find his eyes glued firmly to my ass. It took all my willpower not to say to hell with making sure our home was perfect for when our families arrived. The way my husband loved me was something else, and against all my better judgement, I suddenly felt the urge to get pregnant again just as fast as he wanted me to.

  Chapter Two


  Although it was only eight in the morning, the sticky heat of the day wrapped itself around me as I made the short trek up the path to the front door of Nitro’s house. My home. I’d been living there for about six weeks, and was slowly getting used to thinking of it as my home, too. Nitro had asked me a few times if I wanted to find a house that would be a new home to both of us, but I didn’t. I loved his place. Even when I was home alone, I could still feel his presence. No way was I leaving that behind.

  I quietly unlocked the front door and slipped inside. Walking so as not to wake Nitro, I’d almost made my way to our bedroom when his voice sounded from the lounge room.

  “Vegas.” Deep and rumbly, it hit my gut the way it always did, coiling desire there.

  I stopped and turned towards the entryway of the lounge room. He sat on the couch facing me with an expression I knew well—it was the unreadable one he often wore. “You’re awake early,” I said as I moved towards him.

  He lifted a brow. “Not as early as you.”

  I ignored the dark tone in his voice and sat on his lap. His arms moved easily around me, one hand resting on my thigh, the other on my waist. Holding his gaze, I said, “Merry Christmas, champ.”

  He let me kiss him before saying in a warning tone, “Tatum.”

  I knew what he wanted, but I didn’t want to give it to him. Not today. Today I just wanted to enjoy our first Christmas together. But the determined glint in his eye told me I wasn’t getting out of this. I sighed. “I went to see Billy.”

  He took that in and didn’t say anything until a few moments later when he muttered, “Fuck.”

  My body stiffened, and I attempted to move off his lap. He had other ideas, though, and tightened his hold on me. “See now, this was why I didn’t tell you I was going to see him. I knew it would piss you off.” Billy had been a sore point in our relationship. Pretty much our only one. We’d been tiptoeing around him since I’d moved in. Hell, he’d been an issue since we’d first met.

  His jaw clenched. “It doesn’t piss me off that you went to see him. I’m frustrated that you didn’t feel like you could tell me.”

  “I just didn’t want to cause an argument today.”

  “Fuck, I’d never tell you that you couldn’t see him or argue over it. What makes you think I would?”

  “Let me count the ways. You don’t like him and I get the impression you’d rather I have nothing to do with him outside of work.”

  “That is true, but what is also true is that I don’t control you. You wanna see Billy, you go right ahead.” His tone turned bossy. “But, you don’t keep that shit from me. You and me, we’re one hundred percent honest with each other, Vegas.”

  My man never failed to surprise me. I should have broached this subject weeks ago, but I hadn’t wanted to cut in on our loved-up time. Looping my arms around his neck, I pressed a kiss to his lips, loving the way he deepened it and took control. By the time he was finished with me, I was breathless and ready to move this to the bedroom.

  His heated gaze found mine again. “We good?”

  My belly fluttered at his question. He’d always asked me if I was good, and he still did, but lately he’d started asking me if we were good. It wasn’t a question he ever asked lightly; it always came from a deep desire of his to make sure all was good in my world. I nodded. “Yeah, we’re good. Except for the fact we’re still clothed and sitting out here.”

  His nostrils flared and he did exactly what I hoped he would do. He stood, taking me with him, his powerful body hardly straining to do that. He surprised me, though. Instead of taking me into the bedroom, we ended up in the bathroom.

  After he deposited me on the floor, I said, “You want some shower sex?”

  His eyes held mine as he closed the door. “No, I wanna fuck you while I watch you.”

  I followed his gaze as it locked on to the back of the door. He’d installed a mirror. “When did this happen?” I asked standing in front of it, already turned on for what was to come.

  He moved behind me, his arms coming around me and then making their way down to the hem of my dress. His warm breath floated across the skin over my collarbone as he dipped his mouth to it and said, “When you were out with Monroe last night.”

  I watched him sink his teeth into my skin while also pulling my dress up so he could find my underwear. The sight of Nitro’s large hand sliding inside my panties was hot, but nowhere near as hot as when he ran his finger through my wetness while taking hold of my breast with his other hand.

  “Fuck,” I moaned, keeping my eyes firmly on his hands.

  His eyes met mine in the mirror as he slid two fingers inside me. “You like your Christmas present?”

  Biting my lip and holding my breath for a beat, I said, “God, yes.”

  He reached deeper inside me, his fingers working their magic. Moving his lips along my skin, kissing, sucking and biting as he went, he made his way to my ear. “How much do you like it?” His voice was raspy and gravelly, and I swayed a little.

  “I fucking love it,” I managed to get out before he switched up what he was doing.

  He let go of me and quickly removed my dress, dropping it to the floor. He then took hold of my hands and lifted them so they rested against the mirror near the top on either side. This meant I was leaning forward with my face close to the glass.

  Running a hand down my back, his gaze shifted to what he was doing. A moment later, he crouched behind me and slowly removed my panties. I stepped out of them and waited for his next move, my breathing all over the place.

  I just about came out of my skin when he gripped my ass, his fingers digging in. “Fuck, Vegas,” he growled, “your ass…” His voice drifted off, but I knew what he thought of my butt because he always told me what it did to him. Nitro loved long legs and a tight ass, and he never failed to tell me he loved mine.

  “Fuck,” I cried out when his teeth sunk into one of my ass cheeks. He bit me hard, and I dropped my head, panting through the pain. Between his fingers still grasping me tightly and his teeth marking me, his touch burned right through me. He knew I loved the pain, though, so he kept going.

  “Are you dripping for me yet?” he asked when he’d finished with my bottom.

  Meeting his eyes in the mirror again, I nodded. “I need you inside me.” I tried not to beg, but I was pretty much ready to get down on hands and knees and plead with him for his cock.

  He pushed his fingers inside me again and hissed. “Yeah, you are.” He then stood and removed his clothes as I watched every piece drop to the ground while his body was revealed to me. I’d never grow tired of Nitro’s body. He kept it in amazing shape, his muscles a visual masterpiece.

  When he was naked, he flicked my bra at the back and pushed it off my shoulders. It fell to the floor at the same time that he took hold of both my breasts. “You ready?”

  My core practically sang at those words.

  Was I ready?

  I was more than ready.

  “Yes.” I didn’t even care that my answer was practically
a whimper. I needed Nitro inside me now.

  Keeping one hand on one of my breasts, he shifted his other hand to my hip. Moving closer, so we were skin-to-skin, he positioned his dick at my pussy. His gaze was drawn there for a moment before coming back to meet mine. He pushed his cock inside a fraction, teasing me, while dropping his eyes to roam over my body, spending extra time watching himself massage my breast.

  A deep growl came from him as he stilled for a beat. A second later, his eyes found mine again, and as his grip on me tightened, he thrust inside me hard.

  “Fuck,” he roared as his body pressed against mine, forcing me forwards against the mirror.

  He pulled out and thrust back in, his mouth near my ear as he watched me in the mirror. I knew from the dark desire in his eyes that he was about to bring his fury to this, and that excited the hell out of me. Every nerve ending of mine fired with anticipation.

  “Hold on tight, Vegas,” he rasped against my ear as he pulled out.

  I had nothing to grip, but I did my best to steady myself right before he slammed back inside of me and kept on going. There was no holding him back, not now that he’d let go and allowed his need to take over completely.

  He fucked me with the ferocity I loved from him. The mirror heightened the experience, giving me a sensory experience like no other.

  Not only was he inside me, he was also all over me with his eyes and his mouth. It was the hottest sex I’d ever had. The sight, the sound, the taste, the feel, the scent. It all collided in my mind, sparking one of the most intense orgasms I’d experienced. My legs turned to jelly as my eyes fluttered closed and I drifted away with the pleasure. I was vaguely aware of Nitro holding me up, still pounding into me, but it was like a distant sensation.

  When his orgasm shattered through him, and my name thundered out of his mouth, I blinked my eyes open just in time to watch the beauty of him coming apart.

  His body leant against mine while he recovered, pressing us hard against the mirror. “Jesus, woman, I should have put that mirror in weeks ago.”

  “Yeah, you should have,” I agreed, breathlessly. “But I have to say, it’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever received.”

  He pulled out of me and took a step back. Smacking my ass, he jerked his chin towards the shower and ordered, “I want you in that shower now. I’m gonna clean you up and then you’re gonna suck my dick.”

  “Really? You think that bossing me around today is going to get you what you want?”

  “Yeah, I fucking do. You’re getting what you wanted today, and I’m gonna need my dick sucked to get through it.”

  I suppressed a laugh. Placing a hand to his cheek, I said with a little sarcasm, “Poor baby. The things you do for your woman.” He’d come through with the goods, though. I’d requested that we invite everyone over for lunch—his family, Monroe, Fox, Posey and Devil—and I knew he didn’t really want anyone but his family over, but he’d said yes to make me happy. And on top of that, he’d made sure the place had been tidied up and that we had all the food I wanted.

  His eyes darkened. “In the shower, Vegas. And get ready to get on your knees.”

  I did as he said, smiling as I moved. Christmas this year was going to be the best one I’d had in years.

  Chapter Three


  “You gonna fuck that one or can I have her tonight?” Jacko asked as my gaze trailed after the hot piece of ass I’d been watching all night.

  My eyes cut to him. He sat opposite me on the couches in the middle of the clubhouse bar. He’d had a long day and he was fucking wasted. Lifting my beer to my mouth, I tipped it back and took a long slug. I then said, “You’d be lucky to get your dick hard enough to show her a good time, brother. But be my guest.” It wasn’t like we had a shortage of whores to choose from.

  He frowned as he leant forward. “You got a piece on the side, King? It’s not like you to share like that.”

  I scowled at him. “You want her, go fucking get her now, otherwise she’s off the table,” I barked.

  He didn’t hesitate another second, leaving me alone. Fucking finally. I rubbed my neck as I tried to relax. Trouble was, I was hard as a fucking rock. Had been for months. Usually, sex eased my tension, but even that wasn’t working lately.


  I pushed up out of the couch and left the bar to head into my office. Being Christmas night, it was quiet at the clubhouse. Even at just after nine p.m. The few members around were either drunk or busy with pussy, which suited me because I craved some peace and fucking quiet after the rowdy day I’d been subjected to.

  I found what I was looking for in the office fast, grabbed my shit and headed out to my bike. It was time Kree Stone and I had a talk.


  “King,” Kree said hesitantly after she opened her front door to me.

  My eyes dropped briefly to take in the tiny denim shorts and the loose-as-fuck white top she wore. The shorts revealed long thin tanned legs that went on for miles while the top hung so low I copped an eyeful of tits and a lacy pink bra, as well as a collarbone that revealed how thin she really was. Her hair was piled messily on top of her head and her face was bare of makeup. She was missing all the jewellery she usually wore at the clubhouse, which also meant she was missing the fucking jingle-jangle noise that followed her throughout the place.

  Our eyes met and I caught the flash of irritation in hers. I wasn’t sure if it was because I’d come over so late on Christmas or whether she was pissed off that I’d checked her body out. Not that I gave a fuck either way. Taking a step towards her, I pushed my way inside her house. “We need to talk.”

  Without waiting for her to speak, I walked down her hallway towards what I figured was her kitchen. The door clicked closed behind me, and she muttered softly, “Sure, come on in.”

  When I reached her kitchen, I turned to face her, ignoring the glare she was sending my way. “Jesus, Kree, you’ll burn your fucking house down with all these candles.”

  They lined her hallway on shelves higher than my head and filled her kitchen and dining area, too. As I glanced around the room taking them all in, I also noticed the plants she had lined up along the windowsill and scattered around the room. There had to be at least ten plants in there. I should have picked her for a fucking greenie, though, with the vibe she had going on. Kree was into herbs and crystals and talked in what felt like another language half the time with her discussions on star signs and moon phases and shit. Also, she’d been known to speak her mind occasionally, but usually she was too fucking soft as far as I was concerned. But fuck, she was the best damn bartender we’d ever had, so that was all that mattered to me.

  “Haven’t yet,” she said, her voice firm. “What’s so urgent that you need to barge into my home at nearly ten on Christmas night?” The hint of fire I heard in her voice surprised me, but it shouldn’t have. With everything I knew about her, I knew she would go to the ends of the earth to protect her home and everyone in it. Someone forcing their way in—even someone she vaguely knew through work—wouldn’t be something she’d be comfortable with.

  “I’ve been talking with Zane.” Her cousin.

  She stiffened at that and blinked once, but full fucking points to her for maintaining her cool. “And?” Even her voice didn’t waver.

  I reached into my pocket and pulled the envelope out that I’d brought with me. Dropping it on the kitchen table, I said, “He told me what’s going on.” Lifting my chin at the envelope, I said, “That’s for you, and I don’t want any of it back.”

  Frowning, she picked up the envelope. It was when she looked inside it that her carefully maintained composure finally shattered. “Fuck, King,” she said as she looked from the envelope to me. “I can’t accept this. It’s too much.”

  I scowled as she tried to hand it back to me. Shaking my head, I said, “No, it’s not. You need it. I don’t.”

  She opened her mouth to argue, but a little voice carried through the air, calling ou
t to her. “Mummy, I don’t feel so well.” A moment later, a boy entered the room, coming straight to her and wrapping his arms around her legs.

  I knew his name to be Tommy, and his age to be four. I also knew his father to be a cunt who Tommy and his younger sister, Mara, needed protection from.

  Kree crouched low and took Tommy’s face in her hands. Concern etched her face as she said, “Do you feel like you might vomit, baby?”

  He nodded his head. His face was so white I figured she probably had less than a minute before he made good on that. She figured it, too. Scooping him up in her arms, she hurried out of the room with him, leaving me alone while trying to soothe him with love.

  My fucking gut tightened at the image of mother and child.


  I raked my fingers through my hair.

  Fucking Christmas.

  If I could wipe this fucking season off the calendar, I fucking would.

  Ten minutes or so passed before Kree came back to me. Anguish covered her face. “I can’t accept that money, King.”

  “Why?” I challenged her.

  “It’s too much. There has to be at least five thousand in that envelope.”

  “Ten thousand,” I corrected her, ignoring the way her eyes widened in shock. “And you still haven’t given me a good reason.”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t want to owe you.” Wrapping her arms around her body, she added, “I never want to owe anyone ever again.” That was when her voice cracked. I knew the reason for that, too, but I didn’t bring it up. Kree struck me as a proud woman; the last thing she needed was me throwing her past in her face when she was trying desperately to leave it behind.

  I picked up the envelope and placed it in her hand. “Take it and don’t fucking argue with me. We both know you need it. I’m not going to mention it again, and you don’t owe me,” I said with force. “And one other thing, I’m switching your shifts around at work so that you don’t have to work as many nights anymore. Those kids need you at home.”


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