Country Storm

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Country Storm Page 9

by Cheyenne McCray

  The memory of his kiss came flooding back as he held her gaze and she wanted him to kiss her again. She took a step back so she wouldn’t throw herself at him, begging for another kiss like the one they’d shared.

  “It was my pleasure.” His voice was low, husky. “The crew enjoyed meeting you.”

  “How’s Arthur?” She heard a nervous edge in her voice. “Is he better?”

  Bear nodded. “Up and getting around best he can. He’s a good boy.”

  “Have you found his family?” she asked.

  Bear shook his head. “Arthur is housebroken, so I’m thinking he has, or at least had, a home. I’ve been asking around and posted a couple of flyers, but I haven’t heard from anyone yet.”

  “What will you do with him if you can’t find his family?”

  “I might take him in myself.” Bear shoved his hands in his front pockets. “So far things have been okay with Katie and Maggie, but they’ve mostly stayed hidden when Arthur is out of his kennel. I need to make sure he’s a good fit with all the animals and the ranch. If he’s not, I’ll make sure to find him a good home.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “What would make him a good or bad fit for the ranch?”

  “If he chases my cattle or horses, and he’s not easily trained to behave, that’s an out for a ranch,” Bear said. “If he barks at the animals or tries to attack any of them, he’s not a good fit. I can only do so much training with my schedule, and I need to know that when I’m not home, he gets along with all of the animals.” He hooked his thumbs in his front pockets. “Whatever the case, I’ll make sure he ends up with a good home.”

  “That all makes sense.” Rae wanted to close the distance between them, so that her breasts would brush his chest and he’d take her face in his hands. And kiss her. She swallowed back the urge. “You have a lot of pets to consider when you bring another in.”

  He fixed his gaze on her mouth, like he was thinking of kissing her.

  The other night had been so sweet. She wanted it so badly, she could almost feel his lips on hers.

  Despite herself, she moved closer to him. He was so much taller than her, she had to tip her head back.

  A hungry expression crossed his sexy features. Unable to stop herself, she placed her hands on his chest, and she could feel his body heat through her touch.

  He slid his fingers to the back of her head, cupping it in his big palm. He rested his other hand on her hip and drew her against him.

  Rae caught her breath as he lowered his mouth to hers. The moment their lips touched, she gasped into his mouth.

  He gave a low groan and he slid his tongue between her lips. She kissed him back, needing him in a way she’d never needed anything or anyone in her life. His kiss, and his arms wrapped around her, was both exciting and healing. Like this man could take her places she’d never been to before and keep her safe while doing it.

  The door slammed open behind them and Rae startled and jumped back. Bear slid one arm around her shoulders, as if protecting her as she turned to see Patty standing on the doorstep, glaring.

  “Can I help you?” Rae managed to keep her voice steady.

  Patty put her hands on her hips. “Couldn’t wait to start screwing around with the local cowboys?”

  Heat rushed to Rae’s cheeks and she clenched her fists into hands.

  Bear stepped from the shadows, into the light. “Hi, Patty. How’s Biff?”

  Patty’s jaw dropped and she looked like she’d just lost her best friend. “Hi, Doc.” She appeared to be gathering herself. “My dog’s fine.”

  Bear kept his arm around Rae’s shoulders. “Good to hear.”

  Patty cleared her throat and raised her chin as she turned her gaze on Rae. “You’re late. We need you back inside.”

  Rae frowned. “It’s been fifteen minutes?”

  “Yes.” Patty’s reply was sharp. She looked back at Bear. “See you, Doc.” The woman stepped back into the bar and closed the door behind her.

  Rae let out her breath. “That was painful.”

  Bear chuckled. “Like her dog, Biff, Patty’s bark is worse than her bite.”

  “If you say so.” Rae sighed and smiled at Bear. “I’ve got to go.”

  He brushed his lips over hers. “I’ll wait for you after the bar closes.”

  She blew out her breath. “Okay.” She turned, glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Bear, then hurried back into the bar.

  When Rae got back behind the bar, Patty glared at her. “In the future, don’t be late from break if you want to keep your job.”

  Rae drew herself up to her full five-two and stared down the woman who was a good five inches taller. She kept her voice low so she wouldn’t be overheard by the patrons. “Patty, last I heard I answer to Mickey. You have my apologies for making you late to your break, but don’t threaten me again.”

  “Tramp.” Patty ground the word out beneath her breath as she spun and left.

  Rae found she’d been holding her breath as Patty exited the room. She blew it out and returned to tending bar.

  She glanced in Bear’s direction and couldn’t help a smile when she saw the tall, sexy cowboy watching her. He returned her smile and she wanted to kiss him all over again.

  The rest of the evening was so busy, she didn’t have much more time to even look in Bear’s direction. She did stop by to see if he, Colt, or Bill needed anything else. Bill had said he didn’t, slid off his stool, and paid his tab before leaving.

  Colt and Bear didn’t order anything else. Bear just gave her his sexy little grin while Colt looked amused.

  At closing time, Mickey got everyone to leave the bar. Rea, Patty, and Jane took care of clean-up and then it was time to head on out.

  Rae’s heart beat a little faster as she went out to the parking lot. Bear was leaning up against her sportscar, hands in his front pockets, waiting for her.

  When she reached him, he took her by the shoulders and lightly brushed his lips over hers. She shivered, loving the feel of his lips and the power of being in his presence.

  He raised his head and smiled. “Ready to head home? Bet you’re dead on your feet, as hard as you work.”

  She shrugged as she tried to keep from yawning. “I’ll be glad to climb into my bed and sleep late. Friday nights do get busy and I’ve got to work Saturday, too.”

  He reached up and played with her ponytail that was lying over her shoulder. “As much as I don’t like to see you go, I won’t keep you.”

  She smiled at the way he made her feel needed and wanted. “I don’t mind waiting a little bit longer before I go home.”

  His eyes were shadowed by the brim of his hat. “What do you think about dinner out on Sunday?”

  She cocked her head as she thought about it. She usually did all she could to avoid being in public. Who knew if someone would recognize her?

  “Would it be okay if I come over to see your furry and feathered family instead? Maybe I can ride Angel.” She put her hand on his chest, feeling his body heat through her touch. “I could bring out Chinese or Mexican.”

  “That will be perfect. He put his hand over hers. “But I pay for dinner.”

  She shook her head. “I know you cowboys have strong feelings about taking care of women, but let me do this, okay? Next time you can pay.”

  Her cheeks burned as she realized she’d just assumed there would be a next time.

  Bear smiled, as if pleased to hear her assumption. “I’ll take care of dessert.”

  “Good.” She gave him a teasing grin. “Bet you can’t beat that red velvet cake.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He flashed her a grin. “I sure did enjoy the leftovers.”

  Rae laughed. “I’ll just bet you did.”

  “Did you find out if Marlee has a pair of boots you can borrow?” Bear asked.

  “She does.” Rae nodded. “We wear about the same size shoe, so they’ll work.”

  “I’m glad you’re coming to my place Sunday.” He
stroked her cheek lightly as he looked into her eyes. “It’s nice having you there.”

  “I enjoyed my visit last weekend.” She swallowed as his mouth neared hers. “I—”

  He covered her mouth with his and she didn’t get to finish what she was going to say. As a matter of fact, she couldn’t even remember a word of whatever it was.

  His kiss was so sweet and powerful, a combination that stirred wild feelings inside her. Dear God, she loved the way he kissed.

  When he drew back, she tried to catch her breath. “Keep that up and I won’t be able to sleep tonight.” She didn’t know why she’d said that, but the way it came out made her cheeks burn again. “I mean—”

  He kissed her, and she sank into him. This man sent every rational thought out of her mind. He made her forget all the bad and all she felt around him was good.

  He raised his head. “I’m gonna send you home now so you can get rest.”

  She wanted to stay right where she was, in his arms. She smiled. “I’ll be there Sunday, around noon. Make sure you have a good appetite.”

  “Looking forward to it.” He kissed the top of her head before opening her car door for her. She climbed in and lowered her window. She started the car and blew him a kiss before she headed home, wondering what the hell she was doing.

  Falling for a man she definitely shouldn’t be falling for.

  Chapter 9

  “The food smells great.” Bear set the takeout bags on the kitchen nook table, Rae following in his wake, her unfamiliar boots clunking on the tile floor.

  “Try driving for twenty minutes smelling that.” She placed two Styrofoam cups filled with Coke on the table. “My stomach was rumbling the whole way.”

  Rae greeted Arthur, who was in his kennel. Bear let him out and Rae crouched to give Arthur the hug she’d promised him. She was careful not to grip too tightly to make sure she didn’t hurt him.

  She smiled up at Bear. “Arthur looks like he’s doing well.”

  “He is.” Bear rubbed Arthur behind his ears. “He’s well-trained, which makes me certain he has or at least had a family somewhere.”

  Rae gave Arthur another affectionate hug before getting to her feet. Arthur plopped down on the dog bed near the old-fashioned coat stand.

  She went to Mervin and peered in at the macaw. “How are you, Mervin?”

  Mervin scooted on his perch, closer to her. “Hi, pretty lady.”

  Rae laughed. “You’re such a cute bird.”

  “Cute bird,” Mervin said. “Cute bird.”

  Still smiling, Rae faced Bear as he got a couple of forks out of the silverware drawer and took them to the table. They seated themselves and Bear opened the containers, each one filled with an enchilada, a taco, and a tostada.

  She took the container he offered her and cut her fork into the enchilada. “Marlee raves about this restaurant.”

  “Ricardo’s is one of those hole-in-the-wall places you can’t beat.” Bear crunched his taco and chewed before drinking his Coke.

  Rae munched happily on her lunch, her heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. Bear made her feel that way, her past seeming so remote that it couldn’t touch her when she was with him.

  He finished his taco. “Are you ready to ride Angel?”

  Rae stuck her foot out to the side. “I’ve got Marlee’s boots, so that part of the equation is there.” She lowered her foot before picking up one of the paper napkins that had been in the takeout bag. “I loved being in the saddle last time, but I’m nervous about going outside of the corral.”

  “We don’t have to,” Bear said. “We’ll stay in the corral or in the pasture and let you ride Angel until you feel confident. Then, we’ll go from there.”

  Rae took a bite of her tostada. “I enjoyed my time with Angel last weekend, so I think I’ll be okay. I just want to make sure I can handle her.”

  “She’s a good horse, and you did well with her,” Bear said. “You’ll be just fine.”

  They finished their lunch and put the container with Rae’s leftover taco in the fridge. After deciding to save dessert for later—whatever it was Bear had gotten—they put Arthur in the kennel and headed out to a grassy pasture, where Angel and Roxie were grazing.

  The day was hot again, but clouds gathered over the Superstition Mountains. Being monsoon season, they could end up getting a good rain, even if the weather report claimed it would be hot and sunny. The weather reports were less accurate during monsoon season in Arizona.

  When they reached the pasture fence, Rae climbed onto the bottom rung and put her arms on the top rail to watch the beautiful and majestic creatures. Bear whistled and both horses looked up then trotted toward Bear and Rae.

  Roxie reached Bear and bumped her nose into his hat, knocking it back, but not off. Bear adjusted it before stroking her forehead. Angel snuffled Rae’s hair, the mare’s warm breath tickling her scalp. She laughed and patted Angel’s nose.

  Bear grasped two nylon lead ropes hanging from a hook near the gate. “Let’s get these girls saddled up.”

  Rae couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous about getting on the back of such a huge animal again. It had been exciting, but she still had her reservations.

  He clipped a lead on Angel’s halter and handed it to Rae. She led the palomino to the barn while Bear followed with Roxie.

  Once in the barn, Bear observed while Rae saddled Angel. He answered her questions and made encouraging remarks as she did her best to follow the instructions he’d given her last weekend. When she finished, he looked over her handiwork, made a couple of adjustments, and told her she’d done a great job. Rae glowed under his praise, not sure why it made her feel as good as it did.

  Bear saddled Roxie, then boosted Rae up into Angel’s saddle. Her foot did feel more secure in a boot as she slipped it into the stirrup.

  He handed her the reins and she gripped them til her knuckles ached as she tried to pull her nerves together.

  Bear rested his hand on her thigh and smiled. “Ready to go out for a little ride, while I’m on Roxie?”

  Rae tried to ignore the tingling in her belly she felt from the way he had his hand on her thigh, just like last time.

  She focused on her current position. It was so high, sitting on Angel, and a long way to the ground. Last time Bear had been standing beside the horse the whole time she’d been in the saddle. It would be different with him sitting on Roxie.

  She met his gaze. “If something happens, will you be able to help me while you’re on Roxie?”

  He gave a single nod. “I’ve been riding my whole life. You’d be amazed what you can do from the back of a horse.”

  “Okay.” Rae took a deep breath. “I’m as ready as I think I can get.”

  “Remember the instructions I gave you on controlling Angel?” Bear asked.

  “I think so.” Rae stared at the reins she held so tightly. “I could use a refresher.”

  He went over everything again with her, to make sure she had it. “Angel will stay close to Roxie, another reason why I’m not concerned about her taking off on her own.”

  When they both felt confident about the basics of her learning to ride, Bear gripped the bridles of both horses and walked them outside the barn. He closed the barn doors, then mounted Roxie.

  Rae’s stomach flipped. “Are we going to the corral?”

  “Let’s try the pasture.” He tipped his head in that direction. “Ready?”

  She nodded.

  He clicked his tongue and Roxie started forward. Angel fell into step beside Roxie as Rae made the correct movement with her reins.

  She was amazed at the smoothness of Angel’s gait, despite rocking in the saddle. When they reached the pasture, Bear dismounted, opened the gate and let them in before closing the gate behind them.

  He mounted Roxie in an easy movement. “How’re you doing?”

  She smiled. “I think I could get the hang of this.”

  “That’s my girl.” He returned he
r smile. “Why don’t you start first?”

  Rae clicked her tongue like Bear had at the same time she signaled with the reins that she wanted Angel to go forward.

  The horse started moving. A surprisingly triumphant sensation went through Rae at the fact she was controlling the animal, or at least felt like she was.

  Bear clicked his tongue and kept his horse alongside hers. “You’re looking good.”

  She stared ahead at the expanse of the grassy pasture. “Maybe I’ll be able to go a little faster.” She glanced at Bear. “In the future, I mean. I’m not feeling that confident yet, mind you.”

  “All in good time.” He looked ahead. “Clouds are building over the Superstitions.”

  She looked in the same direction. “It’s such a beautiful mountain range. Like the Almighty planted them in the middle of the desert for the spectacular view.”

  Bear chuckled. “That’s a good way of describing it.”

  “I like it in this part of the state.” Her gaze swept the scenery from one side to the other. “The Lake Havasu City area is beautiful, too.”

  “Why did you leave?” Bear asked in a low tone.

  “I needed a change.” She cast him a quick glance before looking away again. She knew she should tell him why, but she didn’t want to taint the beautiful day and her time with Bear.

  Another thought sobered her. Bear was such a sweet man. Was she tainting him with the darkness surrounding her? He didn’t deserve to be caught up in what she was dealing with.

  “Rae?” Bear’s concerned voice drew her out of her dark thoughts. “Are you all right?”

  She turned her attention to him and forced a smile. “I’m fine.”

  “If you need to talk, I’m a good listener,” he said.

  “I’m sure you are.” She looked ahead. “But really, I’m okay.” She met his gaze again. “Can we go faster?”

  “Do you remember how to tell Angel you’d like to pick up speed?” he asked.

  She nodded and he told her, “Go on, now.”

  Rae used the reins just like he’d shown her, and Angel started moving at a faster pace. The exhilaration Rae felt surprised her. A breeze from movement stirred the warm air and caused tendrils of hair to rise from around her face.


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