Country Storm

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Country Storm Page 11

by Cheyenne McCray

  She studied the clouds. “The sky is getting darker.”

  “Yep.” Bear scooted to a sitting position. “We’d better get back.”

  Rae got up and scooped up the hat, put it back on her head, then helped Bear gather their things.

  By time they were riding up to the ranch, the wind had picked up and thunder sounded in the distance.

  A couple of raindrops landed on Rae’s jeans and the back of her hand. “Looks like we made it just in time,” she said as he got down and opened the pasture gate.

  Raindrops fell faster as they reached the barn and lightning cracked the sky, causing Rae to shiver.

  The shelter of the barn was a welcome relief. The drumming on the barn’s roof grew louder while they put up the tack and brushed down the horses.

  While they finished up with the horses, the rain stopped. Arizona monsoons could go as fast as they came.

  Rae breathed deeply of the rain-scented air. “Smells wonderful.”

  He started toward the house. “Monsoon season is my favorite time of year. We just don’t get enough rain around here.”

  “It feels like hours since we last ate.” She fell into step beside him. “I worked up an appetite.”

  He flashed her a smile as they strode toward the backdoor of his home. “Can you stay for a light supper?”

  “Sure.” She met his gaze. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking about BLTs.” He shoved his hands in his front pockets. “I have a package of bacon from the butcher, fresh tomatoes and lettuce from my mom’s greenhouse.”

  “What about mayo?” Rae spoke solemnly, as if it was the most important item of the day. “You can’t have BLTs without a ton of mayo.”

  “I have at least a ton, if not more,” he said with a teasing grin.

  “Sold.” She slid her hand into his, surprising herself, and from the look on his face, she’d surprised Bear as well.

  He gripped her hand. “Just wait til you see dessert.”

  “I sure enjoyed the cherry pie.” She smiled. “Can’t wait to see what you’ll pull off this time.”

  Rae excused herself to use the bathroom and freshen up. She liked Bear’s home. It was comfortable and lived in, as well as attractive. Her practiced eye told her his home couldn’t be more than ten years old. It had vaulted ceilings, wall-to-wall tile, tall windows, taupe-painted walls, and deep windowsills. The rooms that she’d seen had western-style furnishings and neutral tones. The place could use some houseplants, but other than that it didn’t need much.

  The guest bathroom had taupe and cornflower blue hand towels. She’d asked Bear if she could freshen up with a washcloth and towel, and he had told her where to find them. She smelled of horse and dust and felt grubby. After washing her face, hands, and forearms, she felt a lot better.

  She started to leave the bathroom, but hesitated. She had been letting things progress with Bear farther than she had planned. Did she owe it to him to tell him that she’d killed a man, before she let things go farther?

  Steve had dumped her, treating her as if she’d encouraged the attention from her attacker. But Bear would never do that, she was certain. More certain of that than anything else in her life.

  Then why hadn’t she told him? It’s too soon, she told herself. But was it?

  What about her intention to leave King Creek and Arizona and never come back?

  The thoughts warred within her and it took her a few moments to gather herself before she opened the door and left the bathroom. She had no clear idea what to do. One way or another, she had to figure things out before it all drove her crazy.

  The one thing she did owe to Bear was telling him about her plans to move to Albuquerque.

  When she walked back into the kitchen, she smelled bacon and heard it sizzling on the griddle. “I haven’t had a BLT in ages,” she said as she reached him. “I can’t remember the last time.”

  “One of my specialties.” He smiled at her. “To be honest, I’m a bacon addict, so a BLT is one of my fixes.”

  Rae laughed. “There are worse things to be addicted to.” She leaned her hip against the cabinet as she watched him. “Is there anything I can do?”

  He shook his head. “Just stand there and look beautiful.”

  She smiled. “I’ll do my best.”

  Arthur nudged his head under her hand and she absently stroked him. It felt so comfortable being with Bear in his kitchen. Like they’d done this a hundred, or maybe a thousand times before.

  Bear finished making the BLTs and they made quick work of eating them at the kitchen table. After they tidied up the kitchen, he pulled out a glass bowl with plastic wrap covering it.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Rae pointed to the bowl as he set it down. “Banana pudding with vanilla wafers?”

  “You’ve got it.” He pulled off the plastic wrap. “It was my favorite dessert when I was a kid.”

  “Mine, too.” She watched him spoon generous helpings into bowls. “Mom used to make it for Carrie and me for a special treat, like when we got good grades on our report cards.”

  Rae enthusiastically sat down at the table in front of her pudding. “I’m not waiting long for you.”

  He laughed as he sat with his bowl. “Is it a race?”

  “You can’t even keep up with me,” she responded with a grin.

  After they both had seconds, and they’d cleaned up what dishes they’d used, Bear said, “Would you like a beer or wine cooler?”

  “Sounds good.” She set down the dishtowel she’d been using to dry the dishes. “What do you have?”

  Bear looked into the fridge then glanced over his shoulder at her. “Dark beer as well as a couple of bottles of alcoholic root beer and a citrus wine cooler.”

  She thought about it a moment. “I’ll take the root beer.”

  He retrieved it along with the domestic dark beer and used a bottle opener to remove the caps. “Glass with ice?”

  “I’ll drink it straight from the bottle.” She accepted the root beer from him and raised her drink.

  He clinked his beer against her bottle. “To a great day with a fun lady.”

  She smiled. “To all your critters and their dad.”

  Bear cocked his head in the direction of the kitchen entrance. “Come on and we can sit in the family room.”

  A little voice told Rae she should probably be going home instead of relaxing with alcohol and this sexy man.

  She told that little voice to get lost.

  Chapter 11

  “Do you mind if I take off my boots?” Rae sat on one end of the couch in the family room and set her root beer on a coaster on the end table. “I’m not used to these things and my feet are killing me.”

  “Be my guest.” He set his beer on the coffee table then knelt on one knee in front of her. “I’ll even help you get them off.”

  “Thank you, kind sir.” Rae leaned back on the overstuffed leather couch, sinking into the softness. Maybe she shouldn’t be taking off her boots, but she wanted to spend more time with Bear, and she might as well be comfortable.

  He grasped the boot heel and sole and tugged, releasing her foot and causing her to let out a sigh of relief. She waited as he pulled her other boot off and she wiggled her toes. “That’s sooo much better.”

  “You need to prop your feet up.” He moved onto the couch beside her, slid his arm beneath her knees, and shifted her so that her feet were in his lap. “Now that should feel good.”

  “It does.” She stretched out her toes then relaxed them. “I think it might take a while to get used to those boots.”

  “If they fit right, shouldn’t take too long.” He pulled off one sock and then the other and stuck them in one boot. He started massaging one of her feet. “You did a great job today.”

  “That feels wonderful.” She sighed with pleasure. “As far as riding, I’ve learned a lot from a great teacher.”

  She wondered what he’d do if she sat in his lap rather tha
n just having her feet propped up on him. She really wanted to find out, but she remained where she was. “Thank you for letting me ride on Angel.”

  He continued massaging her foot. “My pleasure.”

  “You do that so well.” She wriggled on the couch. “Where did you learn it?”

  “Picked it up somewhere.” He shrugged as he set down her foot and grasped the other one. He glanced at her. “I give great back massages, too.”

  She held in a grin. “You’re in trouble.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Trouble?”

  She gave an emphatic nod. “I’m going to end up asking for a back massage next.”

  “I don’t mind.” He gave her a sexy little smile as he continued massaging her foot. “Means I have an excuse to get my hands on you.”

  She warmed at the thought of having his hands all over her. She definitely liked that idea.

  “You don’t need an excuse,” she said softly, then wondered where that came from. But then, she knew exactly where.

  Her desire for Bear was off the charts.

  He rested his arm across her shins and paused, his focus entirely on her. He clearly sensed her desire, or maybe he saw it in her eyes, on her expression.

  Bear shifted and gathered her into his arms in an easy movement. She rested her head against his chest and put her hand on his bicep. She listened to his heartbeat, steady, reassuring. He smelled so masculine and of sun-warmed flesh. He felt as solid as a rock, his embrace making her feel safe, secure.

  He adjusted her position so that he could look into her eyes. His were dark, sparkling with something she couldn’t define. He spoke quietly, yet firmly. “I could fall for you, Rae. Maybe I already have.”

  Her skin tingled and warmth spread throughout her. She should tell him to let her go and leave. This was moving way too fast—for both of them.

  Instead of fleeing, she slipped her hand into his hair and cupped the back of his head and drew him down to her.

  His mouth met hers, and he softly explored her lips before sliding his tongue between them. He tasted incredible and she loved the warm sensations he stirred inside her with his kiss.

  A moan rose within her and she couldn’t hold it back. She returned his kiss with a fervor she’d never felt before. He intensified his kiss, driving her desire to new heights.

  She slid her hand beneath his T-shirt so that she could enjoy the feel of his firm body. He felt solid and muscular and she couldn’t help but imagine their naked bodies intertwined.

  Something in her head told her again that maybe she was pushing things too fast. She pulled her hand away, but he caught it in his.

  Instead of trying to stop herself and halt things, she took his hand and placed it on her breast.

  Bear groaned as he cupped her breast. He raised his head, breaking the kiss, and looked into her eyes as he traced her nipple with his thumb. “You are so beautiful, Rae.”

  She sighed with pleasure and arched her back, pressing her breast against his hand, wanting more. She pushed her T-shirt up, moving his hand aside long enough to get her shirt above her bra.

  He stared at her breasts, her rosy nipples visible through the lace of her bra. His throat worked and he couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away.

  She couldn’t wait for him. She pulled her bra beneath her breasts. “Suck my nipples, please.”

  He met her gaze for a long moment then lowered his head. He slipped her nipple into his mouth and gently sucked.

  “Bear.” His voice came out loud and urgent as she wriggled in his arms. “That feels so good. Please don’t stop.”

  “I won’t, hon.” He moved his head to her other nipple, and she whimpered. “You taste like sunshine,” he murmured.

  She slid her hands into his hair as he sucked her nipples. It wasn’t enough. She wanted more from him, she needed him.

  Rae shifted in his arms and straddled his lap. As he watched, she pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. She unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor.

  He seemed mesmerized, staring at her breasts, then raising his head and looking into her eyes. “You are an incredible woman.”

  She shimmied on his lap, rubbing herself against the hard ridge that told her all she needed to know—he wanted her, too. He groaned and grasped her hips, forcing her to still. “You are driving me crazy.”

  “Good.” She kissed him, hard, daring him to rachet up the intensity.

  He moved faster and smoother than she thought a man of his size could. One moment she was straddling his lap and looking down at him. The next moment, she was on her back on the couch, looking up at his gorgeous face.

  He eased between her knees, his hips spreading her thighs apart. She wrapped her legs around him, holding him tightly to her.

  She squirmed and cried out as he sucked her nipples. He tugged on one with his teeth and a sort of sweet pain burst through her that amplified her desire.

  “Bear.” His name came out on a gasp. “I need you.”

  He moved away from her breasts, his hands braced to either side of her head as he met her gaze. “I need you too, Rae.” He lowered his head and nuzzled her ear. “I want you like crazy.”

  “Then take me.” She couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. “I’m yours.”

  He captured her mouth, kissing her with fervent desire.

  She wanted to feel his naked flesh against hers and couldn’t wait any longer. She pushed his T-shirt up and he helped her pull it over his head.

  “You’re beautiful.” She slid her palm over his smooth, muscular flesh. “So perfect.”

  Rae met his gaze and he wore that sexy grin that made her melt. “I’m Beautiful?” he said in a teasing tone.

  “Absolutely.” She looped her arms around his neck. “Now kiss me with that gorgeous mouth.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The look in his eyes took her breath away.

  She held on to him as his bare chest rubbed against her naked breasts as he brought his mouth to hers.

  It felt so incredibly good with nothing between their bare skin. Rae thought she would lose it if she didn’t feel all of him. This man drove everything from her mind but the desire to be with him.

  She needed him more than she’d needed anything or anyone before.

  Rae clung to Bear like a lifeline, as if he could save her from anything and everything. He was a beacon in a dark, stormy sea, warning her away from the dark and guiding her toward a bright light, drawing her closer and keeping her safe.

  He raised his head and their gazes met and held. The man who’d been a little shy and hesitant was gone. A confident man who needed her and wanted her now had taken his place.

  Bear rose, straddling her thighs. He watched her as he moved his hands to the button of her jeans and easily unfastened it. She found herself holding her breath as he lowered the zipper.

  He eased off the couch and caught her off guard as he scooped her into his arms. She gave a little cry of surprise and flung her arms around his neck as if afraid of falling.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he straightened to his full height.

  “Taking you to my bedroom,” he said as his big arms held her to him. “Where we’ll both be a lot more comfortable.”

  She smiled. “Carry on, honey bear.”

  He grinned as he started carrying her away from the family room. “Honey bear?”

  She gave an emphatic nod. “You are to me.”

  “Well, all right then.” He reached what she assumed was the back of the house and he carried her into a room and flipped on the lights. The light given off by the lamps on the nightstands was comfortable and not too bright.

  He set her on the bed, which was high enough her feet couldn’t reach the floor.

  “I’d like to take a shower.” She smiled up at him as he stood between her thighs. “I could use some help scrubbing my back.”

  “I’d be happy to offer my assistance.” He wore a teasing grin as he took her hands an
d helped her to her feet.

  Rae smiled and pushed her jeans and panties down. She stepped out of them before heading through an archway, through which she’d seen a gray and brown stone-tiled countertop with twin sinks.

  She felt Bear’s presence behind her as she walked up to a luxurious stone-tiled shower with a huge showerhead.

  He turned on the water and when the temperature was right, he ushered her in. Water fell like warm, softly falling rain from the showerhead.

  “This is wonderful.” She closed her eyes and gave a sigh of pleasure as the water rolled over her head and down her face and arms. “Best shower ever.”

  Bear stepped in behind her and pressed himself against her. She widened her eyes in surprise at the feel of his erection against her bare flesh.

  He pulled the band out of her hair, setting her hair free

  Rae turned in his arms as water fell over both of them, running over their faces and bodies. He was so handsome with his strong, sun-tanned features and his stubbled cheeks. He kissed her and she closed her eyes, loving the feel of his naked body against hers and the loveliness of his kiss.

  He broke the kiss and looked down at her. “I only have my body wash and shampoo. Nothing girly-scented.

  She laughed. “I don’t mind smelling like you. I love your scent.”

  He smiled and reached for a bottle of shampoo off a built-in shelf in the rock-tiled wall. He poured a good amount onto his palm and rubbed it into her hair.

  She sighed as he massaged her scalp and lathered her hair. He rinsed it out, then used his body wash and a shower scrubby sponge to cleanse her skin. He took his time, soaping her shoulders and paying close attention to her breasts. He washed her backside before he moved on downward. He stopped when he reached her mound then soaped the trimmed hair and the juncture of her thighs. She shivered as her need built with every movement of the scrubby.

  Every movement he made was slow and gentle, and incredibly erotic.

  Bear knelt and soaped her legs. She braced her palms on his shoulders to steady herself as he soaped each of her feet. His shoulders felt so solid and strong beneath her hands.


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