Dearest Stepbrother: Twin Doms (Book One)

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Dearest Stepbrother: Twin Doms (Book One) Page 1

by Hawthorne, Olivia

  Dearest Stepbrother

  Twin Doms

  Olivia Hawthorne

  Copyright © Dearest Stepbrother – Twin Doms 2015

  by Olivia Hawthorne

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents







  Chapter One

  “Are you looking forward to going home, Maya?”

  I turned around to look at Ashley, my roommate of four years that had been with me since the first day of college. Her curly blonde hair was shining in the sunlight that filtered in through the window of our two bedroom apartment as she sat watching me get ready for a trip home for Spring Break.

  “Not really, but at least I get to come back for a few months before graduating and going home for good.” I answered.

  Her blues eyes narrowed in question. “What do you mean?”

  Sitting down on the bed where I was packing my suitcase, I threw my hands up in defeat. “I hate it there. You know that. My twin stepbrothers, Gage and Greer, are assholes and my father does nothing about it. Ever since I was little and he married their mom, he’s let them boss me around because I’m younger than them. He believes that it’s a brother’s job to protect his sister and he saw it as a bonus that there was two of them to tell me what to do.”

  Ashley nodded. She’d heard me complain about this subject more times than either of us could count over the past four years, but she still listened like it was the first time she’d heard it.

  “Maybe it’s time for you to stick up for yourself. They’re assholes, but you’re not the same young girl that lived with them before heading of to college. You’re older now and soon, you’ll have your degree and can move on to a career and having your own family.”

  I laughed at her optimism. She’d never met Gage and Greer. She had no idea what those two were capable of and I knew they would continue to dictate my life regardless of whether I had a college degree or not. “Yeah, but that won’t help me until I find a job and can afford to move out of my family home. Until then, I’m stuck being around them.”

  “Aren’t they five years older than you? Why are two grown men still living at home? Seems kind of pathetic to me.”

  “They don’t live at home. They’re just there a lot to help their mom out. My dad travels for work and their mom has been ill, so…”

  “Well, then just avoid them. Let them boss their mom around and you hide out or go out with your friends at home to get away from them. You’re an adult now, Maya. You don’t have to stay home and put up with either of them bossing you around.”

  Ashley was right and it made me feel a little bit better about spending the week at home. My dad would only be there for the first three days, but on the same day that my dad left for his business trip, my ex-boyfriend, Kyle, would be coming into town to visit his folks. I looked forward to seeing him and my heart skipped a little at the memories we’d made growing up together. Although we only dated in our senior year, we’d been best friends since Kindergarten.

  We separated when we both went off to college, and it was during that time that Kyle realized he was gay. I didn’t hold it against him for not knowing how he truly felt when we were young. I knew coming out had been hard for him, but I’d told him that I would support him no matter what.

  Since that time, we’d returned to being best friends and I looked forward to going out for drinks or dinner with him during the time we were both in the same town.

  “Okay. I think I’m all packed and ready to go.” I didn’t move from my spot for several minutes and Ashley finally burst out laughing.

  “Are you going to actually carry your suitcase to your car and leave? Or were you planning on sitting on your bed for the rest of Spring Break?”

  “I was just going to sit here for the week.” I smiled sweetly and she laughed again.

  “Get out! You’ll never get it over with if you don’t hit the road.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled. “You don’t have to be so bossy.”

  This time, she smiled sweetly. “Just getting you ready for seeing your stepbrothers again.”

  * * *

  “Maya!” My dad came running out the front door of the three-story, Victorian home that sat in the center of their two-acre property. Behind the house was a beautiful, serene lake that I would often spend hours on in the family canoe.

  “Hey daddy!” Without grabbing my suitcase, I ran from the car into his warm hug. I regretted not seeing my father more often, so when I did have an opportunity to spend time with him, I made the most of it by enjoying his company.

  Holding me at arm’s length, he took a long look at my face. “Wow, baby girl. You have really grown up since you started college. Are you growing out your hair?”

  I ran my hand through the tangled waves of my long brown hair and smiled. “Yeah. It’s a lot of work, but I’m getting better at keeping up with it.”

  He laughed and smiled. “Well, you can tell Denise all about that because I know nothing about hair, except for the fact that it looks beautiful on you. Do you have a bag or anything?”

  “In the car. I’ll get it…”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m not letting you carry bags inside. I’m still a gentleman in my old age.”

  Smiling up at my poppa, I patted him on the shoulder before leading him to the car and allowing him to remove my suitcase. Even after everything he’d been through with my mom’s death when I was young, and the long hours he’d always worked, he looked amazing for his age.

  Entering the house, I slowed my step in the foyer as my dad placed the bag down next to the couch. Turning to me, he asked, “Are you hungry? Denise wasn’t feeling all that great so she went to take a nap, but I can whip up something for you to eat.”

  Smiling up at him, I nodded my head. “Yes, I am hungry, but since you carried my bag, let me cook. I make a mean grilled cheese.”

  “Okay, but only because you let me carry the bag.”

  We crossed through the living room and turned into the kitchen, my heart sinking into my stomach as soon as I saw Gage and Greer seated at the breakfast table.

  Greer looked up from his plate, his golden brown eyes moving slowly over my body as he judged me from where he sat.

  The twins weren’t identical. They had similar features that made them look alike, but not exactly. Whereas Greer had golden-brown eyes, tan skin and brown hair cropped short to his head, Gage had fair skin, striking blue eyes and black hair that fell in messy waves around his handsome face. I stumbled over my own feet with Greer watching me because I couldn’t deny that both of the twins caused women to lose their breath just to look at them.

  “Guys, look who I found in the driveway,” my father said as he took a seat at the table beside them. “She’s going to cook us lunch, so I hope you both are hungry.”

  Greer smiled, the dimples in his sculpted cheeks indenting in with the expression. Even with a friendly look on his face, he appeared stern and powerful…but not as mysterious and demanding as his twin.

  I felt like I couldn’t move away from the door when Gage turned to look at me, his sapphire blue eyes staring right through me as if he knew exactly what I was thinking and feeling.

  “Well, well…” Gage said with a voice as deep as midnight. “Look who’s
decided to finally come home and spend some time with us.”

  When he smiled and the white of his perfectly straight teeth flashed from behind his lips, my stomach sank even further until it was resting painfully in my feet.

  Chapter Two

  Making my way to the stove, I fumbled with the pan to pull it down from the hanging rack. Metal clanged against metal and my cheeks lit up with a blush when I heard one of the twins chuckle.

  “How is school going, Maya?” Greer asked.

  My body jumped at the sound of his voice, my muscles tightening as I placed the pan on the stove.

  Turning to open the fridge, I answered, “It’s fine.” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I’d always been somewhat frightened of the twins. They were older, and therefore, in control when my dad wasn’t around. It was some stupid man of the house agreement they’d had since the twins turned sixteen, and I was left alone with them often. In some ways it felt like they were still in charge of me even though I was now an adult.

  The pan warmed up and I threw a spoonful of butter in, listening to the sound of the sizzle instead of paying attention to the men behind me.

  “Shouldn’t you spread the butter on the bread instead of just throwing it into the pan?”

  I jumped again, my back slamming up against a strong body. Turning around, my eyes were level with Gage’s shoulders, my head slowly looking up to see him smiling down at me.

  “I’ve always cooked it this way,” I stammered.

  He was silent for a second, his eyes studying mine before he finally said, “You seem nervous.” He spoke in a hushed tone so that only I could hear him.

  His words snapped me back to the present, his mocking tone pissing me off just enough for me to remember that I wasn’t an eleven year old girl that had to listen to everything they said.

  Straightening my shoulders, I said, “I’m not nervous. I’m just not appreciating the fact that you think you can sneak up on me and intimidate me like you did when we were kids.”

  He laughed. “Are you still upset about that? After all this time? We only made you do your homework, take your shower and go to bed on time. Other than that we left you alone and we let you do what you wanted to do. I can’t believe you’re bringing that up again.”

  He sounded like he was scolding me…or I was just being super sensitive…but either way, I didn’t like the way he made me feel. He was as intimidating as he’d always been. Tall, broad shouldered, muscular and so freaking beautiful it was unfair – but even beyond that, he was a commanding presence. That’s what I hated the most.

  How was he still able to make me feel this way when I was almost a college graduate?

  “I’ll cook the sandwiches anyway I like.” I finally said. “So go back to the table and sit and wait like Greer and dad.”

  There. I’d stuck up for myself and asserted my authority. I was proud of myself, but felt suspicious when he smiled and said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  I watched him walk back to the table and take his seat, the butter burning in the pan on the stove while I stared. He pointed to the pan and said, “You might want to check on the food, or was that the way you planned on cooking the sandwiches?”

  He smiled and I wanted to smack him.

  * * *

  After setting lunch down on the table, I took a seat next to my dad, cuddling into his side because I’d scooted my chair closer to him than to Greer. But, my makeshift security didn’t last long. Denise buzzed down on the intercom asking dad to bring her up some water. Left alone with the twins, I tried to keep my eyes on my sandwich and not openly notice the fact that they were both staring at me.

  At first, it was quiet between the three of us, but Gage had to open his mouth and ruin everything.

  “You never told us how school is going.”

  Begrudgingly, I looked up from my food. “I did tell you how it’s going. It’s fine.”

  Greer smiled. “Why do I get the sense that you’re still harboring resentment towards us from years ago.”

  “Because I am. You two were always in my business. You interviewed my boyfriends and friends – you even made one fill out a form for a background check!”

  The glanced at each other and laughed. Looking back at me, Gage slouched in his chair, lazily draping an arm over the back of it as he locked his blue eyes to mine. “We were playing with you. We liked that one guy. What was his name? Kirk?”

  “Kyle,” I corrected him. “And you only liked him because you somehow knew he was gay even before he did.”

  Through laughter, Greer said, “I’m glad he finally figured it out himself. But it was easy enough to see if you paid attention.”

  It didn’t surprise me that Gage and Greer had known Kyle would eventually discover that fact about his sexuality. Both of them were masters of reading other people, which was another reason they made me nervous. It always felt like lying or trying to hide something from them was an exercise in futility. Either through observation or research, they would always find out the truth.

  It seemed like such a waste that they went into business instead of police work. They would have made incredible detectives.

  “How is work going?” I asked, hoping that they would drop the subject of my life.

  Gage grinned, the look in his shrewd eyes giving away the fact that he knew I was intentionally changing the subject. “Business is good…as usual. In fact, we both will be working tonight, so you won’t be seeing us for much longer.”

  Shoving the corner of the sandwich into my mouth, I bit down and chewed some before saying, “I’m heartbroken.”

  He laughed. “I can tell.”

  Swallowing down the bite, I asked, “What do you two do, anyway? You’ve never really explained your business .”

  “We run a club,” Greer answered, humor sparkling in his golden brown eyes.

  My eyebrows rose up my forehead in question. “Like a dance club?”

  “Something like that,” Greer said.

  “Well, kids. Looks like I’m going to be taking my lunch upstairs,” my dad said as he walked back into the room. “Denise wants some company while she rests, so I’m going to eat with her. Thanks for cooking, baby girl.” He winked at me as he picked up his plate.

  “You’re welcome,” I said before popping the last piece of sandwich into my mouth. Chewing it quickly, I stood from the table. “I’m finished anyway and I think I’m going to go upstairs and hide out in my room for a little while.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you later this afternoon.” Dad disappeared back out of the kitchen as I rinsed off my plate and put it in the dishwasher. As I walked out of the room, Gage called out, “We’ll see you again soon, Maya.”

  “Not if I can help it,” I mumbled under my breath, quickly stepping out of the room and taking the steps two at a time to hurry up to my room.

  Chapter Three

  “They’ve been around every day? I thought they only stayed at the house when your dad was out of town.”

  Kyle continued running his fingers through his hair as he looked at his reflection in the mirror, tweaking the blond silken strands into a style that appeared like he’d just rolled out of bed.

  Flopping down on the couch in his parents’ basement, I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically. “Yep. I was hoping for at least a few days without having to see them, but now that dad left this afternoon, I know I’m not going to get any days at home without one or both of them there.”

  Turning to look at me, Kyle’s green eyes lit with mischief. “Well, I could go back to your house and stay with you for the rest of the week. Gage and Greer might be bossy and nosy, but they’re damn nice to look at.”

  My jaw dropped, but I closed it quickly and chuckled. “They’re even prettier now than they were the last time you saw them. I swear they’re only getting better with age.”

  He sighed dramatically. “Those are my favorite types. Well, that and the guy I’ll be meeting tonight. I’m so glad you agreed t
o go with me. I’m nervous about this one.”

  “Why so?” I asked. “You’ve never been nervous about a date. Well, except for Sarah Jenkins in the ninth grade, but that was because she was five inches taller than you and also the school bully.”

  Flopping down next to me, he laughed. “She made me go out with her. I was scared for my life if I didn’t agree to it.”

  “I remember. She threatened me if I tried to interfere. Sorry, buddy. I was going to stick up for you, but she scared me.”

  Wrapping an arm around me, he pulled me into his side and laughed. “No worries. She scared everybody. So, are you going out tonight dressed like that?”

  Looking down at my skinny jeans and pretty light pink top with small white roses scattered in a pattern over the cloth, I looked up and asked, “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  He smiled. “Everything. Especially tonight. We’re going out to a very exclusive club that just opened up a little over a year ago. George says he’ll meet us there and that we should keep an open mind.” Kyle shivered. “He’s so dark and mysterious – just the way I like them.”

  A grin pulled at my lips. “Okay, well then we’ll need to go shopping because I didn’t bring anything with me for going out. I figured we’d be taking it easy this week. I didn’t expect for you to have a date with a dark, mysterious stranger.”

  Laughter shook his shoulders. “Neither did I, but when our eyes met across the grocery store aisle, I couldn’t resist. He walked right up to me and asked for my number. I love a man that takes control.”

  Standing up from the couch, Kyle took my hand and pulled me up to my feet. “I believe I heard you say shopping . I just happen to be a professional. To the car with you. We’ll have you ready in no time at all.”

  I groaned knowing that I was about to become a human Barbie doll that Kyle would have way too much fun dressing up.

  * * *

  Staring in the mirror, I angled my head left and right to look over the silver sequin sheath dress that Kyle had talked me into buying. Matched with silver strappy sandal heels, the material of the dress hugged my body tight enough to leave nothing to the imagination. The bottom hem hit just above mid-thigh and I realized I wouldn’t be able to bend over without giving the entire club a show.


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