Misfit Mage

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Misfit Mage Page 15

by Michael Taggart

  “There are two things you want to do as a magic user,” Sandy instructed. “You want to have access to more magic for spells, and you want to be able to cast from the area of your body that will give it the most affect. Both of them these aims can be achieved by creating several loci of magic.

  “A locus of magic is a compact core of magic that can be used to activate charms or give you a boost to your physical abilities. Most magic users create one automatically in their dominant hand. You are right handed, and Penny is on your right hand, so I’m pretty sure you already have the start of a locus there. Let’s keep this simple and create one in your left hand.”

  “Feel the magic in your left hand. Feel it pooling in your hand like you were going to levitate penny.”

  I used to do penny levitation every day so this part was easy. I’d usually started with my right hand but I would often switch the penny back and forth. I nodded at her to let her know I had it.

  “Now take that energy and start swirling it, like it’s a whirlpool.”

  That was pretty easy too. I’d imagined my energy like a fountain before so making it swirl was no big deal. I nodded again to let her know I was good to go.

  “Now imagine the center of the whirlpool getting very dense. See if you can feel the difference with this denser magic.”

  I could! The magic felt more solid. Magic felt less like water and more like smoke to me. Maybe that is why the remnants were all dark and smoky.

  It was hard to concentrate on this and keep it going so I just nodded at Sandy again. Was there more to do?

  “Do you still have access to the swirl of new magic you moved earlier?” Sandy asked.

  I hadn’t kept track of the new magic as I’d been working on my new locus, but now I was looking for it, I could still feel some of my Penny magic in a ball close to my left hand. I nodded at Sandy.

  “Take the new magic and gradually unravel it. Think of it spinning in the opposite direction to your new locus of magic. As the magic unwinds from the temporary core it flows to your new core. Keep spinning your new locus and layer the white magic with your regular magic.”

  That was a lot to keep track of. Fortunately, I knew what Sandy was going for and I had a good imagination. I gradually unwound the knot of new magic from Penny, and fed it to the locus I was creating. I was wondering if the new magic would dilute the magic in my new core, but it seemed to merge just fine. When I was done, my new locus felt dense, powerful, and all mine. This was cool! I let it keep spinning and turned my focus back to Sandy.

  “Done!” I said. “Now what?”

  “That’s it,” Sandy replied. “Now you just keep it going. Once you have mastered one locus, then you can make more.”

  “You say that like it’s so simple. How do I keep this going all the time?” I asked. Even while talking to Sandy I could feel the locus starting to slip away.

  “The idea is simple, but it’s not easy,” Sandy laughed. “It’s one of the hardest things you’ll do. It took me months of constant practice to get my first locus down pat. Just keep working at it.”

  I must have looked as dismayed as I felt because Sandy gave me a hug. “It will happen. I promise. You’ll forget about your new locus of magic a lot at first. That’s ok. Just get it spinning again and try to condense the core even more. The more you condense it, the more it sticks around. One day you will realize it is always there with little effort on your part.

  “Try setting up little reminders for yourself to think about your new locus. For example, brush your teeth left handed while concentrating on your magic. It takes longer but you will certainly remember to spin your magic. In the short term, you need to be exchanging a lot of your magic with Penny’s magic anyway. That’s what this is really about. Creating a magic locus is just a bonus.”

  She’s right. This was really about getting Penny back to being awake and aware again. Creating my own magical core was just something to help facilitate that.

  Feeling much more hopeful and a bit overwhelmed I was ready to take my leave when Sandy stopped me.

  “There is one thing I really need your help with,” Sandy said.

  “Sure! Anything.” I replied. She had already helped so much. I was just glad there was something, anything, I could do for her. Well, except give up a kidney. That would take some serious thought. Or kill someone. I wouldn’t do that either.

  Wow, I have some strange thoughts sometimes.

  “As you know I use my charms for magic. What you don’t know is charms are recharged in a charging circle. Since the House and the local mages are not on the best of terms, I haven’t been able to recharge my charms, and now most of my charms are completely out of magic.”

  Sandy sighed and absent mindedly patted the charms on her wrist. “The charms for me are a lot like you and Penny. I’m used to feeling them there, charged and ready to go. I’ve been careful with how I use them, but still, there is only so far you can ration their power. At some point they are out of juice.”

  I could tell she was not happy about this. I know I wouldn’t be if the situation were reversed. To be a mage without magic would suck.

  “I’m happy to help any way I can,” I said sincerely. “What do you need for me to do?”

  “Well, a charging circle is usually made up of at least seven and up to thirteen mages. Any less than that and the circle doesn’t work well. Any more than that and there becomes too many charms that need to be recharged. A circle can take a while and when there are a lot of mages with charms it can take forever.”

  “So how many mages can we get?” I asked.

  “There’s me, Annabeth, you if you will join, and John. Even though he’s a natural, he can still stand in as a placeholder.”

  “Of course I’ll join!” I said. “I have no idea what to do but I’ll do it to the best of my ability.”

  Sandy smiled at me warmly. “Thank you. We were able to make it work, although barely, with Jennifer. Annabeth is still new and not able to really push the magic. John can’t feel the magic at all.”

  She looked at me with both resignation and hope. “You seem to have a good sense of magic flow already. I’m hoping that you can help me like Jennifer did and we can get at least a few charms back in working order.

  “I feel like the mages are up to something. I’m not sure what it is but I feel like cutting us off from a full magic circle was more than just being petty. I feel like they are waiting for us to get weak enough and then they will do something.” She shook her head. “I sound a bit paranoid I know, and I’m not sure what they are planning. Maybe it’s nothing. But my gut tells me something is up. I still need to prepare but I would like to do it tonight. You need to see John anyway about a litter box, so have him bring you to the circle. He knows where it is.”

  I agreed and Sandy started bagging up some spare litter, cat food, and bowls for me. I looked at the vase and shot glass of green water and realized I’d just had my first magic lesson. It had gone well I thought. I’d learned more about how magic worked and how to save my special charm, Penny. Sandy didn’t seem disappointed in me so I guess I’d done alright as a student. Overall, it was a very good afternoon.

  She came back with a few bags of stuff and a sleepy kitten. I took it all, thanked her again for her help and support, promised to see her soon, and headed out.

  12 Few Drinks with John

  All I really wanted to do is spend a few hours working with magic. I had to get my kitten settled in, though, so instead I went back to my apartment and put him in my bed. He was passed out like a baby. I made him a little nest in the covers and kissed his head. He felt so soft.

  I got his food and water bowls set up and then set out to see John about a litter box. I headed downstairs to the basement. It seemed strange that John didn’t have one of the premium apartments, or that’s what I thought until I saw his door. It was massive. Solid wood with huge ornate iron hinges like you see on old castles. His door had presence! I guess he needed a big doo
r for a big guy.

  I knocked on it, heard nothing, and knocked again. I was about to leave when it opened and John greeted me with a happy smile, and almost nothing else. He was bare chested, bare legged, and wearing a pair of gym shorts that were obviously designed for a much smaller man. They were skin tight, straining to provide some sort of decency, but also making it very clear he had nothing else beneath them.

  He looked like Thor from the Marvel universe, only bigger, hairier, and even more manly, if that is even possible. He towered over me with his seven-foot height, and his arms were as big as my waist. I felt like I was in the presence of a god. Part of me wanted to kneel, part of me wanted to do bad, bad things to those shorts.

  My brain was still trying to catch up to my hormones, when Tyler slipped around John and out the door. He was only wearing a pair of shorts too! My brain shorted out and I think I started drooling. Two perfect men in their own way, I didn’t know where to look first.

  “Thanks for the good times,” Tyler said and hopped up to give John a kiss on the cheek.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” John said and ruffled his hair.

  “Hi Jason,” Tyler said and kissed me on the cheek too. “Bye for now.” He waved and disappeared down the hall.

  I was in shock. Did these two just do what I thought they did?! I was speechless. Like literally, I couldn’t say a word.

  “Come on inside. Let’s have a pint.” John put his arm around me and pulled me inside. He smelled like sex and rain and fresh cut grass. I felt like I was being herded along by a thunderstorm as he guided me to a table and put a mug of beer in my hand.

  I took a sip, because that is what you do, and my senses were hit with the taste of summer and sunshine. It was cool, refreshing, and delicious.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “It’s my own special lager,” John replied. “I’ve been working on my own process for several years now.” He went on for a bit about yeast and fermentation times and how much easier it was with all the new-fangled equipment these days. I tried to follow it all but I’m a beer drinker, not a beer maker.

  It did give me a chance to look around his place. It was nothing like I thought a basement apartment would be. It was more like the hobbit hole from the Lord of the Rings, or an English pub, although on a scale big enough for a seven-foot man. It was all wood arches, nooks and crannies filled with stuff, and thick rugs over hardwood floors. I felt like I was on a movie set or something.

  I lost myself in watching him flex as he talked about his hobby. He liked to talk with his hands, and I liked to watch him talk with his hands. Before I knew it, my pint was empty and he poured me and himself another one.

  “I know you didn’t come down here to hear me talk about beer, so what can I do for you?” John asked.

  “Well, couple things,” I said. I was still hung up on seeing him and Tyler together. The beer was making me feel a bit bold too so I just came right out and asked.

  “I guess first of all I’m kinda floored that you and Tyler…” I gestured. “You know…”

  John threw his head back and roared with laughter. “That Tyler sure is something special. I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I’m mean, sure, it’s what he is, but he’s damn good at it.”

  John gave me a wink. “You’re driving him crazy too.”

  “What?” I said. “Me?”

  “Yep. I think he is someone that usually has fun and moves on, leaving them better than before. He’s stuck with you, though, and I think he’s gotten to liking you a bit.”

  Tyler was starting to drive me crazy too. There are only so many times you can wake up with a naked god of a man in your bed before you have to do something about it. Hopefully the remnants would be gone soon.

  “So, what’s it’s like?” I asked. “I didn’t even know what an incubus was before all this.”

  “There really aren’t words,” John said, staring off in the distance for a long moment. “His magic gets ahold of you and suddenly you are in heaven. You know that feeling you get when you finally tell someone a secret that has been weighing you down? Or you cry yourself out and all you have left is hope?” I nodded.

  “It’s like that, only times a hundred. Or maybe a thousand. You just feel good. Like you woke up to the best possible morning and there is nothing but adventure before you.”

  I could see that playing out right before me. John obviously felt good, happy, relaxed—almost giddy. We toasted Tyler and his health.

  “So are all incubuses like that?” I asked.

  “I tell you lad, if you see another incubus you’d best run away as far and as fast as you can. They are mean sons of bitches and they will drain you dry and leave you a husk.”

  I was shocked.

  “Tyler is special. Like House special. He only takes negative emotions and leaves you better than before. Normal incubus take all your emotions and leave you a shell of what you were. They are crazy hungry too. I’ve seen a village after one of them went through there. It wasn’t pretty.”

  We toasted Tyler again, may he always be on the side of what is good and right in this world.

  “What do you mean by House special?” I asked. “I’m new to all this so right now everything seems magical and different.”

  “That’s just it,” John said. “The House invites who it wants, and it seems to pick up the sups that are different. Special if you will. I’m part mountain troll that is not sitting on a mountain. Annabeth only hears magic. You have been doing magic since before you were a super. Sandy has crazy power levels and Tyler is a good incubus.”

  We toasted to be being special.

  “Don’t get me wrong, not everyone in the House is a nice person. There are some right arse holes I can tell you that.”

  We toasted arse holes. May they fall over in their own shite.

  “Oh, by the way, I wanted to say thanks for taking care of the wall in my bedroom,” I said.

  “Oh that. It wasn’t much,” John replied. “The House took care of it. I’m called the handyman around here but really the House doesn’t need much help. I’m really here to provide moral support for Sandy and a strong hand if she needs it.”

  We toasted the House. To its health, or whatever health a House may have.

  “So, are you and Sandy together?” I asked.

  “Oh no, lad,” John said. “She’s way too independent for that. Having someone else to answer to just brings you down.” He then gave me a broad wink.

  I was confused. “So, you aren’t together?” I said. He tapped his nose. “You are on the money, lad. Don’t want any of that around here.” He then gave me another broad wink.

  “I’m confused,” I said. I really was. I don’t know if it was the beer, how close John was to me, or how he was sending mixed signals about Sandy. My brain was feeling a bit like mush.

  “No need to be confused,” John offered. “Sandy is a strong woman and head of this House. I’m her good friend and faithful companion. Both of us have had our pains in the past and we want no part of any sort of romantic entanglement.” He looked all serious and shook his head solemnly. Then he nodded at me knowingly and gave me the broad wink again.

  I gave up. Whatever was going on with him and Sandy was none of my business anyway.

  We toasted strong women. Then toasted strong women that were something more. We laughed uproariously. Somehow this was very funny.

  Something was rubbing up against me. I looked down and it was my little kitten. How did he get in here?

  “Oh, I’m supposed to ask you about a litter box,” I said. “I have a food and water bowl from Sandy but no litter box.”

  John reached way down and picked up the little ball of fur. It looked like quite a contrast, this tiny kitten and this huge mountain man. They bonded instantly, though. He rubbed his head against John’s furry chest and purred like a motor. Then he ended up on his back, chewing on John’s fingers as he rubbed his belly.

  We toasted kittens and fu
rry bellies.

  John stood up and moved farther into his apartment. “Let’s see what we have. The House is always bringing me stuff so I’m sure I have something here we can use.”

  Sure enough, there was a huge pile of metal items in the back. I got up to follow him and somehow the floor wasn’t steady. In fact, it was moving like the deck of a ship. Doing my best sailor imitation, I staggered after him.

  John started sorting through what looked like junk to me. There were pieces of pipe, pocket watches, a high chair for a little kid, a stop sign, a metal lion looked like it was ready to pounce, and even a potato peeler. The list went on and on.

  John rooted around in the mess for a while, then finally held up an old metal pot looking thing. “Ah ha. This should do the trick.”

  “What is it?” I asked. It didn’t look like anything I’d seen before.

  “It’s an old bed pan. They used to use these in hospitals when old people couldn’t get out of bed and needed to poop. This will be perfect.”

  It didn’t look perfect to me. I’m not sure what a litter box should look like, but it certainly wasn’t like that.

  “Let’s see now. We need the same function, just a different form.” John began running his hands over the bedpan and talking to it. I just swayed and let him do his thing. It occurred to me that I’d normally think he was a bit crazy. All of life seemed to be crazy recently, so I just let it go and accepted that John was doing what he needed to do.

  Sure enough, after a few moments, the bedpan started flexing. Then it folded on itself a few times, flattened out, and then assumed more of a box-like shape. The front of the box was lower so the kitten could get inside, but the sides and back were higher to stop any random streams that might be flowing out. He put the box on the floor for Kitten to test it out. He hopped inside and seemed happy and curious.

  John didn’t stop there, though. He kept going and soon the top was decorated with a fine scroll work. He added little statues on the back. They were two Greek women pouring water out of a vase. It was like a statue you’d see in a fancy European garden. When he finished it was the most beautiful litter box I’d ever seen. It looked like a beautiful antique by a famous artist


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