Heart of Conviction: Nathan (Conviction Series Book 1)

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Heart of Conviction: Nathan (Conviction Series Book 1) Page 5

by Aly Nichole

  “Nathan.” Sadie looked over at her daughter. Her hands clasped together on her lap as she chewed on her bottom lip.

  I scratched at my five o’clock shadow and leaned forward on my desk. “Sadie, please listen.” Her eyes came back to mine. “I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable. That wasn’t my intent, and I won’t do it again. But please keep it.”

  Part of me wondered if I was lying to her. Would I be able not to leave outrageous tips when I came to eat? But when I saw her bouncing her leg, and I knew I needed to try. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable around me.

  Sadie’s blue eyes searched my face. “Okay.” She picked the money back up, placing it in her bag.

  I cleared my throat. “How are you feeling? Is everything okay? Any swelling?” I slipped into doctor mode.

  “I haven’t really been swelling, but the heat hasn’t really started yet.” She joked, shrugging her one shoulder.

  I wasn’t ready for them to leave. I looked over at Hailey. “She’s starting kindergarten in the fall. Have you gotten her wellness check?”

  Sadie ran her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes. “I forgot, damn it. I’ve been distracted. She also needs her kindergarten shots.” She slumped into the chair.

  “I’ll give her a check and I can do her shots, no big deal.” I stood up. If she had been going to that quack Gails, Hailey probably wasn’t receiving the proper check-up.

  Sadie blinked a few times. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. You are already doing too much for me.”

  It killed me not to reach out and pull her into my arms to reassure her. I shoved my hands into my pockets. “You aren’t. I’m offering and I would feel better with me looking her over than you going to Gails. I have asked Sam to look into replacing him. He has a stick up his ass and honestly shouldn’t be working there.” I was fucking rambling.

  Sadie played with her purse strap. “You won’t get in trouble?”

  I snorted. “I’m going to sound arrogant, but this is my office and I’ll do whatever I want.”

  Sadie chewed her bottom lip as the corners of her mouth pulled up. “I would appreciate it very much.”

  My knee bounced. I looked up at the building, and I couldn’t help but flashback to my childhood. It was the same building I lived in for nearly nine years. I couldn’t believe this was where Sadie lived. I sat in my car in her apartment’s parking lot;I got her address from her file.

  “Fuck.” I slammed my hand against the steering wheel.

  I crossed the line again. Something about Sadie fucked with my head. I rearranged all my appointments for today. Why, because she had her appointment with Matt. And every single fiber of my being needed to be there with her.

  Sadie didn’t know I was sitting here and planned to take her to the appointment. I grabbed my phone. It was time to bite the bullet and hope she wouldn’t freak and think I was stalking her. Fuck, maybe I was.

  I clicked her number.

  “Hello?” Sadie answered.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you would want some company for your appointment?” My fingers tapped against the steering wheel. Please say yes.

  “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that. I know you have to work.”

  “Not today. I have a clear schedule. I thought maybe having—”

  She cut me off, “If you’re free it would mean a lot. You could explain things if I get confused.”

  My body relaxed. Thank god. “Awesome. Um, if it’s okay with you I can drive you there.”

  “Nathan, you would be out of your way.”

  If only she knew I was a fucking creep that sat in the parking lot. I closed my eyes. Fuck. “Um,” I cleared my throat. “Actually, I’m not out of your way, so it would be no big deal to swing in.”

  “Hailey has to have a booster—”

  “There are booster seats in my car. I have my niece and nephew around her age.” I was pushing, but I wanted as much time as I could have with her.

  “Are you really on this side of town?” I could hear the skepticism in her voice.

  A humorless chuckle escaped me. “I might be outside your apartment building right now,” I confessed. Please don’t be mad.

  “Oh, how did you know where I lived?” Sadie’s voice was apprehensive.

  I sighed. “Your paperwork.” I cringed at my admission. “I had to go through it to type it in the system.” Sure, Nate, that helps the creep factor.

  I heard a shaky breath. “Oh, well. I’m still getting around if you want to come up.”

  I pumped my fist. “Coming up, see you soon.”

  I climbed out of my baby, one of the few things I spoiled myself with. My Dodge Durango Blacktop. I knew I probably shouldn’t leave my expensive vehicle in the neighborhood, but fuck it.

  The stairs I remembered playing on years ago were cracked and fallen to pieces. My heart raced against my chest at the thought of Sadie and Hailey using them. Fuck. I climbed them and walked into the falling apart foyer of the building.

  Not much had changed over the decades. There were still people loitering the halls looking to sell or get their fix. The walls had more holes and there were more doors missing and still no elevator. Jesus. My skin crawled with the thought of them being here. I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked down the hall and up a flight of stairs.

  This floor was empty of people, and their door looked secure compared to the others I had seen. I rapped on it twice.

  Sadie answered in a low-cut tank, showing the swell of her breasts and black leggings. Her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head. She had light makeup that made her eyes pop. It was like staring into a vast ocean. Sadie was fucking gorgeous, and I wanted her.

  Sadie’s eyes swept over me. Her mouth popped open slightly before she met my gaze.

  I lifted the one side of my mouth. “Hey.”

  “Hi, come in.” Sadie moved to the side, letting me in. “I was just finishing getting Hailey around and we can leave.”

  I heard her shut the door behind me. Her apartment layout was very simple: the kitchen was to the right of me with a tiny two-seater table, and on the left was the living room, and off there was a tiny hallway where I can see three-doors. The walls are pale grey with cheap blue carpet that made you itch looking at it.

  I turned to her. Sadie was nibbling on her bottom lip, rubbing her belly absentmindedly. Her hands twisted the bottom of her shirt as her feet shifted her weight back and forth.

  “We have time,” I assured her. I went to her kitchen and leaned against the counter. My arms cross over my chest and I prayed that the semi I was sporting would go unnoticed.

  Sadie’s cheeks had flushed. “I’m going to finish getting us around.” She trudged to the hallway.

  “Mom, where’s my pink Zombie Hero shirt?” Hailey’s voice yelled from a room.

  “I’ll be back and we can go.” She backed up.

  I waved her off. “Again, no rush.”

  Matt’s office was something. I had Hailey on my lap as I looked around at the bright colors painted on the walls. This was the first time I had visited since he did the remodel. He took an office in a building just across from the hospital about a year ago with two other cardiologists.

  “My eyes hurt,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “The bright greens and blues don’t do it for you.” Sadie snarked from underneath her paperwork.

  “Not really, how’s the novel coming?” I asked, nodding to the paperwork she was filling out.

  Sadie’s blue eyes rolled and looked at me. “Peachy.”

  “Sadie Mosey.” A nurse called out.

  I followed Sadie and watched her plump ass sway back and forth in front of me.

  “Dr. Stanley wanted me to take you to his office since this is just an appointment to get you on the books.” The peppy nurse explained, leading us to Matt’s office.

  Matt sat behind a massive oak desk that was cloaked with papers and his computer. His grey eyes stared me down as I sat down next
to Sadie.

  “Ms. Mosey, I’m Dr. Stanley.” He introduced himself before turning to me. “I’m surprised to see you here, Dr. Valentine.” His brisk tone suggested he was not happy I was here.

  I handed Hailey my phone with the kid’s tube app open for her to watch. “Yeah, I thought Sadie would like the company.”

  Sadie grabbed my free hand. “I thought if it confused me, he could break it down better for me.”

  Matt’s eyes flickered to the movement before he met mine again. His eyes held questions, and I knew he would badger me until I gave them up.

  “Well, it’s simple enough. Your son has a small murmur that Nate and I had discussed that he would monitor it, and once he’s born I will take over. My hope is from the size that I won’t need surgery, but can’t be confirmed until he’s born. As long as the murmur doesn’t get any worse, that is the plan.” Matt leaned back and his eyes still bore into my face.

  Sadie narrowed her eyes slightly. “My son’s heart is fine then.”

  Matt titled his head. “Yes, for now everything is fine. Like I said, we will observe him to make sure that doesn’t change.”

  Sadie’s hand squeezed mine, and her knee bounced slightly. “So, I don’t need to see you until he’s born.”

  Matt shook his head. “No, I’ll be there when he’s born to look him over with Nate and we’ll set up an appointment and go from there.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Sadie’s voice was strained.

  I squeezed her hand once. I felt Matt laser on the action.

  “I think that is all, thank you for coming in. Nate, could I ask for your consultation for a second?” Matt’s jaw tightened as he dismissed Sadie.

  I gritted my own teeth before setting Hailey down and helping Sadie up. “I’ll meet you out there in a second.”

  Sadie nodded and took Hailey’s hand, walking away. It took all my strength not to watch her.

  I leaned back in my seat. My hands clenched and unclenched in my lap, my eyes narrowed on my friend.

  “Do we have a problem, Matt? You were awfully fucking rude to Sadie. Or has your bedside manner gone to shit?”

  Matt scoffed. “I’m trying to wrap my head around this fuck up situation you found yourself in.”

  I crack my knuckles and put my elbows on my knees. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Is it your kid?”

  I stood up quickly, forcing the chair to fall behind me. “No! What the hell, Matt?”

  Matt fell back into his chair and threw his hands up. “What the fuck am I supposed to think?”

  “Fuck you. She’s a patient and a friend!” I ran my hand through my hair, gripping the roots.

  Matt’s grey eyes narrowed. “You can bullshit yourself, but from where I’m sitting there is more going on.” His eyes scanned my face. “I think you’re too close. You should give her care to someone else.”

  I growled, “No fucking way! I’m not fucking close.”

  Matt slammed his hand down on his desk. “You called me for a goddamn consultation! The arrogant Dr. Nathan Valentine doesn’t ask for a consultation.”

  “That’s what professionals do.” I let out a humorless laugh. “If anything, it should tell you I know when to ask for opinions and not be an arrogant ass!”

  Matt growled. “You shouldn’t treat friends.”

  I placed my hands on Matt’s desk and leaned toward him. “I was Red’s fucking doctor. That proves I can separate myself and STILL do my job.”

  “Do you have feelings for her?” Matt’s voice was calm, his stormy eyes gave away his anger and fear.

  I took a deep breath and sat back down. “I don’t know what I feel for her. But I know she needs me and I’m going to be there for her as her doctor and as her friend.”

  Matt nodded. “Fine, but if I ever feel you’re jeopardizing her care, I’m reporting you.”

  “I expect nothing less.”

  I walked out, not bothering to say goodbye. Breathing through my nose, I attempted to calm myself down before I got back to Sadie.

  Sadie was sitting in a chair with Hailey on her lap, and they were reading a book. The scene tugged at my heart in a way I thought I had long lost.

  “No! no! I need to see them! I need to see her!” I tried to get up off the bed. My dad pushed me back down. “I would have been a good dad. I was going to be like you! This isn’t fair!” I cried out.

  I cleared my throat and walked up to them. “You want to get a bite to eat before I take you guys home?”

  Sadie tilted her head and chewed on her bottom lip. “I don’t want to put you out anymore.”

  I raised my brow. “You aren’t putting me out. I’m offering. Come on, I know this fantastic little family dinner.”

  Sadie rolled her eyes. “Since you are forcing me, I guess.”

  I chuckled, helping her get up. As we walked out, Matt’s words rolled inside my mind and I could help but wonder if he was right. Could I jeopardize Sadie’s care of her and her baby because of my feelings?

  I tapped on my finger against my leg. My eyes followed Sadie as she walked into her apartment building. I wanted to walk her to her door, but Sadie was adamant I had better things to do and she had taken up too much of my time.

  I waited a few more minutes before I backed out and headed back to my place. I couldn’t help but think about our lunch, and I talked her into going to the park after. We laughed and had a great time. Or I thought until she refused to let me walk her home.

  My condo was in a tall building, much like all the other expensive buildings in the city. But this one wasn’t owned by my dad. I wasn’t going to be that guy living in his daddy’s building.

  My condo was just as I thought, empty and quiet. The walls were all cream colored, and I let the females of my family have full reign at decorating. Which left me with dark furniture and weird bowls everywhere. It was modern and a place to lay my head at night, and I hated it. I should have gone back to the office and got some work done.

  I was too lazy to make the drive across town to my office. It was dinner time and I needed a shower, and look through some medical journals I hadn’t read yet.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. I was a fucking bore. When the scalding water splashed against my skin, my thoughts strayed to the blue eyed beauty.

  My mind spun a fantasy of Sadie. She was on her knees in front of me. I groaned as my hand drifted to my hardened cock. The water splattered across her pale skin. Her bright electric eyes looked up at me.

  “Nathan,” She purred. Her hands cupped her breasts, squeezing her rosy nipples.

  I slowly tugged on myself, wanting to drag out the pleasure.

  Sadie slid her hand down her stomach, disappearing between her legs.

  “Lean back. I want to see that pretty pussy,” I growled out gripping myself harder.

  She did what I asked and leaned back on her elbow, showing off her wet cunt. I watched in fascination as Sadie used her fingers to fuck herself. The sounds she was making had me fisting myself quicker.

  “Nathan,” she moaned my name.

  “Sadie. Fuck.” My stomach tightened and my balls tingled as euphoria washed over me. My head fell forward onto my tiles as I came all over the shower wall.

  Jesus, it’s been a fucking long time since I had an orgasm like that. Fuck, I thought back to the last time I had sex. It had been a year. The last time was a drunken one-night stand during a conference in Miami.

  I used my available time to focus on work because trying to date anymore was a goddamn nightmare. Most women only wanted my last name, and it was too hard to figure out which ones were going to fake having my kid to get my prestige. But with Sadie, she seemed different. She acted like she didn’t know who my family was.

  I tossed on my grey sweats. Out in my living room, I grabbed the journal. The only sounds were the humming of my fridge and my light breathing. After spending the day with Sadie and Hailey full of life and sound, the emptiness of my apartment re
minded me of how lonely I was. I wanted to go back to them and watch T.V.


  I looked up from my article and in the doorway was my baby brother, Wyatt. At sixteen he was tall and lean. Wyatt had dad’s flashy red hair and green eyes. His nose and cheeks speckled with light freckles.

  Wyatt had his hands shoved into his hoody’s pouch.

  I raised my brow. My youngest brother liked to turn up here when he was hiding. And after he graduated a few weeks ago, he showed up often to hide from my mom.

  “Hey,” I greeted.

  “Can I crash here tonight? I think I might have broken Mom.” Wyatt nibbled his bottom lip, shifting his weight between his feet.

  I snorted. I was sure it was more to do with an empty nest syndrome than him. “You know you’re always welcome here.”

  Wyatt smiled and disappeared down the hallway where the guest rooms were.

  My condo had four bedrooms with two baths. One room up as my office, then the master bedroom, and the others to leave open for my family to crash when they needed to. The guest rooms were used the most by Masen and Wyatt.

  “How did you break Mom?” I hollered at Wyatt.

  “Um,” I heard his shuffling feet walking back to the living room. “Well, she was complaining about hot flashes and stuff.” My brother’s cheeks reddened. “I may have suggested she might have felt symptoms of menopause.”

  I barked out a laugh. “Oh, little brother, you didn’t!”

  Wyatt flopped down next to me. “I didn’t think she would start crying. Then Dad said I should stay with you while he fixed her. I didn’t want to know more about how he was going to do that, so I drove over here.”

  I shuttered at the implication of what Dad could have meant. “Good idea. Do you want to hang at the office with me tomorrow?”

  Wyatt shrugged his shoulder. “If you didn’t mind.”

  I loved having Wyatt in the office. It was fun watching him analyze and tinker with my medical equipment. Wyatt would rant about improvements he would have made and how he could improve things. Nothing was more rewarding than watching someone you love grow into themselves.


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