Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 4

by Kitty Berry

  After a few minutes, Raina’s body settles in my arms and I whisper in her ear. “Good, right? Told you. Mind-blowing orgasms and I didn’t even get to the good stuff yet.”

  I hold her tight to my body for a little longer, stroking her hair until she completely recovers. When she does, I feel her hand, first on my arm then my chest. She smiles at me as her hand trails down my stomach and she slides her hand into my boxers. I gasp as her fingers circle around my dick, her hand warm and smooth at the base. I raise my eyebrows at her as she starts to stroke me up and down.

  “Wow, you weren’t kidding about not being small, huh?”

  “Nope, I’d never joke about that. Don’t have to.”

  Raina lets go of me long enough to pull my boxers off and toss them to the floor. She reaches out with just one finger while staring at my erection with a smirk on her face. “God, you’re so hot, Pete.”

  “Mmm, we’re a good pair then.”

  She touches just the tip of my throbbing dick and makes a circle around the opening. There’s a little drop of pre-come and she uses it to slick the head of my penis with her thumb. I prop myself up on my knees next to her and close my eyes as I tilt my head back. Pure pleasure soars through me as she continues touching me with just one finger. Then she’s running that finger up and down the entire shaft of my cock, over a pulsing vein causing my vision to blur. It’s so good, she’s driving me mad. Out of my fucking mind mad.

  “Wrap your hand around me like this,” I say as I show her how I like it, wrapping my hand around hers and I squeeze her hand a little. “Squeeze it firmly like this, not too hard. Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s it. Now, move your hand up and down really slow. Not fast, I don’t want to come yet. Feels amazing, baby.”

  She does as I say and gets the reaction from me she was looking for. I squirm and pant through each grunt as she brings me close to orgasm. So, fucking close.

  “Use your other hand now, too,” I instruct. “Ahhh, fuck baby! You’re. Going. To. Make. Me. Come,” I growl through my grunts. “Don’t stop. Faster. Fuck.”

  She shatters me with her touch in mere seconds, takes me over the edge into the abyss of heaven way to fast. When I finally catch my breath, I pull her into me, reach for the tissues next to my bed, and hand her a wad. I clean myself off and smile at her as I gently kiss her lips.

  “Holy shit, you’re good at that. You might be better than me and I’ve had a ton of practice. Most girls just tug and pull. The motion gets the same effect in the long run, but it’s not as pleasurable as that was. The way you twist your hand on the up and down stroke…fuck, that was incredible” I say through a yawn.

  “I’m sleepy, too, can I stay here? I’ll sneak out before my parents know I’m gone or your mom finds us,” she promises. “And how many girls are we talking here, Pete?”

  I chuckle. “Love to have you in my bed all night, every night if it’s going to be as good as that,” I say as sleep starts to claim me. “No idea how many, lots.”

  Before I have time to think about how many, she cuts me off with a soft smack to my arm. “Shut up, Pete.”

  I pull her into my side; turn her so I can spoon around her. I kiss her head and sigh, contented like never before. “Good night, Princess.”

  “Good night, Pete, and don’t be weird about this in the morning, okay? Or act like a dick either.”

  I laugh before sleep claims me.

  December 2013


  Tracey and Amanda arrive at the beach house before dinner. Some of us are on the back deck, some in the pool, and others down on the beach. Todd turns when he hears their voices to see Amanda standing in the opening of the slider. He rises from his lawn chair and goes to her, wrapping her in his arms, and hugging her like she’s his lifeline. Amanda hugs him back, tears and sobs overtaking her. The rest of us watch as her body shakes in his arms. When she holds his face in her hands and kisses, first his cheeks then his lips, Todd breaks down and cries for the first time in front of all of us. Cries over their past, cries over his lack of a future. Raina, unable to watch, gets up from her spot on the beach and enters the water, disappearing in the waves. I grab two towels, walk down the beach, and follow her.

  She resurfaces as I enter the water a few feet away from her. “Not now, Pete” she warns as I reach for her and scoop her up in my arms like old times. That first contact like a zap from a live wire directly to my core. Then, of course, it travels right to my dick.

  “Then when, Rain? Huh? ‘Cause we have to talk about what happened. I should have taken you over…” I begin, holding on to her even though she’s struggling to get out of my arms. I hold back the words I long to threaten her with. She’s more than earned a session over my knee but that’s not something I can very well do right now. I haven’t earned the right…yet. But once I have, you can bet that spectacular ass of hers is going to fucking glow red. “I can’t deal with your attitude. You barely spoke to me in the car; you made damn sure you never touched me, and now this sassy attitude of yours. Let me just warn you, I don’t take kindly to this kind of behavior” I warn.

  “Tonight, when we’re alone, okay? Watching Todd and Amanda like that,” she nods to shore with a sad expression. “God, it’s more than I can handle right now, okay? Fuck, how can he be dying? How are we going to watch him die?” She softens and sobs in my arms, burying her face in the crook of my neck for comfort that I’m all too willing to give. I pull her in tighter to my body and her hands go around my neck, acting on instinct alone. I lower our bodies into the water to shield us from the others and to allow the water to hold her weight, all of one hundred pounds of it.

  Raina’s tears run down her face, they’re on my neck then they get swallowed up by the ocean. I let her body go and grab her face between my hands. I pause, just for a second and look into her eyes. They’re bright pools that speak volumes even if she refuses to allow those words to pass through her luscious lips. When she doesn’t stop me, I brush her lips with mine. She looks at me, then kisses me; she kisses me for the first time in over four years.

  My body instantly responds to her, my dick tightens, my heart rate increases, and without consideration, I moan into her mouth as she parts her lips and lets me inside. My tongue swipes over hers, does a rotation, then I withdraw and lick her lips. She still tastes like her, all sugar and strawberries and just a hint of rain. Raina turns in my arms to straddle me and I instinctively notch myself between her legs to feel the warmth of her core on my cock and to remind her what I can give her.

  She pulls back. “Pete. Not here. We need to talk first. We need to, I mean, we can’t…Oh, God…” she trails off as she gives into the feeling of our bodies reuniting with each other. Her eyes flutter closed and her breath catches as I kiss her again, my hands going to her ass to pull her in harder to my erection. I rub into her, up and down, grinding a few times as I kiss her, cherishing her mouth.

  I pull away only when I feel the splashes hitting us. Todd and Amanda are next to us, assaulting us with a tidal wave of water. “Keep it in your pants, dude. No one wants to see that out here” Todd teases.

  I don’t respond, having my blood supply going to a spot way lower than my brain yet again, words elude me. Raina recovers faster and splashes them back, slides out of my grip, and swims away only to resurface and spit a mouth full of water at Todd.

  “Chicken fights” he yells and the others join us for a few rounds, Raina and I winning every time. The feel of her legs wrapped around me, her pussy so close to me, keeps me hard all day.

  We play in the water until hunger forces us out of the ocean to cook. The guys fire up the grill while the girls head into the kitchen to make salads and retrieve plates, cups, and napkins.

  We spend the early evening around the picnic table eating family style before we build a fire down on the beach to roast marshmallows. We drink too much, sing songs from our youth too loud, and razz each other until exhaustion gets the best of us.

  Chris and Tracey are the first
to head to bed. They’re also the only ones returning to their room to sleep together like they still do every night. They’ve always been the couple we knew would beat the test of time. Willie and Sophia avoid heading to sleep in a room together after over a year apart. But it’s Amanda who looks the most apprehensive, knowing that her marriage vows are about to be tested if Todd isn’t lucid when they get to their room, maybe even more so if he is.

  I look at Raina. She’s all wide-eyed and all kinds of nervous by the looks of her. Her and I know, when we get to our room, we’ll need to talk about what happened four years ago before we can continue what we started in the water earlier tonight. But what she doesn’t know is, not only do I long to have her over my knee for her recent and past behavior, I plan on doing it tonight.

  September 2008


  After Rick Roman went missing, Pete refused to live on campus. He didn’t want to leave his mom alone in their house, so he moved home and now spends as much time as he can with her. Todd spends most nights there with Pete to keep him company and support Pete’s sense of responsibly to his mother. The rest of us stayed on campus though, Willie and I living at the frat house still.

  Our senior year, Music, Media, Society, and Culture with Professor Delipeno is insane. Pete, Todd, Willie, and I are in the class, and because it’s a blow off elective, Delipeno allows us to pretty much do whatever we want. We, of course, decide to sit together in the far-right corner in the back of the room. When Todd and Pete notice Amanda and Pete’s new neighbor, Raina, walk in with these other two girls, they wave them over. The other girls are Sophia Palmer and Tracey Easton. Sophia is loud and fun, a comedian in the making, but it’s not her I notice. I’ve had my eye on Tracey Easton since freshman year orientation but she’s always had a boyfriend a year or two older than us. I figure, senior year will be my chance to bag her. My fingers are crossed.

  Tracey is tall with long legs that go on forever. Forever, being where her perfect ass begins. She has short blonde hair that shows off her petite facial features, the cutest button nose and rose bud lips, the only feature on her face that isn’t tiny are her eyes, her deep dark, huge eyes that have yet to ever look at me twice. When the girls head our way, I nudge Willie to switch seats in hopes of her sitting next to me, but when she reaches us, she sits behind me where I can’t see her. I almost die a minute later when she taps my back and speaks to me. “Hey, you’re Christian Williams, right? Baseball team? Pitcher?”

  I don’t speak, can’t. I hear Pete chuckle and I know it isn’t going to be good. “Yeah that’s Chris, he’s on the team,” Pete says. “Great base runner, too. He can get to third base in the blink of an eye, can’t you, man?”

  Oh fuck, why? Why is he doing this to me? If I answer, and Tracey knows he’s talking about me getting into girls’ panties, not baseball, I’ll look like a dick. If I don’t answer, I’ll look like a dick. Argh!

  She solves my dilemma when she laughs and says, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ll have to keep my eyes open then.” She smirks at me, clearly referring to sex, not baseball. Excellent, now I can worry about the boner in my pants, too.

  We compare our schedules and I’m psyched to learn that Tracey and I have a few of the same classes this semester. When class ends, we walk to U.S. History together then see each other with the rest of the gang for lunch in the commons. She sits near me, thank God I have the protection of the table over me when she asks, “Do you want to show me just how fast you can get to third base later?” I shift in my pants to hide things as best as I can. I also choke on the bite of food in my mouth. Tracey smiles slyly at me. “You know…on the baseball field.”

  September 2008


  School, be it middle school, high school or college, is the only place on the planet where even the most beautiful and secure people feel ugly and insecure. For those of us girls who are not able to rely on our looks to get us through, we usually rely on our wit, intellect, humor, or some combination of the three. I rely on the latter. I’m not saying I’m hard to look at, I mean small children don’t go running from a room when I walk in, but I’m no Raina Montgomery, that’s for sure. But I am witty, smart, and funny as fuck. However, Raina’s the new, hot chick that moved in across the street from the yummy Pete Roman and all eyes land on her whenever she walks into a room. She’s a beauty queen. No, I fuckin’ kid you not, she is an honest to God fucking beauty queen. Miss somewhere or other. Has a few tiaras and sashes to prove it. I assumed she’d be a bitch of epic proportions when Amanda told me about her and I only agreed to let her hang out with us so I could get new material for the one woman show I’m writing. Turns out the chick is pretty cool, not a thing like I was expecting.

  We hang out a few times before classes start and when Amanda, Tracey, Raina, and I end up in Music, Media, Society, and Culture with Professor Delipeno with the guys, we’re like pigs in shit. Tracey puts herself behind Chris, Amanda sits next to Todd, and Raina sits next to Pete, so that leaves me the seat in front of Willie Cole.

  Willie is long and lean with strawberry blonde hair and what people refer to as an interesting face. Willie is one of those guys that you know will continue to grow into his looks, he’ll be the guy at his twenty-year high school reunion who the girls all kick themselves for not fucking in high school. But the problem with guys like that is, that when they’re young, like us girls who are not naturally beautiful, they have three choices, athletic ability, intellect, or humor. Lucky for Willie he has sports to help him get laid. And get him laid it does. By the second week of classes, he’s been in my pants so many times he should be paying me rent. And here’s another thing about these guys like Willie, dumb, pretty chicks assume that they have small dicks and suck under the sheets. They’d be wrong about Willie Cole, very wrong! But I’ll never tell them that. I think I’ll keep the pleasant surprise in his pants all to myself.

  September 2008


  “Amanda Burns is going to be the fucking death of me. If she doesn’t give it up and soon, my dick is going to fall off and then I’ll have no reason to live. She’s perfectly fine, by the way, with my hand in her panties getting her off, but then she preaches to me, using that God damn saying about the fucking cow and their milk. I don’t even like fucking milk, man!” I complain to Pete one day at his house after classes.

  “Yeah, she’s smokin’ man. I wouldn’t be able to take much more either if I were you. What about a little on the side with some easy chick? Can’t tell you how many offer me hand jobs when they’re drunk at a frat party.”

  “Yeah, see I thought about that, too, but here’s the thing. I really like her and I don’t want to fuck it up for some cheap screw, you know? You think I’m a pussy now, don’t you?”

  “Mmm, not any more than I always have,” Pete says then mumbles, “Pussy” under his breath as he punches me in the arm. That punch turns into another then I retaliate and before we know it, we’re on his front lawn beating the shit out of each other, like only best friends can do. That’s when we hear their giggles. We look up and try to untangle ourselves without making what we’ve been doing look sexual in any way and see Amanda and Raina smiling at us.

  “Hey” Amanda says while twisting a lock of her auburn hair around a finger.

  “Dude, get the fuck off me. I told you no means no” I joke as I push Pete off, who was clearly getting the best of me. He jumps to his feet and throws Raina over his shoulder and pretends to body slam her to the ground as I reach my hand out to Amanda and pull her on top of me.

  Pete and Raina definitely have something going on. One minute they look like a brother and sister playing around, the next, the air is so charged with sexual tension you’d need a hatchet to slice it. I suspect he might actually be developing feelings for her, which, when it comes to Pete, is unheard of. He won’t admit to fucking her and when I razz him about it, he gets pissed off and usually tells me to go fuck myself.

  “Much better with you than that piece o
f shit over there” I whisper in Amanda’s ear.

  She kisses me. Her lips brush mine then slightly part so that my tongue can reach hers, then she pulls back and whispers, “I have a surprise. My parents won’t be home tonight. We thought maybe you guys would want to come over for pizza and to watch a movie, you know, just us. If you want you guys can stay the night.”

  It’s no use trying to find any privacy at her apartment so the news of her parent’s house being free for the night is the best thing I’ve heard this semester. At her words, I become so hard there’s no sense in trying to hide it. I roll her over and nibble her ear as I press my erection into her side. “Oh, we’ll be there” I say smugly.

  “Okay, well, we have to go. I need to straighten things up at my parent’s and get some stuff ready. You guys bring the pizza, I’ll get us some beer,” she says when I let her stand. As Amanda starts to walk away she smiles at me, pauses, then comes back and stands right next to me. She stands on her tip toes to be closer to my ear and whispers, “You’ll need protection tonight, Todd” before she turns and walks away without looking back.

  Pete looks at me and raises his eyebrows. “What the fuck was that all about?” he asks.

  “She told me to bring protection. Looks like I’m finally getting laid tonight, man. I gotta go shower and whack off, I’ll be back to get you in a couple hours.” And with that, I take off only to return a few hours later to find Pete getting a lecture from his mother.

  Since Pete’s dad died in the boating accident he’s been real close with his mom. Lori is young, she had Pete right out of high school and Pete doesn’t lie to her about what he’s up to. I on the other hand, told my middle-aged mother that I would be sleeping at Pete’s house. Pete has obviously told Lori that we’ll be spending the night getting laid at Amanda’s. I was apparently right about him and Raina. I’m going to kick his ass for hiding that shit from me.


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