Second Chances

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Second Chances Page 8

by Kitty Berry

  With Todd and Amanda gone, the rest of us sit together on the beach and allow ourselves to finally try to process what this vacation is really about.

  We can’t believe that Todd, this strong, young, vibrant guy is dying. Cells in his brain have turned against him to develop a tumor that’s eating away his memory and ultimately his life. When this trip is over, he’ll spend his last days at his parent’s house. He’ll be on heavy drugs by then to keep the pain at bay. He will most likely not recognize or know us, not understand what’s happening. I’ve agreed to stay with him during his last moments even though I know it will be the hardest thing I will ever endure. I’m not yet sure how I’ll handle it, but I have no choice. Todd is like a brother to me, he’s family, and when family needs you, you do whatever it is they need.

  As the day goes on, we hang on the beach playing volleyball and listening to music from our youth, Todd and Amanda never returning. Chris tells us about medical school. Sofia and Willie end up in a fight over Willie’s stripper girlfriend, Sofia making one of her smartass comments. When the sun’s heat weakens, we decide to head inside for showers, then we’re heading out for dinner someplace nice.

  Raina and I return to our bedroom and I offer to let her shower first while I call Sebastian and check in.

  It’s not like him to let my call go to voicemail but that’s what happens. Maybe he’s pissed about my leaving. I know Damian understands why I had to go; I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have explained my reasons to Sebastian. I figure I’ll try him later, I want to be sure everything is okay with my friends in the city. When I left, Mac was gone, someone was threatening Damian’s family, and Sebastian and Skyler just started their BDSM relationship I’m mentoring. So in other words, it was a shit show and the worst possible time for me to leave.

  Raina opens the bathroom door and steps into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. “Really? Are you trying to fucking kill me, Princess?”

  “What?” she innocently asks with a flip of her hair and a smirk on those lips that I’m aching to have surrounding my cock again. I eye her up and down as my response instead of speaking; my gaze says more than words can. She watches as my eyes dilate and the heat in them rises. Then she glances down my body and watches the tenting of my bathing suit, pleased with herself for still having the capacity to turn me on this fast.

  “Yeah, I’m fucking hard for you, Raina. I want to fuck you so bad that I can barely speak. But I need you to trust me first, need you to feel safe, and know that this connection we have is far greater than fucking. Always has been. So I’ll wait to pounce on you. For a while. But when I do Raina, you’d better be ready because I’m like a caged fucking animal right now and once I’m let loose, I’m not going to be gentle or stop. Ever.”

  I drop my suit with a rise of my eyebrows, turn, and head into the bathroom leaving Raina in the bedroom with a glassy look in her eyes and I hope an ache between her legs.

  In the shower, I stand under the water letting it hit my shoulders. The water is warm and soothing on my tense muscles. But the most tense part of my body is still filled with an ache I can no longer stand. My hand finds and cups my balls then I take my length in my fist in a firm hold. I pump into my fist hard and fast and a moan escapes me as I hear the latch on the door. I don’t release myself, don’t slow my fist. I make eye contact with Raina and moan deeper as she watches me masturbate under the water. Her gaze spurs me on and I pump myself harder and faster, never breaking eye contact with her. “See how crazy you’re driving me? Stay. Watch me, Princess. I’m about to fucking come for you” I say as I feel my legs begin to buckle with my impending orgasm.

  “God, Pete. Watching you do this is so hot” she moans and I can’t hold back any longer. I brace myself with one hand against the wall and continue to pump my cock with the other. My head spins, my breathing becomes erratic, and my balls tighten. Then the tingling starts mounting, climbs up my cock. I howl as I come into my hand, spurting against the wall hard, hot, and long. I come with another groan as Raina’s body responds and I watch her shiver, her knees buckle as a tiny orgasm, one brought on just from watching me, runs through her system. I reach out and tug her under the water with me. She submits and follows my lead even though she just stepped out of the shower. I clean her skin and wash her hair. My hands lather her shampoo into her curls and I run my fingers through them then massage her scalp.

  Raina washes me with her gentle hands, letting them roam freely over my muscles and renewed erection. She takes me into her hand and meets my eyes. “I just came into my own hand, Princess. If you’re looking to start something in here, fine with me, but you’ll get on your knees and suck my dick so I can come between those pretty pink lips of yours this time.”

  Without a word she sinks to her knees. I grab a towel and fold it a few times, slide it under her for padding. She smiles at me then I momentarily lose consciousness when her mouth surrounds my cock and her tongue runs around the ridge of the head. Before I come to my senses, she’s sucking me hard. I hit the back of her throat and she swallows me deeper. My hands grab her hair and hold tight, pull just a little. I tilt her head so I can watch myself disappear and resurface from her mouth.

  I watch under hooded eyes as Raina’s finger enters her pussy. She raises her finger to my lips and I suck greedily, her taste running through my system like a shock of lightening. She tastes like she always has, like sugar, strawberries, and freshly fallen rain. She pulls her finger away and finds her clit with it. I watch as Raina drives herself closer and closer to an orgasm, drives me just as close to my own.

  Raina lifts one hand and cups my balls, squeezes gently, then her finger presses between my balls and I come in her mouth so quickly it surprises me. She swallows, licks her lips, and when her own orgasm crashes through her, Raina calls out my name. I collapse on the shower floor, taking her into my arms with a gentle kiss to her forehead. We stay there until the water starts to run cold forcing us to clean up. We step out of the shower, dry off, and get ready for our night out with our friends.

  The six of us arrive at the restaurant in Willie’s Navigator, the valet taking the keys from him as the doorman of the luxury hotel opens the passenger door for Sofia to thankfully exit. She spent the whole ride pointing out how the Navigator should have been sold and half the proceeds should have gone to her instead of Willie keeping the car. “It makes no kind of fucking sense for him to have it just to park it in the lot of the strip joint while he watches his dumbass girlfriend give lap dances to other guys.”

  “Fuck off. If you had kept your fucking legs closed this wouldn’t be an issue” Willie retaliates.

  “Okay, guys. Please, not tonight. Not here. Okay?” Todd pleads and silences them.

  I open my side and help Raina out as Chris opens his to let his wife free and Todd and Amanda out of the far back. We walk into the lobby, through the spacious minimally decorated space, reminding me of Damian’s wife, Sydney, whom I work closely with on each of her designs and remodels, all acquisitions of her husband’s.

  I pull Raina close into my side, I’ll be damned if she won’t let me. Since our escapades in the shower, she’s been quiet and distant. I give her no choice now; I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to my body. She might not be ready to admit that she’s mine, but I’m more than ready to lay my claim on her. And in public, you can bet your ass, I’m going to make sure everyone knows that she’s taken, collar on her yet or not. Raina knows exactly what I’m doing, and to my excitement, she doesn’t pull away or try or exert her independent nature.

  Once seated, I grasp her hand and entwine our fingers, laying our joined hands in my lap. The warmth of her hand makes me hard and aching to feel the brush of her fingers over my dick again. I moan at the thought and Todd smirks at me, most likely reading my mind as only he’s capable of doing.

  The waiter approaches our table and stops in his tracks when he realizes whom he’ll be serving tonight. At first, I assumed he was just looking at he
r like he would any stunningly beautiful woman. I forgot all about her fame and possible recognition by fans.

  As I’m about to go off on him, he speaks. “Ms. Montgomery, I’m a huge fan. It’ll be an honor to serve you and your friends this evening.”

  I growl and shoot him a look that screams, “Back the fuck up” and he immediately heeds my warning. Clearing his throat, he asks for our drink order. I order a scotch for myself and a glass of pink champagne for Raina. I possessively drape my arm over the back of her chair. Got the message now, dickhead?

  The others place their drink orders giving me a private moment with her. I turn to Raina. “You look gorgeous. I should have said so earlier but I was speechless from our shower. Does it bother you when that kind of shit happens?” I nod toward the waiter as I tuck a loose curl behind her ear.

  “Nah, I’m used to it. Not a fan of the paparazzi snapping pictures of me everywhere I go, but it’s the price I knew I’d have to pay if I hit it big. I should probably warn you and the others. If that waiter decides he wants to earn a quick buck, all he needs to do is make a phone call, and in a few minutes, this place will be swarming with photographers.”

  “Not on my watch it won’t be. I’ll handle this.”

  “What are you going to do? Don’t threaten him; it’ll only make it worse.”

  “Wouldn’t think of it, Princess. I’m going to offer him a better option to make some quick cash. I’ll be right back” I say as I lean in and plant a possessive kiss to her lips.

  Once the waiter and I understand each other, I return to the table. He quickly follows with our drinks. We order our meals and our conversations flow easily. We decline dessert and instead head to the nightclub, also in the hotel, to drink and let loose.

  The girls head right for the dance floor as the guys head to the bar. I keep my eyes glued on Raina, not liking that she’s out of my reach. I enjoyed dinner where I was able to touch her, smell her, and know she was by my side, where she should be. Safe and sound. But I decide to give her some space and rein myself in, afraid that I’m going to overwhelm her more than I already have.

  I didn’t plan on us showering together earlier and I don’t want her to think I’m once again making our relationship only about sex. I give her space to dance with our friends, the girls grinding up on each other, drinking, kissing and touching each other, doing whatever they can to make me and every other guy in the club hard enough to pound nails into concrete.

  Just like old times.

  I watch it all, giving her space until I see fucking Scott Bosio. Scott was the biggest douche in my fraternity and he looks no better now. Something happened between him and Raina at a frat party once that I never got the full story on, but I know that she’s never been a fan of his since that night. She doesn’t look any happier to see him now than I do. As I start to leave my seat at the bar and head to where they are, he puts his hand on her hip and tries to pull her into him for a kiss, one that looks like he plans to have tongue. When Todd sees Andy Johnson approaching Amanda, he follows me onto the dance floor.

  “Scott” I coldly acknowledge.

  “Roman. Surprise seeing you here. I thought you were some big shot city boy now. But I guess if Raina’s home it shouldn’t be a surprise to see you here,” He turns and looks at Raina, his eyes lingering too long for my liking on her breasts. “Still opening those beautiful legs for him to slide between whenever he wants?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Scott. You don’t want to start this, because trust me, I will finish it.”

  Scott rolls his eyes and just as I’m about to punch that smug look off his face, I see Todd punch Andy and knock him out cold with one hit. Within seconds we’re surrounded by the club’s security. They escort Todd, Scott, and I outside. I assume they have someone to help Andy get his sorry ass off the floor, but I can really give a shit. Raina and Amanda follow us out with the others on our tail. I look to Todd with the question, “What the fuck?” on my face. He simply says, “He’s the one she gave her virginity to, he used her, made her feel like a whore, then never talked to her again. Had to be done. She finally told me the other night who it was and him showing up here tonight worked out perfectly. Didn’t know if I’d have the time to track his ass down and beat the shit out of him. Mission accomplished.”

  I hate to throw his name around and use my friendship with him but the name Damian Stone goes a long way even 1,500 miles away. I explain the situation to the bouncers, telling them that Andy and Scott were being disrespectful to our women whom they had past transgressions with. Luckily for me, the bouncers get to see Scott’s drunken mouth in action at the same time as they recognize Raina.

  “I still can’t fucking believe that she’s still giving it up to you. I can’t figure out what the fuck is wrong with her, that she’d give it to you at the drop of a hat, but when I try to get a piece, I get a kick to the balls” Scott slurs.

  At that admission the bouncers apologize to Raina for the disruption of her evening and escort Scott to the parking lot. I snuggle Raina close to my body and ask, “What the fuck happened between you two that night?”

  She shrugs, refusing to answer. “Let’s just have fun, dance with me, we’ll talk about it later.”

  Unable to not give her anything and everything she asks for, I take her into my arms on the dance floor and ironically, at that very moment, the music changes to When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. “God Raina, this song was made for us, don’t you think? The night at my mom’s, in my old bed, it felt five times bigger without you there with me. Over the years, every time Todd or the others would mention your name, or I’d see you in a magazine, on TV, it would kill me. I’m so sorry for the way I acted, the way I treated you. I was no better than those douche bags, Scott and Andy. I should have treated you better, not waited until that day after Lora to bring you flowers. I should have claimed you as mine like I wanted to so many times. I should have brought you everywhere with me, parties, clubs. Everything I wanted to do, but instead, I acted like a fucking asshole. I really did let my pride and ego dictate what I did and my only explanation is I was a stupid kid. I’m not that kid anymore, Raina. I promise I can be the kind of man you deserve. Please, Raina. I’ve been in love with you since the day I saw you step out of your mom’s car and I’m still in love with you right now. It’s killing me not to have the right to have my hands all over you, to not take you to my bed and drive you wild with pleasure, to look at your neck without my collar on it. I can’t hold back much longer, Princess. Please let me take care of you and show you I can be the kind of man you deserve.”

  “I don’t want you to hold back, Pete. Not anymore, let’s go home. Take me home and make love to me. But promise me that you won’t hurt me this time. I can’t take losing you again, that kind of pain, I won’t survive it twice.”

  “I won’t hurt you, baby. I’ll treasure you every second of every day. Now come. I need to get inside of you before I lose my fucking mind.”

  December 2013


  While Pete is in the shower getting ready for dinner another memory comes back to me. The time he called me to meet him at his house late at night after he’d been at a frat party feels like yesterday. When I got there, he smelled like sex, like whatever girl he had just been with. I pretended not to notice. He quickly kissed me and headed into the shower. By the time he returned, I’d grown brave enough to ask where he’d been. It was a story I could have done without.

  “The guys and I went to the frat party. We left when it got old and headed to a club. We picked up a few pretty kinky girls who were up for anything and I mean anything. We took them to a hotel and ended up having a bit of an orgy. It was a night to go down in history.”

  My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach while I listen to him tell me how they took off their clothes as they watched the girls seductively remove theirs.

  “They were hot, but I’ll never get used to the feel of fake tits,” he told me. “Yours are so much better. Th
ey feel soft under my touch, and I love how your little pink nipples become erect when I flick them with my tongue.”

  I push away the unwanted feelings ripping me apart when he tells me more. He wasn’t kidding when he said these girls were up for anything.

  “The guys and I watched them go at it with each other for a while. There was this brunette. She laid one of the blondes down on the bed and pushed her legs open,” Pete walks over to his dresser, looks in his mirror, and runs his fingers through his wet hair. “One of the chicks ran her finger up and down the girl’s pussy. Then the brunette went down on her. The guys and I weren’t sure if we should jump in or see where the girls were going to take it. In the end, we decided to watch for a while,” Pete opens a drawer, drops his towel from his hips, then slides into a pair of loose shorts. “It got kind of weird for a minute when some of the guys started jerking off. I won’t mention any names, trust me, you don’t want to know.”

  “And you watched them?”

  “It was uncomfortable at first, but then my own arousal got the best of me, and I have to admit, I fisted myself for the pleasure of a few good pumps.”

  “You’re a pig, Pete.”

  Pete laughs as he walks to his bed and sprawls across it, stretches out with his arms behind his head. His bare chest still moist from his shower.

  “Anyway,” Pete continues, “The brunette was relentless, she sucked on the blonde’s clit until she screamed for mercy and came. The guys and I were ready to lose it by then. It was so fucking hot to watch. I mean, it’s hot and all in porn, but in real life? Fuck! It was…” he trails off then continues. “Drew didn’t even give the poor thing a chance to get up; he climbed on the bed and was fucking her before the rest of us even realized what he was going to do. Then brunette put herself over the girl Drew was fucking, she opened her legs, and as Drew dove in face first, she lost it. Drew reared up, yelled, and came.”


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