Assassin's Crown (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book Book 3)

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Assassin's Crown (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book Book 3) Page 8

by Ivy Clyde

  “Are you looking for a place to stay tonight?” asked the man driving the cart. He was in his late forties with a sizeable belly and rosy cheeks. From the looks of it, he was a wine merchant. Cain and I were squeezed among the barrels in the back of his cart. The alcoholic fumes wafting around us was quite intoxicating.

  “Do you know of a good place?” asked Cain. “We’re short of funds.”

  “I reckoned from the looks of you two,” he said, smirking at us. “Well, I am heading for the Hog’s Tail. There’s a wedding happening there. It’s the innkeeper’s own daughter’s wedding, so if you pretend to be my helpers, you’ll get free lodging tonight. Of course, you’ll both be helping with carrying the wine barrels.”

  Cain glanced at me. I nodded imperceptibly. It would be a great way to enter the capital under the guise of being helpers to the wine merchant. The guards at the city’s gate won’t bat an eye while we pass through.

  “So, what are your names?”

  “I’m Darla and this is Cade,” I lied.

  “Are you two married?”

  “Yes,” said Cain at once. “We are man and wife.” His hand came to squeeze over mine, making my heart throb as I looked into his deep, silvery eyes. The morning light shone on his handsome face as his luscious lips curved up in a smile.

  “Shame,” grunted the merchant. “I was hoping she could warm my bed.” He barked out a laugh while Cain glared at his back. I squeezed his wrist to warn him. He was glaring at the back of the man’s head.

  “And what’s your name, sir?” I asked.

  “They call me Dalton,” he said, glancing back at me. He flashed a quick grin before turning his attention on the road ahead.

  While the merchant kept his back to us, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. In my mind, I searched for the connection I was hoping to make. To my surprise, it happened sooner than I expected. Opening my eyes, I saw a heavy pine forest. A cold breeze blew by, making Tuto hoot with annoyance.

  “You’re already in Drakhaven,” I whispered. “Well done.”

  Tuto fluffed out his chest.

  “Try finding Adal,” I said. “You know him, right?”

  He hooted reassuringly.


  I blinked away the vision of the forest ground down below me. Back to being rattled against the wine barrels, I opened my eyes.

  “You were talking to your owl?” asked Cain, staring at me intently.

  I nodded. “He’s here.”

  It was another hour before the gates of the capital came into view. They were visible in the distance, vast doors rising into the sky with a dragon carved on the top. Their silent but violent snarls warned every newcomer. Crowds of people moved in the same direction as us. Suddenly, the deserted roadsides disappeared and we were surrounded by other horse and mule-driven carts and people on foot.

  “Welcome to the greatest city in the four kingdoms,” announced Dalton from the front.

  Heart pounding with both dread and anticipation, I stared ahead as the cart passed through the wide open gateway. Soldiers in maroon uniforms watched us pass by but they didn’t stop us, their gazes moving to the people coming in behind us.

  Fuvaros definitely made an impression on me the first time I laid eyes on it. Vast monuments and buildings rose up in every direction. People, from the richest to the poorest, crowded the city streets. While some vendors sold cups of exotic wine to crowds of well-dressed patrons, others gave out thin gruel to groups of starving children.

  Every corner of the town seemed to have statues of a particular dragon erected. From the polished look of the black stones, I could tell they were put up in recent years.

  “Watch out for the great grand dragon,” said Dalton. He kept his attention on the road as the crowd around us swelled. “We will be passing by soon.”

  “What’s the great grand dragon?” muttered Cain from beside me.

  I shrugged but looked out for another statue. Something gold glinted in the far distance. Focusing my attention there, I waited for the cart to draw nearer.

  “The fuck’s that?” Cain growled as a gigantic dragon statue came into view made completely of gold. I felt my lips part at the sight. It was bold and beautiful on first impression, but as we got closer, I saw the groups of poor people being pushed away by soldiers for getting too near the statue.

  “Get your filthy paws away from the great grand dragon,” shouted the soldiers, pointing their spears at the fleeing peasants in rags.

  “No one gets to touch the statue,” said Dalton with a backward glance. “If you plan to stay in Fuvaros, you should at least know that.”

  “It’s vile,” I said through gritted teeth. There were people starving in all four kingdoms and Ivan was erecting gold statues of himself. Was there no limit to his apathy?

  Dalton shrugged, turning away. “The strong do what they please. It’s the only law in the four kingdoms.”

  I opened my mouth but Cain placed a hand over my lips. He shook his head, warning me with a grim look. I exhaled, letting my shoulders droop in defeat. There was no use in correcting Dalton. The time hadn’t arrived yet.

  “Do you know of Lord Tasher?” I asked, hoping a wine merchant would know of the rich noble.

  “Of course,” said Dalton, glancing back at me. “He’s the second most powerful lord in Drakhaven.”

  “Really? Who’s the first?”

  “That would be Lord Malnar,” said Dalton in a low, hushed voice. “He is the commander of the army. There is no one in the nobility or the court who would dare top him except for the emperor and his sons.”

  “Malnar murdered the commander-in-chief fifteen years ago,” whispered Cain in my ear. “He aided Ivan in stamping out every revolt. He’s the one who barricaded us in our chambers while our parents were being murdered at the feast.”

  Rage, hot and swift, flared inside my chest. That was another name added to my list of personal vendetta.

  We left the bustle of the main city square and entered a quieter area with more residential buildings cropping up along the street. The shops here were sparse and sold mostly grains and fruit. The cart slowed down and came to a halt before a two-storied house. A rusty signboard hung from a side bar proclaiming it to be the Hog’s Tail. A faded painting of a hog was still visible through the rust that gathered over the display.

  An older man came rushing outside to greet Dalton.

  “You are here,” cried the man, hugging Dalton around the middle before he could climb out of the cart. “I didn’t think you’d come.” He wore robes of deep purple and the length of his long, graying hair was swept back and braided in a thin plait. It was easy to tell his inn was bringing in good business.

  “Why won’t I come to sweet Myrtle’s wedding?” said Dalton, puffing out his chest. “I also brought her and the guests a present.” He gestured at the barrels of wine in the cart. “Those two will be helping me, so you got to let them stay the night, Finn.”

  “Of course.” Finn tilted his head towards us. “Guests of Dalton’s are guests of mine. Don’t be shy! Make yourselves at home.”

  Cain and I glanced at each. We weren’t expecting such a warm welcome from the owner of the inn. Of course, we didn’t even know Dalton was doing a favor for his friend.

  “Bring the wine in,” said Dalton. “Best not to keep them in the sun for too long.”

  Cain’s hand wrapped around my wrist just as I was about to get up. “Leave it all to me. Go and wait for me inside.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’re still injured, Dari. Carrying these won’t be a difficult task for me. I can do it on my own.”

  My joints creaked as I unfolded my knees and climbed out of the cart. The hours of sitting among the casks had stiffened my body. Looking all around the street, I followed after Dalton and his friend.

  It was darker and warmer inside the inn. The floors, as well as the walls and ceiling, were made of dark mahogany wood. The aroma of wine and aged ale seeped
out of every corner, making me inhale deeply. The main hall was vast. Tables and chairs had been shifted against the walls to make space in the middle of the room.

  “You’ll be losing a lot of business today,” I commented, looking at the higher platform set up against the furthest wall.

  “It doesn’t matter to Finn today, does it, my friend?” said Dalton, slapping the older gentleman’s back.

  “No,” said Finn with a soft smile on his wrinkling face. “I am done with the inn. My daughter will go off to live in her husband’s house tomorrow and I’ll move to a quieter village to spend the rest of my life.”

  “You are selling the inn?” I asked in surprise. The place was incredibly neat and well-maintained. Whoever ran it was sure to make a lot of money.

  “Finn’s been getting trouble from the nobility,” whispered Dalton.

  “Dalton.” Finn’s voice was full of warning.

  “I don’t care for the nobility. And neither does my husband,” I said, glancing at Cain who’d just entered the room with a cask on his shoulder. The sleeves of his tunic tightened over his bulging muscles. Suddenly, I wanted those arms around me. Licking my bottom lip, I drank in his powerful frame with my eyes.

  “It is best to stay quiet about such matters,” said Finn in a grim voice. “You seem close to my daughter’s age, so I hope you’ll heed my advice.” The man’s gaze was genuinely sincere. Once again, it irked me to think a good man was losing his home and livelihood because of the nobility.

  The inn began filling up with people as the afternoon progressed. Cain and I were mostly ignored. We were left to sit in the last row of chairs that had been set in the empty space. (Dalton had made us help set those up too). We were served with cheese sandwiches and cups of Dalton’s delicious wine along with the rest of the guests. It further helped us unwind and enjoy the moment of peace.

  When the sun was about to set, a young maid rushed into the room. She wore a simple gown of blue silk, looking fresh and pretty. Her appearance made everyone go back to their places and put a halt to the loud conversations.

  “The groom should take his place,” she announced in a loud voice. I could see her struggling from screaming out with excitement. “The bride is ready!”

  A tall, handsome man rose up from the front row. Dressed in a long navy velvet outer robe, he looked quite well off. His young face was glowing with pride and happiness as he walked up to the dais. Men cheered and clapped for him while a few of the older women dabbed at their tearing eyes. I assumed they were his family.

  The young maid began singing a slow, lilting melody. The words were of love and hope for a bright future, absolutely fitting for a wedding ceremony. A faint rustle of silk had the whole crowd look back towards the steps that led up to the upper floors of the inn. The bride stood there, her face covered by a gauzy red veil. Her dress was the same shade of crimson. Gold bracelets jangled at her wrists as she walked into the room and made her way to the dais to join her soon-to-be husband.

  The maid continued to sing her song while the women in the crowd continued to sniff. Strangely, I felt my own throat choke up. I’d never seen a wedding before but my emotions astonished me. Why did I feel like crying and wanting Cain to hold me tight in his arms? I wasn’t in any pain but strangely my heart ached.

  As if he could read my mind, Cain’s arm came to drape around my shoulders, pulling me against his chest. His hand found mine and squeezed it gently.

  “Someday soon, that would be us,” he whispered in my ear.

  My heart fluttered as I looked into his warm silvery eyes. My hand rose to cup his cheek. His stubble felt comfortably rough against my palm as I leaned in to kiss him.

  The kiss seared my lips.

  Heat flared up inside me as his hands moved up and down the side of my body, coming up to cup a breast and squeezing it ever so gently. I moaned into his mouth, my body demanding rougher touches.

  Cain suddenly pulled away, panting slightly. His eyes were glowing with hunger as he stared at me. “I won’t be able to stop myself,” he said in a rough voice, his chest rising and falling.

  “I don’t want you to stop,” I said, meeting his gaze squarely. The wedding ritual continued in the background but all my focus was on Cain now. The place between my thighs throbbed and ached for him.

  He stood up abruptly, extending his hand towards me. Taking it, I got to my feet and discreetly followed him up the staircase in the corner.

  Pushing open the door to the room we’d been assigned for the night, Cain gently pushed me in. It was a small, neat room with a bed taking up most of the space. After the days of sleeping in the wild, the sight of it felt especially luxurious. My hand caressed the rough linen sheet.

  Cain closed the door behind him and walked towards me.

  He took off all his clothes before reaching the bed. A gasp escaped me as I found myself staring at his gloriously muscled broad chest.

  “It’s been far too long since I’ve had you all to myself.” Cain’s voice was ragged with need. The intensity in his eyes lit a fire deep within my core. With a sudden move, he picked me up in his arm and threw me on the bed.

  Out of balance, I scrambled to my feet but before I could sit up, Cain was upon me, his lips locking onto mine. I threw my arms around his neck while his hand impatiently pushed up my skirt. I moaned, feeling his rough hand moving up my calves. He squeezed my inner thigh, tantalizingly close to my core.

  I shifted, wanting his hand to touch me in the most intimate spot.

  “You have no idea what it does to me when you’re so eager,” Cain’s voice was barely a whisper as his finger suddenly slipped through my slit.

  “Ohh!” I moaned, feeling my muscles closing over his digit.

  Cain clamped his mouth over my gasping lips, inserting a second finger inside me. He worked me fast and rough, driving me to the edge of pleasure. For a moment, I was so lost to the throbbing ecstasy in my body, I forgot all about kissing him back.

  I needed him inside me. Only the feel of his hard, pulsing member could satiate the fire in my core.

  My hand went down to grasp his hardened shaft. It was hot to the touch as I pumped his length hard and firm.

  “Dari,” he groaned, throwing his head backward. “I wanted us to last the whole night, but fuck it all!”

  He pulled his fingers away, leaving me empty and pulsing. Before I could pout, Cain was rubbing his thick head at my entrance, coating it with the juices dripping from my lips. I moaned, staring up into Cain’s face as he positioned himself over me.

  I cried out as soon as he thrust in, feeling him slip a few inches inside my wet folds. Pulling out, he pushed in hard again, this time entering me fully and burying himself to the hilt. His lips sought mine as he began moving inside me. I kissed him back intermittently, gasping and moaning with his every thrust.

  My pleasure rose higher, almost making it unbearable. My nails dug into his back, urging him to keep going. Cain slowed down suddenly, his cock pulsing inside me. I groaned, thrusting my hips upward, eager for his hard length to hit me deep.

  “Always so eager, my love,” he whispered in a pained voice, leaning down to kiss me. I opened my mouth willingly. His tongue swept over mine and with a sudden move, he began thrusting hard and fast again. My mouth opened wide as my body reached the peak of pleasure. Delicious shivers ran down my spine, tightening my core until I couldn’t bear it anymore.

  Crying out his name, I let go, drowning in the waves of pleasure that cascaded down my body.

  “SShh!” warned Cain, pecking my lips.

  But I couldn’t control the loud moans escaping me. Biting down on his shoulder, I took in his relentless thrusts.

  Soon, I could feel his own pleasure taking over him. His groans began sounding rougher and more desperate. His mouth sucked the sensitive skin on the side of my neck, unraveling me once again.

  My walls clamped around his hardness as he plunged inside me. All my senses were blocked out by the haze of pure plea
sure flooding my body. His teeth sank into the skin of my neck as he reached his own peak. He shattered inside me, filling me to the brim with his raging hot essence.

  “Cain!” I cried out as he collapsed onto me with a welcome weight.

  We lay like that, struggling to catch our breaths. My heart raced uncontrollably as heat spread to the very tips of toes and fingers.

  Cain pulled out and shifted to my side. “I wanted us to last the whole night,” he whispered, moving closer to wrap his arms around me in a warm embrace.

  I laughed. “The whole night?”

  “My patience runs thin every time I’m with you.” He smiled as he gently moved a strand of hair away from my sweaty face. “You look lovely, Dari.”

  I blushed harder, my cheeks burning with heat.

  He pulled up the blanket to cover both our cooling bodies. “It’s the owners’ family wedding and we’re the ones consummating our bond up here.”

  Cain chuckled. “With the amount of wine Dalton brought in, I doubt the bride and groom would be in any condition to be consummating their marriage tonight.”

  I closed my eyes, loving the feel of having an actual bed underneath me. With Cain’s warmth wrapped all around me, I closed my eyes.


  It was late at night when my eyes suddenly flew open. Cain’s arms were wrapped around me, keeping me warm. I could hear the faint sound of his regular breathing from beside me. So what woke me up? A door crashed open somewhere down below. Feeling more alert now, I sat up.

  Thin shafts of moonlight filtered through the shutters of the window. My ears strained to hear more of what was going on downstairs. It was probably a few guests at the wedding who got drunk and were creating a ruckus. I was about to lie back on the pillow when shouts and screams rang into the night, breaking the silence completely.

  Cain sat up beside me. The long lengths of his dark hair curtained his face as he looked around himself.


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