Pretty Dreamer

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Pretty Dreamer Page 6

by A. G. Hobson

  “Mom what the hell is going on?” I belt.

  She jumps up and ties her robe, but not before I get a glimpse of her naked body.

  “Sienna, I thought you were spending the night over Eva’s.”

  “Why would you think that mom? I didn’t leave with her.”

  “When you usually miss curfew that is where you are honey.” She says shooing me from her room. I look behind her and dad is scrambling for his clothes.

  “Mom! What are you doing?”

  “I am the grown up Sienna. Don’t speak to me that way!”

  I scream at her. I can’t believe my eyes. After the hurt dad put her through, how could she sleep with him? I storm past her and go to my room. Scott follows me.

  “Sienna! Let’s talk about this.” My dad yells behind me.

  “Dad go and have fun with mom and then go home to your slut!” I slam my door.

  My dad’s face is mortified, but I don’t care. He is totally using mom.

  “That wasn’t fair Sienna. Your mom loves her husband.” Scott speaks softly.

  “Scott please. First of all that is her ex-husband, second they have been apart for almost three years. He chose Natalie.” I grab a duffle bag and start to pack my things.

  “Where are you going?” He asks

  “Back home with you. Then I will see if I can stay at Eva’s” my dream flashes before my eyes and I cringe.

  “On second thought I think am going to call my aunt Trixie.”

  “No, your aunt lives all the way in Rochester what about school?”

  “I’ll stay until your parents come home.”

  “Your parents are going to freak.”

  “I don’t care what they think. She can call me when he goes home.” I turn and the phone starts to ring. I snatch it up.

  “Hello!” I yell.

  “Yes, hi Sienna. I am looking for Casey. I’m very worried. He didn’t come home last night. He never stays out. I have talked to all of his friends. Maybe you’ve spoken to him.” Natalie pleads.

  My nostrils flair, this day could not get any worse. “Well Natalie… your husband is over here.”

  “Oh thank god. What happened?”

  “He is screwing my mom!” I spill before I can stop myself.


  I hang up the phone and continue to pack.

  “Sienna, why did you just do that?”

  “I don’t care Scott.” He steps up and grabs my shoulders.

  “Snickers.” He says slowly. “Calm down. You are acting like a lunatic.”

  A smile slowly develops. How can I remain angry when my handsome boyfriend is calling me a delicious candy bar? I close my eyes and exhale.

  “Okay, but I’m still leaving. When are your parents coming home?”

  “I guess tomorrow or Tuesday. I can call.” he reaches into his pocket and dials on his cell phone. “Hey mom, I was wondering when you and dad were coming home.”

  “No, I just want to have everything in order for you guys.” He laughs. “No mom I promise…okay I’ll see you then. I love you too.” He presses end and slide it back into his pocket.

  “They think they will be back Wednesday but it could be the weekend. They’ve turned it into a many vacation.”

  “Where are they?”

  “I don’t know some island.” He shrugs

  “Well that’s settled. I am staying with you.”

  “Are you sure? I am not completely confident that I can behave if you are in my bed another night.”

  “Well you are going to have to try.” I walk over to him and lightly plant a kiss on his pillow soft lips.

  I pack about a week worth of clothes and we walk out of my room.

  “Sienna.” My mom approaches fully dressed. “Baby where are you going?”

  “Mom, I cannot do this. I won’t watch you go back to the mess you were when he left the first time.”

  “I am not leaving this time honey, I promise.” My dad assures.

  “Oh I think you won’t have a choice. Natalie called and I told her you were here.” I say storming past them and out of the door.

  “I’ll be back when he is gone!” I yell getting into Scott’s Range.

  “I…” My mom attempts to follow. When she realizes that I’m too angry to reason with, she gives in. “Keep your cell on baby I love you!” Jacqueline yells back.

  I feel bad as Scott pulls away. My heart pounds and I sympathize with my mom. She loves her husband. Dog or not she has loved him for a very long time. I should have known she would jump at the chance to have him back in her arms. I am the most insensitive daughter ever. My eyes become glossy, but I refuse to cry.

  “I am so sorry this is happening to you now. I want to be there for you as if we were still just best friends.” He offers.

  “I know you will Scotty. You have never failed me, even in my dreams.”

  He gives me a puzzled look and continues to his house. When we get there, we settle in and watch the remainder of his Josie Peoples conspiracies.

  I awake and the lights and television are off. I see little trickles of light peeking through his thick drapes. So I know the day is not totally gone. I peek at the clock and it is noon. I go to the bathroom and start a shower. After I slip into one of my tanks, the white one and some of my cartoon pajama pants. I gather my things and return the bathroom to its immaculate state. I get a trash bag, place my purple dress, and undergarments into it. I fold it as small as it can get and reenter his room. I stuff the bag into my duffle. Later tonight I will make my way to their laundry room. I sit on the bed and grab the remote. I search for something to watch.

  “Hello wife for the week.” Scotty stretches.

  I blush. There is nothing better than being with Scott. Even when we were just friends, he made my day.

  “Hello.” He reaches up and pinches my chin.

  “I will take a wild guess and assume from the delicious aroma that is filling the room, you showered.”

  “Yes. You have never smelled me and you never will.” I giggle

  “Oh yes, I have smelled you.” he sits up.

  “When!” I yell horrified.

  “That time when you… I’m kidding.”

  “Oh no, please don’t play with me that way.” He tosses a pillow at me and runs to the bathroom.

  I watch television while Scott bathes. I think about where we are right now and it is unbelievable. We have never really hung out without Eva. I remember the times we did and it was nice. I sit and daydream. Suddenly my cell phone chimes. I reach for the night stand and answer it.


  “Hey Sienna. It’s Devin.” I grab my mouth. I have been having such a good time with Scott, I completely forgot about him.

  “Devin what’s up?” I stutter.

  “Not much. I was hoping you would go out with me tonight. I wanted to catch a movie or something.” I can hear him smiling that brilliant smile through the phone.

  “Umm, well… I am kind of busy.”

  “Please don’t be angry with me. I know I was supposed to call yesterday, but Payton called and I went to the Pizza Corner with them. You know they are my friends.”

  “Of course. Just like Scott and I were.”

  “Oh what do you mean were?”

  “Well…” as I begin to speak Scott runs into the room with just his towel on. I completely lose focus.

  “Umm Devin, I’m sorry but I have to pass. I will see you in school.” I end the call.

  “Now, who were you talking to?” he walks toward the door to leave out.

  “That was Devin asking me on a date.”

  He clutches his towel and turn toward me. “I knew Harris had a thing for you. I am so glad I put the moves on first. I would have never recovered”

  I bite my lip. The fact that I kissed him the same night Scott first kissed me would totally dispel that notion. So I will take that one to the grave.

  He disappears out of the door and reenters with a pair of b
lack pajama pants on. He bounces onto the bed and grabs me on his way down.

  “I really can’t believe we are together. I’m going to try and make this relationship work.” He says gazing into my brown eyes. He takes his finger and traces my jawline.

  “You have never tried to make them work before?”

  “No.” he says.

  “We are not starting this.” I sit up. No way is he getting my clothes of tonight.

  “Aww you are no fun.” He lies back and rests his head on his hands. We watch TV, eat periodically well into the evening, and then call it a night.


  The next morning I am up bright and early. I shower, grab my jeans, a powder blue screen t-shirt and dress. I finish the look off with my gray tennis shoes. “Let’s try not to get beat up today.” I think as I toss my backpack across my shoulder and hurry down the stairs. Scott is in the wonderfully designed kitchen eating.

  “You want breakfast Snickers?”

  “No thanks. We probably need to go. I hate being late.”

  “I know. We will be there on time, I promise.” He flashes me a smile and finishes eating. I go into the living room and wait.

  “Let’s get to school.” Scott rubs his hands together as he enters the room.

  I stand and we get into the car. On the way to school we chit chat about how great our weekend has been. I have enjoyed being at Scott’s house, but I know it will all end when his parents return from their business vaycay.

  “Do you always have girls over when your parents are away?” I ask.

  “Um I have.” He answers.

  I sit back, melting into the soft white seat. I think hard about my next question, but curiosity forces the words out like held breath.

  “How many girls have you been with Scott?” I exhale.

  “Really Sienna? Do you need to know that?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “Forget it Scott.”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “Because I need to.”

  He sighs and rolls his eyes. “I guess I can tell you, but will is cause you to not want to be with me anymore?”

  “We were friends first. I am just inquiring about my boyfriend’s sex life. I am so inexperienced.”

  “I know. But I won’t judge you for it.” he laughs.

  “Just tell me Scott!”

  “Okay… okay. I have been with about ten girls.”

  I gasp and cover my mouth. “Oh my goodness, how many from Fremont?”

  He makes a smacking sound with his lips. I must have really annoyed him with this last line of questioning.

  “Well I was with a girl from high school when I was in eighth grade. She was 17 and I was 13. Then about five while I have been there.”

  I laugh. “You are really loose.”

  He rolls his eyes and winks at me. “I’m not loose. Girls just throw themselves at me. What should I do?”

  “Say no or stand them up like you did to Eva Saturday.”

  A serious look dawns his face. I want to ask but I am not done with the questions.

  “So… do I know any of the five?”

  “Oh god Sienna! Why?” he yells

  “Just spill it Headly. I mean it!”

  “Okay… Payton, Amber, Jessie Curtine, Beth, and Loren.” He does not look at me again. I think he knows that he knocked me out with the first name. Jessie came to Fremont last year and obviously wasted no time, and that stupid floosy Amber. I am disgusted at the thought of them touching him. I am so glad that I didn’t know when it was happening. I let the conversation die as we pull into the parking lot.

  Scott quickly exits. He grabs his books from the back and opens my door. I notice that he is super tense. So I attempt to break the ice.

  “I’m not affected by your exes Scott. I promise. I just wanted to know who has been with my boyfriend. You wouldn’t want them smiling in my face and I don’t know why, right?’

  He nods and smiles.

  He hooks his arm around my neck and we enter the school. We walk the hall of fame. The students crowd the hall as usual. We break through the cluster and walk to my locker.

  “I’m sharing your locker for now on.”

  “Only if you buy me snickers every day.” I tease.

  “I will buy you Snickers, all the time Snickers.” He says as he plants a kiss on my nose.

  One girl notices our exchange and approaches. “Hey Scott.” She looks me over and turns her glare back to him. “I thought you were with Amber?”

  He closes my locker and turns to greet her. “Deanna, no Amber was not my girlfriend. But Sienna is.” He smiles such a wonderful smile.

  “Oh… so I guess when you guys were at my house…”

  “Don’t…” he frowns, “Do me a favor, go and find Willie. He is probably waiting for you to carry his books.” He snarls and she stomps away pissed.

  “See, aren’t you glad I asked?”

  “Yes I am.” We kiss and it is so magnetic, I feel very special. We tear away from one another. He runs off to class and I watch as he leaves me for the first time since he became my boyfriend. I slowly stroll to my first class of the day. I enter the class and scan the room. I walk over to my usual seat. I sit in math waiting to see if Eva and I are still besties.

  Finally thirty minutes after class has started she sashays in. I look at the seat beside me and she plops down.

  “Hey Eva. I missed you yesterday. You are never going to guess what I have been through”

  “Please save the details for someone who cares Sienna.”

  “You don’t even know what I was going to say.” I pause before speaking again. “My parents are getting back together… I guess.”

  “Oh how nice.” She spits sarcastically.

  “No. I am horrified. My father is married to another woman. Why would she go back to him?”

  “Well Sienna, people can’t make the decisions you want them to.”

  I guess that she is still mad at me about Scott. What can I do to get her to calm down and be happy for me? She has never expressed interest in him until now.

  “Eva what is wrong with you?” I ask.

  “You know I wanted Scott back and… forget it.”

  “No tell me.”

  “If you are truly my friend, don’t go out with him again. Can you do that? The date could not have gone all that good anyway. You’re not the fun date type.” she smirks.

  “Actually we are together now. So can’t you just let it go and be happy for me? I really like him. We spent the whole weekend together.” I whisper.

  Her eyes widen. She grabs her diamond pendant hanging from her solid gold chain and squints at me.

  “Together? Weekend? Did you sleep with him?” she asks.

  “No, of course not. We are together. Meaning, he is my boyfriend, my first one actually.”

  “I know that Sienna! Hopefully that is the only first he will be.” She stands and exits the class. She bumps into Mr. Oliver on her way out.

  “Ms. Perriman where are you going?”

  “To the lavatory!” she shouts.

  Eva never returns and the class drags by. I cannot believe my closest friend is behaving this way. She is very spoiled, but has never played that card with me. My heart is broken and I don’t know how to make up with her. I walk to each of my classes super weary. I am used to seeing her in the hall. I make my way to lunch and I’m not eager to get there. I spot Eva immediately. She is sitting at the round table, so to speak, with Avery, Payton, Devin, Willie and Beth. I can’t believe my eyes. They are not her enemies but most certainly not her friends.

  I hear them talking about the party on Friday. Avery’s high pitched tone annoys me. I glare over at them.

  “What are you gawking at?” she shrieks.

  Ugggh! I could just die right now! I turn and head for the chow line. I grab my usual and search for a table far from the Hub Club. It is so strange sitting alone. I have had Scott
and Eva since I entered this education mall. I sit and pick over my once favorite foods. I throw the wrapper onto the tray and close my eyes. I feel the warmth of hands on my back. I smile because I know my knight in shining armor has come to my rescue again.

  “Here you are? Your daily candy bars.” He tosses a few candy bars on the table.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere, sir.” He kisses my cheek. My skin flushes and my face heats up. He flips the chair and straddles it.

  “So how is your day so far?”

  “Terrible Scott, Eva is being impossible. I guess she wanted you more than I thought. I just don’t understand. She hasn’t given you a second thought since ninth grade.”

  He sighs and looks at his hands. “Well actually she has.”


  “Wait, before you overreact I need to tell you that I didn’t want her. I really, really wanted you.”

  “You are going to have to give me more than that.”

  “She has told me that she wanted me back several times, especially lately.”

  “How could you not tell me that Scott?” I push through my teeth.

  “I wanted you to make a decision based on how you felt about me, not about what your best friend wanted.”

  “Key word Scott, best friend. If I would have known she has been trying to get you back, I would have never kissed you.’

  “Then you would be with Devin right now. I couldn’t have handled that.”

  “It would have been better for my friendship with Eva.” I add.

  “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  We agree to let it go. The damage is done and I don’t know if our friendship will ever be the same. I look over at her and she is extending her funkiest grimace ever. I hope she can forgive me. I try to wave but she rolls her eyes. Scott notices my pain and stands to go over and attempt damage control.

  “Hello Scotty.” Eva smirks.


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