Pretty Dreamer

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Pretty Dreamer Page 13

by A. G. Hobson

  “You tried Sienna. You couldn’t physically restrain her. Now could you?”

  “I should have called the police and had him picked up for being with a minor. He hasn’t slept with her but it would have stopped them. Somehow he is the connection to all of this. I can feel it.”

  “She would have hated you. And you wouldn’t have her anyway.”

  “I don’t care. She would be alive. I love her enough to have her but not have her.”

  “I know you’re very special.” About an hour pass and I am blowing up her phone. She still doesn’t answer. Then I hear a car door slam. I look out of my window and I see the fancy sports car from my dream driving away. I run to the door and Eva is standing there pale as a ghost. She doesn’t speak. I follow behind her up the stairs to my room. Trixie stands when she enters. She turns to me with her eyes distant and wide.

  “How on earth did you know that Kelton was going to take me to Chicago?” She looks between us anxiously awaiting the answer I have already given.


  “I told you how Eva. I was not kidding.” I lead her to the chair at my desk and she sits.

  “Am I going to die Sienna? If some of it comes true does it still play out?” she asks in a panic.

  “I don’t know. It is still all new to me. In my recent experiences some things change, but the events still play out. With my first one the outcome was slightly different I ended up with Scott instead of Devin.”

  “You dreamed about that?” she gasps. “Why haven’t you told me any of this? Did you know we were going to fight?”

  “I nod.”

  “Oh my god Sienna! How could you not tell me?” She yanks her hair out of the pretty neat ponytail. “So now what? Should I stay away from Kelton?”

  “We will figure it out Eva. Until we work together and find out don’t go anywhere alone. Keep Sienna or your parents nearby.” My aunt interjects.

  “Okay, okay. I can do that.”

  I sigh. She made it through the night without leaving us. For now my best friend is safe and sound. I look over and she is a wreck. Everything that I have told her is registering one torturing moment at a time. She paces back and forth. She is wearing down the beautiful plush carpet my mom so generously installed while I was lying in the hospital. I bite my nail. Aunt Trixie is the calmest person in the room.

  “Okay now, Sienna’s visions are different than her dreams. She sees the future near and far in dreamland. But when she has a vision it is more present. Sooo…”

  We freeze waiting to hear what she has to say next. My heart thumps as I tap my foot to the pounding rhythm.

  “I believe if we let Sienna concentrate on you we could avert it if it hasn’t been thrown off course.” I look over at Eva and she is a in a panic. I try to calm her down but I feel the same way.

  “I am just going to go home and never leave again!” she snaps.

  “No. I am not suggesting that but…wait.” Trixie returns. “Sienna why don’t you try to concentrate to see If the vision changes.”

  “Okay. I guess I could try.”

  I close my eyes and clear my mind. I focus on Eva and her future. I aim for next year. We will be seniors. I zoom in on just her and no one else. Suddenly I can see the school halls. I frantically such my vision for a timeline. I look up at a poster and it reads, ‘Khristie Kringle a Christmas Play’. I then search for what the play has to do with Eva. I try hard. Nothing is on my mind but her. I search the roster of the play for names. Her name is high on top of the list. I turn is she is screaming with joy. We jump up and down celebrating something she is obviously going to want and she gets it! My eyes fly open. I have the biggest possible grin I can muster. They both look on as I prolong my news.

  “I see her! I see her!”

  “When? Where? Sienna tell me!” she shouts.

  “I see you as the star of a senior Christmas play. You are so happy Eva.” I say so excited.

  “Oh god Sienna thank you!” she grabs me into a tight embrace. She gathers her things and bolt out screaming.

  “I am calling my parents and they are going to spend tonight and the rest of the nights with me. I am demanding it.”

  All of the evening events has driven us all over the edge. I want to see Scott. Oh how ecstatic I would be if he could know and not think I am the freakiest freak. My heart settles back into my chest. It leaves my throat hopefully to never return. I turn to Trixie and start my series of questions.

  “How is this possible aunt Trixie? I thought the curse caused agony. I thought we would see our loved ones future and not be able to do anything to help it.”

  “I see some things in you that defies the curse period Sienna. I have to do some research. But I think with every generation we get stronger. I think you will be in total control if you continue to focus. Think about it, you could help people in a major way. It would be awesome Sienna!” she beams.

  “Whoa, let’s take this one day at a time. I need a moment.” I sit on my bed and grab my knees.

  “You have had a very long evening. So I am going to go home. But Summer is coming and we will have all the time in the world to explore this, okay?” she asks grabbing her bag.

  “Yea sure. I just wish this didn’t happen to me.” I complain.

  “Why Sienna? You saved Eva’s life tonight. That should make you happy. If you didn’t have this gift she would be dead.”

  “I guess. It is just so overwhelming.”

  “I know exactly how you feel.” Trixie says as she exits my room. I sit on the edge of my bed and sigh with relief. All of the day’s events has me beat. I decide to turn in. I close my eyes and flashes of Eva’s face engulf me. I am pleased with the results of my quirky powers.

  I drift off and visions of Kelton, Eva’s new beau, clouds my mind. I run so fast my chest is burning with a liquid flame. I stop and clutch my knees. I wonder where I am and who I am chasing or running from. I stand up and look around. My heart is pumping at an accelerated rate. I cough into my hands and now I am worried because I feel an onslaught of fear.

  “When I catch you I am going to tear your head from your shoulders. You have ripped me off for the last time!” A deep raspy male voice yells into the dark hall.

  I look around desperately seeking who my assailant could be. The dark figure draws closer. I see that he is very tall and is wearing a green sweater and gray sweat pants. I see that he is angry. And, all I know is that he has the look of murder in his eyes. I see that he wants to hurt me so I start to run as fast as I can. My chest is pounding as I feel the surge of fear nearly paralyze me. I know I cannot stop and take another breath it may cause my demise. I turn the corner and I am facing a dark treacherous forest. I immediately halt. Do I really want to take my chances running into the unknown? I peek around the tall building and the huge stalky man is barreling full speed with a large gun in hand.

  “Worchester…I am going to catch you and when I do you are dead!”

  “Worchester? Who on earth is that?” I say as I lift my hand to get a glimpse of it. I gasp. My hands are huge, muscular, and hairy. I pat my body down and look to my feet. I have on a designer pair of men’s dress shoes. I run over to a glass window of the building I am cowering behind. I see Kelton staring back at me. I panic. “Oh God what is happening?” I breathe. I turn and the brut is getting close. I look towards the wooded area and decide to take my chances. I run as fast as I can stumbling over twigs and brush from falling limbs of the many trees I see. I feel as if I know my way so I zigzag through feeling a sense of relief when the man is no longer on my heels. I slow trying to regain my composure. I pull my phone from my pocket and I try to dial. But there is no reception. I spit out a fowl plethora of curse words. I look around and there is only silence and darkness. I start to walk in a direction that I believe is safe. Suddenly I hear a twig snap behind me. I quickly turn and the man is standing behind me. I try to scream but he grabs me and I feel a piercing heat at my temple. Blood spills down the side of my h
ead. I begin to cough and blood spurts from my lips. Slowly things fades to black. Before the life leaves me I see the man who is inflicting death upon me produce a chilling smile that I will never forget. ~

  I jump up screaming and I am in my room. Tears start to flow from my eyes and I wipe them. I am grateful to be in the sanctity of my home. I cover my eyes and weep for minutes. When I gather my thoughts, I hop to my feet and dial Trixie.

  “Hello?” she hoarsely answers.

  “I am so sorry to have called so early…”

  “Sienna? It is four in the morning.”

  “I know but I need you, like now!”

  “What’s wrong?” she says. I can hear rustling so I know that she is sitting up.

  “I had the worst dream ever. It was too real aunt Trixie. I think someone died. Correction, I know someone died.”

  “Are you sure? Who? How do you know?”

  “Well I dreamt about Eva and Kelton earlier and I witnessed every event of their date before it happened, right?”

  “Uh huh…”

  “Well Kelton went to Chicago alone. He went to a few clubs. But at the last one, before he could get inside a large man started to chase him. He followed him into the woods where he and Eva were discovered.”

  “Okay and…”

  “He killed him. He actually killed him. And not only could I see what was happening I could feel everything, down to his life slipping away. What should I do?”

  “Are you sure it already happened? You usually only dream of what’s to come.”

  “I know, but it was just like when I was in the hospital. I knew that it was happening in real time. And one more thing…”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I was seeing everything as if I were the one being murdered. Should I call someone?”

  “Like who honey? No one will believe a word of it. I will be over there shortly don’t call anyone. We will figure this out. It is all so strange. Your ability is much more advanced than your great-grandmother or mine. I will be there shortly.

  “What about Mom? She is surely going to wonder what on earth you are doing over this early in the morning.”

  “I don’t know. Make up something.” She hangs up and I am left to my thoughts. I wonder why this man wanted Kelton dead. I really need to know and I will find out.

  About an hour and a half passes and I see aunt Trixie’s car pull up. I race down the stairs after peeking into my parents and Jarvis’ rooms. I swiftly open the door and she hurries inside. We scurry back to my room and close my door. We discuss what I should do.

  “I really think I should do something. It was the most horrific thing I have ever witnessed. Someone is dead, I just can’t ignore that!”

  “I know how you feel Sienna. But how will you explain any of it?”

  “I can’t sit back and do nothing. My best friend’s boyfriend has been murdered!” I yell.

  “Calm down Sienna, you are going to wake your mom.”

  “I’m sorry.” We sit on my bed for hours. I try and calm myself down, but I am on edge.” Sunday morning rolls in full force. By the time we are done without conversation I feel my eyes getting heavy. I look at the clock and it is almost noon. My mom turns the knob and peeks in.

  “Trixie? What are you doing back?”

  “Sienna called me. She wanted me to come back.” she answers. My mom steps in and I can tell by the look on her face that she is annoyed with the aunt Trixie deal.

  “Sienna why do you feel the need to always call on her now?” she folds her arms and lifts her chin towards her sister.

  “She just gets me right now. It is nothing for you to worry about mom go and make Jarvis and dad lunch.” I say yawning. I can tell by the gasp that she is offended by my comment.

  “Sienna I get you. I was a teenager once. There is nothing that she can tell that I can’t.” I see the hint of tears. I doubt very seriously that my mom can help me in any way. But I feel bad that her feelings are hurt.

  I flip the comforter back and stand. I approach her. “Mom, I know you think you have all of the answers. There are things that you don’t know about me and I really would like to keep them between aunt Trixie and I.” I hug her tight. Her shoulders tense and I know she is not easily letting this go.

  “Well would you guys like lunch also?” she sniffs.

  “No thanks, mom. We have been up most of the evening.” She nods after giving Trixie the evil eye. She exits and shuts my door. I turn to my aunt. She looks to the floor.

  “Why are you and mom like this? You guys are sisters. I would think that you would have been close.”

  “I pushed everyone away. I never wanted my secret revealed. We did our own things and lived our own lives. Be thankful you have Eva. I only had a very weird and elderly woman. She laughs. I giggle and lie back down. We decide to wait and see how things play out with Kelton. I agree only because she is adamant about it. She lies across the edge of my bed and we both fall asleep.


  I slowly open my eyes and the sunlight that brightened my room when I closed them has disappeared. I blink rapidly searching the room. My phone rings and it startles me. I quickly answer it.

  “Hello beautiful.” A soothing voice warms my insides.

  “Scott, hi.”

  “What’s up? How was your girls’ only weekend?”

  “Interesting to say the least.”

  “Want to talk about it? Or is my snickers still off limits?”

  “No please come over. I miss you terribly.” I say desperately.

  He laughs at my neediness. “Alright, give me about an hour. My mom cooked a huge dinner that everyone is just finishing up.” Right at that moment I realize I haven’t had a drop of food.

  “Please bring me a doggy bag. I am starving.” I breathe.

  “Okay. Are they keeping food away from my girl?”

  “No, no nothing like that. I’ve had a very taxing weekend and food was far from my mind.”

  “Well, I will make you a healthy serving.”

  “Thank you Scott. I can’t wait until you get here.”

  “I will be there shortly.” He says as he hangs up the phone.

  I nestle the phone into my arms. I squeeze tightly as I think about finally laying eyes on him after days apart. I haven’t even spoken with him. I stand to place the phone onto my desk and I get a glimpse of myself. I nearly scream at the creature staring back at me. He cannot see me looking like this. I know his love is unconditional but good lord I need bath and everything else. I yank my tank top over my head and run for the bath. As soon as it is half full I dive into the warm water. I slide down the porcelain and close my eyes. I smile as the steam fogs the mirrors. I wipe my face with my wash cloth. Guilt suddenly hits me like huge truck. I know Kelton is dead and I am getting ready to entertain my boyfriend. I must be the most selfish, heartless person alive. I remember the grief his family endured during my vision, when he and Eva were missing. But what can I do? I promised Trixie that I would do nothing for now. I sigh. My hands are literally tied. I look up and it is almost time for Scotty to arrive. I finish up and dry myself off. I run into my room and find something to wear. I decide to put on my favorite pink kitty t-shirt and gray jogging pants. I slide into my freshly washed, sparkling, white socks. As soon as I wrap a band around my damp hair Scott is entering my room with my mom and dad trailing him. I roll my eyes wondering what in the world they could want. He hands me a neatly wrapped plate and I set it on my desk.

  “Yes mom and dad. What is it?” I sarcastically spit out.

  “I need to talk to you Sienna.” She intertwines her hands and places them in front of her.

  “You need an audience?” I say eyeballing my father.

  “I just want to know if there is something you are going through that I should be concerned about?”

  “Like what?”

  She looks at Scott and back to me. “Are you pregnant Sienna?”

  I clutch my chest and gasp. “Mom! Are
you kidding me! Really?”

  “I know you and Scott are very close. I assume you two are having sex…so I figured…”

  “Mom! I am not pregnant and you don’t have any idea what Scott and I do! It is not like that!”

  “Well then why all of the secrets? Today you slept all day without eating. What am I supposed to think with Trixie showing up all times of the night?” she looks to Scott, who holds his hands up in surrender.

  “Oh god… I can’t believe this Mom!” my dad looks at the door to my room like he wants to run.

  “I’m sorry baby girl but you are acting really strange.”

  “So pregnancy is the first thing you come up with? Please get out of my room!” I scream completely embarrassed by her actions. I turn blood red and avoid eye contact with Scott.

  “I just want you to let me in baby.” She pleads.

  “All I will say is that I am fine. Aunt Trixie is just helping me with something you will never understand.”

  “You don’t know that until you try me Sienna.” She softens her look.

  “Mom please, I am begging you to leave my room before I die. Please!”

  She takes another glance at Scott and turns to leave. My father walks away so fast I barely see the back of his head as he bolts.

  “I’m sorry Scott. I know you are a complete gentleman. I meant no offense to you.” She apologizes as she exits. I cover my eyes and plop across my bed hiding my face. I feel the bed move and I know Scott has sat down beside me.

  “I am so. Very. Sorry. Scott.” I mumble through my hands. He gently caresses my back.

  “It’s okay. For a minute I was a little afraid myself. You did say you had an interesting day.”

  “Not that interesting!” I shout. He grabs my arm and pulls it from beneath me. I keep my face covered with the other one as I sit up. He yanks it away and plants the sweetest kiss on my lips.

  “I want to have kids with you one day.” He says as he lifts away. I open my eyes and he is as adorable as ever.


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