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Underworld Page 4

by Jude Watson

  They would follow him into the corridor. He wouldn't be able to lose

  them, not there. But the library was close by, half-demolished. There would

  be more cover there. If he could get to the second level of the library, he

  could get out the back door, and from there... from there...


  The answer came to him. Yoda's private quarters. Now Malorum's office.

  Malorum was away. It would be empty and quiet. And from there they

  could access files, maybe find a way to get out that they hadn't

  considered. And he could find out what Malorum was up to. The stormtroopers

  would never think someone would be stupid enough to hide in the main

  Inquisitor's private office.

  The only problem was, he would have to go through too much of the main

  hallway to get there. They'd be spotted.

  Ferus's mind cleared, and he recalled walking into the Room of a

  Thousand Fountains. The water system had been destroyed, the upper canopy

  that had duplicated the sky was tattered and half-falling. Once, that

  canopy had changed color throughout the day, shading from the pinks of dawn

  to the deep purple of dusk, as a lighting system mimicked the passage of

  the sun. Now the damaged canopy revealed the network of catwalks overhead

  that serviced the laserlights...

  ... and connected to the power conduit tunnel that ran in the walls.

  Smaller than the service tunnels, but built so that a service person could

  squeeze in to work on the circuits at any point.

  Trever waited for him in the corridor. Ferus was a few seconds ahead

  of the stormtrooper squad. He dashed down the hall. He had no doubt that

  the officer in charge was calling for backup. Soon the hallways would be

  flooded with troops.

  The stormtroopers burst into the hallway just as they scooted around

  the corner. Blaster bolts ripped into the walls, sending chunks of stone

  falling on them like rain.

  "This way."

  More blaster bolts shuddered down the hallway. They were shooting just

  to shoot now, even though Ferus and Trever were out of range. It was an

  Imperial tactic he remembered from his time in the Bellassan resistance -

  shoot to intimidate as well as kill. Why not? The Imperials didn't lack

  ammunition, and they didn't care about the physical destruction of


  The door to the main hallway was jammed. Ferus leaped at it, using

  both feet and the Force. The door burst open, and he and Trever charged

  through. With a lift of his hand, he closed it behind them with the Force.

  Instantly it was torn apart by weapons fire.

  Ferus darted out and across the hallway, down a short flight of

  stairs, and turned off with Trever at his heels. He pushed open the heavy

  doors to the library.

  He told himself not to pause for even a moment to grieve again over

  the lost treasures here, not to notice as he kicked through the rubble left

  by the broken statues that had been the likenesses of the great Jedi


  The staircase was gone. He climbed up a stack of rubble instead,

  Trever scrabbling behind him. They reached the balcony and ran down to the

  rear door.

  He slid it open just a centimeter to look out. This time he had a few

  seconds to monitor the activity outside. A small knot of officers were

  walking away down the hall while several stormtroopers marched toward them.

  He'd have to time this carefully so that the stormtroopers would pass and

  the officers keep going before he and Trever ran out.

  Downstairs he heard the squad searching the library. Any moment now

  they would appear.

  The stormtroopers passed. Ferus and Trever had to take the chance.

  Ferus slipped out of the library, Trever as close as a shadow. The

  troops didn't turn as they continued down the hall.

  Ferus raced the short distance to the doors to the Room of a Thousand

  Fountains and burst through. Trever ran next to him now, keeping up without

  effort. At the end of the path, Ferus stopped and released his liquid cable

  line, grabbing Trever at the same time. The line pulled them to the catwalk


  "I'm starting to get used to this," Trever grunted as he jumped down

  onto the catwalk.

  There. Ferus saw the small, grated door at the end of an open

  stairway. He ran up and put out a hand, hoping that the Force would be

  there. The grated door popped off. He and Trever jumped inside, and he

  replaced the grate.

  The tunnel was dark, but after a moment he could see. Avoiding the

  circuits and wires, they began to crawl down the tunnel.

  "This runs in the wall," he said in a whisper. "So tread lightly."

  He pictured where they were now, on the same level as Yoda's private

  quarters. When he thought they were near the door, he held up a hand and

  Trever stopped behind him. There was a grate just ahead. Ferus bent down

  and looked. He was directly opposite Yoda's quarters. He could see the

  slats of the window blinds. The hallway was empty. He curled his fingers

  around the grate, ready to ease it off.

  Ferus suddenly heard approaching footsteps.

  Malorum. Striding in his Inquisitor's robes, an assistant hurrying by

  his side. Stopping outside the door of Yoda's chambers.

  Ferus felt it, a slight disturbance in the Force. Obi-Wan had picked

  up on what he'd suspected: Malorum was Force-sensitive. He cloaked his own

  connection to the Force, even though Ferus doubted Malorum was adept enough

  to feel it.

  "Don't sound the general alarm," Malorum snapped. "By all means look,

  but look quietly. Lord Vader has decided to pay us an unannounced visit. I

  don't want him to know about this until the intruders are caught."

  "Yes, sir."

  Ferus felt the dark side of the Force surge in a sickening wave, so

  powerful he inadvertently shrank back. He knew what it meant.

  The Sith Lord had arrived.


  Ferus's breath felt sucked from his lungs. Darth Vader was on the

  other side of the wall. From his position near the floor he could only see

  the Sith Lord's boots, but he could hear the rasp of his breath mask.

  Their only hope was that Vader wasn't looking for them.

  "The situation is normal, you say," Vader remarked in a deep, booming


  Malorum had taken a few steps forward so Ferus could no longer see

  him. "Yes, as you can see. I arrived a day early - I like to do that,

  surprise them. It keeps everyone on their toes, and it's a good way to

  learn things that - "

  "You came back a day early because I ordered you to. If you can stop

  complimenting yourself long enough, perhaps you can explain why squads are

  patrolling the hallways."

  "Strictly routine. I believe in constant readiness."

  "Malorum, do you think I'm a fool?"

  "Excuse me, Lord Vader?"

  The power of Vader's anger filled the hallway. "This is a waste of

  time, and I hate wasting time. I put up with you because you are useful...

  for now. So I give you a choice. Tell me the truth, or continue your lies."

  Ferus could almost feel Malorum's calculations. The beat went on a

tle too long.

  "Two intruders were spotted and are being tracked," Malorum finally

  said. "I assure you they will be found. You see, in a way, this proves the

  success of my plan to trap the Jedi. One of the intruders has a lightsaber.



  "So the rumors we spread worked."

  "In order for a trap to work it must capture its prey. You do not have

  a Jedi in custody. Instead, someone is still on the loose."

  There was a note of false lightness now in Malorum's voice.

  "Temporarily, Lord Vader, I assure you."

  "Assurances don't interest me."

  Lord Vader sounded almost... bored. He treated Malorum with contempt.

  Ferus had heard that Malorum was Lord Vader's special pet, his protcgc.

  Obviously this was a piece of unfounded gossip.

  "And I recall," Vader continued, "that you let a Jedi slip through

  your fingers on Bellassa. And now there is another Jedi somewhere on


  "I have a spy who has infiltrated that Jedi's group. I am waiting for

  a report - "

  "Your tedious obsession with trapping Jedi has led you to neglect your

  orders. I have given you a simple task - to clean up Coruscant, level by

  level, down to the very crust, until it is totally under our domination.

  You were to ferret out every possible pocket of resistance. You were to

  plan a strike and wipe out the Erased. We can't have resisters turning into


  "Now just a minute, Lord Vader," Malorum said. "Coruscant is hardly an

  ordinary assignment."

  "If you are not capable of the job, I'll find someone else to do it."

  "Of course I am capable, Lord Vader - "

  "Then do it and do it now. You want to rid yourself of intruders? Blow

  up the Temple."

  Ferus stiffened.

  "Blow it up?" Malorum asked.

  "Why not?"

  "But my private office is here! Valuable records would be lost."

  "You overemphasize your own importance." Ferus could actually hear the

  breath that hissed out of Malorum's lungs. "I see what you're doing. You're

  trying to discredit me in the eyes of the Emperor. You want to destroy my

  work, my files..." Then he stopped. "Wait. I see now. You weren't serious."

  "Interesting what has just now emerged, isn't it? You have files here

  that have not been banked with Imperial security? That is a violation of

  the Emperor's directives."

  This is a battle, Ferus thought. Malorum wants Vader's job. He wants

  to be the Emperor's pet. And Vader knows exactly what he's up to.

  Now there was an element of smugness in Malorum's tone. "I have

  permission from the Emperor himself to keep files private that I feel could

  jeopardize an ongoing investigation."

  "Do I need to remind you of your own inferiority?"

  Vader's anger served to quash Malorum's assurance. It was a

  frightening thing to feel it turned on you, Ferus reflected. He was glad he

  was behind the panel.

  "I have no secrets from you, Lord Vader. There are reports that you

  haven't seen yet, files that need additional notes... I have spies

  everywhere on Coruscant, as you know. Reports on our progress on

  surveillance in the sublevels..."

  "At last you're telling me something I want to know."

  "Not to mention certain delicate matters I've been pursuing for your

  sake alone, Lord Vader. For example, the rumors about Polis Massa..."

  Ferus strained to hear. There it was again - Polis Massa. Something

  was at stake, something big, but he didn't know what.

  If Malorum thought he was going to impress Darth Vader, he was wrong.

  His boast had the opposite effect. Ferus could feel it now, the slow burn

  of Vader's rage as it built.

  "Lord Vader - "

  Malorum's voice was hoarse, as though he was gasping for breath.

  Still, Ferus could hear the fear in it.

  "I... beg... you - "

  A strange thing was happening. The grating in front of Ferus was

  vibrating. Then the actual wall was vibrating. He heard a cracking sound.

  Vader was allowing his rage to build.

  "Do not ever mention that place again."

  "Of course, Lord Vader."

  Across the hallway, Ferus could see that the windows of Yoda's

  quarters were vibrating. Suddenly the door blew in. He saw a chair sail

  across the room and heard it slam against a wall. Part of the ceiling

  cracked and cables crashed down.

  Ferus signaled to Trever and began to crawl backward.

  The windows shattered. The grate blew out, along with a large chunk of

  the wall. Ferus and Trever were exposed.


  Ferus and Trever tried to pull back amidst shards of glass and looked

  straight up into the black breath mask of Darth Vader. Malorum was hanging

  in the air, a victim of Vader's wrath, his face almost purple.

  Vader released his Force-hold, and Malorum fell to the floor with a

  croaking sound.

  For a moment, no one moved.

  Vader looked down at him, and Ferus looked up, and everything inside

  him dissolved into pure fear. He looked into that black mirrored mask and

  wondered who the being behind it really was. Half living, half mechanical?

  He didn't know.

  Somehow training kicked in. He had a moment, and it spun out into

  enough time. Ferus knew he didn't have enough power to fight a Sith. Not

  even close. But he couldn't let Darth Vader dominate the Force, either. He

  reached out for the Force and was hit by a surprising wave. It grew in

  intensity and power, the most powerful surge he had ever felt, as if Yoda

  himself was here to help him. It felt almost as though it was directed at

  him, emanating from Yoda's room.

  Ferus rode a wave of the Force, grabbing Trever with one arm and

  jumping out to snatch at the flexible cable that had fallen from the

  ceiling. It was still attached above, and it gave him something to swing

  on. Together with Trever he swung out through the broken wall of glass, and

  then let go. He knew the Force would carry him.

  He and Trever soared over the atrium and landed on the other side. He

  could feel the dark side of the Force behind him, but he paid it no mind.

  He simply ran, all the while knowing that if Vader wanted him, he would

  have gotten him. Simple as that.

  Perhaps he was letting Ferus and Trever go in order to humiliate

  Malorum. Or test him. Or because he didn't care that much. Whatever the

  reason, Ferus grabbed on to it and ran with it.

  Alarms sounded.

  Now the entire Temple was on alert. Ferus switched to a hallway that

  he knew was a shortcut to the analysis rooms. It was dark and dusty; the

  Imperials didn't use it. Using his lightsaber for light, he led the way.

  This could buy them a few precious seconds. In his mind, he was forming a

  desperate plan. The only way they were getting out of here was if they did

  it fast; Ferus knew he wouldn't be able to hide for very long. There was no

  question that Malorum wouldn't allow himself to fail in front of his


  "What's the plan?" Trever asked, breathing hard. "The sooner we get

  away from that Vader guy, the better. Can we review? Scary! Creepy!" />
  "We have to steal a ship," Ferus said. "The new landing platform lies

  directly below a playroom that the younglings used. During surveillance I

  saw that the window is partially blown out."

  "I'm sort of sensing that we'll be jumping out a window again," Trever


  "Well, I'm hoping there will be a nifty little speeder underneath us."

  "You know, you keep forgetting something. I'm not a Jedi. I can't do

  all this leaping and landing."

  "You're doing just fine. Hurry up."

  Ferus slowed down as they reached the playroom. He crept forward. Just

  as he'd hoped, the room wasn't being used. A cold wind blew in from the

  broken window. Followed closely by Trever, he stepped inside.

  A wave of horror hit him, hard, directly in the chest.

  Something happened here.

  The younglings...

  How had he pushed that thought away? He had imagined, somehow, that

  the Empire wouldn't target the young. He had imagined the younglings had

  simply... run away.

  They did not run away.

  Youth, age, the sick, the weak... they do not enter into the Sith's


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