The Other Side Of Midnight

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The Other Side Of Midnight Page 16

by Georgia Le Carre

  “Open your legs, Autumn,” he commands.

  I take in a trembling breath, and part my legs.


  I obey, opening my legs as wide as they will go. I cannot see his eyes, but his head turns towards my exposed pussy. A small growl erupts from his throat. Then his hand travels down to my wet and swollen sex, and he covers it entirely, owning it.

  My hips jerk helplessly against his hand.

  He sucks my nipple hard as he pushes two fingers deep inside me. I am so wet they make a squelching sound. His thumb pushes hard against my clit and moves rhythmically around the hood, pushing it into the bone below. It is all too intense, too wanton. My head starts to swim.

  “I’m going to come,” I cry.

  Instantly, he moves his hand and his mouth away. Cold air brushes against my open pussy. Fully clothed, he gets on the bed and kneels between my legs. He pulls my pussy lips apart with his fingers and dips his tongue into me. A deep sigh of satisfaction runs through his body.

  “Sweet,” he murmurs, almost to himself.

  Then he uses his tongue to explore between the folds. Using the tip of his tongue, he nudges my clit, up and down, side to side. The pleasure is indescribable. My hands claw into his golden hair as I writhe and moan under him. My body is screaming for a climax. If only he would touch my clit, just once, I could come. Feverishly, I beg him to let me come.

  But he doesn’t allow me.

  He just eats me out. Penetrates my sex with his tongue, fucking it, his teeth biting, his lips sucking and pulling at my throbbing flesh. Every nerve in my body is alive and on fire. Then he places his mouth over my engorged clit, and sucks it deep into his mouth. I feel his teeth at the base, trap the sensitive nub, and my orgasm blasts through me. All the blood rushes to my pelvis, my eyes roll back and I can’t stop the piercing scream that rushes out of my mouth. My voice sounds far away and I can hear him greedily drinking my juices.

  I remain weightless and lightheaded, as I look down at Rocco. My juices are smeared all over his lips and chin and he is rubbing small, soft circles around my clit. Again, pleasure begins to spread through my veins like a drug and I twist my hips shamelessly against his face.

  His expression is so beautiful as he inserts three fingers into my soaking, swollen pussy.

  Chapter 43


  -I Want To Know What Love Is-

  My cock is so fucking hard it hurts. My fingers are still buried inside her sticky, pink pussy and her muscles are clenched tightly around my fingers. The pretty little thing is throbbing and pulsing for my cock. We are playing an age-old game, but she is small and there is no way not to hurt her.

  I swirl my thumb around her clit and instantly she cries out, “Isn’t it your turn yet?”

  “It will be soon. First, I need to get you good and ready, baby,” I whisper as I taste her smoky sweet cream again. I suck her hard and finger fuck her until she climaxes again. Her body arches right off the bed and her juices gush out of her this time.

  I stand and quickly undress and slip on a condom.

  Her eyes move down to my erection and they widen. “Wow! That’s really very impressive.” She drags her gaze away from my cock back up to my eyes. She bites her bottom lip. “Is this going to hurt?”

  “Some,” I admit, “but I’ll be gentle.”

  I lay down next to her and roll her on to my body. Then I grab her by the waist and position her so she is straddling my thighs. I feel her pussy spam against my thighs.

  “Ride me,” I command. “This way you can control how much of me you take.”


  I look down at him. In the bluish light of the moon his hair glints like gold and his body is pale and absolutely flawless, not a mark on it. If not for his red lips, he looks almost like a marble statue.

  But good God, he is big. Huge.

  I can’t imagine him fitting inside me. The biggest thing I’ve ever had inside me is my small white vibrator. And yet, my sex is clenched with excitement and anticipation. I’m eager to take him inside me.

  Getting onto my knees, I hover over him for a few seconds. Then I start to lower myself until the head of his shaft pushes aside my soaked folds. My mouth opens in a silent gasp as it penetrates me. For a second, I freeze as my body stretches painfully to accommodate his girth.

  Then I resume impaling myself on him.

  As the inches of hard flesh slip into me the feeling is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It feels almost as if my wet core is sucking him in, and the sensation of being stretched to the limit isn’t at all how it started out. It is addictive! It makes me want more and more of his thick, full cock inside me.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he mutters, as his hands come out to grasp my waist. His eyes narrow as he holds me halfway down his cock. I look down and see my juices running down his shaft, making it glisten. His cock feels so good, so natural, so perfect inside me, I can’t believe how long we’ve waited to do this.

  “You okay?” he asks, his voice thick with lust. I realize then he is holding himself back with almost superhuman effort.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Ride me,” he commands.

  Gazing into his mysterious, shining eyes I feel almost hypnotized. In a haze of desire, I place my hands on the taut muscles of his stomach. The skin under my palms burn, as I slam myself on him. He loses control then. With an animal growl, he grabs my ass and spreads the cheeks so I am even more open as he plunges upwards into me. It is a thrust of pure possession. He is claiming me as his. I stare at him astonished.

  “This dripping pussy belongs to me,” he says.

  My mouth opens soundlessly at the indescribable sensation of pain and pleasure. Of being so full of cock. I urge him to fuck me harder and harder, flattening my thighs and pushing my sex onto him, until I can hardly bear it and yet I do not stop him.

  I’ll fuck you anyway I want because you’re mine, his body says.

  I am wide open and taking every inch of his massive cock. It hurts, but I twist and grind my swollen clit on his pubic bone.


  The feel of her soft, silky skin against me as she slowly rocks her hips back and forth, rubbing her velvety mound against me, is like nothing I’ve ever dreamed of. Her pussy feels like a hot, damp, fist around me. She pushes her groin into me desperately.

  She needs this as much as I do.

  She leans forward and presses her breast against my mouth. My tongue draws to the rosy peak and flicks lightly across the hard nipple. As I savor the sweet sensation, she leans close and whispers, “I can’t believe I’ve taken all of you. You are so damn big.”

  I catch her nipple in my mouth and begin to suck it hard.

  She moans and begins to bounce on top of me, her young flesh shimmering in the moonlight as she rides my swollen cock. Then, from somewhere deep inside I feel an ancient fear, rising to the surface, warning me to beware.

  Did you ask permission?

  Yes, yes, I did. She wanted me to.

  Did you trick her?

  Never. Never. It is not her who is my prisoner, it is me who is hers.

  I look at her face; it is contorted with primal craving. Her eyes are closed and her body arched. I call her name, and she opens her eyes and stares down at me, and for a second I am shocked. Her eyes are almost silvery. She is powerful. I see it now. She is powerful and she doesn’t even know it.

  It is not just a legend. She is real. The prophecy is real.

  My thoughts blur and swim as the animal lust of her tight pussy squeezing my cock rushes into my head. I grab her shapely ass and slam her up and down my cock. I forget to be gentle. I forget this is her first time. I forget the world outside. I forget everything. I even forget I am the devil.

  I see only the goddess I had glimpsed in her eyes a moment ago. I only know where I belong. Inside Autumn. I fuck her as hard as I can, hurting her, hurting he
r, hurting her. A roar fills my ears, like an inferno of destruction, as she rides me uncaring of her own safety.

  I hear her scream. She’s climaxing too. I have taken her with me. It is pure bliss. I’ll never let her go. She’s mine now. Forever.

  The explosion comes and I howl her name again and again. Mine. Mine. Mine.

  Chapter 44


  As dawn starts to light up the sky, Rocco moves away from my body and lies on his back and closes his eyes. He must be tired. We never slept the whole night. Most of it feels like a fantasy now.

  Him, going down on me as I lay back on these very sheets, teeth clenched and cresting toward another orgasm. Him, kissing me tenderly as he pushed into me with long, slow, delicious strokes. Me going down on his big, pale cock, until he grabbed me and turned me into a panting, sweating, desperate mess.

  It is, without doubt, the most amazing night of my life. And now I know what all the fuss is about. Sex is wonderful. There is not one part of the night that hasn’t been mind-blowingly-incredible. I climaxed so many times I can no longer remember how many.

  I turn to look at Rocco and my heart clenches. There is something soft and angelic about Rocco with closed eyes. He looks younger and somehow vulnerable as if he has suffered greatly, which of course, must just be a trick of the light. Rocco is the most privileged person I know.

  I reach out to lightly trace my fingers over the curve of his sensuous mouth. Such an insatiable mouth. A smile slips onto my face as I remember how much he loved eating my pussy.

  His eyes flutter open and he smiles as he meets my gaze.

  The smile is sweet and kind, and it tugs at my emotions. “I should go. Sam will be waiting for me,” I whisper.

  “Before you go…” He gets onto his side and parts my legs.

  I should protest, my pussy is still swollen and sore, but I remember the amazing pleasure he can give with his mouth and tongue. I’m not late. There’s still time. I close my eyes and moan as he begins to work his magic.

  He slides his tongue in and out of my pussy, mimicking what his strong cock did all night long. My hips start to move, begging for more. I want to be stretched again. To feel so full and tight. Then he starts to eat my pussy in a way designed to tease and torment. My voice becomes hoarse with groaning, calling his name and begging him to let me come. The heat inside me mounts and mounts. I become incoherent with desire, my hips grinding restlessly against his mouth.

  “Please, Rocco. Please.” I mewl at him as my body writhes and twists.

  “Not yet, Autumn. Not yet.”

  Then I feel a sensation of electrifying power run through me, and my body arches off the bed. The climax is so strong my eyes roll upwards and my mouth opens in a soundless scream. I feel my spirit soar as if out of my body. It is the most incredible feeling. When I come back my body feels like lead. I don’t want to leave him, but I know I must go.

  “Rocco.” I touch the cool skin of his face softly. “I have to go.”

  “I know.” He rises from the bed and pulls me up. Then he sits as silent as a statue and watches me get dressed in the dim, bluish light. When I am ready, he presses a bottle into my palm.

  “For Sam,” he says quietly.

  I look down at the bottle. It is the tablets I took last night. “Thanks.”

  He nods in acknowledgement, and escorts me to the elevator.

  “There is a car waiting outside for you. Go safely.”

  The doors open and I walk in. He stands watching me. There is a strange expression on his face. One of great longing. For some weird reason, it feels like the last time. Like it will never be like this again. Before the doors can close I dash out of the elevator and throw my arms around him. I lift my face to his and he crushes my mouth with his. The kiss is hard, demanding and hungry. It is as if we have not spent all night together, but we are lovers meeting after many years apart yearning for each other.

  “I don’t want to leave,” I whisper, as he trails kisses down my neck.

  “It’s okay, Autumn. Go and be happy. We will meet again on the mountain.”

  He steps back and I turn away and walk into the elevator again. “Bye,” I whisper as the doors shut.

  He doesn’t say anything, just looks at me as if it is the last time we will ever be together again. I stare at my own reflection in the shiny doors. I look different. My lips are swollen and there is some knowledge in my eyes that was never there before.

  The doors swish open and I walk out into the foyer. The night security guard nods politely at me. I walk through the front door and Rocco’s Rolls is waiting for me. The driver is standing next to an open door. I’m about to slide in when something makes my skin tingle. I look up and I see Rocco standing on the balcony. It is too dark to see him clearly, but I can make out his shape leaning down as if he is desperate to catch a last glimpse of me.

  I lift my hand and wave at him. He waves back. Then I climb into the car and the chauffeur closes the door. I stare out of the window at the still darkened streets. New York never sleeps it seems. There are people around going about their business.

  I cannot help feeling as if I left something behind in Rocco’s flat. It feels like it might have been my heart.

  Chapter 45


  When I get back to our suite, Sam is lying diagonally across her bed. I drop two tablets into a glass and pour some water over them. The tablets immediately begin to dissolve into a light brown liquid. Then I climb onto her bed.

  “Oh shit! My head is splitting,” Sam groans without opening her eyes.

  “I’ve got something that will help.”

  She opens one eye and looks suspiciously at the glass in my hand. “What the hell is that?”

  “It’s fantastic for hangovers. I promise.”

  “You know I won’t even take Tylenol. No chemicals or drugs. I’ve drank lots of water. I’ll be fine in a couple of hours.”

  “It’s pure herbs, Sam. Take it, please,” I insist.


  “This is ridiculous. You’re just suffering for no reason. Do you think the champagne you were drinking last night was pure grapes? There were chemicals, probably toxic, in there too.”

  “Stop being logical so early in the morning,” she grumbles, getting onto her elbows.

  “Come on, babe. They’re just herbs. I promise you will feel wonderful afterwards. I did when I took them.”

  “You drank it?”

  “Yup, last night and trust me, you will feel amazing when you wake up.”

  “I can’t sleep too long. We have a full day.”

  “I’ll wake you up in an hour,” I promise.

  She takes the glass from my hand and downs it. “That didn’t taste too bad actually.”

  I watch as she gently falls back on the bed and sleeps. Taking the empty glass out of her slumbering fingers I put it on the bedside cabinet. Then I lay next to her and think of Rocco. He should have been a fantastic secret that I held to my chest. Something so wonderful, so fairytale like, that I have to pinch myself to see if I am in a dream, but all I can think of is that there is something very terrible he needs to tell me. Something so terrible that I will have to walk away from him forever.

  I try to think of all the terrible things he could tell me. Then I think of his sister and a shudder goes through me. She has done nothing bad to me, but I know instinctively that she is dangerous. Across my closed eyelids, I see the young girl with the leather anklet. There was something very pathetic about her.

  I remember once going to a friend’s house and being told that the turkey walking around in her backyard was the turkey that they would be eating for thanksgiving. I went outside and stared at it. It spared me a glance before it went back to diligently scratching the ground for worms. It had absolutely no idea its death was imminent.

  For some bizarre reason the girl reminds me of the turkey. I wonder what she is doing now.

  My thoughts turn to Rocco’s parents. There was
more than a hint of something very odd, downright strange, about them. Both of them. If Rocco’s sister had not introduced them as his parents, in his presence, I would never have believed it. Their friendliness was false, and they appeared so removed from their son. There was definitely no love there. In fact, I detected impatience and resentment. It was as if he was doing something they found despicable or beneath them.

  It makes me wonder if Rocco seems so despairing and lonely because of his family. I think of all the things he did to me during the night. Even now just thinking about it makes my body begin to throb. Quickly, I move my thoughts away and try to figure out what Rocco’s secret might be. Why would his sister want to poison me? Did they not want me in their family? Was it because I clearly wasn’t high born, one of them? I remember the mother’s eyes. The way they had raked over me, assessing and hostile. I remember Zelena telling me to beware of his family. That they were dangerous.

  As I lie there listening to Sam’s even, peaceful breathing a plausible scenario forms in my head. Rocco is bound by some family tradition. He cannot choose his own bride. He cannot offer me anything but a quick fling and that is why he was so insistent I knew about it before we slept together. He was trying to be fair to me. He didn’t want to cheat me.

  Figuring out his secret doesn’t make me feel any better. It actually makes me feel really sad. I always knew I couldn’t have him for real, but it was nice pretending that he could be.

  Next to me, Sam stirs. I turn my head and watch her eyes open.

  “Autumn,” she whispers.

  I smile softly at her. Thank god, I have her.

  She rubs her eyes. “Wow, you were right. I feel really, really amazing.”


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