Denying the Alpha: Manlove Edition

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Denying the Alpha: Manlove Edition Page 11

by 5 Author Anthology

  “Barin, please. I need you to wake up. The place is on fire and I can’t carry you.” Quinn pressed his face close to Barin’s, hoping the scent of his fear would help bring his lover around.

  The ploy worked. With a deep groan, Barin started to move. Quinn glanced toward the door, the fire was getting closer. We need to get out now.

  “It was Kevin, the fucker. Must’ve hit me when I went to call the cops.”

  “We have to move, Barin. The fire is already here.” Quinn glanced toward the door, a feeling of panic growing as he saw flames lapping at the door.

  “You’re hurt.” Barin grabbed one of Quinn’s hands staring at the red and blistered skin. “I’ll fucking kill him for this.” With a roar that even made Quinn flinch, Barin shifted, his clothing ripping apart as the bear took shape.

  “Get on my back and hold tight.”

  Quinn did as Barin instructed, almost falling off the moment the bear reared up. Barin didn’t aim at the already open doorway, but the wall that separated the office from the bar and restaurant.

  The partition wall stood no chance against a thousand pounds of enraged polar bear, and Barin dropped to all fours to lumber through the newly created doorway. He reared again as they approached the front door.

  Clinging to his mate’s back with all his strength, despite the pain, Quinn saw police and firemen diving aside as Barin crashed through, trampling over the smashed remnants of wood and glass, lumbering away from the building for several meters before coming to a stop.

  As soon as Barin stopped, Quinn slid off his mate, whining softly as his adrenaline receded and pain kicked in. Barin was beside him in an instant, resuming his human form and bellowing loudly.

  “Get a medic over here. My mate’s hurt.”

  A female paramedic and a policeman came over, both approaching cautiously. The policeman waited while the paramedic inched her way into place close to Quinn.

  “Those are nasty burns.” She examined his hands. “Feet the same?”

  Quinn nodded. “My mate’s hurt too. He was hit on the back of his head.”

  “By who?” the policeman spoke up quickly. “There was a report of someone seen running away just before the place went up.”

  “His name’s Kevin Older. An ex-employee. Or should be.” Barin’s voice was low and so ice-cold that Quinn started to shiver. “My business partner, Mark, kept him on the books because he begged not to be sacked. Said he’d never get another job unless it looked like he chose to move on. But the bastard’s in debt up to his neck. He had an old insurance policy on this place, so he decided to torch it to collect. I wasn’t supposed to be there. It threw him. He tried to get me to be party to his plan. Like an idiot, I turned my back on him to call the police. But you can tell him from me, he’s safer admitting his guilt to you than facing me for hurting my mate.”

  “We need to get you and your mate into the ambulance. He needs treatment, and you should have an X-ray.” The paramedic touched Barin’s arm gingerly. “But let me get a couple of blankets first. You’re both.” She cleared her throat. “Naked.”

  “Fuck that.” Barin scooped Quinn up in his arms and Quinn leaned his head against Barin’s shoulder, trying to fill his nostrils with the scent of his mate rather than the lingering smoke. But it was no use; the smoke pervaded everywhere, and a round of coughing brought tears to his eyes.

  At the menacing growl from Barin, Quinn patted his lover’s chest, wondering what their procession looked like with the paramedic in front, leading two naked men, and a policeman last in line.

  Even inside the ambulance, Barin refused to relinquish his hold on Quinn who had no concerns sitting curled in Barin’s lap. With a blanket wrapped around them, Quinn finally felt safe, but his shivering didn’t stop.

  “I think your, um, mate is suffering from shock. May I?” The paramedic’s voice sounded tinny and a half-whine half-moan escaped Quinn as Barin tried to move him.

  “Can it wait? It’s distressing him.” Even’s Barin’s normally strong voice sounded woolly and Quinn shook his head, wondering what was wrong with his hearing. The world dissolved in multicolored lights before everything went black.

  Chapter Ten

  When Quinn next woke, he already knew he was in the hospital before he opened his eyes. Fox senses not only made Quinn good when it came to smelling and tasting food, they also picked up the telltale scents of a hospital too. They also told him that Barin was nearby.

  “Sleeping Beauty finally awakens. I’d best get in the mandatory kiss.” Barin’s voice was soft and reassuring, and the kiss Quinn received was anything but the chaste kiss of the movie.

  “Nice way to wake up.” Opening his eyes, Quinn stared ruefully at the bandages on his hands. “Feet the same?” he asked, looking up into Barin’s clear blue eyes.

  “’Fraid so. That floor was very hot, according to the doctor. He reckons you’re lucky the burns aren’t worse.” Barin’s expression darkened. “Kevin’s also lucky. He admitted everything, so he’s in custody, otherwise, I’d be paying him a personal visit to show him how dangerous it is to hurt a bear’s mate.”

  “What’s going to happen to the restaurant?” Quinn gripped Barin’s hand. “We were just getting back up there in customer ratings.”

  “Which is why Kevin acted now. Good ratings, lots of money coming in. A perfect time to claim insurance on lost income.” Barin’s voice dropped to a menacing growl. “Leave things to me. It’ll take a while to clear the restaurant of the smoke smell. I know people who can do a good job renovating quickly, but thoroughly.”

  “Will the police let us get in to start cleaning up so quickly?” The thought of being out of commission deflated Quinn, but Barin leaned in and pecked a quick kiss.

  “Kevin admitted everything. He would rather face the wrath of the local judiciary than that of a furious shifter.” Barin cracked his knuckles. “The police don’t need anything else from the restaurant. The fire crew investigators already know how and where he started the fire. He didn’t even try to be subtle about it. We just need the place opening quickly.” Barin rubbed his chin. The stubble told Quinn that his mate hadn’t left him to go home. “I may know somewhere we could open to serve breakfasts and lunches. That way we won’t drop out of the public’s memory. I just need to call in a favor or two.”

  “We can update the web page with our progress. Maybe even look at using Facebook?” Quinn grinned. “People who come for breakfast or lunch could be entered in a drawing for a free dinner on our re-opening day.”

  “Excellent idea.” Barin smiled. “With your brains and my good looks, we’ll soon get over this setback.”

  “Modest. Not!” Quinn snorted, but it was a relief to see an expression other than concern or anger on his mate’s face.

  “When you got it, flaunt it.” Barin came close, sniffing at Quinn’s throat, sending tendrils of lust to heat and tease Quinn who openly groaned.

  “That was unfair.” Quinn pouted and this time Barin laughed out loud.

  “Call it an incentive to get well soon.” He cupped Quinn’s cheek and turned serious once more. “You could have been seriously injured or killed, coming to save me. My very own knight in shining armor. Or should I say gleaming white fur.” This time when Barin closed the distance, his lips pressed firmly against Quinn’s, but it wasn’t enough.

  Running the tip of his tongue over Barin’s lips, Quinn was granted entry and slid his slick muscle into his mate’s mouth, letting the familiar heat and taste burst on his tongue. A soft whimper escaped Quinn as Barin eased slowly back.

  “Rest.” Barin ran his knuckles down Quinn’s cheek. “When you’re out of here, we are still going to the mountains. But this time, we’ll have a luxury stay. You deserve it.”

  Quinn sighed. Barin was right; he was in no condition to do anything other than rest, but he fixed Barin with as much of a glower as he could muster.

  “I’ll hold you to that promise.”

  Chapter Eleven

  When Barin made good on his promise, Quinn’s breath was almost taken away. Luxury didn’t even begin to describe the penthouse Barin had booked for a short stay. A chauffeur met them at the airport in a Land Rover Discovery which was also available for private use throughout the stay.

  Once in the hotel itself, their own dedicated twenty-four-hour butler escorted them via a private elevator to the penthouse, and they even had the services of a private chef. But it was the terrace that caught Quinn’s eye. It had a generous-sized spa pool, fireplace, and fully equipped outdoor kitchen.

  “This place is amazing.” Quinn turned to Barin. “You really went for luxury, didn’t you?”

  “I promised. This is it. Fussed over day and night if we want it, close to the mountains to get out and run, a good-sized bed, and I can’t wait to have you in that spa bath overlooking the lake. I told the butler he wouldn’t be needed for quite some time. Let’s strip.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Quinn didn’t notice that Barin hadn’t followed him through to the bedroom as he shimmied quickly out of his clothes. It was only when he heard Barin call out that he realized his mate wasn’t in the room.

  “Quinn, do you like the view?” Barin called out from the other room.

  View? Quinn stuck his head around the door and saw a gloriously naked Barin pointing at the hot tub out on the balcony. Quinn was certain there probably was a view beyond the balcony, but it couldn’t equal the sight of a naked, aroused Barin Thornburn.

  “I promised you luxury.” Barin indicated the tub. “I could have chosen a place with an indoor one. But since you and I can more than tolerate being outdoors, even when it’s chilly…” Barin shrugged and held out his hand.

  “Let me get rid of these.” Quinn still wore his briefs, but he shoved them down with indecent haste, shaking them off each foot as he hurried forward to take Barin’s hand. Quinn sat on the edge and dipped a toe into the steaming, bubbling water. “Oh, yeah. Nice.” The water was hot, contrasting with the cold, crisp air, and Quinn sank slowly into the tub.

  “Mmm, it is nice.” Barin slid in beside Quinn. “Although it could be better.”

  “Better? How?” Quinn asked, waving his hand at the unobstructed view over the lake and the snow-covered mountains.

  “You could be in my lap.” Barin’s grin was nothing short of feral, and Quinn’s cock sprang to attention.

  “I can do that.” Quinn grinned. A moment later he sat astride Barin’s solid thighs. Barin smiled at him and cupped his jaw, leaning in for a steamy kiss.

  Quinn pressed close, enjoying the feel of Barin’s furred chest against his own. Barin glided his tongue across the roof of Quinn’s mouth and Quinn shivered as arousal surged through his veins, heating every cell and synapse from head to toe.

  Barin finally drew back, giving them time to breathe as he rested his forehead against Quinn’s. “You’re a fire in my blood. I love you, my mate.” Barin nodded at the bottle of lube he’d set close to the spa bath, and Quinn nodded eagerly.

  “I love you.” Quinn wriggled, still amazed to think Barin felt the same for him as he did for Barin.

  Quinn waited impatiently as Barin uncapped the bottle and poured some of the lube onto his fingers. Then his mate’s large hands cupped his buttocks and Barin’s long fingers brushed gentle caresses across Quinn’s exposed flesh without pushing inside him.

  Barin stroked light feathery touches down Quinn’s back with one hand. His eyes as blue as the sky overhead were filled with warmth and love as he trailed teasing kisses across Quinn’s shoulder.

  Then Quinn groaned deeply as Barin slid his hand down to Quinn’s balls, gently sliding them together and apart. Barin kissed him again and Quinn moaned around the kiss when one of Barin’s fingers breached him, moving it in and out, mimicking the movement with his tongue. Breaking the kiss, Barin ducked his head to suckle on one of Quinn’s nipples.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels good.”

  Then there were two fingers inside him, spreading him wider, making Quinn restless, needing more. Barin pressed deeper and Quinn arched his back, openly groaning Barin’s name. Quinn pushed back as best he could onto the tormenting fingers.

  As Quinn rode Barin’s fingers, Barin mouthed down Quinn’s neck until he reached the hollow at the base of his throat, and Quinn shuddered with pleasure as his mate rasped his tongue across the sensitive skin.

  “Barin, please.” Quinn writhed in his mate’s arms, his cock sliding against Barin’s solid stomach. Without waiting for his mate’s reply, Quinn reached behind, grabbed Barin’s solid cock, and positioned it at his entrance.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah.” Quinn breathed out as he impaled himself on Barin’s cock, relaxing his body to allow the long, thick flesh to stretch and fill him.

  Barin clutched Quinn’s ass cheeks, spreading him wide allowing for deeper penetration. Quinn grasped Barin’s shoulders, using them to help him move up and down the long, hard length of his mate.

  “Don’t rush,” Barin rumbled against Quinn’s throat, nipping at the fragile flesh. “We have plenty of time.”

  “Want you so much.” Quinn gave a nip of his own against Barin’s chin, and Barin moved his hands to Quinn’s waist.

  “Have you any idea how fucking sexy you look riding my cock? How amazing it feels to have you surrounding me? Ride me, my mate. Pleasure us both.”

  “Fuck me.” Quinn moaned as he raised up and slid down, taking Barin to the hilt. Barin’s response was non-verbal, just a deep, guttural growl as he helped lift Quinn up, only to press him down onto his cock as he jabbed his hips up as best he could in their position.

  Quinn tried to move faster, but Barin was too lost in his own rhythm. Instead, Quinn’s gaze met Barin’s and he did something creative with his ass muscles that made Barin’s eyes widen. With a loud growl, Barin sped up his thrusts, as if needing to drive Quinn into incoherency and himself into oblivion.

  Quinn held on to the broad shoulders, certain it was hard enough to leave bruises. The hot water of the spa didn’t offer Quinn anything to push against, so he settled for a series of muscle contractions that seemed to inflame Barin’s blood.

  The cold of Barin’s shoulders acted as a counterpoint to the white-hot burn of his cock deep inside Quinn’s body. Quinn wanted to touch himself, but as if instinctively knowing his mate’s need, Barin released one hip and wrapped his large hand around Quinn’s cock.

  It only took a couple of strong strokes for Quinn to come, his release cascading over Barin’s hand and onto his chest as he threw back his head and howled as his body jerked and shuddered on Barin’s cock.

  “Fuck, just look at you. So beautiful when you come.”

  Quinn had thought Barin incapable of speech, but the words, despite the rasping quality, sent a love flooding through Quinn. He looked at his mate just as Barin’s own climax consumed him.

  His mate’s head was back against the tub, the cords in his neck taut, and Quinn was certain he felt the throb of Barin’s cock seconds before his mate reached his apex and filled him with his essence.

  As Barin’s body slowly relaxed, Quinn buried his face against Barin’s neck. “I love you.”

  “I love you, mine.”

  That Barin would use such a possessive word no longer frightened Quinn, in fact, he tried to get closer still to his mate. Barin might use the word mine, but Quinn was secure in the knowledge that Barin was as much his as he was Barin’s.

  “I was thinking,” Quinn murmured against Barin’s skin. “That maybe we need to take longer than a few days off. Maybe scout out some wineries. Start making that dream of yours a reality.”

  “Don’t make promises when you’re warm, comfortable, and sated.” Barin nipped at Quinn’s ear and Quinn snickered.

  “I’m not. I had time in a hospital bed to think about it. I loved the experience in Jason’s restaurant, and I still want to be a chef, but I don’t want it to be in the center of the city. I’d like to be somewhere more rural, and I rather like the idea of producing wine
to match the food I cook.”

  “We’ll see. Once you get back to Invercargill and the restaurant again.” Barin kissed Quinn’s cheek and Quinn smiled.

  “I’ll say the same then, as I have now. It’s a dream I want to share with you. Our life. Doing something together that we both want.” Quinn sighed, tiled his mate’s head up to look him straight in the eye. “Both of us.” Then he claimed a kiss, plunging his tongue deep.

  Quinn wouldn’t press Barin, but now his mate knew he was serious. The more he’d thought of a winery and restaurant, the more Quinn had loved the idea. And Barin would see he was serious.

  Quinn settled himself at Barin’s side. This was just the beginning of a new life, one with his mate right beside him.

  The End


  Angelique Voisen

  Chapter One

  Cal Smith lifted the steaming mug of coffee to his lips, about to take the first sip of the day when the doorbell rang. After setting his cup down, he opened the door. Two old ladies beamed up at him. One of them held his homemade flyer in her hands.

  “We’re here for the moving-away sale,” said the one holding the paper.

  Crap. Cal forgot to indicate a time slot. He figured he’d put up all the price tags after breakfast and maybe a couple of interested parties would start trickling in by lunchtime. Lately, he forgot about the little things.

  “Are we too early?” the second woman asked.

  He shook his head and opened the door wider. “Come in, ladies. Everything’s for sale, except the things in the bedroom with the no entry sign.”

  Their chattering voices shattered the unsettling quiet that seemed to fill the space ever since Pierce had left. He returned to the kitchen, intending to finish his first cup of joe without needing to worry about what Pierce wanted for breakfast, when the doorbell rang again.


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