Denying the Alpha: Manlove Edition

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Denying the Alpha: Manlove Edition Page 13

by 5 Author Anthology

  “Fishing for answers?” he asked.

  Under the dim glow of the restaurant’s lights, Diesel’s pupils turned from its shade of usual steel gray to liquid amber. Cal sucked in a breath, wondering if he should use up his excuse even before their food arrived. Tangling with a shifter was dangerous, everyone knew that, but a huge part of him wanted to stay, to see where this date would lead.

  A strange sensation he hadn’t felt in ages flared up in his chest. Hope, except hope could prove dangerous, especially right now. After Pierce’s departure, Cal couldn’t take a lot of emotional blows, and Diesel was somehow able to breeze past all the barriers he erected.

  During his lunch break, he’d Googled more about shifters. That meant Diesel’s emotions probably got the better of him. Shifters usually kept to their own side of their fence and seldom dated another species, so why him? To keep dating interesting?

  The waiter set down Diesel’s beer and Diesel took a long sip, watching him all that while, not answering his question. That look of open, predatory hunger made Cal squirm in his seat, reminded him that Diesel was far from human and shared his skin with an animal built for the hunt.

  “I want to get to know you better. Is that a crime?” Diesel curved his lips into a smile.

  Cal couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like, being kissed by an unapologetic man who knew exactly what he wanted.

  “Fun fact about us shifters,” Diesel continued when he didn’t have a response. “We have very sensitive noses. I know you’re interested. I scented your arousal back in your apartment and even now.”

  Crap. Cal blushed. “You’re joking.”

  “Nope. All the scents of other people of the grill blend together, but right now, I’m only focused on one. Yours. I didn’t stumble upon your little sale by accident.”

  Panicked, Cal fumbled for his phone in his jeans pocket. With shaking hands, he lifted it to his ear. “Yeah? Shit? What did you say, in the emergency room?”

  God, even to his own ears he sounded so clumsy, fumbling over his words. Would Diesel buy that? That part of him that didn’t want to be alone, that was brave and wanted to take another chance, screamed at him to shut up, to take it all back.

  Diesel’s grin didn’t falter as he put the phone down.

  “I got to go, emergency,” he blurted.

  “Did you just use that fake call excuse to get out of a date with me? Now, that’s a first.”

  “It wasn’t fake.”

  “Huh, shifter hearing.” Diesel pointed to his ear. “So yeah, I can tell you weren’t talking to anyone.”

  Cal could feel his cheeks and neck burn. He was probably bright red by now. It wasn’t too late. He could just run out of there. Wow. That would make him so immature and he could tell Diesel wasn’t a bad guy. He was funny and sexy, a lethal combination. Diesel deserved the truth.

  “I can’t do this,” he finally said, forcing himself to meet Diesel’s gaze. “It’s not you. You’re great, actually, but I can’t help but wonder if this a game to you.”

  Diesel made that scary rumbling sound again. “I don’t have the time or patience to play games, little human.”

  Little human. Sounded both like a threat and a term of endearment at once.

  “Is it because of Pierce?” Diesel asked.

  “Yeah, well, I was with him for a long time.” He fidgeted in his seat and didn’t understand why he opened his heart, just a little bit to a complete stranger. Diesel didn’t even seem that offended that he’d tried to run. He was easy to talk to. With Pierce, he had to watch every word he said.

  “I saw the dates on those photos. Ten years, that’s… Well. Impressive. I’ve never been in any relationship that lasted beyond two months.”

  At least Diesel was honest. Cal stared at his hands and clasped them together. His chest tightened, swelled with all the negative emotions he’d been holding back that he let fester.

  “When you’re with someone that long, you let them make a home in your heart. When Pierce left to be with someone else, it felt like he left an irreparable hole.”

  “I don’t know much when it comes to romance, but I’ve experienced betrayal.”

  He blinked. “Yeah?”

  “I’ve been with my old pack since I was a kid, formed bonds with everyone there. I always knew I was strong enough to someday challenge the current Alpha and win, but in the end?” Diesel finished his beer. The shifter’s gaze gained a kind of intensity that made it hard to look away.

  Curious to know more, he leaned forward as Diesel continued, “The Alpha’s son convinced everyone else I was a poor choice, an orphan the pack took in out of pity wouldn’t make a good leader. When the only family I’ve ever known turned their back on me, it felt worse than being mauled to death.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” He was. Cal didn’t expect a guy like Diesel, who seemed full of hidden smiles and jokes, to possess layers and a sad past. Maybe in some ways, they really were the same. Diesel wore his smiling mask all the time to hide old wounds, the same way he tried so hard to pretend everything was normal when he was at work.

  Don’t get hung up on one guy.

  I’m sure you’ll find someone else.

  He was used to hearing sympathetic comments like that, but no one understood what it felt like, having his still-beating heart torn out of his chest.

  “Pierce felt like my only family. We came from the same town, were the only two openly gay guys there. It always felt like us against the world. Then we left to build a life here in the city. I really thought—doesn’t matter now. The plan backfired and I’m back to square one,” he said.

  “You’re not ready to be hurt again,” Diesel said. “But hurting you is not on my itinerary. If you let me in, Cal, I’ll show you. Once an Alpha finds his mate, he never backs down.”

  “Did you just call me your mate?”

  His stomach growled as the waiter returned with their food. Thoughts about leaving fled as he looked at his miserable salad and Diesel’s huge plate. The smells of grilled meat and fried potato hit his nose. He no longer had the urge to leave, because he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been comfortable with someone.

  Despite the heavy tone of their conversation, it didn’t feel awkward.

  “You’ll see,” Diesel answered with a confidence that blew him away. “Eat your food before it grows cold.”

  “Can I have some of your burger?”

  “Sure, but you know, we can just order more food.”

  “I don’t want to appear greedy, and you’re paying. What if we split the bill?”

  Diesel sighed. “You’re stubborn. Anyone ever told you that?”

  “You just don’t want to share your burger.”

  Diesel took a big bite of his food, making Cal twitch his lips in annoyance. Then Diesel offered him the burger, which he accepted. An indirect kiss? He took a bite, savoring the juicy flavors as they exploded on his tongue. Maybe, he decided, it wouldn’t hurt to see where tonight would lead.

  Chapter Four

  Diesel couldn’t imagine his luck. Cal seemed to have forgotten making that fake call and seemed chattier now, definitely less hostile. Diesel didn’t know why he told Cal about his origins, when he’d never told anyone else his reasons for becoming a nomad.

  They finished their main course, even split a sundae, and Cal still insisted on splitting the bill. Diesel had to admit his dick got rock-hard seeing the fiery determination in Cal’s eyes. For a human, Cal had guts, steel in his spine, and his wolf liked that immensely. Good mate material, because not many could handle an Alpha werewolf.

  Diesel had always known what kind of beast he’d been born with, understood he’d always been different, even amongst his pack mates. In shifter culture, Alphas were born, not created through the bite, and his potential had been what pushed Teddy, the Alpha’s son, to convince the entire pack to exile him.

  Five years. That was how long he’d been living on his own, and Cal was right. Some
wounds never really healed. They’d close up, little by little, but they’d always be there. Ugly reminders.

  “I’m full. Let’s walk,” he said, opening the restaurant door for Cal.

  “Sure, but it’s kind of cold out. I should have brought a jacket.”

  Diesel grinned and took his off, placing it around Cal’s shoulders before the human could protest. “There. Better? No escaping our walk now.”

  Cal snorted and gripped the edges of his jacket. Diesel decided he liked it when Cal’s expression turned all soft and vulnerable like that. Fuck, and those lips. So kissable, so ripe, and his for the taking. Diesel had fended off any filthy deed he wanted to do to Cal the entire evening, but he had his limits.

  “It’s warm,” Cal said. “Smells like you.”

  “What does it smell like?” he asked, curious as they began to walk back to their apartment building.

  “Well, let me think. Like engine oil, soap, and some kind of woodsy smell.”

  He chuckled. “I can’t tell. Is that a compliment or your way of telling me I stink?”

  Cal looked appalled and nudged him in the shoulder. The human yelped. “Christ. You’re like, a solid wall or something. That’s a good thing,” Cal added. “In case, you’re wondering.”

  The more time he spent with Cal and got to know him, Diesel’s certainty grew. Cal was the one, and his even his beast knew the first time they’d picked up Cal’s scent. Mine, he thought, possessiveness filling every bone in his body. Mate. That word slipped out by accident during dinner. Diesel was sure Cal would make another attempt at leaving, but he hadn’t.

  Cal stayed put and that only assured him of his conquest, because Cal didn’t know it yet, but he was going to become Diesel’s, in every sense of the word.

  He hovered protectively close to Cal, who seemed oblivious while he chatted about his work at the accounting firm.

  “Let’s take a shortcut through the park,” Diesel suggested.

  “Is this really a shortcut?” Cal asked as they deviated from the main jogging path in the park to a smaller one. More leaves lay scattered on the floor and one homeless guy snored at a nearby bench.

  “Nope, I wanted to spend more time with you.” When Cal said nothing, Diesel cleared his throat. “If that unsettles you, then I’ll take you home now. Promise.”

  Cal halted and shook his head. “You misunderstand. Tonight was really fun. I can’t remember the last time I felt that comfortable with anyone else. With Pierce, I needed a script all the time in case I ran out of conversation topics.”

  The more Diesel heard about Pierce, his dislike only grew. Hard to believe a firecracker like Cal put up with such an asshole for so long, but they did have a history. Envy rammed into him. Cal created and shared plenty of memories with this Pierce, and that didn’t sit well with him.

  “So thanks, even if I acted like a jerk yesterday and earlier this evening,” Cal finished.

  Diesel made his move, slid one arm around Cal’s shoulders, and pulled him close until their noses touched. “There’s no need to apologize.”

  Cal’s breathing hitched. “Are you going to kiss me?”

  “Will you resist?” Diesel teased, despite knowing the answer. “Too soon?”

  “No. I’m hung up on Pierce, but I want to move on. But I have a feeling you’ll be so much more than the rebound guy. That scares me a little.”

  That admission pleased Diesel immensely. “When a wolf finds his target, he doesn’t stop until the hunt is over.”

  “What does that even mean?” Cal demanded.

  Fuck, but his dick felt like a steel pipe between his legs, his need for Cal overwhelming, drowning.

  “If we start down on this path, I can’t and won’t stop until you’re mine. All of you.”

  He cupped Cal’s cheek and went in for the kill. Diesel took Cal’s mouth without apology or mercy. The sweet and addictive taste of Cal exploded on his tongue, and Diesel wanted more. He sucked and nibbled on Cal’s lower lip, his dick thickening as Cal responded with a hunger that equaled his own. Diesel slipped his tongue down Cal’s throat as Cal gripped his biceps tightly.

  When he pulled away to catch his breath, Cal panted, eyes wide.

  “Wow. I didn’t know kisses can feel like that.”

  “Guess what?” he said, grinning. “Sex is going to be so much better.”

  Cal nudged him in the shoulder and he decided he liked this playful side of the human, but Diesel also understood Cal wouldn’t let his shields down for just anyone. Cal lowered his gaze down the line of his body and lingered on his erection.

  “You’re getting aroused, too,” Diesel observed out loud.

  Cal blushed. “I’m not normally like this. My intense attraction to you is a little overwhelming.”

  He grabbed Cal’s hand and led him past the path, the bushes, and a large oak tree until they were both hidden from sight. Diesel pushed Cal against the tree and plundered his lips again. Cal didn’t resist, only gripped his shoulders and began rubbing himself all over him. Cal reached out, but Diesel wanted the human to stay put. He gripped Cal’s wrists with one hand and held them captive over Cal’s head.

  With his free hand, Diesel trailed his fingers down Cal’s chest, finally reaching for the button of his jeans. When he pulled away from the kiss, Cal’s lips looked swollen, half-parted, his pupils dilated with lust. Perfect.

  He unzipped Cal, pulled out his long and engorged prick, and began to stroke it.

  “We can’t do this here,” Cal murmured. The human said that but didn’t pull away or struggle from his grip. “God, this is wrong, the way you’re only turning me on.”

  “Why? No one’s watching and I’ll rip apart anyone who interrupts. Besides, you say that while thrusting your hips into my hand.”

  Cal moaned and pushed his shaft into his waiting hand again. Diesel obliged him and used one fingernail to swipe the pre-cum off Cal’s cock head.

  “Are all shifters so wild and demanding?” Cal asked, breathy.

  “Not all, and don’t lie. You like it when I take control.”

  Cal bit on his lower lip, cheeks pink.

  “Eyes on me, little human. I want to watch your expression as you come,” Diesel commanded. Blue eyes the color of a passionate storm met his. Diesel took Cal’s mouth again, taking his time with the kiss.

  A few strokes, tugs, and pulls on Cal’s prick were all he needed. Cal gasped, eyes wide as he erupted, painting Diesel’s hand with cum. Exquisite. Diesel couldn’t wait to see Cal orgasm again, but the next time, it would be with his prick buried in Cal’s ass. He released Cal’s wrists.

  Cal lifted his hand, and with a little smile that lit all the nerves in his body, licked his own need off. Cal reminded him of a cat who got his cream.

  Diesel’s dick strained against the zipper of his pants and it seemed Cal understood his need because he put his hand over his groin.

  “How about I take care of this big boy?”

  He leaned in close and playfully bit at the side of Cal’s neck. “Don’t tempt me, because right now, my control’s hanging on a fragile thread. The things I want to do to you…” Diesel trailed off.

  “Tell me.”

  “I want to fuck you right here, against this tree and plow that tight little ass and fill it with my cum. I can’t wait until we get home.”

  Cal lifted his face and planted a soft, quick kiss on his lips. “Me either. Fuck me, Diesel. Please.”

  Chapter Five

  Cal couldn’t believe he uttered those words to Diesel, but when it came to this werewolf, all his barriers easily came down. That first kiss undid him completely and Diesel’s touches had instantly made him an addict.

  The only reckless decision Cal had ever made in his life was leaving his hometown with Pierce. Even then, Pierce had been the brave one. Cal never made impulsive decisions. He was the kind of guy who calculated every move, questioned every choice. With Pierce, sex had been dismal, quick, and disappointing, but one kiss fro
m Diesel had lit his entire body on fire. Finally, he understood what chemistry meant.

  For once in his life, he wanted to take a chance with Diesel.

  Diesel didn’t ask, he simply took. Cal locked his arms around Diesel’s neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. Wood dug against his back, immovable as any wall. Diesel easily supported him, moving his big hands to his ass. Diesel carried him with ease, as if Cal didn’t weigh a thing.

  So strong, Cal thought, transfixed by Diesel’s dilated pupils, which reflected the glow of the full moon that night. He could almost see it, the wolf that lived inside this captivating and sexy man.

  “Unzip me,” Diesel ordered.

  Cal never thought he’d find another guy giving him orders so hot. He undid Diesel’s pants and pulled out Diesel’s dick. He let out a surprised breath. Diesel was thick, long, and massive. He wondered if Diesel would fit inside him and found he couldn’t wait. He squirmed, only for Diesel to pinch at his ass cheek.

  “Behave,” Diesel chided. “Grab the lube from my back pocket.”

  “Wait, why do you have that?” he asked but went for the tube anyway.

  “I bought it on my way to the restaurant, figured I might need it.”

  “Condoms?” he asked, uncapping the lube. Cal blushed, realizing what Diesel wanted him to do.

  “No need for them. Shifters can’t catch anything.”

  “I’m clean. Can’t even remember the last time I had sex.” Why he admitted that embarrassing little fact, he didn’t know, but it didn’t seem to matter to Diesel.

  A rumble vibrated from Diesel’s chest as the shifter tightened his grip. “Lube yourself up, prep that little hole for me.”

  He applied lube on his fingers, more on his puckered entrance. With Diesel’s intent amber gaze solely focused on him, it felt like the werewolf saw nothing else but him. His heart raced as he slipped one digit in him, then added a second. Cal longed to have something bigger in him.

  “Good enough,” Diesel said.

  The werewolf’s voice had taken on a rough edge, sending a shiver of anticipation down his spine. Whatever Diesel wanted to do with him, he was fine with it. He’d even travel the road to hell with Diesel, even if might mean damnation.


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