Raise The Price

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Raise The Price Page 26

by Mark Stanley

  "Will you take me for a drive?"

  She looked at the keys, then at me and then looked again at the car.

  "Is it mine, really?"

  "Yes and I'm sorry it's late but all things come to those that wait."

  "I've read about them, but I've never seen one except in that film with Steve McQueen, The Thomas Crown Affair?"

  I looked at the paper and started to read. "Well, now you have and you own a 1968 Ferrari 275..." But then I was interrupted.

  "GTS/4 NART, one of only ten ever built. However did you manage it?"

  "Good fortune." And twenty two million pounds in Sotheby's saleroom.

  Of course, when Victoria got the keys, it was always going to be difficult to get her out of the car so with our normal cavalcade of minders we went cruising New York which was seasonably warm but my wife looked hot. Hair swept back as she pushed it through the gears as we drove out onto a very quiet Van Wyck Expressway before turning back towards Manhattan and showing off as we cruised up Fifth Avenue, oblivious of the staring masses, who appeared to be transfixed by my wife or the car, maybe both and I loved it.

  I looked at my watch, again. I know Victoria plans, from the time she needs to be somewhere and works backwards but I hate that, it's always leaving things to chance and I try not to. I was pacing up and down, I'd been dressed almost half an hour and still I waited and then just as I was pouring a glass of champagne I heard the bedroom door open.

  "How do I look Billy?"

  If she had been stunned by the delivery of the car yesterday, it was my turn to be open-mouthed.

  " Chanel Haute Couture, one off and soooo, expensive it made even my eyes water."

  I found my voice. "I see your beauty all of the time and yet...I never stop being surprised. You are just so beautiful and I'm so proud of you."

  "Billy, please stop you'll make me cry."

  I took her hand and kissed it. "Let's go, I want to show you off to your adoring public."

  I suspected that The Carlyle would be playing host to many of the participants at tonight Gala and that beautiful women would be seen leaving through the Lobby on a regular basis but none would be as beautiful as my wife. As the lift doors opened, I stepped out and helped guide Victoria as the dress was long. Applause, when unexpected, always makes me surprised but I was a proud man as I walked with her out to the car as the spectators applauded and smiled.

  "There now you believe me."

  The car pulled up and we got out to what felt like a million flash bulbs and hundreds of lights. Spectators were kept behind barriers but they all knew who I was with. We smiled, we waved and we walked, we walked along the longest red carpet I have ever seen. On and on until, we slowly reached the end and made our way into Victoria's World, the World that she inhabits, spasmodically, which is probably the reason that she's such a desirable guest. People smiled and came over to say hello and then we were with the boss, Anna Wintour, charming, elegant and unsurprisingly, extremely erudite.

  "My darling Victoria, you are the epitome of Vogue, I just wished we could have you here with us, everyday..."

  If you’ve only ever read about the her and often in less than complimentary terms, take it from me, as the Americans would say, 'she's one classy lady'.

  It was as you would expect a glittering occasion, after all it is, The Vogue Ball, in everything but name. We ate, sparingly, after all, one has to watch one's figure, darling. We drank, not at all and we danced, endlessly, when there was a gap in the people coming up to pay homage to Victoria we danced and then we danced some more and then it all went so wrong. Looking back I don't know what alerted me. Was it his look? Maybe, for he was ugly compared to the beautiful people that had been employed to serve drinks. Was it his disregard for his clients,? Possibly for he ignored those that wished to have glasses replenished. Was it his crazy eyes? Perhaps, for as he closed the distance between us his eyes focused on one person, me but when it all came together, I've been in enough difficult places over the past year and half that I can now sense danger. I pushed Victoria away and looked for Tom but I couldn't see him. People were startled as Victoria came careering into them, there were shouts of indignity that their evening was about to be spoilt by a spat, but boy it was much more than that, the commotion must alert my guys and they'd come running but it would be too late, the guy was coming and he was going to get me but more importantly he was going to get lots of others. I've read and heard people say that in moments of great danger everything slows down, take it from me that's utter rubbish put about by idiots. I didn't have the space to do very much, the commotion had spread and people were unsure about what was happening but my focus remained on the guy, now ten feet away. I launched myself towards him, after last year’s near death experience I'd had to work really hard to get back to full health and now, I still work out. So a six foot three, two hundred and twenty pound giant, went to try and stop whom? The thought struck me as I was diving at him in a full scale rugby tackle, the same that had been put on me in Niger. What if he was innocent? Then I'd look like a prat and Victoria would kill me. Of course he saw me coming but he had a tray loaded with drinks and had to lose that which he did by dropping it to the floor, before he reached under his jacket, but as I dived I saw the gun, as his hands fumbled around trying to drag it from his waistband. As he got hold of it I hit him just above his knees with all of my weight he went backwards and down, all at the same time, hitting two women with his flailing arms and taking them down with him the guy hit the floor and the gun got dislodged from his hand. There were screams now as people became aware of the danger, people backed away into an irregular circle. A guest kicked the gun out of the attackers reach but he obviously had a back up as he scrambled on the other side of his jacket, but it was too late for him. As he struggled to release a second gun with me trying to hold onto his arms the circle was suddenly broken by four guys, two of mine and two others, it was over almost before it had started. One of mine, John's stamped on the guy’s arm that took away the desire and the ability to get to the second gun. Tom got the collar of my rather expensive dinner jacket and pulled me up off the floor as the Secret Service operatives, disarmed and disabled the attacker. More operatives were arriving all of the time and as I stood and looked down at him, now immobile, I could see something strange, the guy only had eight digits.

  Sadly, that was the end of the evening; somehow the party mood had left, along with most of the guests. I suppose it's an inbred instinct, when there's trouble, get out and leave. It's a good philosophy to have and one I need to learn, but as my Mother says, a leopard never changes his spots.

  "What fucking possesses you to act so, so, so..."


  "...thank you. Seriously I love you and yet you still pick fights, it's like being at school with a jealous boyfriend. You never know when to stop. Christ Mark, he had two fucking guns and he was going to kill you..."

  "Actually, we don't know that is the case and I don't pick fights, it was self-defence."

  "Stop talking! You’re being given a bollocking and you'll will sit there and take it!"

  So I did, it went on far longer than the attack did. I felt that it might have been better to have let him shoot me because the way it was going I thought Victoria might anyway. It was more than anger it was raw petrified emotion. It couldn't have been very nice, one minute dancing with your husband and the next being launch across a dance floor with the power that I'd used. It hadn't been gentle and I had apologised afterwards not only to Victoria but to the couple that she had clattered into. They'd been very gracious and a little surprised that I'd come looking for them so that I could apologise, but one must never forget one's manners, Mother would not countenance that.

  "And another thing, when did you think you could do the job better than the fucking Secret Service and our own CPO’s? Well when?"

  "It was a feeling, nothing more than that. I looked up to find Tom but I couldn't see him, admittedly I didn't realise he was
so close, but he was behind me and the guy was bearing down on us so I did what I had to do and that was to ensure that you my wife and shortly to be Mother to six children, was safe. But Victoria I didn't know all I knew was that my senses were telling me he was up to no good and I had to get you away."

  "But how many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to lose you, ever?" She was now screaming at me, with the wild eyes and clenched fists.

  "I appreciate everything you say, but we have six children and they need one of us and I choose you!"

  My attempt at humour got me a crack across the face, probably deserved.

  "One day we'll look back on our adventures and we'll write a book and no one, but no one will believe it, how one man can be such a totally fucking useless dingbat and still survive!"

  It had been late by the time that the bollocking finished and I had held Victoria as she had cried but eventually she managed to fall asleep in my arms. The following day I had meetings that I couldn't cancel and so I was up and about to leave when my wife came into the sitting room removing my orange juice from my hand and swigging the contents.

  "Good morning sweetness."

  The reply would determine if I were to be forgiven here in New York or eventually, back in the UK. She gave me the look which reminded me of a Ludo quote.

  "I tell you old boy, it's when she gives one that look, you must have seen it, it's the one...imagine Lucifer is standing at the gates of Hell about to welcome a new member, when God appears and reclaims the man, it chills one to one's soul, especially when she slightly lifts that left hand side of her mouth and you can see the start of the perfect white teeth. She used it once on me and I never ever want a repeat performance."

  "I have to go to work." I stood before I could witness the full effects.

  "We're due to appear on the 'The David Ruskin Tonight Show' later? Will you be joining me, or will you be re-enacting Charles Bronson's part in 'Death Wish'?"

  I slipped on my jacket, collected my briefcase and with a cheery. "Have a good day, see you later." I was gone. On the way, I stopped to see the children and let Flora show me a new book which had become her pride and joy, at least until something else takes its place in a few minutes and then I was downstairs.

  "Lord Stanley?"


  "Good morning. You've been assigned an additional Secret Service detail Sir? My Director would like to see you and apologise for last night’s attack, if you'll accompany me?"

  "That's very kind but completely unnecessary and as important as your Director undoubtedly is, my first meeting today is with the President of Ethiopia and he takes precedent, Mister?"

  "McKinley Sir."

  "McKinley, as in the Mountain?"

  He smiled. "Yes Sir, as in the mountain. Is there a more convenient time?"

  It was my turn to smile. "It's unnecessary, but if your Director wishes to pursue it then perhaps he can..." I removed my wallet and passed a business card to the mountain. "...Call my PA and see when there's availability, but now I must go. Thank you for coming to see me but it's completely unnecessary as I attach no blame for last night to anyone."

  Tom and Craig, walked outside with me and now it was just getting silly. There were a whole tribe of black suited, dark glasses, it looked like we were about to start filming 'Men in Black'.

  "Two things Tom why are you on duty and why is..." I nodded my head at the new arrival. "...this escalating?"

  "I'm here because me and all of the guys take full responsibility for what happened last night. We didn't do our job and you and Lady Victoria were left exposed, which is completely unacceptable. I was in liaison last night with Mister Coombes as well as Number Ten, The White House, Ex-President Clinton as well as the UN Secretary General and yours and Lady Victoria's protection was reassessed. The additional Secret Service details are actually two, one for you and one for Lady Victoria?"

  "She's going to love this."

  "I'm sorry Lord Mark, but this is how it'll have to be, it's out of my hands."

  I looked at him. "I don't think it was yours or anyone's fault. It happened, we've survived it, we move on, but I can't and nor will Victoria accept this level of protection as it's unnecessary. The guy was caught, that's the end of it."

  "But you know Lord Mark, that's simply not the case. This is the third attack in less than eighteen months and by some miracle you've survived all three attempts. We have to try and find a way that we can offer better protection?"

  I chewed the inside of my cheek as I looked at Tom. "Did you get a bollocking last night?"

  He smiled and nodded, "Four of them."

  "I bet none of them were as ferocious or as long as the one I got."

  Tom smiled again, a little wider than before. "I wouldn't argue with that Lord Mark, I could see in the car on the way back that Lady Victoria was simmering nicely."

  We got into the car which was the middle car of five. We had two Chevrolet Suburbans in front and two behind and I could finally leave for the office.

  As well as the meetings, Caroline was working trying to answer all of the calls about last night’s incident and had to call for secretarial reinforcements. A statement was drafted which was read to each of the members of the press that called, for the more important callers, they were put through and I spoke to each, reassuring all that I was fine and a little embarrassed by the attention. When I got back to the hotel there was a press contingent waiting, but apart from smiling, waving and telling all that I was fine and that it was no big deal, I was grateful to enter the sanctuary of the Lobby.

  "Hello darling good day? I've had a super day, thank you for asking. I got all of the children and we went for a walk in Central Park to feed the ducks, just me, the children, two nannies and four hundred bodyguards, three thousand paparazzi and more spectators than I’ve ever seen at any football match but enough about me tell me how your day was?"

  I had hoped that the anger would have subsided by now but the additional security had stymied that.

  "None of this was of my making, it..."

  "It was your entire making darling. If you had left security to do their job..."

  "You or I, maybe both of us and Lord knows how many innocent bystanders would have been killed, because once he had shot us, he would have needed to fight his way out or at least try to do so, so please stop with the accusations. I did what I did and the matter is closed." I had actually raised my voice, extremely inadvisable thing to do, Victoria hates me shouting and so I walked out and went to the bathroom where I stripped off and got into the shower. The bathroom door opened and Victoria walked in to indubitably remonstrate with me but even I was surprised as she stripped off and got into the shower, the argument was over.

  "My special guests tonight are, without question, the most glamorous couple in the Universe. She was voted the World's Most Beautiful Woman for four years in a row but lost the title this year and I can only imagine that the voting must have been rigged against her because, and you'll be able to judge for yourselves, she is unquestionably still the title holder. She's also the muse of Vogue, tireless charity worker, Mother to six children and a wife. He is fast becoming the living G.I Joe. Survives a bullet to the head, bullets to his body, a full scale attack by terrorists in Africa and only last night stopped a massacre, single-handedly at the Met Gala. He's also a UN President, Father, tipped to be the next Prime Minister of Britain and a husband. Ladies and gentlemen, Lord Mark and Lady Victoria Stanley!"

  We walked out to the 'Indian Jones' theme tune. We didn't know that was going to happen, but hey it's America. We shook hands and acknowledged the audience as our host tried to put us at our ease, which was always going to be difficult. But he was extremely accomplished, his show was somewhere in between 'Larry King' and 'David Lettermen', in the UK it would have been compared to 'Parkinson'. There were some jokes but a lot of very serious questions. We had a fair idea, what the questions would be, they all seem to be on a theme and so we had been well prep
ped. But an hour, less commercial breaks is a long-time to fill. We had lost our titles at the beginning, by choice and had asked him to call us Victoria and Mark.

  "We’re very pleased to have you and honoured as you give very few televised interviews, why is that?"

  Victoria smiled. "That’s a very easy question to answer. Mark courts publicity when he’s trying to promote the UN or any of the charities but outside of these he thinks that he can turn a switch and become anonymous and the press won’t be interested."

  The audience laughed, our host smiled as one would at perhaps indulge a slightly intellectually challenged person.

  “So why do you think that you can pick us up and put us down when you feel like it Mark? We’re human we have feelings and emotions, we can’t just be discarded you know!”

  The laughter was long and loud as the host became rather distraught, theatrically pulling out a handkerchief and dabbing his eyes, much to the amusement of all. Victoria got up and went around the desk that we were sat opposite and put her arm around David’s shoulders which got a Grouco Marks response as he smiled, raised his eyebrows, quickly half a dozen times and snuggled into Victoria, again much to the delight of the audience. Victoria playfully slapped his arm and returned to my side as our host smiled.

  “We saw in today’s papers, you two at last night’s Met Ball which I’ll come to shortly, but the night before you were at the State Dinner at The White House for the German Chancellor? How did you manage to get invited and I didn't!"

  He knew how to play to the audience both in the studio and at home, who all loved the chiding.

  "Perhaps we're less contentious?" Said very smiley by my wife and received a hard stare back but he couldn't scare Victoria, she's the master of the death stare.


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