by Jim Croft
Vampirism is a particularly graphic negation of Jesus Christ and all that He represents. The Lord Jesus shed His blood as an act of love to impart eternal life. Vampires take blood through biting and defiled lovemaking to live on eternally.
Fantasies Made Real
Through involvement with the occult and engaging in vampire fantasies, people not only attract demons, but many of these individuals purposely summon demons to themselves. Children as young as thirteen are intrigued rather than repulsed by the prospect of attracting sex demons. Even though it sounds bizarre, and perhaps impossible, these demon entities are actually capable of physical, even sexual, interaction with these individuals. The demons appear in male and female forms, called incubi and succubi.
These individuals often learn the hard way that, once embraced, these demons can turn into assailants, forcibly attacking their hosts sexually when they discern that the people are weak or willing.
Though the topic is bizarre, it is a reality that we must be prepared to face as people of diverse background and experience come into the Body of Christ. I have personally ministered to men and women who have been forcibly raped by succubi and incubi. I encountered one young man who confessed numerous rough homosexual episodes with an incubus.
As the fascination with the antichrist spirit of vampirism grows, many deliverance ministers are finding that complaints of incubi and succubi encounters are becoming more common. The victims bear the evidence of being worn out by antichrist spirits. The molested express tearful emotions when finally finding someone who believes their stories and can offer liberation.
Diagnosing Antichrist Spirits
Most any type of demon can be an antichrist spirit. They can often be detected by accusatory statements charging God, the Church and Christians for disappointments in life. Antichrist demons mock, belittle, discredit and smirk at quoted verses and all that believers hold true. When I suspect their presence during deliverance ministry, but it is not obvious, I ask counselees questions about basic Christian concepts. “What do you think about the story of Noah’s flood? What is the first thought that comes to your mind when I mention the blood of Jesus and His resurrection?” If the answers are “It’s stupid; I hate it; it’s impossible,” I shift gears by commanding the antichrist spirits out.
An example would be, “You antichrist spirit of mental fatigue, come out. I command this antichrist spirit that hates the atonement to leave now in Jesus’ name.” On many occasions, I simply address the spirit as an antichrist spirit and tell it to leave. Most of the time that brings relief as the Holy Spirit knows what I am referring to and so does the targeted demon.
Former Muslims frequently need special attention to be cleansed of anti-Christian doctrines. The antichrist precepts of Islam were drilled into them during their school years. Islamic clerics made them recite Koranic verses and passages from the Hadiths over and over. Some need to be deprogrammed. The best way to do so is to ask them questions about the six basic doctrines of the Christian faith that are found in Hebrews 6:1–3. If they give Islamic answers, confidently counter with verses from the Bible.
Battle Offensives for Your Future
The Lord’s Prayer instructs us to pray for deliverance from evil. One of the ways to do so is to take the initiative through offensive maneuvers against the enemy. The Bible promises that Satan will flee from those who resist him. One of the most aggressive forms of resistance is to expel demons from those inhabited by them.
With a great revival on the way, many who come into the Kingdom of God will need deliverance from evil spirits. The battle objective for all believers is to get as many people as possible into faith in Christ before the emergence of the Antichrist.
Reading this book has familiarized you with the various types of bondage from which people commonly need liberation. You have learned the dangers and ramifications of involvement with the occult, curses and vows. You have learned how demons complicate relationships, dole out misery through physical and emotional sickness, and invoke heartaches through enslaving addictions.
You have also become acquainted with ramifications of the vampire phenomenon. It is very likely that in the future you will encounter people who have been plagued by demonic molestations as a result of their fascination with vampirism. Among those people, you will no doubt discover many who want to believe God loves them and has plans for their lives. They will be ashamed of their history of inviting demonic sexual attentions, and desperate to be free of the attacks that have resulted.
The love of God extended through you can help the most diabolical of sinners understand the great eternal truth—that Jesus Christ is always willing to offer His cleansing and purity for the shame of their guilt.
Even as you have been set free, so you can be God’s instrument of mercy that puts demons to flight from others. No matter how powerful the manifestation, the truth is the same: Demons are subject to the power of Jesus’ name.
In this final chapter, we will view guidelines to help you as God leads you to help others be delivered.
This chapter outlines how I minister to others in deliverance sessions. Much of what I do has been learned from mentors; it is scriptural, I believe, and important to emulate the methods and styles of those who are experienced in ministry. As you mature in your own experience of ministry, the Holy Spirit will help you to discover the style most effective for you.
Essential Equipping
In deliverance, as with any other aspect of ministry, it is important to learn to become a good listener who is attentive to body language. My objective during interviews is to observe a person’s entire personality. It helps me detect demonic issues beyond those that may have prompted the person to come to me.
Voice inflections can expose anger, frustration or pride. Lost words and incoherent speech can be indicative of spirits of forgetfulness, mental disorder and insomnia. Averting the eyes often indicates the presence of shame. People who constantly move their eyes sideways may be struggling with deception and double-mindedness. Those who wring their hands might be struggling with worry and fearfulness. People who constantly lean forward as they speak are at times harboring tendencies to be controlling. The stubborn and the defensive frequently lean back with folded arms and their legs crossed at the ankles. While these may be simply indicators of human expression, it is also possible that the individual can be hosting any one of these particular spirits.
Body language indicators are not scientifically verifiable or universally applicable, but they can prove to be helpful in ministry. I would encourage you not only to be observant, but also to trust the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you cultivate your own methodology of observing what people are expressing through body language.
Revelatory Gifts
There are three revelatory gifts of the Spirit that are basic for ministering deliverance. Those gifts are discerning of spirits, words of knowledge and words of wisdom. God gives revelations to us personally by way of our inner spirit in the way of an impression or sensation. These revelations can come to us as mental pictures and images, specific words that come to mind, and sensations in our bodies. These impressions might also register as feelings or emotions.
Perhaps the best way to describe the process is that God’s thoughts and His voice are generally mingled with our own inner thoughts and voices. In other words, impressions from the Lord may seem similar to what we would normally think or feel. But revelations from the Lord have a quality that distinguishes them from our normal thoughts and feelings, making it clear they are inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Here are a couple of examples of how the revelatory gifts might work. As you pray for someone, you suddenly start to feel angry, nervous or lustful. As you examine these feelings, you know the sensations are not pertinent to you. What you are sensing could likely be indicative of corresponding spirits the person you are counseling is hosting.
Or let’s say that you have a mental picture of a bathroom cabinet filled with prescripti
on bottles. You know that it is not your bathroom cabinet. The Lord is possibly giving you a word of knowledge that the person may be hiding a problem with prescription drugs.
Or let’s say that while the person is talking about matters seemingly unconnected to child rearing, you inwardly hear a child crying. What you have heard might be a word of wisdom indicating that this parent needs to apologize to his or her child for dealing too harshly, or at least the parent needs to confess this behavior before the Lord. Sometimes these sensations indicate something a person must take care of first in order to receive full deliverance.
Preparatory Information
I generally begin a deliverance session with prayer asking for the Lord’s guidance.
I usually set aside ample time, sometimes as much as 45 minutes, to ask questions and allow the individuals to describe the problems they are facing. I ask if they are familiar with deliverance, and, if not, I provide a brief explanation about what demons are and what they can do. I have found that referring to invisible evil spirits as “uninvited passengers” can sometimes lessen the shock a person might feel at the thought of being susceptible to demonic forces. I also encourage them with testimonies of how others have gotten free from problems similar to theirs.
At some point, I discuss topics of occult involvement, curses and vows. I talk with them about severing any soul ties. I always mention the necessity of forgiving all who have wronged them.
A portion of my presentation is dedicated to demythologizing stereotypes of long and difficult exorcisms. I make every attempt to help the individuals know what to expect when undergoing deliverance. I tell them about possible manifestations such as gagging, coughing, dizziness and also the inner lifting sensation they might feel as demons are expelled. I also prepare them for the fact that demons are known to speak at times through people, and that what they say may be surprising.
While I downplay the potential, I also let them know that sometimes when demons are expelled it is not uncommon for mucus or vomit to be expelled. I assure them that if strong manifestations do occur, they will be momentary, and the person will be able to regain composure. I make it clear to them that the power of God within us and the spiritual authority we possess is stronger than any invisible enemy.
Words of Encouragement
Before going into the actual deliverance, I give some introductory comments like the ones that follow about how I will minister to them.
“I will begin by leading you in a confession of the Lordship of Christ and what the blood of Jesus has accomplished for you. I’ll ask you to name and to forgive those with whom you have unforgiveness issues. Then we will sever any suspected soul ties with manipulators or former lovers or both. I’ll have you name them, and then we’ll pray that the negative images within your soul will be shattered by the hammer of God’s Word. I’ll lead you in renouncing any curses and vows.
“I’ve listened carefully as you have spoken. What you have stated leads me to believe that spirits of X, Y and Z need to be expelled from you. But I recognize that the gift of discerning of spirits can be very subjective, and may not be entirely accurate. The names of the spirits that I call out are based on combinations of what you’ve said, discernment that I’m exercising, as well as years of experience in dealing with similar situations. Even so, I’ll likely be on-target with some named spirits and off target with others. It’s somewhat like shooting a shotgun at skeet clays. Some pellets hit the mark and others fall to the ground. There is no need to be concerned about off-target word ‘pellets.’ The important fact is that God is in control. He will enable me to strike home on the spirits that are in you, and they will come out.
“Whenever I name a spirit that resonates as one that torments you, it’s a good step to make it clear that you’re setting your will against it. You can do so by giving several exhaling huffs to expel it. Normally, demons come out through the mouth. For this reason, I ask that you refrain from articulating prayers. Keeping your mouth preoccupied with speech can prevent demons from making their exit. Simply pray inwardly and trust the Lord to use me as you huff the spirits out.”
The Matter of Manifestations
I continue by helping the individuals know what to expect.
“It is possible that you might experience one or more of the manifestations that I have mentioned. If you begin to hack or cough, I have tissues available. If a spirit tries to speak through your lips or cause you to move physically, know that you have the power to stop the manifestations. I will also apply the authority and Word of God to stop any of those manifestations and to quiet all opposition to what we are trying to accomplish, which is your complete freedom. We have complete authority to make demons stop doing whatever they may try to do, so don’t be worried.
“I also want you to know that whatever happens in ministry today is confidential. In the future, I promise not to think of you in terms of what takes place, or to relate to you on the basis of some manifestation that a demon exhibited through you. That’s all part of the process, and it’s normal, so don’t worry about it. Just get free.
“Your freedom in Christ is my sole objective. The evidence that you have been set free is that there will be a noticeable change in your emotions and behavior.
“Have you understood my explanations and the format your deliverance will take? Do you have any questions? Do you understand that I’m not a licensed counselor or a mental health professional and that my ministry is faith-based? On the basis of all I have shared in preparation for this moment, do you want to proceed?”
Deliverance Begins
If the persons answer in the affirmative, then I begin the process of the deliverance ministry. In some instances, I use the technique I described earlier in chapter 13, “Obliterating Demonic Strongholds in Your Mind.” I will ask them to recall the most recent incident of their most troublesome issue. I then ask them to hold those feelings and to trace back to the first time they experienced those emotions. I then ask them what those feelings made them believe about themselves that is contrary to God’s Word and a wholesome self-image. Most often the self-image they express is based on a satanically inspired lie.
I then ask if they would like for the Lord to give them His perspective on both them and the event. The majority of the time, Jesus speaks words of consolation and encouragement into the person’s mind. Occasionally, the Lord admonishes them that it is time to be rid of a sinful problem. Whatever the case, armed with Jesus’ true perspective on the situation, I command the evil spirit to leave. The results are almost always very positive and satisfying.
We continue in this manner and with the other approaches to deliverance until it is obvious that the persons have received freedom and relief.
Ending the Session
At the completion of the ministry, I ask how they are doing. If the report is that they are still sensing something, we continue on in ministry. If the report is that they feel relief and peace inside, I encourage them to take a few moments to offer up enthusiastic praise and thanksgiving for what the Lord has done.
I then charge the persons to keep reasonable disciplines of prayer and Bible study, and to maintain fellowship with strong believers. I encourage the newly delivered persons to stay in contact to give me updates on their progress. Afterward, I close the session by committing the persons to the Lord in prayer.
All in all, it is a wonderful process and a marvelous experience to help dear people who have been bound by the enemy step into newfound freedom and vitality. And it is a great privilege to be used by the Lord in leading people into such a degree of release through the God-given means of deliverance. What a joy to partner with Jesus in His ministry of liberating the captives!
The Epilogue includes a challenge and an invitation for you to join the company of the Lord’s servant warriors who participate in setting the captives free. At salvation, you were automatically enlisted in His army. Those whom He has enlisted are called into service for Him in some capacity that reflects t
he life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Well-informed deliverance commandos are in short supply. My hope is that as you have read this book, you have received some helpful encouragement in understanding the various aspects of the ministry of deliverance. Armed with this knowledge, it may well be time for you to begin some hands-on training. The Epilogue will close with your prayer of commitment to step into the arena and begin to minister to others.
From the time I began writing this book, I have sensed a weight pressing upon me to move forward with this project. I am convinced that what I have felt carries implications for many who read it. The weight has been an awareness of not only God’s pleasure, but also His divine sense of responsibility that this work be completed.
You might ask, “What does that have to do with me? How does Jim Croft’s sense of the weight of God’s pleasure and divine responsibility apply to me?”
The fact that you have read this book is not coincidental. I believe you were divinely destined to do so. Perhaps, as you have read the contents, thoughts of your own calling have stirred in your spirit. I am speaking of a calling from the Lord to become a warrior in God’s strike force against the powers of darkness that have arisen as this age draws to a close.
My hope is that you also sense the weight of God’s pleasure and divine responsibility to be involved in the deliverance ministry. I believe this book has equipped you with many insights you will need. Of all the diverse ministry experiences I have had, I would have to testify that setting the captives free has remained the most gratifying of all. Great sermons can fade from people’s memories. Prayers for the sick may or may not work. But deliverance is distinctive. More often than not, it brings instantaneous changes for the better to the lives of those who experience it.