by Sophie Stern
“He’s letting you leave it overnight?”
“He is.”
She paused and looked over at me.
“Are you and the owner friends?”
“Something like that.”
“What do you mean?”
“I saved his ass last year,” I told her honestly. “So, he owes me a favor or twelve.”
She just laughed and nodded. She rubbed her shoulders as we stood there.
“A little.”
I slid my jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. She looked up at me like I was the most important person in the world to her. In that moment, I felt like I was. When she smiled at me like that, Zoey made me feel like I could do anything. She was magic, and I didn’t deserve to be spending time with her. Still, I’d give it everything I had. I’d do as much as possible to prove that I was worthy of her time.
Our ride arrived and we were quiet on the way back to my place. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I wondered what was going through her pretty little head as we got out of the SUV and headed up the stairs to my house.
“This is where you live?” Zoey asked, staring at the little home.
“It’s nice.”
I laughed.
“Thanks, Zoey.”
My house wasn’t over-the-top, but I did agree with her that it was nice. It was a single-story, three bedroom, with a three-car garage. Did I have three cars? No. I still liked it. I had an entire gym set up out there and I loved how much space the garage afforded me. My house also had a basement, which was essential for Midwest living, and I’d turned it into a bar and movie theater for when I had guests.
We went into the house, kicked off our shoes, and headed into the kitchen. We each had a glass of water, and then I asked if Zoey wanted more wine. I wasn’t sure how much she wanted to drink. We’d gone to town on Saturday night at her brother’s party, but maybe that was as much as she wanted. I was more than comfortable to follow her lead on this one.
“For movie night?” Zoey asked.
“For movie night,” I agreed.
“I’ll have a glass,” she smiled. “Although, it kind of feels like you’re getting me drunk so you can take advantage of me.”
“Me?” I reached for my chest in faux surprise. “I would never do something like Zoey. In fact, you know what?” I winked. “I’m hurt.”
“You are not,” she laughed and had a sip of her wine. Then she set the glass down, walked over to me, and placed her hands on my chest. “You’re not hurt. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You don’t?”
“I want to do other things to you,” she told me. “Things that don’t involve pain.”
“And what might those things be, Zoey?”
“It’s been two years,” she whispered. “Don’t you think you deserve a little fun?”
Then, without another word, she dropped to her knees in front of me. She reached for my belt and undid it. Then she unbuttoned my slacks and tugged the zipper down. By the time she reached my cock, I was already hard and ready for her. I was already anxious to see what she was going to do next. I knew in my brain what she was going to do, but it was still damn lovely to see her on her knees for me.
Zoey reached for my cock wrapped her hand around it, and then licked the tip.
That little groan she made was everything. It was everything I needed. It was everything I didn’t even know I’d been craving.
“Oh, pretty girl,” I taunted her a little. “I know you can do better than that.”
“Better that what?” She looked up at me.
“You don’t need hands for this.”
“Ah, you’re right,” she said. She placed her hands on her knees and spread her legs a little so she could move more easily. Then she reached out and licked me again. This time, she ran her tongue over the tip of my cock before sliding the entire length down her throat. She could take me, I knew. She turned out to be just as skilled as she had promised, and I watched as she moved her tongue over my cock. Her hands ran up my legs to my balls. She cupped them for a minute, massaging them, and then she reached for my ass. She pulled me closer to her mouth, shoving me deeper down her throat, and then she continued her sweet, wonderful torture.
I closed my eyes as I stood there, right in the kitchen with my pants unzipped like some drunk high schooler at a senior party. Who thought I would be doing this with Zoey Lane? I definitely never dreamed it would actually happen.
Soon I could feel myself nearing my orgasm, but I didn’t want to come like this. Not tonight. I wanted this to be about Zoey and what felt good for her. She looked like she was enjoying herself, but there were other things we could do, too. We had all night, and I planned to make the most of it.
“All right, you little minx,” I murmured, pulling her to her feet. Zoey looked a little dazed as I grabbed her hips and tugged her close to me. My cock grazed her tummy, and she looked down at it and wrapped her hand around it. She stroked me for a minute. Then I grabbed her around the waist and lifted her to the counter. She sat there, looking at me, and I stepped forward, so I was between her thighs.
“Are you going to fuck me right here?” She whispered, kissing me.
“No,” I laughed. “I’m not in any rush.”
“Then what are you doing to me?”
“Well, first,” I told her. “I’m getting out of my clothes.”
I wiggled the rest of the way out of my pants and boxers and kicked them aside before taking off my shirt. She watched as I undid each button slowly, taking my time. I loved the way her eyes raked over me as I revealed my abs. She reached out and ran her finger across them.
“You spend a lot of time at the gym,” she murmured.
“More than I care to admit.”
That much was true. After Debra and I broke up, I took the time to start taking care of myself. The idea that people always lost weight after a divorce or a serious breakup was true. When you were in a relationship, you were always too busy going to events or baking or ordering in for movie nights to work out. Once the relationship ended, it seemed like there was always an abundance of time to exercise and focus on your physical appearance.
“I’m still wearing clothes, David,” she whispered.
“I think I have a solution for that.”
“What is it?” Zoey asked breathlessly.
“Close your eyes.”
She closed her eyes, and I took a moment to just look at her. She was gorgeous there, spread out on the counter like a tasty meal I was going to devour. I reached for the straps of her dress and pushed them down. Her breasts were tucked neatly into a tiny pink bra. I traced my finger over her cleavage. She kept her eyes shut, as I’d asked her to, but her mouth formed a tiny “o.”
“You’re beautiful,” I told her.
It sounded cliché even to me. Somehow, telling someone how pretty they were right before you fucked them didn’t seem good enough or powerful enough. I wanted to say something better, something more clever and more romantic, but the words wouldn’t come.
“Thank you,” she whispered, and I kissed her, claiming her mouth. She wrapped her legs around me, tugging me closer as we made out right there on the kitchen counter. I lifted her, carrying her out of the kitchen and over to the bedroom. Somehow, I managed to get the door open and I brought her inside. The windows were open, but I didn’t care. The moon cast a beautiful glow into the room, and with the bushes that lined the outside of my house, nobody would be able to see inside unless they were directly outside.
I laid Zoey on the bed and climbed up after her. Her dress was still half-down with her bra hanging out, and I reached for her neck, tugged her close, and kissed her.
“David,” she groaned.
“Fucking kiss me,” I growled. I kissed her over and over, and our hands were everywhere. I grabbed her neck, pulling her close to me. She seemed to like it when I was a little rough with
her, and that made me even harder.
Zoey pushed me back onto the bed and straddled me. She was still in that damn dress.
“Take your bra off,” I ordered, and she laughed and shook her head. Her hair bounced when she did, falling over her shoulders.
“Make me,” she told me. She ran her hands down my chest. She was grinding against me. The only thing between my cock and her pussy were the tiniest pair of panties known to man. I should have yanked her bra off and let the snap break when I did, but instead, I reached between us, tugged her panties to the side, and slid my cock inside of her.
Instantly, I filled her. Her tight little pussy wrapped around my cock, and I almost came apart right then. She was so damn tight and so perfect that it took every ounce of self-control not to come apart.
“Fuck, David,” she groaned, sinking lower onto me.
“You feel so fucking good, baby.”
“You like this?” She asked, looking down at me. “You like fucking your best friend’s little sister?”
“I definitely like her dirty fucking mouth,” I said. I reached for her hair, fisting it, and tugged her mouth down to mine. She kept riding me while I kissed her over and over. I moved one hand behind her and unclasped the bra. It fell free, revealing her breasts.
They were perfect, just like everything else about her. I was delighted with the way she looked in the moonlight. She was lovely as she bounced, riding my cock. She kept grinding down on me, deeper and deeper, and soon I knew I was about to come. She hadn’t come yet, though, and I needed that. I needed to feel her fall apart for me.
Reaching between us, I started touching her clit. Her breasts bounced as I played with her, teasing her body. She was close, judging by the way she was squeezing my cock. She was so fucking close.
“Come for me, princess,” I murmured. “Come for me.”
I wanted her to fall apart. I wanted her to come undone. I wanted her to feel like she was flying, floating high above the Earth. I wanted all of that and more. I needed it, and Zoey didn’t disappoint. The exact moment her orgasm arrived was obvious. She opened her mouth and I reached up, covering her lips with my hand. She cried out against my hand, and I came at the same time she did. I let go of everything, and I just came.
For her.
I fell apart just for her.
I wanted Zoey to come, to feel like she was flying, but then it was me who felt like the world had vanished beneath me. I was freefalling, floating into an abyss of pleasure, and Zoey was right there with me.
When the last waves of ecstasy vanished, I reached for her and tugged her up beside me. She snuggled against me in bed, and I pet her hair softly, silently, until she fell asleep. Zoey was tired, and she passed out quickly, but I stayed awake for a very long time just thinking about her and everything we’d done.
She’d been wonderful, really. She’d been a joy, and I was the luckiest bastard on the face of the planet. I knew it, too. Not only was Zoey fun to talk to and joke around with, but she was hot, too. She was sexually curious and wildly fun. I had a feeling that if the two of us ever went to one of the local sex dungeons together that we’d have an incredible time. She seemed like the kind of girl who wasn’t shy when it came to asking for what she wanted.
She’d shown me that tonight.
“What did I ever do without you?” I whispered. I hadn’t meant to say it out loud. Luckily, she was fast asleep, and she didn’t seem to hear me. She didn’t even stir as I rested beside her, touching her. It was a valid question, though. It was also one I didn’t know if I’d ever get a reasonable answer to.
For years, I hadn’t known why she’d stayed away from me. She’d confessed at Felix’s birthday party that she’d been embarrassed about my reaction to Eric. I didn’t regret punching the asshole who hurt her. Not at all. I did regret that I hadn’t managed to talk to her about it, though. I should have cleared things up between us years ago. I should have explained that I just wanted to protect her.
Now, it seemed like the universe was giving me a second chance.
I promised myself that I wouldn’t blow it.
I couldn’t blow it.
Not this time.
Not with Zoey.
I woke up when something hit my chest.
Ow. It hurt. Something heavy was on top of me, but it was lighter than David had been. What was it? I opened my eyes, and I was shocked to see two very bright tiny eyes staring back at me.
An orange fluffball of a cat was sitting on my chest meowing in my face. His eyes were right in front of mine. He was obviously unhappy that I was in his space. Perhaps he was upset that I was taking attention away from him by sleeping with his owner.
“Go away,” David groaned from his spot on his side of the bed. “The alarm didn’t go off yet.” David’s back was to me and the cat. He was facing the wall. His broad shoulders looked delicious even now. It was the morning after, and I was supposed to want to run away, but I didn’t. I just wanted to stare at that beautiful back and play with this lovely cat.
“What’s your name?” I asked the kitty, scratching behind its ears.
“Meow,” the cat answered seriously.
“It’s Percy,” David said. “And he always does this.”
“Does what, exactly?”
“Wakes me up before I’m ready,” David grumbled. It was hard not to laugh at the big, strong attorney being put in his place by a little tiny cat. Just then, an alarm tone started playing, and David growled again.
“See?” David gestured wildly. “I just missed out on a full five minutes of sleep.”
“That was more like half of a minute,” I told him, laughing.
“Whatever,” he said.
“So, you’re not a morning person,” I nodded. “Noted.”
“Not at all,” he muttered. “Hey,” he rolled over and pressed his lips against mine. “Good morning.”
“A very good morning,” I smirked.
I was sore.
I was totally, wonderfully, deliciously sore in all of the right places. I was sore in places I didn’t even know I could be sore. My ass hurt, and my legs hurt, and my pussy hurt. Even my breasts were tender this morning, although I suspected that was less from David and more from Percy jumping on me to wake me up.
“I need to shower,” David muttered, sliding out of bed. “As much as I’d love to stay in bed with you all day,” he told me. “I’d like to continue having a job, too.” When I looked over at him, he actually did seem remorseful, and I felt a little bad for him. Staying in bed all day playing together sounded like a lot more fun than facing the world outside of this little haven.
In here, it was just the two of us. Well, us and Percy. In here, we didn’t have to deal with deadlines or bosses or clients. We didn’t have to deal with anyone giving us crap or harassing us. It was just us against the world, and it was nice. The moment we walked out of this house, everything was going to change because it had to. David would go back to being Mr. Attorney and me? Well, I’d go back to Monterey. The thought was a little sobering.
“No worries,” I tried to laugh. I knew he was going to be rushing a little bit. He had to shower and dress, but then he either had to get a ride to work or get a ride to the parking lot. Either way meant he’d be pressed for time. “I’ll just get out of your hair,” I said. Reluctantly, I set Percy to the side. He mewed in protest. Apparently, Percy liked attention and lots of it.
I made a mental note to think about getting a pet when I moved back to Kansas. My home in Monterey was tiny: a shared space with three other coworkers. We’d all pitched in to make the house habitable and homey, but one of the girls was allergic to cats, so we’d all made a pact not to get a pet while we lived together. Until now, it hadn’t been much of a problem. If I was being honest, I was too busy working to take care of a pet. That was life in California, though.
When I had my own place in Kansas, though, I’d be able t
o get a cat if I wanted to, or a little dog, or maybe I’d go for something really unique and get a ferret or a hedgehog. Having a pet could be nice. It would be a good way to treat myself and to start enjoying life a little more. I could afford to slow down a little bit, if I was being honest.
“Make yourself at home,” he said, stretching. He headed toward the bathroom, started the shower, and then came back. “There’s no reason for you to rush. There’s food in the fridge if you want to help yourself to breakfast or coffee.”
“That’s okay,” I started pulling on my clothes. They were kind of strewn everywhere. I pulled open my phone, which was nearly dead, and called a ride. “My ride will be here in about four minutes, so I’m going to go wait in the living room.”
“I’ll miss you,” he said.
“Really?” I looked over at him. Even the morning after, he looked great. He was rippling and handsome and damn, those muscles were going to be the death of me.
“Really,” he flashed me a smile. “When do you head back to California?”
“Soon,” I said. I hadn’t told him I was moving here. I wasn’t quite sure why. It just hadn’t felt right to bring it up. There was a part of me that was worried if I mentioned the move, he’d think I’d only slept with him because I wanted something. That so wasn’t the way I felt. I didn’t want or need or expect anything from him.
“When are you coming back?” David asked. “I hope it won’t be quite so long until your next visit.”
“Why?” I asked. “Already ready for round two?”
“Spending time with you was incredible,” he told me. “It was seriously amazing.”
I couldn’t let myself get swept up in those words. I knew what it was. This was a fling. This wasn’t the type of thing that was going to go somewhere. Not that I wanted something that went somewhere. I knew better than that. I wasn’t the kind of person who needed a relationship. I definitely didn’t need the complications that came from having a relationship with my brother’s BFF.