'Tis the Season for Romance

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'Tis the Season for Romance Page 49

by Kristen Proby

  Jayme nodded, ignoring the pang of disappointment when his arms dropped from around her and he stepped away. But he only went as far as the garage door they’d just entered through. After shutting it, he took her hand in his once more and held on firmly as he led her further into his beautiful home.

  Chapter 5

  Rocket let out a small breath of air and stilled when Jayme shifted against him. She was fast asleep, and had been for at least an hour. After dinner, when she’d insisted on helping by whipping up some homemade rolls—and chocolate chip cookies for dessert—they’d sat on his couch and he’d turned on the television. He had no idea what was on, as his complete attention was devoted to the woman in his arms. She’d snuggled against him, resting her head on his shoulder, and promptly fell asleep.

  Rocket couldn’t help but grin at remembering her reaction to his kitchen. Her eyes had gotten wide and she’d been speechless for a full minute. He’d told her that he’d gone all out with the kitchen and bathrooms, but apparently she hadn’t quite realized what that meant.

  He had a restaurant-grade forty-eight-inch gas range with a huge double-sided refrigerator. Marble countertops and every kitchen gadget known to man. He’d gone overboard, and he knew it—especially for a man who didn’t cook—but he’d hoped at some point to find a woman who might love the space.

  The bathrooms were just as opulent, with heated floors, Jacuzzi tubs, double sinks, rain shower heads, more marble countertops. He’d had every intention of spoiling the woman he loved, and the best way he knew how was to make his home a refuge for her.

  By Jayme’s reaction, he’d succeeded. She was impressed with his bathrooms, but it was clear she could live in his kitchen. She’d had a huge smile on her face the entire time she’d been cooking, and Rocket knew he’d never spent a nicer evening in his house than this one.

  She’d called Winnie and let her know where she was, and that she’d be home late. Winnie had, of course, told her to enjoy herself and not to worry about her—and that if she wanted to spend the night, it was perfectly all right with her. Jayme had blushed, and it had been all Rocket could do not to pull her into his arms and kiss the hell out of her once more.

  She’d surprised him earlier with the kiss, but he hadn’t hesitated to reciprocate. He’d been right; she fit against him perfectly. And no matter how badly he’d wanted to cup her lush ass and press her tight to his impossibly hard erection, he’d kept his hands in safe territory.

  And now she was plastered to him and all he could smell was her flowery scent, torturing him. But he didn’t dare move. Didn’t want to disturb her.

  He was still in awe that she was here at all. Yes, he’d wanted to find someone to spend the rest of his life with, someone he could love and cherish and who’d be devoted to him in return, but honestly, he didn’t think that would happen.

  And within a span of two weeks, here he was. Head over heels for the woman currently in his arms.

  Rocket had thought falling in love would be comforting and easy. Instead, it was scary as hell. What if she didn’t feel the same way about him? What if she got hurt or killed? How would he cope? If he could get her to reciprocate his feelings, what if she changed her mind down the line?

  He was completely out of his element and terrified he’d do something wrong that would ruin his chance at happiness.

  He must’ve tensed or otherwise moved, because Jayme shifted in his grip and opened her eyes as she tilted her head up to look at him.

  She was so freaking beautiful. Rocket could stare at her for hours and not get bored. Her dark blue eyes reminded him of the deep blue of the ocean.

  “What time is it?” she asked huskily.

  “Not too late,” Rocket said softly.

  “I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” she told him.

  “It’s okay. You had an eventful day.”

  She harrumphed, and Rocket grinned at how cute she was.

  “Please. I’ve become so lazy now that I don’t get up at the crack of dawn to get into the bakery. I feel as if all I do is sleep. When I first quit, I was happy to sleep in, to bake just for myself instead of for someone else. But I’m feeling the itch to get back to it. To make Warm Delights a reality.”

  “Then do it,” Rocket said.

  Jayme snorted. “It’s not that easy.”

  “It’s not,” Rocket agreed. “But nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.”

  “Now you sound like Memaw.”

  Rocket couldn’t help himself. He brought a hand up and ran it through her hair. He loved the way Jayme’s head stayed on his shoulder, and how she closed her eyes as he stroked her.

  “Rocket?” she asked without opening her eyes.


  “I’m not tired anymore.”

  Rocket froze. Her words seemed to go straight to his dick. He wanted to pick her up and carry her to his room and make love to her all night long, but he wasn’t sure that was what she meant by her innocent words.

  Her eyes opened again, and she moved, throwing a leg over his thighs and straddling him. She put her arms around his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes as she clarified, “I’ve never felt this way about someone before. I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel as if I’m right where I was meant to be. I’ve always despaired that my past relationships hadn’t worked out. I thought there was something wrong with me. But being with you feels right. It’s crazy, I know. And I’m talking too much and probably freaking you out. All I mean is that…I want you. Will you make love to me?”

  Rocket’s dick had stiffened the second her soft ass settled on his thighs, and it only got harder as she spoke. He swallowed, trying to clear his throat so he could speak. “Yes.”

  There was so much more he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her that he felt the same way. That from the second he saw her in Winnie’s house, he felt as if he’d been hit with a two-by-four. That everything he’d done in his life seemed to narrow to that moment. But all he could get out was that one word.


  Scooting to the edge of the couch, Rocket moved his hands to Jayme’s ass and held her to him as he stood. She didn’t squeal in fright, didn’t clutch him tighter. She simply smiled and hooked her ankles behind him.

  “You’re safe. I’m not going to drop you,” Rocket told her, wanting to reassure her even though she didn’t seem scared that he was carrying her.

  “I know. For some reason, I always feel safe with you.”

  She couldn’t know how much her words meant to him. For most of his life, he was the man who earned subtle side-eye glances from everyone. Not sure if they could trust him. Because of his size, people were always giving him a wide berth and crossing the street so they didn’t have to walk past him. Her trust meant everything,

  He stared into her eyes as he carried her up his stairs toward his bedroom. Rocket knew he should probably slow things down between them. They’d only been on a handful of dates, even if they had talked almost every day since they’d met. He didn’t want her to regret sleeping with him. But he couldn’t say no to her. Anything she wanted, he’d bend over backward to give to her.

  Once in his bedroom, Rocket held on to her waist and tapped her hip. She obliged and dropped her legs until she was standing in his embrace. The difference in their sizes hit home once more, and Rocket knew he’d have to go slow so he didn’t hurt her. The thought of how small and tight she’d be when he got inside her made his cock harden even further.

  “I’ve got an extra toothbrush in the drawer, to the right of the sink I’ve been using,” he told her.

  “Thanks,” she said gratefully. She stepped away from him, and for a second, Rocket panicked. He didn’t want to let her go. What if she changed her mind? What if she wanted to go home?

  As if she knew how anxious he was, Jayme placed her hand on his cheek and said softly, “I won’t take long. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to freshen up.”

  Rocket nodded and watched as she padded over
to his over-the-top bathroom. She shot him a small smile before closing the door behind her.

  Running a hand through his short hair, Rocket took a deep breath. He was forty years old, for God’s sake. He needed to get his shit together. But tonight felt different from every other time he’d been with a woman. More important. All-encompassing.

  Walking quickly out of the room, he headed for the guest bathroom in the hallway. He brushed his teeth and washed his face before stripping his shirt over his head. Dropping it on the floor and not giving the material a second thought, he went back into his bedroom.

  Then he hesitated. Should he take his pants off? Get into bed under the covers?

  He felt awkward and unsure about everything. He didn’t want to look too eager, but hell, he was eager.

  He went over to the small table next to the bed and got out the box of condoms he’d bought that week. He hadn’t assumed he and Jayme would do anything, but just in case, he’d wanted to be prepared. He opened the box and put one of the condoms within easy reach of the bed. Then he sat nervously on the edge of his mattress and waited for Jayme to reappear. His heart felt as if it was beating out of his chest…and he couldn’t wait to make Jayme his.

  Surprisingly, Jayme wasn’t nervous. Okay, she was a little nervous, but she was more excited. When she’d woken up in his arms, she knew there was nowhere else she wanted to be. Around Rocket, she felt cherished. It was a heady feeling, and she couldn’t stop herself from asking him to make love to her.

  She’d never slept with a man after only a few dates, but everything within her was screaming that Rocket was it for her. It was insane, but for once in her life, Jayme was going after what she wanted.

  She appreciated him giving her the chance to freshen up. She brushed her teeth and used the restroom, then contemplated what to do next. Did she take off all her clothes and walk into his room butt naked? Did she wear a towel? Leave everything on?

  Shoot. She wanted to be sexy and confident, but she’d never been completely comfortable in her own skin. She liked sampling her own wares a bit too much.

  But this was Rocket. She’d seen him eyeballing her ass and boobs more than once. She didn’t think he’d be turned off when he saw her naked, but she wasn’t sure she could waltz out into his room without a stitch of clothing on either.

  Deciding to compromise, Jayme took off her jeans, socks, underwear, and bra. She left on her shirt. It didn’t hide much, but it went down to the top of her thighs, so her most important bits were covered. Scrunching her nose as she inspected herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror behind the door, she took a deep breath. She was who she was, and if Rocket didn’t like the way she looked, it was better to know sooner rather than later.

  She opened the door and hesitantly stepped into the master bedroom.

  Her eyes immediately went to Rocket, who was sitting on the edge of his bed. He’d taken his shirt off and was wearing only his jeans.

  Hoping she looked more confident than she felt, Jayme took a step toward him. His eyes came up from the floor he’d been studying and met hers. Then he took her in, and his breath caught.

  And just like that, Jayme felt her confidence return.

  “Holy shit,” he breathed as she neared. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Jayme had a million responses to that. Her thighs were too big and rubbed together when she walked. She couldn’t get rid of the belly pooch she’d had her entire life. Her hair was too thick; she always seemed to break out when she was super stressed; her toes were too short and stubby.

  But instead, she lifted her chin and said, “Thank you. You’re pretty amazing yourself.”

  Just as she reached him, Rocket went to his knees in front of her. Even kneeling, he was level with her chest. He really was tall. His hands hovered at her hips, but he didn’t touch her.

  “May I?” he asked, glancing at her face.


  Then his large hands were on her. At first, he simply rested them on her T-shirt at her hips…then they slowly inched down until he was touching the bare skin of her thighs. His gaze was fixed on her body—and he froze when he slowly pushed her shirt up far enough to realize she wasn’t wearing panties.

  His head jerked up, and Jayme could see the lust and longing in his eyes. “You’re bare under here?” he asked.

  It was a silly question, because it was obvious he’d already seen she was naked under her shirt, but she nodded anyway. “It seemed silly to wear them when they’d just be coming off anyway.”

  “Holy shit,” Rocket said under his breath. Then he lifted her shirt above her waist and simply stared.

  He did it for so long, Jayme began to fidget. “Rocket?”

  “Sorry,” he said, without looking away from her sex. “Trying to get control here. You’re perfect.”

  She wasn’t. Jayme knew that. But hearing the reverence in his words made her feel pretty for the first time in ages. She’d taken extra care with her grooming that week, making sure her pubic hair was trimmed neatly and her legs were smooth.

  Rocket stood, towering over her once more. He took her shirt in his hands and lifted it up and over her head until she was standing in front of him completely naked.

  He immediately began to unbutton his own pants, shoving them and his boxers down his legs before kicking them to the side.

  Then he blew her mind by reaching out and pulling her into his arms.

  They were skin to skin. Jayme could feel her breasts pressing against his rock-hard body, his erection pulsing hot and hard against her stomach. It was an intensely intimate moment, and he seemed content to simply hold her.

  A few minutes later, Rocket pulled back. His gaze flicked to her hard nipples, still brushing against the hair on his chest, before he looked into her eyes. “Thank you,” he said quietly.

  “For what?” Jayme asked.

  “For trusting me with you,” he said simply. Then he sat on the bed and scooted backward.

  His words settled into her heart, and Jayme swallowed hard to keep her emotions from overwhelming her. She followed him onto the bed and settled onto her side next to him. He immediately reached for her and lowered his head.

  No words passed between them for the longest time as they kissed. Rocket’s hands explored her body, touching, caressing, learning what kind of touch tickled and what made her moan. Jayme’s hands were busy as well, loving the contrast between their bodies. Where she was soft, he was hard. Where she was smooth, he was rough.

  When her fingers brushed over his pulsing cock, he made a strangled noise in his throat and crawled down her body.

  “Rocket,” she complained.

  “If you touch me, I’m gonna explode,” he admitted. “I want to make you feel good first.”

  “I do,” she reassured him.

  “Then I want to make you feel better,” he returned, before lowering his head between her legs.

  Jayme gasped and opened her legs even wider. She’d never understood what the fuss was about oral sex. In the past, she’d much preferred to use her own hand to help herself get off with a man, but all she could do at the moment was clutch the sheet below her and hang on for the ride.

  Rocket used his mouth, his nose, his fingers, his teeth…he was one hundred percent focused on doing whatever he could to get her off. And it wasn’t long before Jayme felt the telltale signs of an impending orgasm.

  “Yeah, right there!” she begged as he began to lick her clit. She felt his finger gently fucking her, and she groaned. Her legs began to shake, and she grabbed ahold of Rocket’s head as she hurtled over the edge of one of the most powerful orgasms she’d ever had in her life.

  At the point when she usually backed off while pleasuring herself, Rocket intensified the attention on her clit.


  He merely grunted and added a second finger inside her pulsing sheath, flicking his tongue against her sensitive nub faster.

  Jayme let out a small scream as her orga
sm continued. She saw stars behind her eyes and all she could do was hold on and pray Rocket caught her when she fell.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed, but eventually she realized that Rocket was nuzzling her inner thigh. His fingers were still deep inside her body, and in the past, she would’ve felt embarrassed at how wet she was and how close his face was to her pussy. But amazingly, she wasn’t now.

  “Holy crap,” she muttered. “Rocket?”


  “Please fuck me.”

  He moved faster than she expected. His fingers pulled out of her protesting body and she watched as he smoothed on the condom he’d left by the bed. She’d been right before, he was a big man. But Jayme wasn’t nervous. Rocket would never hurt her.

  The mushroom head of his cock pressed against her soaking-wet folds, and Jayme widened her legs as far as she could. Rocket groaned as he eased just his tip into her.

  “Fuck, Jayme. You’re so tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she reassured him. Jayme kept her eyes on his cock, looking down her body as he ever so slowly pushed inside her.

  He stopped when he was halfway in and threw his head back. His jaw was clenched and he looked like he was in pain.

  Maybe because of how intense her orgasm had been, and how wet she still was, Jayme wasn’t feeling any pain at all. Reaching over, she grabbed a pillow from beside her and lifted her ass just enough to shove the pillow underneath.

  Rocket’s eyes opened and he met her gaze for a split second…before his gaze lowered.

  “That’s so damn hot,” he whispered.

  And it was. Lifting her ass improved the angle of his entry, and he slid in the rest of the way. As their pubic hair meshed together Jayme sighed. She linked her ankles behind his ass and grabbed hold of his biceps.

  “Move,” she begged.

  “I don’t think I can. Not without coming,” Rocket admitted.

  Jayme chuckled. “I have faith in you,” she told him.

  Slowly, Rocket began to move his hips. He drew back then gently reentered her. Over and over, as if savoring the feel of her slick body around him. It felt nice, but Jayme wanted more. She wanted to see Rocket lose control. Wanted him to feel as good as he’d made her feel earlier.


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