Rise of the River Man

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Rise of the River Man Page 8

by L. S. O'Dea

  “Amazing,” said the professor as he grabbed his notepad and began scribbling.

  “Do you want us to clean the tank?” asked Laddie.

  “Not today.” The professor continued to write.

  Ableson sent Mutter and Sweet a slight nod and then left.

  Ableson glanced around as he entered the room. “Good evening, Professor. How’s Mutter?” His voice was slightly shrill with nerves but the professor didn’t notice.

  “Very, very active.” The professor smiled. “You should have an interesting night. If I didn’t have plans with my daughter, I’d stay. The way he moves is fascinating. It’s almost like he was born to water.”

  “Excellent.” Ableson’s lips trembled as he smiled, his eyes darting around the cage.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” said the professor as he left.

  As soon as he was gone, Mutter crawled out of the tank and over to Sweet. She was curled in a ball, drenched in sweat and trembling from the fever. He picked her up, cradling her in his arms and carried her to the gate. He placed her on the ground and took a step back.

  “You...you need to get back into the water,” said Ableson.

  He stared at the Almighty for several moments and then took another few steps back and waited.

  “I’m not entering the cage until you’re in the water.”

  He ran his flipper over Sweet’s hair and then went to the tank. He hesitated at the top.

  “In the water,” said Ableson.

  He glared at the Almighty and jumped into the tank, clinging to the side, his arms and head over the top.

  “All the way to the bottom.”

  He barked his displeasure but dropped to the bottom. He’d kill Ableson if anything happened to Sweet.

  The Almighty’s hands trembled as he opened the door. He glanced at the tank and then began examining Sweet. He withdrew blood and then backed out of the cage, shutting the door. “Stay in the tank.”

  Ableson studied her blood under the microscope, his pale face growing whiter. Sweet trembled and moaned on the ground.

  “It’s happening. There is nothing I can do,” said Ableson.

  Mutter had drifted to the top and clung to the side. He slapped his arm with his flipper. They had given him a shot and it had made him better for a little while.

  “What? No, I can’t give her more serum. We’ve gone too fast as it is.”

  He slapped his arm again.

  “I don’t understand,” said Ableson. “She understands you, not me.” He walked back to the cage. “We could try slowing it down. I could try the stabilizer.”

  Mutter grunted, nodding his head.

  Ableson looked at the blood under the microscope again, mumbling to himself, “She’s further along than you were. The dose might have been too strong or the serum could metabolize differently in Servants.”

  Ableson left the room and came back a few minutes later. Mutter had climbed out of the tank and was on his way toward Sweet.

  “Get back in the water. I’ll give her the stabilizer.” He waved a syringe in the air.

  Mutter hopped back into the tank and waited while Ableson opened the door and injected the medicine into Sweet. She cried out.

  Ableson’s eyes flew to Mutter. “Stay or I leave.”

  He slapped his tail from side-to-side, but otherwise didn’t move.

  Sweet began to tremble violently. Ableson held her down, his white skin paling even more as Sweet’s entire body shook and then fell still. He glanced at the tank as he backed out of the enclosure.

  Mutter popped his head out of the water and grunted.

  “I...I’m sorry.” Ableson hurried out of the room.

  Something was wrong. He jumped out of the tank and raced to Sweet’s side, pulling her into his arms. He almost sighed in relief. Her fever was fading. She’d be okay. He brushed the hair away from her face. She was pale and still, a hint of blue around her lips. His mother had been blue when she’d...the breath froze in his lungs. He placed his flipper over her heart. There was no beat, no pulse, no life. This couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible. He shook her, grunting and moaning. She flopped in his arms like a doll, boneless and loose. She had left him. He roared as he pulled her onto his lap, rocking back and forth.

  He was still sitting there when Ableson returned.

  “I’m...I’m sorry. Truly I am.” He walked toward the enclosure. “We were too aggressive with the serum. She was so small; her body couldn’t handle it.”

  Mutter didn’t bother to look at the Almighty. He couldn’t get out of the cage to kill him so there was no point in paying any attention to him.

  They sat in silence most of the night. His skin itched from being out of the water, but he would not let her go. He’d left her alone all day while she was in pain and dying; he wouldn’t leave her again.

  Ableson stood. “Look, I hate to do this, but I have to get her out of here before the professor comes back.” He moved to the cage. “He can’t find out what we did.”

  We? Mutter wanted to laugh but his vocals didn’t work like that anymore, so he ignored the Almighty. He no longer cared what they wanted. There was nothing they could do to him now.

  “Please go back into the water and let me take her. I’ll give her a proper burial. I promise.”

  Mutter didn’t move.

  “Please, don’t make this harder than it has to be.” A few minutes later, Ableson left.

  Whispers from down the hallway slipped into the room. Ableson and two of the Guards approached.

  “So, once we dart him, what do we do with the body?” asked Laddie.

  “Take it to the secondary facility. I need to examine her to see what went wrong,” said Ableson.

  Mutter stood and carried her to the tank. He kissed her and then released her into the water. She floated on the top. He jumped in after her, cradling her in his arms as he submerged. Tiny bubbles trickled from between her lips and out of her nose. He placed his mouth over her face, catching her last breath.

  The door opened.

  “Where is he?” asked Jorge.

  Ableson hurried to the cage. “He was sitting right here.” His eyes searched the enclosure and then drifted to the tank. “Shit. He must be in the water.”

  “Where’s the Servant?” asked Jorge.

  “With him, I’m sure,” said Ableson.

  “That’s not good,” said the Laddie.

  “You’ll have to shoot him,” said Ableson.

  “Not without dr—”

  “Shut up.” Ableson nodded toward the tank.

  “You’ve seen the way those things can leap out of the water,” continued Laddie. “There’s no place I can stand that is close enough to shoot him and still far enough away that he can’t get me.”

  “Shit, shit, shit.” Ableson began to pace. “How are we going to get her?”

  “Get who?” asked the professor as he entered the room.

  “You’re early.” Ableson’s voice was accusing.

  “I didn’t realize that I was supposed to follow your schedule in my lab.”

  “No. Of course not. I’m sorry.” Sweat trickled down Ableson’s cheek.

  “What are the Guards doing here with the gun? I thought we decided to wait to have the tank drained.”

  “Yes, we did.” Ableson paused, his eyes darting around and then they widened. “I have bad news. He finally turned on the Servant, just as you expected.”

  Rage flared through Mutter’s pain. The Almighty was blaming him for this. He pulled her closer, stroking her hair.

  Conguise stared at the tank. “Well, it was to be expected. Once they reach this stage, they are wild, intent only on their own survival.” He walked to the chair and sat. “What are you waiting for?”

  The two Guards looked at Ableson.

  “Ah, well, we might not be able to”—Ableson nodded at the tank—“he might not be hungry.”

  “Then let him feed. We can observe him from the top again and clean the tan
k in a day or so.”

  The Guards left and Ableson gathered his notepad and headed for the door.

  “Where did he attack her? At the edge of the tank or on land?” asked the professor.


  The professor studied him closely. “You are not a very good liar, never have been. That makes you a perfect assistant.”

  “I was asleep. I didn’t see anything.” Ableson’s face reddened.

  The professor frowned. “What did you hear?”

  “Nothing. Not really.”

  “No scream? No splash?”

  Ableson shook his head still staring at the tank.

  Mutter let go of Sweet. Ableson was not going to get away with this. He hit the tank hard and fast. Ableson staggered backward, stumbling into the table. The professor jumped from his seat. Mutter hit the tank again.

  “Seems he’s a bit upset,” said the professor.

  “He loved her,” said Ableson.

  Mutter hit the tank again.

  “Loved? I don’t believe the other classes have that capability, but maybe...no. He’s just upset that he killed his mate. It’s interesting that even though his instincts overrode his prior feelings, they still lurk inside of him.” The professor moved so that he stood right in front of where Mutter hit the wall of the tank over and over again. “We may need to remove her body. I would assume that he’d eat her, but...he’s very upset. Can’t have him breaking the glass can we? If he does that, he’ll have to be euthanized and I think we can still learn a lot from this one.”

  “We...we can try and feed him,” said Ableson.

  “Yes, if he’s this upset he probably hasn’t eaten her, not much of her anyway.”


  A HOUSE SERVANT HUNG over the top of the tank. Mutter was hungry and exhausted. As soon as Ableson had left to get the Guards, he’d stopped slamming into the wall and had gathered Sweet from the bottom, cuddling her close. His stomach rumbled. He stared up at the Servant and then gently placed Sweet on the floor of the tank. He swam upward, jumping and grabbing the old male in his arms. He hit the water, twisted and spun for a second. The Servant never struggled. He began to feed, but the blood was bitter. He let the Servant go. It hung in the water, not floating and not sinking. He retrieved Sweet. Maybe, he’d quit eating. He’d die and then be with her once again. His stomach clenched and his vision began to blur. His head bobbed. Voices tickled his sleep. Light assaulted his eyes but that was impossible. The water was murky, no light allowed to enter. He forced his eyes open.

  “Get him out now, we don’t want him to drown like the other one,” said the professor.

  The Almightys knew nothing. He slept in the water all the time. A rope drifted near his face. His eyes followed it upward. Two Guards stood at the edge of the tank. Scar held a search light which was pointing down at him. She directed Jorge who lowered the rope.

  Mutter grabbed the line and yanked. Jorge screamed as he fell into the water. Mutter burst into the air, knocking Scar into the tank on his way out. Conguise and Ableson stood on the floor near the stairs, staring up at him, their faces whiter than white. The professor was the first to turn and race to the cage door. Ableson was only a few seconds behind, but it was enough. Mutter was faster than they’d thought. He’d grown accustomed to his new feet and how to maneuver on land. He tackled Ableson, slamming the Almighty’s head into the concrete. Blood pooled under Ableson’s skull, but it wasn’t enough. He would tear the Almighty apart. He grabbed Ableson’s arm and twisted until the limb tore from the torso. There was a slight pinch on his chest and his vision blurred as he looked up. Conguise stood in front of him, gun in hand.

  The roar of rushing water was the first thing that registered with Mutter as he forced his eyes open. He liked the sound, but something poked at the edge of his conscience that this was bad, not comforting. He was lying on his back, concrete under him, cold and hard. There were bars all around, close, not like before. He turned on his side, his vision still fuzzy and his head groggy. Water swirled down the drain in the floor. Dirty water. His heart picked up pace. His water. His home. He rolled over and pushed himself to his knees.

  “He’s awake.” Jorge held the hose attached to the tank, aiming it at the drain in the floor.

  “Hmm,” grunted Scar as she lifted a sack.

  “You should get”—Jorge nodded toward another sack—“that out of here before he realizes...”

  Laddie hefted the other bag over his shoulder, groaning a bit. “Heavier than she looked.”

  Mutter’s eyes flew to Laddie. The sack was oblong and the same size as a small Servant. He tried to yell “No” but all that came out was a strangled bark. He was too unsteady to stand so he crawled to the side of the cage closest to Laddie, reaching through the bars and barking his shrill cry, pleading.

  “Too late. He knows.” The hose wobbled in Jorge’s hands.

  “He doesn’t know anything.” Scar headed toward the door.

  “This ain’t right.” Laddie stared at Mutter and their eyes locked.

  “Laddie, come on,” said Scar. “It don’t matter if it’s right or not. We have to do what we’re ordered.” She glanced out the door. “Hurry before they come back.”

  “It ain’t right,” repeated Laddie as he walked toward Mutter.

  “Don’t,” warned Scar.

  “Keep watch,” said Jorge. “Let Laddie do this. This...thing was a Guard just like us.”

  “Yeah. Well, if we get caught we might take this thing’s place.” Scar glanced down the hallway. “Just hurry up.”

  Laddie knelt near the cage, placing the sack on the ground. Mutter strained but still couldn’t reach. He grunted, eyes pleading with the Guard to understand and to move her closer. He waved his flipper.

  “Don’t let him get ahold of her,” said Scar.

  “Oh, Scar, you worry too much,” said Jorge. “Let him touch her Laddie. What’s it going to hurt?”

  “If we can’t get her away from him—”

  “I’m not an idiot, Scar. I won’t let him grab her.” Laddie pulled the cloth down exposing Sweet’s face and shifting her a bit closer to the cage.

  Mutter grunted again, pressing harder into the bars. He needed her. She was his. Laddie moved the body a little more. She wasn’t close enough for Mutter to grasp and pull close like he wanted, but it was the best he was going to get. He hummed as he stroked her hair. They would take her soon; there was nothing he could do about that. Her pale green eyes were cloudy but they called to him. Stay with me. We belong together.

  “They’re coming,” whispered Scar.

  “Sorry.” Laddie shifted Sweet’s body away and covered her with the sack. He stood and hefted her over his shoulder. “Sorry,” he said again as he headed toward the door.

  Mutter pulled his arm back into the cage as Conguise walked into the room.

  “Is that the last of it?” asked Conguise.

  Mutter’s lip twitched. She was not an “it”.

  “Yes, Professor,” said Scar. “The section is almost full.”


  “The Aranea18 incident left—“

  “Of course. Flush it before we clean his tank again.” He faced Mutter. “We should never have let the water get that dirty.” Conguise pulled out his notepad. “Surprised that he’s awake. His metabolism is fast. I’ll increase the sedative but we have to devise a better way to deliver it. I don’t want him to drown.”

  Laddie shifted the sack on his shoulder. “Sir, a top on that tank would do the trick. We could drain the water halfway and then shoot him. He wouldn’t be able to jump out of the tank...”

  Conguise turned to face the Guard. “A top? That will never work.” He studied the tank and then scribbled in his notepad.

  “Of course, sorry.” Laddie followed Scar out the door. She purposely rammed his shoulder with hers as they left the room.

  Mutter turned back to watch the remaining water wash down the drain. Sweet would be dumpe
d in the sewer where rats and bugs could eat her. She’d be alone again. She hated being alone.

  Soon, the tank was drained and House Servants were sent inside to clean it. Then it was refilled. When it was almost full Laddie and Scar returned. Laddie held a gun.

  Conguise handed Laddie a dart. “I increased the dosage. He’ll be out the rest of the evening. Remove the small cage.”

  “What do you want done with him?” asked Laddie.

  “Leave him there. When he wakes he’ll go back to the tank.” Conguise headed for the door.

  “Food?” asked Laddie.

  “He seems sad. Don’t feed him until the day after tomorrow. A little hunger should go a long way in curing his depression.” Conguise left the room.

  Laddie approached the cage. Jorge and Scar were shoving the rolled up hose it into one of the closets outside of the large enclosure.

  “Sorry about this.” Laddie raised the gun.

  Mutter looked away. It didn’t matter what they did to him any longer. There was a sharp pinch on his shoulder but he didn’t bother to knock the needle out. He just waited for the blackness to bury his pain.

  Mutter awoke to quiet. No talking, no breathing, just the hum of the lights. He sat up, his head spinning. He was alone, completely alone. No Almighty sat observing him, or sleeping in the chair. No Guards were in the room. He pulled the dart from his shoulder. His head pounded and his skin itched. He’d been out of the water too long. Memories flooded back into his drugged brain. They’d taken her from him again. He crawled toward the tank, his insides hollow and aching. He leaned against the glass, staring at the path the water had taken. She was down there somewhere, but at least she was free. She’d escaped just like she’d said she would. He sat up. He could go too. He could find her.

  He dropped into the water and floated for a few minutes to refresh his dry skin and then he went to where Sweet had hidden the bone. He carried it to the drain in the floor. It took some time to maneuver the bone in his flippers without losing it down the drain but eventually, he was able to unfasten the screws and lift the lid. He took one final dip in the water to remoisten his skin and then he squeezed into the pipe. It was a tight fit but he was slippery and the path was almost straight down. There was one turn where he got stuck but he wriggled and squirmed and someone flushed a toilet or ran water somewhere because it rushed up to him, seeping around him and helping to push him forward. He skidded down the pipe on the remnants of the water and plopped into the sewer.


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