In the Blink of an Eye

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In the Blink of an Eye Page 9

by S J Batsford

  Ethan: Shit…

  Me: It’s worse knowing what you taste like and coupled with that dream too...

  I flinch when my phone rings, Ethan's name flashing across the screen and I panic.

  “Hello?” I answer gulping my water again wetting my dry throat.

  “Hi, where are you?” he asks his voice husky and rushed.

  “I’m at home, why?” I ask sitting up my nerves making me jittery.

  “Because, I want to see you,” he replies, his voice so deep it raises the hairs on the back of my neck.

  “Well, my Nan’s at work so it’s just me,” I say breathlessly, cringing at how that sounded.

  “I’ll be there soon.” He hangs up.

  I look down at myself. Shit, I’m a mess, my hairs everywhere, I’m sweaty and still in PJ’s.

  I run up the stairs like a fire’s been lit under me. I shower quickly and dress in a multi-coloured maxi dress. Brush out my hair, leaving it down on a whim. A thin layer of foundation, mascara, eye liner. A swipe of lip balm and I’m ready in record time.

  Padding downstairs barefooted, I await my guest wondering if he’ll kiss me again. I hope so.

  I’m jarred from my thoughts by the man himself at the door.

  Swinging the door open my mouth dries. He’s wearing a soft, green T-shirt that stretches nicely over his chest, dark jeans, boots, leather jacket and sunglasses. He has a bad boy edge to him dressed like this, my gaze eats him up, traveling up to his gorgeous face and finding him grinning at me.

  “Sorry, come in,” I murmur, moving aside as he steps forward removing his sunglasses and flashing those beautiful eyes.

  I shut the door, taking a deep breath and turn bumping into him. I groan feeling his chest graze mine. His gaze as potent as a physical caress.

  I bite hard on my cheek trying to resist licking his lip. He bites it teasing me. Fuck. I shake myself remembering my manners.

  “Do you want something to drink or eat?” I ask, my voice breathy.

  He blinks laughing. “So, polite. I thought you might have loosened up a bit since our first date is out the way… Water would be good, thanks. I’m not hungry... Yet,” he adds huskily.

  Clearing my throat, I skirt him leading the way into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge my hand shakes.

  “Do you want a glass and ice?”

  When I get no reply, I turn. He’s leaning against the counter staring at my backside. Raising an eyebrow, I clear my throat. His eyes jerk to my face looking sheepish, but not sorry.

  “Glass, ice?” I ask again, feeling off balance.

  “Just the bottle since it’s cold. Thanks.” His finger purposefully brushing mine as he takes it.

  “Do you want to sit?” I head towards the living room, needing to sit before I fall.

  We sit close together on the sofa, both nervous.

  “Okay. Why are we so nervous? We’re fine on the phone and we got through the first date,” he asks looking at my lips. His pupils dilate as he leans toward me, my heart racing the closer he gets.

  “Lily,” he groans. “I. Need. To….”

  I cut him off gripping the back of his neck, pulling his lips to mine. Moaning as his soft lips meet mine.

  The heat of his hand gripping my waist sends shivers down my spine as his other hand cradles my face, his thumb skating along my jaw.

  I turn fully sliding my hands into his hair deepening our kiss and licking his lip, he lets out a pained groan, wrapping my hair around his hand he pulls me so close I’m almost across his lap, his tongue twisting aggressively with mine.

  He pulls back, panting, his face masked with such hunger, my insides tighten.

  I jumped him!

  “I’m sorry,” I say still breathless from our kiss. His smell teasing my senses does not help, it's different from last night. Gone is the cologne today is all him, fresh, sweet and… Male.

  “Don’t apologise for that, it was amazing. You just surprised me. I wanted to kiss you the moment you opened the door… I really like you, Lily. I know we’ve only been in contact with each other a couple of weeks and we’ve only been on one date, but can we see where this can go?”

  He chuckles. “I liked you the first time we met… Now that we’ve spent time talking and I know you a little better. I think you're amazing and funny and smart and beautiful. That kiss..." He blows out a breath smiling wickedly.

  “Must have been all frustration from the dreams and the teasing,” I giggle touching my swollen lips.

  He groans burying his face in my neck. “Don’t remind me, it was sweet torture. I’m already hot for you, I can only take so much,” he growls as I bite his neck.

  Swearing, he grips my hair and pulling my head back to look at him. His pulse beating rapidly through his neck, his eyes burning.

  My thighs tingle as the heat between us flares, my body aching so bad I’m burning.

  We collide in an explosive meeting of mouths and tongues. Both letting out groans.

  I clamp my hands around his neck straddling him. Feeling a shudder go through his big frame as his hands fall to my hips securing me tightly against him. My hips moving of their own volition.

  “Ah, Lily. Don’t do that. Please,” he pants as I rock against him.

  “Why?” I moan, it feels so good, I move faster making him hiss. I freeze realising what I’m doing, I jump off him hiding my flushed face.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t know what came over me, it’s all so intense,” I mumble into my hands confused.

  “No. Don’t be sorry. I want to so bad, but I don’t think we... You are ready for us to go too far yet. I mean I don’t even know if we’re together?”

  I chuckle at how stupid that question is. “Okay. What does that mean? What is it you want from this?” I ask straight out. Sitting on the coffee table directly in front of him bumping knees.

  “It means. I want to know if we’re seeing each other? I want to see where this is going. I’ve never really felt any of this before. This craziness, the feeling’s, the jealousy. What I’m trying to ask. Badly, it would seem. Are you my girlfriend? Because I really want that. I don’t share,” a growl escapes his throat.

  Groaning, he rubs a hand down his face. “And now I sound like a damn teenager,” he mumbles. Quirking an eyebrow, I take his hand.

  “I don’t share either, you have nothing to worry about with me and other men. If that’s what you want, for me to be with you, then yes, I’ll be your girlfriend,” I giggle at how childish all this sounds.

  “Now that we’re both clear, come here.” he says, wiggling his finger at me, unleashing a sexy little grin.

  Scooting off the table I kneel between his legs, rubbing my hands along his thighs, watching his muscles tighten at my touch. I smile smugly, knowing I affect him as much as he does me.

  I sigh as his palms glide up either side of my neck, his thumbs pushing my face up taking in all my features. His breath a whisper on my lips. Heat sears me, just a look and my heart beats out of control.

  “God. You’re gorgeous. Your eyes are stunning. And I love your hair, I’ve wanted to do this since the flight here,” he whispers huskily running his fingers through my hair. My eyes close enjoying the slide of his fingers.

  “Why didn’t you do it the other night?” I whisper, surrendering to his touch.

  “I didn’t want to push you too far, but I can’t resist any more,” he mutters tugging my hair at my nape and kissing the shit out of me.

  “Wow,” I breathe, opening my eyes slowly finding him smirking at me.

  “Well, that was well worth the wait,” he breathes.

  “Mmm... I wouldn’t know…” I blush, feeling silly for being inexperienced.

  “I know that, that was your first date, but have you been in a relationship before?” he asks, genuinely baffled.

  I shake my head “no. I was never really into the whole boy thing,” I admit swallowing nervously.

lly? This is your first relationship?” he asks, pointing at himself.

  “Yeah,” I fidget nervously looking into sexy eyes. “I pretty much kept to myself back home,” I admit as he smirks smugly, I cock an eyebrow amused by his reaction.

  “Like that, do you?”

  Chuckling, he asks, “How is even possible? Guys had to have chased you.”

  “What’s so funny? I’m being serious.”

  “Nothing. If there were I never noticed, I spent a lot of time either with Mom, we ran together, we loved the outdoors so camping was a must and we both did dancing. Then of course, I had school and writing too.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “You like camping and running?” he asks astonished.

  “Yeah. I run every day, mostly with Mason. I used to go camping with my Mom as much as possible. We loved it,” I reply feeling the bite of pain thinking of my Mom.

  “Why do you sound so surprised that I run and go camping?” I ask perplexed and he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

  “I know, it sounds sexist and snobby, but most women I know don’t like the outdoors and sleeping outside is definitely out of the question,” he says with a serious face and I burst out laughing.

  “That’s the type of woman I pinned you dating… And since that is the case, what are you doing with me? Because while I like looking nice sometimes I’m certainly no girly, girl.” I scoff at the thought of constantly primping myself.

  He relaxes back into the sofa with his hands tucked behind his head, making a big show of looking me up and down.

  “Stand up, let me get a good look,” he smirks cockily. Huffing, I stand cock an eyebrow, sticking out my hands, I twirl for good measure.

  “Well?” I face him again finding him looking thoroughly pleased with himself.

  “Well, on thorough visual inspection, I’d say you look pretty damn good, but I haven’t seen very much yet have I?” he asks raising his eyebrows suggestively, challenging me. My body visibly shivers, whether it’s the innuendo or the deep rasp of his voice, I don’t know.

  A flush heats my chest and crawls up my neck. He looks thoroughly pleased with himself and my reaction.

  “Well, I haven’t seen much of you either yet have I?” I goad.

  His eyes darken as he stands, his chest an inch from mine. My breath hitches as desire swamps me.

  “We can’t have that, now can we?” His voice dropping as his fingers stroke along my neck and his other hand grasps my waist, guiding me to him.

  Taking advantage, I run my hands up his firm chest, it’s strong, hot and hard. I can feel every muscle through his T-shirt. His heart is beating a rapid beat beneath my hand. I look at his face gauging his reaction, his lips are parted and wet.

  I run my fingertips slowly down and along his abs, teasing him. I trace every muscle before moving on to his hips. Pausing taunting him, before gliding up his sides and finally resting my hands on his ribs.

  His breathing stalled somewhere along the way and only recommences, when he’s sure my hands are finished.

  He looks dazed licking his lips, his mouth descending on mine. Sliding my greedy hands beneath his T-shirt, I drag my nails along his back, making him groan and close his eyes briefly savouring the sensation. His lips barely touch mine, our eyes locked, breathing erratic and hearts pounding.

  I’m dizzy, his scent intoxicating me. I snap first dragging a hand through his hair and pulling him into me.


  I’m awoken by a bang and Mace shouting my name. I jump realising I’m lying on Ethan’s chest, wrapped tightly in his arms on the sofa. We must have fallen asleep talking, making out and cuddling.

  Shaking myself, I remember Mason who is now standing at the back of the sofa looking down at us with his mouth hanging open.

  I hide my face in Ethan’s chest, my movement, making Ethan tighten his arm around me burying his face in my hair and humming in his sleep.

  “Ahem,” I peek at him. Over his shock he’s now smirking, arms crossed and eyebrow cocked.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” his amusement clear. When Ethan doesn’t answer, he yells, “ETHAN!” Laughing when Ethan jumps up knocking me onto the floor.

  “What the fuck man?” he growls helping me up off the floor.

  “You okay, baby?” he croons, cradling my face. I see Mason’s eyebrows shoot up out of the corner of my eye. I grin, brushing imaginary dust off my arse.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I reply and squeeze his hand. Recovering my senses, I turn on Mason.

  “You feckin’ dick. That was not funny. That’s the second time you’ve caused me a sore arse,” I seethe.

  Mason and I burst out laughing at my outburst. Ethan stands there wondering what the hell we’re laughing at. I take deep breaths, calming myself enough to tell him about how we met. When I’m done, he chuckles.

  After standing there looking like idiots for far too long, I lead the way into the kitchen to make sandwiches for everyone.

  “So, what’s going on with you two? How was your date night?” Mace asks, looking between us. That little shit! He already knows, I told him as soon as I got back.

  “It was amazing…” Ethan answers drifting off looking at me, his eyes pulling me in.

  Clearing his throat, he focuses on Mason. “As for us…” His gaze flicks back to me, questions in his eyes, I nod turning away.

  “Well, we’re going to be together, I mean she agreed to be my girlfriend,” he falls over his words. He catches me looking and smirks at my red face. I get back to my job grinning like an idiot.

  “Your girlfriend? Really, and have you run that past Ashley?” he asks sarcastically.

  Freezing, I feel the blood drain from my face solving my blushing problem. This can’t be fucking happening.

  Turning, I look at Ethan, he looks guilty and pale as his gaze meets mine, and I know it is happening. Ethan. The bloke I’ve been kissing and touching has a fucking girlfriend. And he didn’t think I needed to know that? Why the fucking hell didn’t you tell me, you arsehole? I shoot daggers at him.

  “Lily,” Ethan says hastily, standing up and moving towards me.

  “No. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend? Why the hell did we even go on a date? Have you had a good laugh at my naivety?” I yell shaking.

  “What the fuck E? You didn’t tell her anything? You know the deal,” Mason snarls, coming to stand by me, but all I can concentrate on, all I see, is Ethan’s guilty face.

  I want him to tell me why he didn’t say anything and why he’s been calling me his girlfriend? Why he even took me on a date? He sits down hard on the corner of the table blowing out a breath.

  “I was going to tell her after I had spoken to Ashley and your dad.” His guilty gaze locking on my face. I could smack him right now.

  “Well, dad’s not going to be happy it’s all been arranged. You agreed,” Mason grates out.

  Ethan’s face contorts as his anger rises. “If you didn’t want us to be together, why the hell did you text me asking shit loads of questions about a girl I met on an airplane? Then tell me she remembered me? You know I don’t want Ashley,” he shouts back frustrated.

  “Well, come on. What are you going to do? Break the engagement?” Mace yells back, my eyes feel like they're going to pop out. What the fuck?

  “Okay, enough.” I say, my voice deceptively quiet, my anger ready to boil over.

  “You,” I point at Ethan “leave now, I can’t believe you even asked me out, let alone actually going through with it. You’re engaged! And you,” I say looking at Mace. “Do whatever the hell you want. I don’t give a shit right now. I need a run. I don’t need this shit right now.”

  “Lily, give me the chance to explain all this? I was going to tell you, I swear.”

  I stop dead and spin around.

  “You swear? For a bloke who’s spent all day telling me how much he likes me. All our date telling me he enjoys spending time with me. How “different” his feeli
ngs for me are. That he’s never felt this way before. The same bloke who for the past two weeks hasn’t said a fucking word about the little matter that he’s engaged! I told you I don’t do this stuff and I told you that I don’t fucking share.” I yell feeling foolish. Embarrassed.

  “Mason, can you give us a few minutes to talk alone, please?” Ethan pleads anxiously. Mace looks at me silently asking if I want to be alone with him. I nod my head slightly. I would rather have this conversation alone. This is all embarrassing enough.


  Chapter Seven

  “Okay. Just let me get this out before you decide if you want to see me again,” he rushes holding his hands up, I nod waiting.

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to talk to Alexander first, but obviously, Mason had other ideas. I don’t know if Mason has told you about his dad wanting us to date his friends and co-worker’s daughters, for connections and growth of the business, but that’s what all this is in a nutshell.

  Him wanting me to marry Ashley because her dad is his friend. I was fine with it until I met you. Then the possibility of having something more, something that I want. The deal with Ashley wasn't even an option after that.

  I didn’t think I would ever see you again, which was depressing. Then out of nowhere Mayo texts me and we found each other. I was so happy to have a second chance, to see you again and when you agreed to go on a date with me, I was ecstatic. The past two weeks… And then today...” he blows out a breath, looking amazed.

  “Today was amazing, you blew me away. I wasn’t lying when I said I have never felt this way before. Now I know for sure. It all just feels… Right, my feelings for you feel right. This is different.

  I know it’s too soon and with all this shit hanging over us… But I’m going to ask anyway because I want a chance with you. After the time spent with you, talking to you I can’t see myself with anyone else. So please, will you just give me some time to sort this out?”

  I gape at him, my thoughts and feeling are jumbled. On one hand, I really like him and want to try I’m curious to see where it will go, but on the other I want to slap him for lying to me and cheating on his fiancée.


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