Eye of the Goddess

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Eye of the Goddess Page 10

by Cat Wilder

  "I’m going to nail your knees to the deck and kick you to death," Tara said through clenched teeth.

  "Ha!" Baart pulled her shirt open and began fondling her breasts. She averted her face when he tried to kiss her again, so the orc rubbed his bestial face all over her boobs before sucking on a sensitive nipple.

  When Baart stepped back to unfasten her britches, Tara lifted her feet high and kicked him across the room. She screamed in pain as her tortured wrists were forced to bear the full force of her efforts.

  Masi watched Baart’s problems and laughed. He turned to Ciara and smiled. After ripping open her shirt, he started kissing and fondling her breasts. He worked his way down her belly and then started unfastening her pants. She struggled to no avail. The other two guards were more than adequate to hold her for whatever plans they had in mind.

  Through teary eyes, Tara watched Masi cut the cord binding Ciara’s ankles and pull her boots off. Her boots discarded, he peeled her pants off. Two of his comrades then pulled her legs apart as another pair held tight to her arms. She groaned pitifully as he moved between her legs. He then began removing his own trousers.

  At that time, Baart had several men seize Tara’s legs and pull her body out from the wall. She was practically paralyzed by the pain in her wrists. The pain all but consumed her thoughts. He cut the rope binding her ankles and her legs were easily pulled wide.

  "Please...I’ll do...anything..." she gasped.

  Her boots were pulled off. Tara's heart started hammering in her ears. The pain in her wrists sucked her strength away, leaving her unable to fight them.

  "Zomehow I knew you migh’h," Baart laughed. "Buh I like you yush zee way you are...in lozza pain."

  He stepped up between her legs and started to unfasten her pants as Masi began admiring and caressing Ciara’s breasts. Masi tormented the auburn-haired beauty with his hands and fingers, enjoying the sound of her gasps and the vehement threats that followed each new indignity. Then tiring of that, he maneuvered himself into position for the final outrage.

  "Shall we consummate this now, sweetie," he asked. And then thrust into the elfmaid. "Mmm, nice and tight."

  "Uggh! Oooh, you dog," Ciara grunted. "I'm going to strangle you nice and tight!"

  "Leave her alone, you sick bastard," Tara shouted. Then Baart and his two helpers pulled her snug leather pants down her legs, exposing her sex to their exploitation. "Varissa protect!"

  The orc laughed at her distress as he pressed up between her legs. Her handlers spread her legs wide again, lowering her body until her sex was cock level with the big orc. She panted furiously, eyes incredulous as Baart pulled out his erection.

  "Holy shit," she gasped.

  Yeah, he was hung to shame a stallion. Her breath caught when he guided it straight to her sex, pushing past her flesh nether lips, and up against her entrance. The orc caught and held her eyes.

  "Venyens ish bess served," he said, and thrust into her slowly. Tara gasped, back bowing as his cock filled her up, spreading her wide. A long, low groan escaped her lips. "Lon an' hard."

  "Oooooh, that's so wrong," Tara groaned out.

  "Tara!" Ciara screamed and redoubled her struggles.

  Masi stopped thrusting, pulled out of the elfmaid, and stared toward Baart and Tara in shock. He looked at Ciara a second and then turned to stare at Tara even harder.

  "Baart," he said.

  "I heard her," Baart said, studying Tara. "Are you Tara, captain of Reaper?"

  "Tongue kiss my butt," she sneered.

  At a signal from Baart, Tara was released to swing brutally back against the wall and hang by her wrists. The guards dragged Ciara to the wall, chaining her wrists to the wall. The orc pulled his trousers back up and stood there deep in thought. Masi walked over.

  "If that is Tara the Terrible, then we might ought to tell ole Orjan," Masi said. "Or Padraig himself."

  Baart was confident that all of the guards had heard the rumors and tales of Tara’s exploits as a pirate and fighter. Capturing her was hard enough, but keeping her afterwards had been impossible so far. Few men who had ever captured the Takaran were still alive to tell about it.

  "Yeah, you go inform Orjan," Baart said, choosing his words carefully. Some were easier and less painful to say. "Let him decide if Padraig needs to be informed tonight."

  "Bloody great," Masi spat. "This’ll screw up everything. Just you watch."


  It wasn’t long before the old steward waddled in with Captain Padraig, followed by Masi. Orjan was still in his bedclothes, though a clean pair, while Padraig wore only a pair of leather trousers.

  Padraig was tall and slim. He was the result of an elven father and a human mother. His white-blonde hair hung loosely past his shoulders, framing a too handsome face with dark tilted eyes. Even with his slim build, his elven blood made him far stronger than any human even twice his girth. There were no scares marring his exposed skin, which spoke well of his martial skills.

  The half-elf pirate captain went straight to Tara and studied her thoughtfully. Then turning to Baart, he noticed the blood on the guard’s chin.

  "What happened to you?"

  "Zee bish bih my ‘ongue off," he said, pointing at Tara.

  "You should count yourself lucky," Padraig said. Then turning to Tara, he looked at her with relish in his tilted eyes, "At last, Captain Tara at my mercy. I’ve waited a long time for this moment."

  "Eat my..." Tara started, but a guard punched her in the side. "Varissa save me!"

  "Your goddess won’t help you here. Give me what I want from you and I’ll at least have you taken down."

  Tara glared daggers at him. Despite his brutal reputation, Padraig never raped women. That was a sport he never developed a taste for. Instead, he enjoyed forcing the women into agreeing to lay with him. It was much more satisfying that way. And if necessary, he would give them to his men to ravage.

  "I won’t give you the satisfaction, swine," she said with more defiance than she felt.

  "If you don’t cooperate, then I’ll let my men spend the next several hours doing very bad things to you and your friend," he threatened.

  "Ha, they’re going to rape and torture us one way or another. Don’t insult my intelligence," Tara said and then to Baart. "Hey stupid, can you say ‘intelligence?’ Or is it too hard without your tongue." She laughed. Then, "You should thank me. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that...uh."

  Baart punched her in the stomach. Padraig signaled his steward and Orjan ordered several men to hold the enraged house guard officer back. He screamed in rage and struggled for several minutes before calming down.

  "Speaking of stupid," Orjan said, shaking his head. "For someone in your position, you say the damnedest things."

  "A flaw in my character," she returned between clenched teeth.

  "Humans. Nothing spurs their defiance like certain death," Padraig said. "Why are you here? Trying to kill me?"

  "We heard that you wanted to get rid of some of your stolen goods, so you could cut back on your guard force," Tara said. "So, like the good friends we are, we came right over. You’ll no doubt be pleased to hear we weeded out about half your guards. No, please don’t thank us."

  Both Padraig and Orjan shot Baart a sharp look. Baart just looked away. The pirate captain took a deep breath and shook his head in amazement.

  Looking at Tara, "This has not been a good night for my House."

  "Ha, tell me about it. I’m not exactly on top of the world at the moment," she laughed half-heartedly.

  "It’s amazing you can still tell jokes in your condition."

  "What’s really amazing is the condition of my jokes. Their usually much better."

  "And what about you, Red?" Padraig asked Ciara. "Do you regret betraying me to take up with her yet?"

  "Suck my butt," she responded, glaring at him hatefully. "And my hair is auburn, shit breath."

  "I’m afraid she isn’t having as much fun as I am," Tara s

  Padraig sighed. "It’s late and I grow impatient," he said as he picked up a razor-edged skinning knife.

  "You don’t scare me, Padraig," Tara said defiantly.

  "I guess not. You Takarans are too in love with last acts of defiance, but your friend isn’t so lucky. It will take awhile, but I assure you, I’ll get everything I want from you. Though I fear Ciara won’t be recognizable by the time you break."

  "No! I’ll cooperate," Tara cried. "I’ll do anything you ask. Anything."

  "Much better."

  The pirate captain looked both women over with relish. Reaching out, Padraig traced Tara’s lips with his index finger. When his hands slid down her neck, and further, Tara closed her eyes and tried to ignore his touch. But he knew things. Wicked things his time as a slaver, prior to becoming a pirate, had taught him.

  The half-elf's hand slipped between her legs, and started rubbing. He concentrated on her clit, which drove her crazy. Tara was soon gasping and writhing beneath his skilled touch. He smiled when her body betrayed her and she climaxed with a low groan.

  "Stinking swine," Tara gasped out, panting and sweating profusely.

  "There’s still some fight left in you, Tara. Nothing a night in those cruel chains won’t cure," Padraig said, smirking.

  Tara glared at him through tousled hair, but understood that by morning she would be utterly helpless to resist him. Nothing like intense pain to sap a person emotionally, mentally, and physically. Tara knew she would be quite pliable when he came back to claim his prize.

  "Tomorrow morning I will have you in every way imaginable," he whispered in her ear.

  She grimaced but said nothing.

  The guards were ordered to leave both women alone, to Tara's relief. It did amuse her that Padraig was afraid they would find a way to escape if the men were allowed contact with them. He was probably right. Tara had escaped far worse situations thanks to overconfident men.

  After Padraig and Orjan left, Baart posted Yarus to guard the prisoners. The orc glared at Tara a moment before leaving.

  "I don't think he likes us," Ciara said.

  Tara nodded. She studied their guard. So young and innocent looking. Ideas danced around in her head. None of them bode well for him.

  Chapter 14

  Ciara let out a sigh of relief as the grumbling guards left. Tara felt the same. The situation had taken a very nasty turn. She liked to think that she could handle anything, but Tara was afraid that it was more than she could endure. She hadn’t felt that helpless since escaping slavery. She looked at their weapons on the table wishfully. She longed for the security that a good blade in hand gave her.

  Tara was in too much pain to feel much relief over anything. She knew that this was just the beginning. What really scared Tara was what they might do to Ciara.

  "I’m sorry," Tara said.

  "What? You're not having fun?" Ciara said. "I know men who pay women good coin to do this bondage crap with them."

  A giggled escaped Tara's lips, but that brought another spike of pain through her tortured wrists, arms, and shoulders. She knew two brothels just in Amana that specialized in bondage, and oddly enough it was the richest, most powerful men in the city that patronized them.

  "I'm afraid I haven't developed a taste for it," Tara replied. "A flaw in my character, I'm sure."

  "Maybe you have to be a man to enjoy it," Ciara said. She struggled a moment. "So frustrating!"

  The cell door opened and their guard looked around. He must've heard them speaking. Tara and Ciara glared at him, until he finally closed the door.

  Tara sighed gustily.

  "If I hadn’t talked you into coming back in you would be safe now."

  Just hanging there, Tara could really feel the alcohol in her system. She still had a pretty good buzz, though the joy in it was gone.

  Story of my misspent life, Tara thought. With a little ale in me, I'm game for anything.

  "Yeah, right. Like you really had to twist my arm."

  "Well, I’m not in any condition to argue with you at the moment. You wouldn’t happen to have any ideas?" Tara asked.

  "No, but I do know one thing," Ciara said with a grin. "I’ve gone through too much pain and misery to leave this place without that Varissa eye thing."

  A chill rippled through Tara. It would be so amazing to still find a way to steal the Eye of Varissa. Padraig would be livid for a hundred lifetimes.

  "Strangely enough, I’ve been thinking the same thing," Tara said, chuckling. "All I have to do is get down from here." She struggled until the pain was too much to bear. "Aaah. You know we're both idiots, right?"

  "So I've been told. Where do you suppose it is?" Ciara asked. "Padraig’s bedchamber?"

  That was the burning question. Tara wondered if the guard outside their door knew where it was stashed. Probably not, since it wasn't in the treasure room.

  "Exactly," she said. "And if not, then Ole Pointy Ears’ll know where it is. I think I might enjoy questioning him."

  "Hey, I resemble that insult," Ciara cried, and then giggled. "Anyway, I didn’t think you liked torture."

  "I’ll make an exception. And another thing, all these piss hogs of a bunch of ill-bred guards are dead meat," she said. "After we get out of here, I’ll hunt them down like dogs."

  "Count me in, Captain," Ciara said. "Sounds like fun."

  Tara regarded her friend a moment. Despite her light-hearted words, she was in a bad way. Ciara, though, didn't appear all that distressed. Was it the alcohol?

  "Are you feeling all right? Did you take a blow to the head or something? You’re looking awful happy over there," Tara asked.

  "I haven’t been this miserable since being sentenced to slavery," she admitted. "But I’ve never been one for brooding on my rotten luck."

  Tara knew from others that Ciara was convicted of a crime in the Rynaran Empire and sentenced to slavery. That was the first time Ciara ever mentioned it to her.

  "Well...shh, someone’s coming," Tara said as the door was pushed open.

  The young guard stepped in. He was about Tara’s height, with a slim build. His hair was bright red and his eyes blue. He looked at the two women with a hint of fear and more than a little sympathy. Tara wondered how a man like that ended up there.

  He walked over to Tara and checked her cuffs. She grunted when he twisted the cuffs around for a better look. Blood began trickling down her arms again.

  "Sorry," he said.

  "No problem," she sneered. "Whip me, beat me, make me scream like a stuck pig all night, baby."

  He froze, jaw dropping.

  "Be quiet, you’re getting me excited," Ciara laughed.

  "Oh...you’re joking," Yarus said.

  "Gods, does your mother know you’re here, boy," Tara sneered.

  Yarus said nothing, just gave her a pained look and turned away. He went over to Ciara and checked her cuffs. Then as an afterthought, he tossed a blanket over her nudity.

  "Thank you," she whispered, surprised.

  He nodded and stood. Tara looked him over again. She hadn’t expected anything like that. In fact, she really expected him to take advantage of them.

  "Why?" she asked.

  He looked at Tara, "It just seemed like the proper thing to do, that’s all. Sorry I can't cover you, but – "

  "Let us go," Tara said. "That’s the proper thing to do. We haven’t done anything to deserve this."

  "You broke into this house to rob it, and then killed and injured a lot of my friends," he said. "No, you deserve this."

  Yarus’ thinking was not unusual. There were few people who cared how criminals were punished. If someone caught anyone trying to rob or harm him or his, then custom allowed, indeed demanded, that he exact his own justice. And more often than not, that meant the thief died, and usually slowly.

  Tara bit her lip thoughtfully, then, "Could you do me a small favor?"

  "What?" he asked, eyes narrowing.

  Her mind was awhirl w
ith ideas. How gullible was he? How far would he go? How far could she push him?

  "I’m dying of thirst," she said. "All I ask for is water, unless you can get something stronger."

  She looked at him as innocently as she could. The last thing she wanted was for him to consider her a threat. He looked to be an overly cautious and timid fellow. Plus her reputation had the effect of intimidating even the most hardy and self-assured men.

  "I guess there's no harm in getting you some water," he said.

  Tara watched him leave. A few minutes later he returned with a tin dipper full of water.

  "Thank you," Tara said as he approached. "I’ll love you always for this."

  He put the dipper to her lips and she gulped the cool water down. It went a long way in restoring her.

  "More," she gasped. "Please. I’ll do anything you ask." She gave him a seductive look, "Anything," and licked her lips sensuously.

  The young guard began to visibly shake at the thought. He glanced at her exposed breasts a second, but pulled his eyes away. He bit his lip nervously.

  "I...I can’t...Padraig said not to touch you," he stammered.

  "Is there anyone else out there to tell?" she asked.


  "Then, enjoy. We won’t tell. After all, you’re the only one that has been nice to us. I would just like to repay your kindness," Tara purred.

  She held his eyes a long moment. It was intense. Yarus looked shaken after he broke contact. Tara fought the urge to smile, since she knew she had him.

  "Really? I’ll...I’ll get your water," he said and hurried from the chamber.

  "What’s gotten into you?" Ciara asked.

  Tara wagged her brows. She was afraid to say it out loud, for fear of jinxing herself.

  "I have a plan to escape," she whispered. "I’m...shh, he’s coming back."


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