Eye of the Goddess

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Eye of the Goddess Page 14

by Cat Wilder

  After a few moments Ciara started to giggle quietly. Somehow the incident was beginning to strike her as funny. Tara stopped at the bottom of the stairs to look back at her, showing her annoyance.

  "What has come over you?"

  "I’m sorry," she whispered, giggling. "I can’t stop. I keep seeing your face when I punched you back at the tavern."

  She mimicked the wide-eyed look for her and broke up into giggles again.

  "What a delightful sense of humor you have," Tara said. But she too was beginning to get caught up in Ciara’s giggles. "Will you be quiet," she giggled, "You’re going to get us killed."

  At that, Ciara broke up into more giggles. Tara found she was unable to control her own giggles and soon was just as helpless to control herself as Ciara. Each time one managed to get control of herself, the other’s giggles would break her up again.

  "Varissa save me," Ciara whispered, both hands between her legs. "I gotta go." She rose up and looked around. "Gods, I really have to relieve myself. Will you please be quiet? You’re going to make me piss my pants."

  "I’m sorry, but I have to go, too," Tara said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Thanks to you."

  "How about in there?" Ciara asked, pointing to the first door on the right.

  "I can’t stand up," Tara giggled.

  "Why not?"

  "I’ll wet my pants if I stand up."

  Ciara broke up into fresh giggles and headed for the door. She had to walk with her thighs held tightly together. Tara just started to pull her own pants down. The door was still unlocked and the elfmaid darted in. Once inside she immediately pealed her pants down and squatted. She let out a sigh of relief.

  Tara watched her through the door, wishing she could make it that far. The Takaran woman slowly worked her pants down to her boot tops, and then leaned against the stone wall in a squat. Tara sighed gustily and smiled with supreme satisfaction as a pool spread under her booted feet.

  "That was close," Tara said.

  Ciara helped her up. Tara pulled up her pants and then picked up her sword.

  "Are you quite all right now?" Tara asked. "I don’t want to go any further if either of us is going to break up again."

  "I’m fine," she said and smiled.

  Gripping her sword tightly, Tara nodded and stepped past Ciara. She led the way to the intersection in the passage. After looking both ways, she headed for the guard’s sleeping chamber. As they inched their way down the passage they could hear some of the men playing dice.

  Both women jumped back and pressed their backs against the wall as an exceptionally loud roar of laughter, cheers, and protests came from the gambling men. They continued down the passage to the sleeping chamber’s door with their backs against the wall.

  At the door, Tara stepped out in front of it and turned the handle. Then she carefully opened the door. Both ground their teeth at the sound of the door’s creaking. As soon as the door was open enough, Ciara stuck her head in and looked around. All the men were fast asleep. She pulled her head out and smiled at Tara.

  "Sleeping like babies."


  Ciara slipped in, followed by Tara. While Tara eased the door closed, Ciara tip-toed to the middle of the room. She looked around, but couldn’t identify the right flagstone to remove in the dimly lit chamber. Tara joined her and they dropped to their hands and knees to look. They both realized that they had been negligent in asking how to precisely locate it in a dark room. They knew it was the only round flagstone and it was in the center of the room, but they should have asked him which bunk it was next to.

  Using their hands, they started feeling the outlines of the various stones. Tara searched with her face just inches above the floor and hands running over the smooth surface. She was so intent on her search she failed to notice the bunk until she bumped her head into it. Slowly rising up on her knees, she studied the goblin’s face and was relieved to see he was still sleeping.

  Dropping back to her hands and knees, Tara’s hand touched something leathery. She felt it and squeezed it a few seconds before realizing what it was. Tara smiled and quickly untied the guard’s coin purse off his belt. She tested the weight and figured he either had just been paid, or was one of the lucky ones gambling.

  Getting Ciara’s attention, she lifted the purse up and smiled wickedly. Ciara stared at it a second and then turned to the bunk she was kneeling next to. After picking through the clothes dumped on the floor below the bunk, she found another purse. Soon both women were crawling from bunk to bunk and stealing the guards' purses. Then after tying the stolen purses to their own belts, they returned to their search for the secret compartment.

  "Where in the Seven Pits of Hel is the bloody thing?" Tara asked in frustration.

  "I’d sell my left teat to find out," Ciara said, sitting back on her legs beside Tara.

  Tara pulled her belt knife, then turned to Ciara and smiled wickedly.

  Ciara crossed her arms over her bosom protectively, "I was only joking."

  "Not that," she said and tapped the floor three times and whispered the Word of Power.

  When nothing happened she moved to the next flagstone and repeated. After five tries she found the right stone and its edges began to glow softly. Tara turned to her partner in crime and smiled.

  Thrusting the point of the knife down between the stones, she began to pry open the compartment. Ciara kept an eye on the sleeping men during this time. The flagstone fit into the floor tightly and it proved difficult to open. But she finally got one edge up high enough to slip another knife under it. Then using both hands, she managed to pull it open.

  Ciara reached in for the treasure. The compartment was about a foot deep. She found a leather pouch inside and pulled it out. Then she checked to see if anything else was inside. The compartment was empty, so she returned to the pouch. She pulled the drawstrings open and reached inside.

  The pouch was filled with jewels. Ciara looked up into Tara’s hopeful eyes and smiled. She pulled out a handful of loose gems and jewelry. It was too dark to see any details, so both stood and looked around for a light.

  Still carrying the flagstone, Tara led the way over to the wall under the dim oil lamp. Ciara turned the light up a little and then reached back into the pouch. She started pulling out different gems and pieces of jewelry until she located the Eye of Varissa.

  The Eye of Varissa was indeed a black diamond. It was about as long as her index finger and no more than half as wide at its widest. The diamond was shaped into a human eye and set in silver with a row of small cut diamonds surrounding it. It was quite beautiful, even in the dim light.

  "Yes," Tara said, pleased.

  Ciara gave Tara a wicked smile and then, "Catch."

  She tossed the Eye of Varissa over to her.

  Tara was taken completely by surprise and dropped the flagstone to catch the jewel. As Tara snatched the jewel out of the air, the flagstone slammed into the floor and Ciara’s foot. Ciara screamed from the searing pain shooting up her leg.

  Tara grabbed her tightly and clamped a hand over her mouth. She held on while her comrade held her foot and moaned in pain. But Ciara quickly recovered and was able to stand on her own again.

  "The thieves have escaped!"

  Chapter 19

  No one moved for several seconds. Standing under the lamp, the women were easily recognized. The guards looked stunned. Their groggy minds struggled to comprehend how their prisoners had escaped and why they were in their room.

  Glorious Gods! Tara thought, heart hammering.

  Tara and Ciara slowly turned to each other. Ciara gave Tara a half-embarrassed smile and shrugged. Tara returned the smile half-heartedly and turned back to the guards. After easing her belt knife into its sheath, she took the large pouch from Ciara and dumped the Eye of Varissa back inside. A creaking sound caught her attention. One of the guards closest to the door was slowly crawling out of bed.

  "Run!" Tara cried.

  Tara made
a dash for the door. The naked guard saw them coming and jumped in front of the door. He crouched with his hands held wide, ready. The two women skidded to a halt before him and stared. He was at least part orc, and hung like a horse.

  He gave them a victorious smile. Tara returned his smile and promptly kicked him in the groin. He let out a grunt and fell to his knees.

  "I can’t believe you could damage such beautiful equipment," Ciara playfully chastised her.

  "You know my philosophy," she replied. "If I can’t have them, then nobody can."

  Several more guards charged them before the elfmaid could respond. Ciara ran left and Tara right.

  Tara jumped up onto a bunk and made her stand. A young, slim elven guard came running up to her. He, too, was nude. She couldn’t see a single mark on his body, but his eyes were cold and cruel.

  "Varissa! Bear witness to my glory!" Tara cried, sword in hand and eyes afire.

  The guard swung his sword at Tara’s knees. She leaped as high as she could and as her feet returned to the mattress, she brought her blade down at his head. He tried to jump back, but the point of the sword left a bloody trail from his left collar bone, across his chest, and ended at his lower right rib cage. She could see the exposed white bone as he fell back screaming. But he was one of the lucky ones. He would live.

  Another guard thrust his sword at her right leg. She jerked it up high and he pulled his sword back to slash at her other leg. Tara stomped down on his shoulder with her right foot and lifted herself out of harm’s way. She pushed off his shoulder with all her strength and leaped away. She landed on the next bunk, bounced off, and landed on her feet between bunks.

  Tara quickly scanned the room. Ciara was backed into the corner to the left of the door. There were three bodies at her feet and two more guards cautiously attacking her. She saw that at least half the men still standing were pulling on their armor. Then as three men charged her, the Takaran warrior let out a blood curdling scream. Everyone in the room stopped dead in their tracks and looked her way. The three startled guards were holding their swords before themselves defensively.

  Ciara took the opportunity to attack. Her two assailants were quickly dispatched. She then ran over to the man Tara had kicked in the groin earlier. She ran him through as he tried to stand.

  Two guards were down and the third was putting up a desperate defense within seconds of Tara’s own attack. She blasted away at the hapless goblin until his back was forced against the far wall. Knocking his blade away, she stepped in close and laid the edge of her sword against his neck.

  "Give my regards to Jarsha," Tara said, then planted a victory kiss as she pulled the razor-edged blade across his neck. Her face was the last sight he would see before going before the God of the Dead.


  She turned to see Ciara standing in the open doorway. A quick glance told her it was time to leave. Several guards were now armored and making their way toward her. She looked down at the leather sack of jewels still tightly clutched in her left hand and smiled.


  Tara charged the advancing men. They stopped dead in their tracks and several began to back up. Halfway to them she suddenly reversed herself and ran for the door. The feign had the desired effect of momentarily paralyzing the guards.

  As Tara came to the door she could hear Ciara’s footsteps fading down the passage. She exited the door without slowing and ran straight into Baart. The guard leader was knocked off his feet and she just managed to keep her’s. The men following him stopped in surprise.

  Thinking fast, Tara pulled the throwing dagger from her left boot and cocked her arm. The guards in both the chamber and passage started diving for cover. She let out a chuckle and started after Ciara.

  No one opposed her in the passage and she found Ciara waiting for her at the kitchen door. They pulled the door shut and pushed a heavy table against it. Then they let out a sigh of relief and leaned back against the table.

  "Gods, we’re good," Ciara said with a big smile.

  "I know," Tara said, looking back at the door. She could hear the men coming up the stairs. "But those dogs aren’t nearly smart enough to play with us."

  "You’re right. They are a bit dense."

  Then the door flew open. The women jumped up and stared at it a second. Basking in their success, they had forgotten it swung opened into the stairwell and not into the kitchen as logic would have it.

  "Shit, shit, shit," Ciara cried and ran to the side door.

  She reached for the bar securing the door and then jerked her hands back

  "Open the stupid door!" Tara shouted.

  "I'll activate the defensive spell again," she replied.

  "It's dead!" Tara snarled, stepping past her and up to the door. She heaved and the beam started to glow again.

  "Told you!" Ciara said.

  "Watch out for the demon!" Tara shouted at the guards crawling under the table.

  They all paused and looked at the glowing bar with wide-eyed fear. She grabbed Ciara’s arm and headed for the hallway. Several guards scrambled under and over the table and followed as they passed through the door.

  Hearing the guards enter the hallway behind her, Tara headed for the main hall. Slamming the door shut, they immediately pulled down a book case, and then threw several small tables on top of that to block the door. Then they headed for the front door.

  Screams from the kitchen echoed through the house. Tara grimaced, feeling bad for those poor men. Death by that kind of hellspawn had to be the worst.

  "Watch out!" Ciara cried as she passed into the entry foyer.

  "Dammit," Tara growled, seeing Baart and several guards rushing into the foyer from another door.

  Tara didn’t slow down a bit. She cut left and straight at Baart with a wild scream on her lips. As he moved into a defensive stance, she jumped up and kicked him in the chest with both feet. He fell straight back and took down two other men with him. Tara hit the floor hard, and scrambled to her feet before anyone could exploit her vulnerability.

  "Upstairs," Ciara yelled and took off.

  They ran up the stairs with the men fast on their heels. At the second floor landing, Ciara turned right. Tara grabbed her arm from behind.

  "No, the other way," Tara said.

  As Ciara started down the hallway, Tara turned to the stairs and kicked the first man up in the face. She then stabbed at the next man trying to go around the stunned guard. He lost his balance trying to avoid the sharp sword point and stumbled over the fallen man. Tara then turned and followed Ciara.

  She saw Ciara turn into a door halfway down on the right. By the time Tara entered the room, Ciara had two chests in position to be pushed in front of the door. There was no key in the lock, so Tara started fishing for the key in her boot. She hoped the key to Padraig’s chamber would work. Meanwhile, Ciara pushed the chests into place. The men arrived before she could find the key and started turning the handle. With the door slightly ajar, she gave up on the idea.

  "I'll kill you!" Tara cried, thrusting her sword through the gap.

  That made them jump back. She barked a laugh at their fear and looked around the room. It was a bedroom and thankfully empty.

  Going to the window and looking out, "How deep are these canals?" Tara asked.

  "Beats the shit out of me."

  Then as the guards began to slowly force the door open, Tara caught her friend's eyes and grinned. Ciara arched a brow.

  "How about a moonlit dip?"

  The elfmaid glanced at the door, and then out the window.

  "Sounds romantic."

  "After you," Tara offered with a bow and flourish.

  "You’re so gallant."

  "You inspire me."

  "I know. I have that effect," Ciara laughed and climbed into the window. "Whoa. I didn’t know we were so high."

  Tara glanced back and saw that one of the men had squeezed halfway through the door. She started pushing the hesitant elfmaid.

sp; "I know you like my hiney, but you pick the damnedest times to get romantic," Ciara said.

  Putting her foot on Ciara’s rear end, Tara kicked her out of the window. She crawled up into the window, and then glanced back. The guard had made it through the door and was running toward her. He was coming at her with his sword cocked back and pointed straight ahead. She launched herself off the sill and was startled to feel the point of the sword enter her buttocks a bit on the left cheek.

  In her haste to jump, Tara hadn’t considered how she wanted to land. As a result, she fell with arms and legs flailing about wildly. Her landing in the canal was a perfect belly flopper. Ciara found it hard not to laugh.

  The Takaran found herself faced with another problem. She held her treasured sword in one hand and the stolen treasure in the other. She discovered it near impossible to tread water wearing boots, especially since the thigh high boots were quickly filling with water. The very real possibility of drowning occurred to her then. But just as she was about to let go of both sword and treasure, Ciara grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to safety.

  Pulling Tara’s head above the water by the hair, Ciara said, "Never met a Takaran yet that could swim worth a shit."

  Tara’s only response was to spit the water in her mouth in Ciara’s face. Ciara pushed her head back under and then pulled it up again. Tara came up sputtering breathlessly.

  "If you do that again, I’ll drop the loot and take my share out of your ass," Tara threatened.

  So Ciara pushed her back under and held her down a little bit longer. Tara struggled helplessly awhile. Then when her friend’s struggles began to get desperate, she pulled her back up.

  "I yield," Tara said when she cleared the surface. "Gods, whip me, beat me, make me eat my own cooking, just don’t drown me."

  "That’s better," Ciara laughed. "But fear not fair lady, I could never be so sadistic as to force anyone to eat your cooking."

  "Thank you," Tara said, having regained most of her breath back. She tossed her sword and the leather sack up onto the shore. Then turning to Ciara, "Forgive me."


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