Spirit of the Earth

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Spirit of the Earth Page 18

by Adriadne LeFox

  At this time, I only wanted to be near Kirsten. Especially after what happened. We could have lost her, and all because we left her unguarded. Then we were too far away to get back in time. If it weren’t for her mother’s sacrifice, Kirsten would be dead now. I could feel the missing piece in Kirsten’s heart where her mother’s love used to be. It was still there, but she built up so many walls around it to protect herself, that she couldn’t feel it anymore, and neither could I. At least she had us.


  I woke up in a sweat, my body feeling weighed down and hot. When I looked around, I knew why. All five of my men were sleeping in my bed, and I was the one stuck in the middle of their sweaty man pile.

  I slithered out from underneath an arm and flipped my leg over the torso of another one. It was like trying to get out of a Twister game. With that thought, I now wanted to play Twister with them, and soon.

  When I had both of my feet on the ground, I made my way over to my closet, snagging clothes without looking, before heading to my bathroom to take a long, hot shower. I smelled of sex, and while I didn’t mind it, I had to talk to the leaders of my allies. I couldn’t do that while smelling of sex.

  I turned the hot water on first, letting it heat up before adding cold water slowly until it was the right temperature. My walk-in shower, with its triple showerheads, was one of my favorite features of this bathroom. It was large enough to fit about four or five people, maybe more, and the decorative tile that surrounded the edge was a beautiful damask of blue and black. It was calming on my shattered nerves.

  Now that the distraction of my men was over, I could feel the loss of my brother and mother all over again, trying to break through the wall I built around them. I added another layer of bricks, not yet ready to face the fact that I will never see my mother again, and my brother’s fate was unknown still.

  I stepped into the steaming spray, letting it pound against my sore muscles. Tipping my head back, I let my hair get soaked so the stinging shower spray could soothe my scalp.

  I was in blissful heaven, so I wasn’t paying much attention when someone entered the shower stall with me until they had their hands on my scalp, rubbing their fingertips into my hair. My eyes opened to Dylan looking down at me.

  “Are you okay?” He whispered. I almost didn’t hear him with the shower spray being so loud, echoing through across the tiles.

  I nodded my head, giving him a small smile. “I’ll be fine. It will just take some time.” I stepped into his embrace, holding tight, trying to keep myself together after everything that happened. It may have been two weeks for them, but it seemed like yesterday to me. I hadn’t had time to grieve, but now wasn’t the time.

  I swallowed my tears and stepped away, turning my back to him so I could grab my shampoo. When I turned back around, Dylan had his hand out, ready to take it from me.

  As he washed my hair, I sighed. A girl could really get used to this. And I had five guys to pamper me.

  Dylan washed me from head to toe, leaving nowhere unclean. It was sexy and relaxing. After I was clean, he used my flowery scented things to wash himself. I couldn’t help the giggle. Dylan smelling like flowers seemed like a silly concept, but here he was, washing himself with my things.

  When Dylan was busy turning off the shower, I reached out and grabbed both towels hanging on the rack. I had to wait until he was ready before I could start toweling off, but the gratitude of this simple act made it all worth it.

  I stepped out of the shower when I was completely dried off, except for my mass of hair that I wrapped up in the towel. My clothes were still where I left them on the counter, but Dylan’s were right next to mine. I hastily slipped into my clothes as the cooler air touching my damp skin left me slightly chilled. I always hated that part after a shower or bath.

  “The others should be up by now,” Dylan commented as he pulled his jeans up, leaving him commando underneath. I bet he did that on purpose.

  “They can take turns showering. There is plenty of hot water.”

  I stepped out to the others trying to untangle their naked bodies from each other; Branden’s whole body was red from embarrassment. It was really hard not to laugh at their predicament, but I tried my hardest. Only a smirk crossed my lips as I watched the match. When they were finally free, my smirk turned into a full-blown grin.

  “Boys, the shower is available. You can either shower individually, or if you’d prefer… you can shower altogether. There are triple showerheads in there.” I shot them a wink as I sauntered to my desk, leaning my ass against the ledge.

  The other four shot me a dirty look before they started doing Rock, Paper, Scissors. They played with a lot of cursing until only Rhydian stood victorious. He stood there, pumping his fist in the air in victory until Kyler punched him in the side, causing him to double over in pain and laughter.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at their antics too.

  When we were all clean and dressed, we headed downstairs. I needed to talk to the head of each species for this area. I wanted to know who we lost and who was injured. At least for the injured, I could do something for, even if it was just supporting them.

  I stepped down off the last step, but something felt different. Looking around, I took in the lack of noise in the house. “I thought they were down here. Did they leave while we were asleep?”

  Branden sniffed the air. “No, they are still here, but so is someone new. I don’t recognize the scent.” He stepped in front of me and headed towards the living room.

  I followed at a slower pace, not knowing what to expect. When I entered, I didn’t expect everyone to be sitting so still and silent. Their eyes were all that moved, giving me a big creep factor. I looked around the room but noticed Kyler’s mom, Erica, was missing. His dad, Crian, was sporting red-rimmed eyes and puffy bags underneath, aging him farther than I last saw him.

  Then it hit me. Kyler also had red eyes and shadows. Something happened to Erica. I didn’t know what, but she was either gravely injured or dead.

  I felt ashamed I didn’t notice it before. Now, Kyler must have known what I was thinking because he came up beside me and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered softly towards Kyler.

  He squeezed my hand again in response. “I’ll talk about it later. Maybe at the same time you talk about your mother?”

  My eyes landed on the new person standing in my spot by the fireplace. I scowled at him, not liking the fact that he thought he was better than me, especially in my house. I marched up to him, going toe to toe with the taller, older man.

  “Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my home?” I was very territorial about my home.

  He held up his hands in the universal sign of surrender. “My name is Alistair. I am here to take you to Trinity Academy.”

  My fox came sprinting out of nowhere, hissing, spitting and growling at the intruder. I scooped her up, but she still practically vibrated with her need to defend her territory. “My mother mentioned the academy, but she didn’t go into details.”

  Alistair looked down at my fox, then at the men who entered with me. “First, I need to establish who your protectors are. Your familiar I can ascertain based on its reaction.”

  All five of my men raised their hands proudly. Causing Alistair to nearly choke.

  “You have five protectors? You must be stronger than anticipated. And a wild animal as a familiar.”

  Dylan snorted. “That’s not the only thing that will ruffle your panties, old man.” The rest of my guys started snickering.

  Alistair didn’t find it so funny. “And what exactly do you mean by that, young man?”

  That only caused them to burst out laughing. I was confused at first until I realized they were thinking about the fact that they weren’t human, but supernaturals themselves.

  I saved Alistair from gaining more wrinkles as he glared at the boys. “They are supernaturals,” I stated matter-of-factly.
“Dylan there is a Witch, Branden is a Werewolf, Keegan a Shapeshifter, Rhydian a vampire, and Kyler is a bonafide Witch Hunter. It’s a very well-rounded group if I do say so myself.” If I weren’t holding Winter, I would have crossed my arms to add to the smirk I was currently sporting.

  I thought Alistair was going to have a heart attack right there in my living room, but he finally gathered his wits after much spluttering and choking. His face was still red enough to match the sunset that was currently happening outside the windows.

  “That is impossible.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “With me, nothing seems to be impossible. I just keep breaking through everything people say I am not supposed to do. So, let’s just leave it alone and figure it out as we go. I am totally up for that.” I looked at my allies who were trying hard not to laugh. “You said something about Trinity Academy?”

  Macy came into the house at that point. “Trinity Academy of Magic is where young Witches go to learn to control their powers. I am a second-year student there. I can’t wait to show you around!”

  My jaw dropped at her announcement. “What are you doing here if you are a student?”

  “Keeping an eye on you, silly.” She flounced into the room, coming to stand at my side. “We wanted to make sure the academy was just as much a fit for you as you would be for it. We don’t want any bad apples in the mix. I mean, I told them that you were great, but then they wanted to meet you. So here Alistair is.”

  I looked to my protectors—Dylan being the only one who wasn’t shocked. “So, you want me to go to school? And I can finally learn to harness my magic to defend myself and others?”

  “We are glad defense is your first thought and not offense. We would like to formally extend an invitation to attend Trinity Academy of Magic, to you, your protectors, and your familiar.”

  I didn’t hesitate for a second. “I accept!”

  “Then go pack your clothes, girl, we are going on a trip!” Macy hurried me up the stairs so I could throw together a suitcase for school.

  My men left the house to pack their own belongings and my allies stayed in the living room. I rushed into my closet, only grabbing things I thought I would need—jeans, t-shirts, sweaters… I had no clue where this school was located, but thankfully I had a large suitcase and I was going to stuff it. Macy grabbed things from my bathroom, packing them into the cubbies, squirreling them away in various open spaces. She was not going to let me waste any room. When all my clothes were packed, I started throwing in my shoes, but I only had four pairs, one pair I actually planned on wearing.

  When my suitcase was full, Macy had to sit on the top so I could close it. I was glad she was a student, so I wasn’t going to be a total nube.

  My suitcase thunked down the stairs behind me, hitting each step with a resounding thud that echoed through the silent house. When I made it to the bottom, I left it by the door and went back into the living room to talk to the others.

  “Thank you for fighting with me. I know you all lost people, maybe even loved ones, and they cannot be replaced. But you have my gratitude, for whatever that’s worth.”

  Crian stood up and gave me a hug. “I am not the only one who lost someone important to me out there. You lost your mother. But we did manage to kill Soren, that bastard. Damien is still out there, building his strength back up.”

  “I hate to leave you all like this.” I murmured, tears threatening to break free of my lashes.

  Steven came up to me, rubbing his large hand up and down my arm. “But you are going to learn to be stronger. Once you are, you can come back, and we will go out and hunt his cowardly son.”

  I nodded, watching the others nod their agreement as well. “Keep in touch with me. Let me know if they come back to town.”

  Again, they nodded. I was going to add more, but my men came through the door. I ran to them, hugging them tight one by one.

  “We’re ready when you are. Just tell me which vehicle to put your bag in.” Branden picked up my suitcase with little trouble, waiting for direction.

  “In Kian’s Jeep. I am taking his Jeep. That way, when I find him, I will be able to return his vehicle.” I turned to Macy. “Do you have a car?”

  She shook her head. “Mine is still at school.”

  “Do you mind driving my mom’s car to the academy? I don’t want it lost.”

  “Sure, no prob. She has a nice little Buick SUV anyway. Don’t much fancy the silver, but hey.”

  I reached into my laptop bag and snagged my mom’s lanyard with the keys to the SUV, tossing them to Macy who caught them one-handed. “I’m ready.” With that, we all headed out the door, Alistair following behind.

  To be continued…

  Terms used in Book

  Camasotz- Bat god from Mayan mythology. It means “death bat” In the K’iche’ language. In Mesoamerica, the bat was associated with night, death and sacrifice.


  Witches & Demons Trilogy

  Year of the Twins

  Witch’s Revenge

  Lucifer’s Call (coming soon)

  The Mage’s Chronicles

  The Mage’s Wife

  The Mage’s Daughter (coming December 2020)

  Voices in the Basement (Prequel to upcoming story)

  The Triad Prophecy

  Spirit of the Earth

  Spirit of Fire (coming soon)

  Spirit of the Soul (coming soon)


  I want to again thank my husband who has been my biggest cheerleader through this whole writing process, and he put up with all the late nights and frustrations. I also want to give a shout out to my children who were there for me when I needed a break from writing. I also want to thank my beta readers who read my edits and helped me with the integrity of my story. My mentor deserves to be recognized too. Thank you, Jason Walters, for being there for all the questions I had. I could not have done this without you. My favorite authors were my inspiration and muses- Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks and Robert Jordan.

  Thank you to my lovely editor, Ashley Strom, who keeps my thoughts organized and makes my novels a work of art. I could not do this without you, Ash.

  And I have to thank my amazing cover designer, Natasha Williams with DAZED cover designs. She has been doing my covers for this series and the new ones to come. Nat, I would not have such amazing covers if it wasn’t for you!! KUDOS!!!

  Thank you to my betas and ARC readers for your feedback and helping make my stories better.

  Thank you to my readers, too! I wouldn’t be where I am today without you all. Thank you for getting me this far in my dream job!!


  Adriadne LeFox is a new author when it comes to publishing, but she has been writing stories since she was 11 years old. Her first story was a horror that scared even her toughest family member. She is a stay at home mom to two beautiful children and two furry kitties. Her family is her strongest supporter, including her husband of seven years. She loves writing because it is a way to escape into something fantastic and surreal. An avid reader, she devours as many books as she can get her hands on, but her favorites are reverse harem because #whychoose?

  You can email her comments, questions or even general fan messages at [email protected]

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