Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2) Page 8

by Ahren Sanders

  "If you get this jazzed about boxwoods and holly trees, the next stop will blow your mind." His fingers move to my chin and bring my face to his. "I look forward to it."

  "Miller, I think—"

  "Push it out of your head. It's time you stop living behind this façade you've built. Whatever that scum-sucking asshole did to you is over." It's not lost on me the way his voice clips or the blaze in his eyes as he uses my words from earlier. "You're here now, with me, and that time of your life is over."

  "It's not that easy," I say bleakly.

  "We'll see." He leans down, his lips brushing mine. "Give me a shot before you count me out. I think you may be surprised."

  Any reasoning I have flies out of my mind when his lips are close and his scent fills the space between us. My hands betray me by gripping the sides of his shirt.

  "Now, since you've made it clear you’re into getting a choice of things, you can decide. We can stand here longer, which means I'm going to kiss you."

  "What is my other option?"

  "You can climb your gorgeous ass in my truck so we can get on with our date."

  "Is there an option three?"

  "Yeah, I blow our reservation, take you back to my place, and you end up naked until Monday."

  A thrill trickles down my spine as I fight to stay level. "I guess it's option two."

  He leans back, studies my face, and grins arrogantly. "Not my choice, but I'll be a gentleman."

  In a flash, an arm wraps around my waist and he has me in the air. The door opens, and he places me on the seat, situating himself between my thighs. In this position, we're eye-level, and I know I'm in trouble. He cups the back of my head, capturing my mouth and giving me a quick kiss, nibbling my bottom lip as he pulls away.

  "I didn't choose kissing as an option!" I squeak, catching two older ladies standing at one of the fences, clearly entertained by us.

  He shrugs, stepping back, swinging my legs around, and shutting the door. I watch in horror as he walks to the fence and hugs each woman. Their mouths move rapidly after him when he heads back to the truck.

  I bite back a scream as he starts the truck and waves at them again.


  "Careful, Princess, you'll make yourself sick."

  I drain the last of my champagne, eyeing him over the crystal rim. "It'll be your fault."

  "I warned you."

  "Your warning was weak and subtle. I'd expect more from a man like you. Where is the bossy, authoritative Miller when I need him?"

  He refills my glass and makes a move to slide the tray of desserts across the table, but I smack his hand. "Don't you dare."

  His lip curves to one side as he picks up a small square of chocolate and places it against my mouth. I eagerly take a little bite, closing my eyes and moaning at the luscious mix of chocolate and toffee. The flavors explode on my tongue, and when I open my eyes to go for the rest, I'm met with a heated blaze staring back at me.

  "Darlin', you are seriously playing with fire," he growls, popping the rest of the chocolate truffle in his mouth and keeping my gaze.

  "Maybe you should take them away. I can't be trusted."

  He pushes the half-empty tray to the edge of the table, never losing eye contact, and I jerk in surprise when his thumb sweeps the bottom of my lip.

  "It would be a shame to let this go to waste." He licks the crumb of chocolate from his thumb and I'm lost in him.

  The champagne makes it hard to deny my overwhelming attraction to this man. The afternoon and evening replay through my mind. I tried to find out who the women were that he spoke to when leaving earlier, but he didn't give much away. My attempts to appear irritated didn't last long when he drove to The Brasher Hotel. The poor valet couldn't get away fast enough when Miller barked at him for helping me out of the truck. I tried to apologize for his possessive behavior, but Miller wrapped his arm around my shoulders and guided us through the lobby and straight to the gardens.

  All annoyance vanished instantly. We walked and talked until it was too dark to see anything. Our dinner was waiting on a private veranda where we were treated like royalty. The conversation came easily, and if he noticed my skipping through the years in Chicago, he didn't mention it, letting me choose our topics.

  When our desserts arrived, I knew they were handmade by Darby. He explained that she was slowly letting go of control over her recipes, but she still made every one of her truffles. The variety was too tempting to pass up.

  All of it is perfect—too perfect. I can tell myself it's the mixture of romantic atmosphere, the beautiful night, and the wonderful dinner, but it would be a lie. It's all because of him. He's made it perfect… for me.

  Emotions swirl inside, and before I lose my courage, I bend forward, kissing him softly. "I've reconsidered my earlier decision. I'll take choices one and three."

  A low rumble erupts from his throat right before his hands fist in my hair and his lips cover mine. His tongue sweeps through my mouth, moving urgently, and I have no choice but to give control and follow his lead. He gently caresses my scalp, angling my neck and kissing me deeper. I may have initiated this, but there's no question who's in charge.

  I barely register one arm on my waist until I'm heaved in the air. Our connection doesn't break as he drags me into his lap, folding my body against his. Everything fades away as the kiss grows hotter, my chest pressed to his, the unmistakable bulge against my thigh, our breathing getting heavier.

  Goosebumps spread down my arms, causing me to shiver. He picks up on it, cradling me closer. I whimper down his throat, my hands framing his face and nails scraping through the light stubble.

  He groans approvingly then slows, his arms closing protectively when he breaks away. My heart is pounding so hard I barely hear the feminine throat clearing behind us. My eyes flutter open, and instantly my blood runs cold at his expression. His eyes meet mine before going over my shoulder.

  "There a reason you're here?" The acid in his tone causes me to shiver for a completely different reason.

  A feminine laugh fills the air, and I twist, finding a beautiful brunette standing close to our table. "Heard you were here and came to say hello." She fans her fingers, focusing on me.

  "My reservation was private for a reason," he clips.

  "Huh, are you trying to hide?"

  "What do you need?"

  My body goes solid, and I swing my head between the woman and Miller, fear creeping in. My mind automatically assumes they have a history, and self-doubt takes over. I squirm to get away as his arms turn to vice grips.

  "Baby, stop moving," he grunts, adjusting his hip.

  "I should leave you two alone," I hiss under my breath, unable to disguise the jealousy.

  His eyes fly to mine, examining my face and reading my mood. To my horror, his irritation fades, turning to hilarity right before he swipes his lips across mine again. "Jealousy looks sexy on you, baby, but no need. This is Renee. She works here and is also a friend of Darby's."

  It all clicks, and I loosen his grip enough to fully turn to face her. "Renee? Wedding planner Renee?"

  "Actually, I'm the event planner, but weddings fall under me."

  The tension leaves my body, and I sink back to Miller. "Thank goodness." I think to myself but apparently say loud enough for them to hear.

  Her smile falls and her eyes grow wide. "Oh my gosh, did you think… Oh no…"

  "Renee, now would be the time to tell us why you're creeping up on our dinner." His annoyance returns.

  "I came to meet Ashlyn."

  "You picked a hell of a time for a meet and greet."

  "I also came to tell you the outdoor band is about to begin, which means your slice of seclusion is—"

  It takes a second to hit me, but I sit up, interrupting her, "How did you know I was Ashlyn?"

  "I've heard all about you," she replies a little too quickly. "Darby and Stephanie told me you were moving to town. And since Miller took over the re
novations on your place…" she trails off and looks around uncomfortably.

  The same eerie feeling from that night in Darby and Pierce's kitchen comes to me, and I no longer have to wonder if I'm imagining things. Darby may not have known about my history with Miller, but she was trying to push us together.

  I straighten, extending my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Renee."

  She shakes my hand and her smile returns. "I'm not sure if Stephanie has told you, but I'm planning a small shower for Darby in a few weeks. We'd love it if you'd join us."

  "Another shower? Jesus, how many of those things does Darby need?" Miller grumbles.

  I elbow him, shooting him a dirty look before answering her. "Stephanie hasn't mentioned it, but I'd love to come."

  "Great." She pulls a business card out and hands it to me. "Send me an email so I can get you an invitation. And, Miller, this is a private shower for Darby. She has more than enough for the baby, but this is to celebrate her. It's also a surprise, so keep your mouth shut."

  "Who the hell would I tell?"

  "No one. That's the point. Don't tell anyone."

  "I'll promise to keep my mouth shut if you leave us alone."

  "Miller!" I screech.

  "Don't worry, Ashlyn. I'm used to it. Seems like Miller and Pierce are a lot alike. I am dismissed a lot when Pierce is around."

  "Yet, you're still here talking," he grumbles.

  "Tata! Nice to meet you, Ashlyn. Look forward to seeing you again soon." She gives the finger wave again, her eyes bright as she winks before walking away.

  She's out of earshot when I turn in his lap. "That was rude."

  "As she said, she's used to it." He dips low and kisses a trail along my neck.

  "Wait." I press against his chest. "It's weird she knew it was me, who I am."

  He sighs, leaning back in his seat. "Not weird at all."

  "Do you get the suspicion there was some matchmaking going on?"

  "There's no suspicion about it."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Darby thinks she's slick, but I picked up on her play."

  It slams into me that our previous time together was isolated and free. The fact that it now involves family and friends sends me spiraling and rethinking my decision. "Miller, what I said earlier, I'm not sure going home together is a good idea. Maybe we should—"

  "Stop denying this. It's happening. Whatever is spinning in your brain, let it go. We're going home together. We'll take it at your pace, but tomorrow morning, I want to wake up with you."

  "Bad, bad idea."

  "Not to me. A night like we've had, I'm not letting you think your way out of it." His phenomenal blue eyes glitter with the nightlight as music picks up from somewhere close.

  My resistance and desire wage a war in my head, with desire clearly winning. Similar to all those months ago, I'm defenseless to the power this man has over me. The difference is that, this time, there's a chance for something real.

  I know the words are going to seal my fate, but they roll out of my mouth easily, "Okay, take me home."

  Chapter 7


  I sip my coffee, leaning against the doorframe and watching Ashlyn sleep. Her body tangled in the sheets except for one arm stretched to the side where I laid until a few minutes ago. She slept draped across me most of the night in this same position, barely stirring when I slipped from under her.

  "They used me, Miller, and when I wouldn't do what they wanted, it was he who tried to destroy everything."

  My chest aches remembering her whispered confession as she drifted off. The words rattled around in my head all night. At first, jealousy simmered inside, thinking of her with someone else while she lay in my arms. Then I remembered her disgust when she mentioned the scum-sucking asshole from her past. My gut told me this wasn't a jaded lover that hurt her, but something else entirely. And it pissed me the fuck off.

  The weekend in Chicago, mixed with the last few weeks, brought more questions that I know she's not ready to answer. Knowing what happened to Pierce and Darby makes me want to demand she tell me what happened, but I know it will push her away. And after last night, I'm not willing to risk that.

  She gets restless and flips over, mumbling incoherently. I push off the frame, going to the bed and edging into her side. I take in the image of her wild hair spread on my pillows and the way she looks natural in my bed.

  Her hooded eyes flutter open, and she blinks a few times before focusing on me. I expect hesitation, but instead, she smiles shyly and reaches up to run her fingers through my hair. "Hi."

  "Good morning."

  "What time is it?"

  "Do you have somewhere to be?"

  She shakes her head.

  "Then it doesn't matter what time it is."

  "You should have woken me when you got up."

  "You were sleeping soundly."

  "Were you watching me?"

  "Just the last few minutes."


  "Because I enjoy seeing you in my bed."

  She drags her bottom lip through her teeth, her green eyes lighting up. "It's a very comfortable bed."

  "We can stay in it all day."

  "I need caffeine." She drops her eyes to my mug.

  "Coffee is made."

  She nods, shifting up. "I know this sounds weird, but do you have—"

  "There's an unopened toothbrush by my sink. It's all yours."

  "How'd you know that's what I was going to ask?"

  "Princess, I remember you like to brush your teeth first thing in the morning. Except for the morning in Chicago, where you jumped me."

  Her cheeks flush, and she rolls her eyes as she swings her legs, scooting away. I watch her stroll to the bathroom, holding back a groan when the shirt falls to cover her ass.

  "I don't recall jumping you." She glances over her shoulder. "I believe it was you who was responsible for convincing me to stay." The door closes behind her, but not before I catch the sparkle in her eyes.

  My dick jumps in my pants, having a mind of his own. "Jesus," I stand, adjusting myself, "turning into a fucking teenager."

  I go to the kitchen and fix her coffee, taking out the leftover desserts from last night. The water shuts off in the bathroom, and she shuffles around mumbling something I can't make out, but it sounds like flirty Ashlyn is gone.

  I prop against the counter, waiting. When she comes around the corner, her mood has definitely shifted.

  "Something wrong?"

  "I think you should take me home."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because I need to go home and do some work."

  "Try again."

  "I'll call an Uber." She moves to her purse, but I move quicker, picking her up and setting her on the counter, nudging between her legs.

  "Not so fast, Princess. What's got you upset?"

  She avoids my eyes, staring out my back windows, but not before I catch the same expression pointed at Renee last night before she knew who she was.


  Then it strikes what could have set this off. "Maya and Cole spend the night and are notorious for forgetting their toothbrushes. Darby stocks my house and my parents’ with extra, so you can thank her."

  She jerks, bringing her eyes to mine. "I—I figured… I didn't think… God, it's none of my business."

  "You're sleeping in my bed. You should consider it your business. Ashlyn, the last woman to sleep in my bed was when I was twenty-seven years old." I take her face in my hands and run my lips across her forehead. "Until last night."

  She grips my forearms. "What is wrong with me?"

  "Nothing is wrong. The color green looks good on you."

  She shoves hard, groaning when I only move a few inches. "Such a guy! I am not a jealous person."

  "Of course not," I tease, handing her the mug of coffee.

  With the first sip, her eyes grow rounder. "You remembered how I like my coffee?"

  "When it comes to you, I didn
't forget anything."

  Her expression grows thoughtful, and she visibly relaxes. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night."

  "I'm not complaining, but I seem to remember it taking a lot more to wear you out."

  Her cheeks flush as she drops her focus to her mug.

  I place my hands on her hips, sliding her closer. "No need to be shy."

  "I don't know how to do this."

  "What's this?"

  She puts the coffee down and gestures between us. "This. Waking up in your bed, wearing your shirt, sipping coffee in your kitchen. We've had sex—a lot of sex, and even though we didn't have sex last night, this is still technically the morning after type of thing. How do I act? What do I say? This is new to me."

  "I also seem to remember you saying that before, too."

  "You know what I mean."

  "Do I?"

  "Miller, we spent days holed up in a hotel room. This is different."

  "That was your choice. I offered to take us out many times, and you declined."

  "That's because that wasn't real. But now…" She trails off, looking down again.

  I ease her face back to mine. "But now it is real. You're here in my home, and last night we had an actual date that ended up with you in my bed—a bed no other woman has slept in."

  "I kinda feel like I owe you an explanation for... things."

  "You do owe me an explanation, but in case you haven't picked up on it yet, I'm working on getting to know the genuine Ashlyn Rhodes, not the person you created."

  "The real Ashlyn isn't that special."

  "I think she's fucking special. And if we're dishing out details, know something else. If you hadn't up and left without a word, this wouldn't be weird for you. Because I would have made sure you would have woken up in my bed wearing my shirt and drinking coffee in my kitchen a hell of a long time ago."

  Her breath hitches.

  "Yeah, babe. I wasn't ready to let you go. Long-distance fucking sucks, but I'd have made the effort for you."

  "Lily was worth the effort."

  "They are one and the same to me, and it's time you stop hiding behind that excuse."


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