Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2) Page 16

by Ahren Sanders

  "Did she tell you?"

  "Like I mentioned last weekend, something happened at the law firm that set her on a path to change things. Whatever it was blew up that night and sent her straight to the bar and to me. She used a fake name and put a strict guard in place to escape her reality. We're slowly going through the details."

  "I said it before. It's got to be the world's biggest coincidence her ass ends up here."

  "Once during a conversation, I mentioned working construction in Charleston before she changed the subject."

  "She uprooted her life and moved here for you?"

  "She uprooted her life and moved to a city that had significant memories of childhood vacations with her family. I was just a man who did a construction job here in her mind."

  "Now I'm getting whiplash. This is complicated."

  "You have no idea. She hasn't made things easy."

  He pours himself another drink, his mood going somber. "For someone who didn't even know her proper name, things are going fast. You sure moving her in here is sensible?"

  "That's rich coming from you. I'm not sure you're in a position to dole out advice."

  "Now who's being a dick?"

  "Tell me, if you didn't have kids when Darby came back into your life, how many nights would you have slept alone?"

  "You can't compare my relationship with Darby to this. You've admitted that Ashlyn hasn't come clean with you. There may be some dark skeletons in that closet."

  "You trying to tell me Darby's skeletons weren't dark? Her reasons for hauling ass out of this town and leaving everyone in the dust were simple and uncomplicated? You want to go there, Pierce?"

  The darkening of his eyes is my answer.

  "Didn't think so." I tilt my glass his way. "You're about two seconds from being thrown out on your ass."

  "My history included a lot more than a few nights in a hotel—"

  "I'd be very fucking careful how you plan to finish that thought. I wasn't a virgin when I met Ashlyn, far from it. This isn't about a weekend of available pussy. I've never had a problem getting laid. This is about the woman. You, of all people, should understand, considering you fell for the girl on the elliptical without a single conversation."

  His jaw ticks with the wheels spinning in his head. I may be pissed as hell, but not long ago I was on his ass for virtually the same reason. He's worried.

  "She made an impression, man, unlike any other woman I'd ever been with. When I saw her again, I wasn't making the same mistake."

  I can see the questions still rolling through his mind. He's not convinced.

  "When I say I wasn't making the same mistake, I mean I went old school. Sex isn't currently on the table."

  This gets his attention. "What?"

  "Thought about it, and four weeks ago, I'd have gladly fucked her that first night. But since I am determined to get a different result than last time, I went a different direction."

  He shakes his head in disbelief. "Well, shit, hell… " he stumbles over his words. "That certainly changes things."

  "It's amazing how much you can learn about people when sex isn't involved."

  His face pops up. "How?"

  "It hasn't been easy and I've caved almost every day. It was the only way to get where we needed to be. She may not be ready to tell me the details of what happened, but I'm piecing it together. Her firm used and abused her. She has scars."

  Pierce may be here to question my choices, but he knows firsthand how delicate it is to deal with a woman with scars. Realization dawns in his eyes. He gets it. "This is it then?"


  "She know yet?"

  "She's in denial," I steal his words from not long ago, "but she's beginning to clue in."

  This earns me a cocky grin. "About fucking time, old man. I was beginning to wonder."

  "You can rest easy."

  "All right then, tell me the plan."


  Ashlyn hustles back and forth between rooms, mumbling to herself as she unpacks. I don't have to hear what she's saying to know she's lost in her head.

  To her credit, she held herself together a lot longer than I expected. She didn't blink an eye when one of my guys came to pick up her bed. There was barely a reaction when her brothers and I broke apart her window seat and hauled the wood to the dumpster. She didn't falter, walking around the house with her parents to get more pictures.

  The only sign of her unease was when she clutched onto Janie during their goodbye. Her mom whispered something in her ear, peered over at me, and sent me a reassuring smile. I gently tugged Ashlyn to me, and we watched her family drive away with her leaning to my side.

  When we got to my house, I grabbed her things, took her hand, and led her straight to the bedroom. She stood in the middle of the room in a daze, looking around like she was seeing it for the first time. My offer to help her unpack was rejected, so I left her alone.

  That was almost an hour ago, and my patience has worn off. I find her in the bathroom crouched in front of the cabinet, lining her things to the side.

  "You almost done?"

  She shakes her head, barely glancing up. "I'm trying not to take up too much room."

  The way she says it doesn't sit well. I don't see any of her personal belongings anywhere else. I take a step back, looking through the doorway into the bedroom, and outside of her purse on my bed, there is no sign of her being here.

  "Where are your things?"

  "I'm putting them away."

  I gently ease her to her feet and twist her to me. It's then I recognize it.

  She's nervous.

  Not just any nervous, she's on the cusp of a full-blown freak out.

  "Talk to me," I urge, running the back of my fingers along her cheek. "Tell me what's happening so I can make it better."

  "There's nothing to tell." She looks from side to side, avoiding eye contact.

  "Try again," I soothe, gliding my hand to the back of her scalp and caressing tenderly. "You're a terrible liar."

  Her green eyes come to mine, and they are reeling in insecurity. "One week ago, I woke up here for the first time, and today I'm moving in. With everything happening, the reality of this situation didn't register until we walked in your door."

  "Let it go. Whatever's nagging at you, let it go."

  "This is spontaneous and reckless. What if it is a colossal mistake?"

  I brush my lips across hers, trailing my tongue along the seam and tasting the faint flavor of vanilla. My cock stirs, wanting more, but I force myself to break away. "Spontaneous and reckless is good. Bring her back to me."


  "The woman who wrapped herself around me last Thursday morning that had finally accepted what's happening."

  Her eyes soften and clear. "I'm still that woman."

  "Does it seem like I'm having second thoughts?"

  She shakes her head.

  "I didn't like not having you with me these last few nights. Out of respect, I stayed away. But nothing has changed for me."

  She falls into me, pressing close. The racing of her heart pulses against my chest. I hold her, running my hands up and down her back until it returns to normal. "Thank you," she murmurs. "I didn't know how much I needed to hear that."

  "There's no trace of you anywhere. That needs to change. I want to see your things placed around the house. This cabinet is all yours, so load it up. We have double sinks, but even if we didn't, you take all the space you need."

  She twists over her shoulder, taking in her side of the bathroom. "Okay, I'll feminize your bachelor pad."


  Her lips curl into a sweet smile. "I missed you."

  Her confession hits me deep in the chest. "I missed you, too, Princess. You've got ten minutes then you're mine. Meet me in the kitchen." I kiss her again, stepping away and forcing one foot in front of the other to walk away before I say fuck it and ruin the plans for tonight.

  Ashlyn may have sp
ent several nights here last week, but tonight is different. I didn't peg my brother as the sappy romantic type, but he made sense when he advised me to make tonight special. Then he followed through by delivering the items on my list this morning.

  I pop the cork on the champagne, set it in the chiller, and move back to the fridge when I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. Ashlyn stands frozen, staring at the counter in complete amazement.

  "Those are my glasses," she rasps, her eyes glued to the delicate stemware.

  "They are."

  "I picked them out. They are for the glass cabinets in my kitchen. They match my entire collection…. How did you…" she trails off, her eyes mixed with emotion.

  "Janie and I had an understanding. Whatever you needed to be comfortable, I wanted to know. I bought the collection."

  "But those are… you did that for… me?" Her hand goes to her chest and I notice it's trembling.

  "Yes, I did this for you. If you'd start paying attention, you'd realize I'll do anything for you."

  She remains quiet, taking it all in. It's easy to see when the understanding washes over her. She reaches up, loosening the hair tie. Her red waves fall loose over her shoulders and her eyes meet mine, glowing with a look that speaks directly to my dick.

  "You said you want me to be comfortable?"


  "Any rules I should know about?"


  "So, it's perfectly okay to leave my clothes lying around?" She tears off her sweater, tossing it to the side.

  I run my teeth along my bottom lip. "When we're in this house alone, clothes aren't necessary."

  "Hmmm." Her leggings are the next to go.

  My cock goes stone-hard, pulsing in my jeans, and I have to adjust myself. She stands in front of me in a skimpy black lace set begging to be ripped from her body.

  She walks to the counter, pouring two glasses of champagne and handing one to me. "What should we toast? Our first night as roommates?"

  She takes a sip, purposely tipping the glass so drops fall to her chest.

  "Oops." She swipes the liquid, bringing her finger to her mouth.

  I force myself to remain in place, enjoying her show. All the blood in my body rushes south, my cock straining to get free.

  She repeats the action, this time letting the droplets trail down her chest and stomach. I drain my glass, take hers, and set them on the counter before tagging her to me.

  "It isn't smart to tease me with your gorgeous fucking body, Princess."

  Sparks light in her eyes and she raises, bringing her mouth to mine. "Time for teasing is over. I want this. I want you." Her hand grazes my dick, closing over the length. "No more holding out. I know why you did it and appreciate your perseverance. This time, you will have all of me."

  My words from that day on the sofa come slamming back to me. I haul her up, working my belt on the way to my room. Once there, I toss her on the bed and strip out of my clothes. She kneels, crawling to the edge of the bed and reaching out.

  "Not a good idea to touch me right now."

  She licks her lips suggestively, flicking the clasp in the middle of her chest, and throws the bra across the room. My eyes lock on her tits as she hooks her thumbs in the lace of her panties.


  I trace across her chest, pinching her nipples lightly before going lower. My fingers move under the fabric, finding their way directly to her slick core. "Fucking soaked."

  "Dripping." She rocks forward, moaning when I slip two inside.

  "Hold on to me, baby."

  Her eyes grow fiery and she shakes her head. "I want you."

  "Over seven months without you combined with your little strip tease has awakened the beast. I haven't waited this long to fuck you like an animal."

  "Maybe I want it wild."

  "Careful. You haven't even touched me and I'm primed. My cock has a mind of its own. Once I sink inside you, there's no soft and gentle. You need to be ready."

  "I'm very ready." Her hand closes around my dick, her thumb sliding across my slit.

  "Shit," I hiss, my hips pumping into her hand against my will. Primal need for this woman speeds through my veins. I twist my fingers inside her, curling and pumping until her breath hitches. My thumb strums over her clit, finding a rhythm. She grinds down, increasing her strokes. My balls grow heavy and a sense of urgency jolts through my system.

  "Come for me, baby. Let me see you come apart against my hand."

  Her eyes glaze over in a glossy sheen when I apply pressure and thrust deeper, finding the right spot. Her grip on me loosens as her breathing picks up. She trembles, swaying a little. "Let it go."

  I continue playing with her until she falls forward, crying out my name. That's all it takes for my control to snap.

  "I'll buy you fucking more."

  I grip the sides of the lace and shred the material. She grins triumphantly, releasing her grip on my cock. I lean us back, bracing on my elbows.

  She links her legs around my waist and threads her hands in my hair. Our eyes lock as she swivels her hips until my dick glides through her wetness.

  "Only us."

  She nods, fully understanding my statement. No barriers, she’s getting all of me.

  Inch by inch, she takes me, stretching around my length. The heat of her flesh welcomes me until I'm buried deep. I stare down at her, possession and need searing through my system.

  "I'm okay," she assures me, scrubbing her fingers through my hair.

  "Princess, outside of that morning, this is the first time I've ever been bare. Your pussy is tight, your heat wrapped around my dick is threatening my self-control. You have no fucking idea how it feels."

  My brain memorizes the look on her face, knowing this is mine for the rest of our lives.

  She shifts up, shredding my thoughts. "Another thing that belongs to only you. Stop holding back because you think I need gentle. We've had a week of torturous foreplay. Now I want the untamed."

  That's all she has to say for me to drive down hard. She arcs off the bed, clutching my scalp firmer. I don't let up, pummeling into her over and over with the force of a madman. Her legs fall to the side, opening herself wider.

  "Harder," she rasps, clenching her inner muscles.

  My hips drive faster, finding a rhythm, pounding into her relentlessly. Her breath comes in wisps as her eyes come back to mine. She's so fucking beautiful in this moment. Taking my brutal force, giving herself fully to me in a way we both have never had.

  The familiar sense of possession races through me. "Get there, baby."

  "I'm with you." She plants her feet, surging up, and my whole body catches fire.

  Fuck, I'm a goner, powerless to her seduction. I swell inside her, slam up once more, and barely hear her screams over the ringing in my ears. She flies up, holding on and trembling. My dick jerks as I pour into her, feeling every pulse as it coats her.

  Unable to hold myself up, my arms give out, and we collapse back to the bed, me rolling us to keep from crushing her. Her chest heaves against mine, the warmth of her breath spreading over my throat.

  "Fuck, baby. Please tell me I didn't hurt you."

  She stays quiet for a few seconds until a small giggle escapes, and she hauls herself up, staying seated on me. "You in no way hurt me."

  I just came harder than I have in my life, but my cock isn't ready to quit. She scores her nails down my chest and abs, my muscles flexing at her touch. The flush of her face, the glow of her eyes, the sight of her sitting astride me… all of it burns in my brain. I know this woman fucking owns me.

  Chapter 14


  The arm draped over my waist tenses at the same time his breathing pattern picks up. I don't dare move, savoring these last few seconds before our day starts. Last night was easily the best night of my life and selfishly I want to stay in this bed all day, losing myself in him and making up for lost time.

  Even though I've woken up several time
s in this same position, this morning is different.

  Everything is different.

  There is no more living in a state of denial. This thing between Miller and me is real and it's happening.

  My clothes are hanging in his closet and tucked into his dresser drawers. I have my side of the bathroom, and my toiletries are scattered around the sink. All of my things are stored in his garage next to where my car is parked.

  I'm officially living with my boyfriend. One month in Charleston and my life has taken more twists and turns than ever before.

  That's not the only official thing. I'm in love with Miller Kendrick. One hundred percent, head-over-heels, have babies and grow old, in love with him.

  "It's too early for your brain to be this active." His husky voice washes over me.

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "Your heart is racing, and there's a little quiver in your stomach that's lively against my arm."

  Those little quivers go into a full-out flutter, and I find his hand, lacing my fingers with his.

  "Want to tell me what's on your mind?"

  "Cut me some slack. It's the first morning I'm waking up in my new place with my boyfriend. This is a monumental occasion that deserves some dedicated brain space."

  I don't need to see his face to know he's smiling. "Yeah, I can cut you some slack. As long as this isn't a segue into you wigging out."

  "I think you're safe."

  "Fuck, I don't want to get up."

  "I know what you mean." I snuggle deeper into his hard, warm body and feel the unmistakable tic of his erection on my lower back.

  He slides our joined hands lower, nudging them between my thighs, and rolls his thumb across my clit.

  "Hmmm," I moan appreciatively, the flutters going into overdrive.

  "Help me out here, darlin'."

  I hitch my calf over his and tilt back until I am completely open to him. He untwines our fingers and glides his along my slit, skillfully teasing the sensitive skin until I'm pretty sure I'm panting.

  "So fucking wet." He nibbles on my earlobe softly.


  "You know how fucking sexy it is knowing that's all mine?"

  All I can do is nod, understanding the meaning behind his words. My sexual experience isn't as vast as his, but never once have I had a lover without protection. Last night, we gave in to the wild and intense passion I never knew possible. Whatever memories I held on to shattered immediately. The moment he slid into me, looking down with a savage possession, rocked me to my bones. When we exploded, I felt every pulse as he emptied inside me.


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