Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2) Page 21

by Ahren Sanders

  He looks at me, torn and uneasy, but I get it. "I'll take care of her."

  He kisses her and grabs a bag, disappearing into the private bathroom.

  She reaches for my hand again, and I comply. "You know this could go on for hours, sitting here waiting."

  "It could also go quick. It's better to be ready for anything."

  "Any chance we can barricade the door until we figure it out?"

  The door swings open again, and the crowd files in. Annie, Edward, Evin, Jill, Warren, Stephanie, Renee… I lose count as my chest squeezes. Throughout it, Darby holds my hand. It isn't until I feel Miller's arms around my waist, his face at my neck, and his lips at my ear, that she loosens her grip.

  "Princess, you did well."

  My heart takes over hammering as the impact hits me. Months ago, I would have called nine-one-one and had no idea what to do. But this is family. My instincts knew.

  This is my life. And it all overwhelms me too much, but at the same time not at all.

  "I think I need to—"

  "Got you." Miller bends down, kisses Darby's cheek, and leads us through the throng of family, taking us into an empty room. "You did great."

  "For a split second, I was scared, but Darby wasn't. Right after her water broke, I kinda lost it, but she gave me a verbal slap in the face and it all clicked. She was so unruffled, so peaceful—even knowing the immense gravity of what was happening. It was… I can't even explain. She is amazing."

  "You are amazing."

  "I did what anyone would have done for the people they love. I wish you could have seen the serenity on her face when she slid into my car. It was," I search for the right word, "inspiring."

  He grips my jaw, making me face him. His gorgeous blue eyes pierce deep, the heat and affection bleeding into me. My hands go to his chest, clutching his shirt to remain standing.

  "I swore to myself the next time we had this conversation it would be different. I wouldn't be fucking you against your fireplace, and we sure as hell wouldn't be standing in an empty room in a hospital amid chaos, but it is what it is, and life happens."

  I brace with the severity of his tone and intensity in his posture. "Sweetie?"

  "I love you. I love you so fucking much it's an addiction. What you did this afternoon aside, I think I've loved you since you slid your sexy ass in a barstool next to mine."

  His words wash over me, and I'm helpless to the tears that spill down my cheeks. "Miller, I love you, too."

  He closes his eyes, laying his forehead to mine and exhaling sharply. "Say it again."

  "I love you. I love this. I'm scared out of my mind right now for many reasons, but the instant you wrapped your arms around me in that room a few minutes ago, I was in my safe place. You do that for me. You give me that security and protection."

  His hand moves from my jaw to my back, and his arms wrap back around me. Now that the damn has broken I can't stop talking.

  "It's not only that, it's the way you take care of me, the way you push me, the way you take care of those you love. It's everything. And I knew the day you drove me to your house to politely hand me my ass for being a know-it-all haughty bitch that I loved you. It petrified me. It still does."

  "Shut it, Ashlyn,"

  I press my lips together, my gut churning at his silence. "Maybe I shouldn't have…"

  His eyes snap open, and the coiling stops, my stomach pitching into freefall at the hunger blazing back at me.

  "Been waiting weeks to hear those words from your lips, and I'm pissed as hell we're in a place I can't show you how much they mean to me. I'm trying to beat back the brutal instinct to throw you on that hospital bed and bury myself inside you."

  "Of course, I love you."

  "Wish it wasn't crisis mode when you told me this."

  "I told you that night at my house!" I insist.

  "No, you didn't. You told me with your body, but not with the words. I would have remembered."

  "It's the same thing!"

  "Stop being defensive, Princess, and say it again." He tilts my face and runs his lips along mine.

  I fold with an emotional adrenaline high. "I love you, Miller Kendrick. You're domineering, arrogant, bossy, and yet I am madly in love with every bit."

  He smiles against my mouth. "Knew you'd grow into it."

  "I'll add cocky to the list."

  "As soon as we're out of here, I'll show you cocky."

  I stretch up on my toes, circle my arms around his neck, and brush my lips across his. "Considering this room is our only chance at privacy, maybe we should take advantage."

  A husky growl rumbles in his throat right before he crushes his mouth to mine, his tongue sweeping around as he kisses me possessively. I melt into him, giving him full access and control, memorizing this moment that I know has changed my life. He doesn't slow, going deeper, his lips moving urgently as if he's trying to consume me. His hands slide down, cupping my ass and rolling his hips to mine. I purr down his throat, hitch a leg around his hip, and thrust forward. Electricity sizzles, desire builds, and I intentionally rub myself against his thickness.

  "Fuck." He tears his mouth away, dropping his face to my neck. "So fucking hot, grinding against me, my dick begging for your pussy, and I'm in a goddamn maternity room."

  His words sink in, and I can't stop the giggle that bubbles up and escapes. Soon I'm in a fit, shaking against him. "You realize the irony of this, right?"

  "You vibrating against my cock with each tremor of your body? You think this is funny?" he replies gruffly against my skin.

  "No, the fact that sex generally leads to the maternity ward."

  His arms clutch so tight, the air leaves my lungs. He raises his face and I fight for breath for a different reason.

  "Say the word. The instant you tell me you're ready and give me the green light, it'll be my life’s mission to be standing right here, by your side, while our families wait."

  "Miller," his name is barely audible over the pounding of my heart, "are you saying? You want to try for a baby? You want us to—?" I stumble over the possibility.

  My vision grows blurry, and I'm lightheaded, sure I'm about to black out.

  "Princess, breathe deep and focus on me."

  I do the first, but finding focus is difficult.

  "The answer to your questions is yes. All of it. But I can see it freaks you the hell out. So, let's go back a few steps."

  "Impossible. You just told me you want me to have your baby."

  "I also told you I love you. For a man like me, they go hand in hand." His eyes glitter again, and his lips curve in that way that tells me he's amused.

  "If you laugh at me right now, I'm taking everything back," I snap, my wits returning.

  "Can't take it back, but glad to know that even freaked you can find the sass."

  I drop my leg from his hip and narrow my eyes. "You are about to take a beautifully romantic and memorable conversation and turn it into an argument."

  He smiles wide, stealing a kiss, and squeezes my ass to hold me in place. "I'm not looking for an argument, Princess. I'm changing the subject so you don't pass out."

  There's no time to respond because there's a hustle behind us and I turn to find everyone now in the hall. Thankfully, Miller releases his hold, whirls me around, and casually drapes his arms around my waist.

  Stephanie spots us first, coming in. "The nurse and anesthesiologist are talking with Darby now. She's pretty set on waiting, but knowing this is a big baby, doctors are concerned she may wait too long and get into immense pain. Annie got us kicked out when she leaped on the side of the bed to hold Darby down, demanding the doctor do it now."

  I snort, slapping my hand over my mouth.

  "It's okay to laugh. For a split second, I thought about joining in on holding her down, but we were ushered out."

  Todd comes to her side, linking his arm around her. "Baby, I'm glad you aren't the one that got us all booted. Saw it on your face, didn't know if I should
hold you back or take off my belt to help secure her to the bed."

  I openly laugh now, feeling Miller's chest vibrate at my back.

  "Anyway, I think we're heading back to Pierce and Darby's. Todd desperately needs a shower, and we need to get the kids some things."

  "Oh no, Runner!" I angle my face to Miller. "He was with us when this all happened. He was hassling when I dashed out the back. We're supposed to take care of him."

  "Your brothers cool with taking him tonight while we sit here?"

  "Yes, they love dogs."

  "We'll swing by and get him. I'll shower, we'll fill your family in, grab some takeout and head back."

  "Yes, that sounds like a plan. Did the valet give you my key fob?"

  "Yeah." He rolls his eyes in unexplained exasperation. "He also gave me the five hundred dollars you shoved in his hand."

  My eyes pop wide. "I thought it was a few fives and was too distracted to care. But he deserves every bit. I was in charge of Darby Kendrick!"

  "Babe, I love you taking care of her, but you will need that money to replace those fabulous Dior booties. What the hell happened?" Stephanie is staring at my feet with a mixture of sadness and sympathy. "Scottie will want to have a proper burial for them."

  "Oh." I swing my foot out. "Actually, they are a casualty of the best kind. Darby's water breaking was a big production."

  There are two very masculine, very sharp, intakes of breath, and Stephanie's expression turns horrified. "You are covered in amniotic fluid?"

  It finally hits me how this may be a total gross-out. "Ummm…"

  "That's it, we all need showers. Let's round up the kids and hit the road." Miller manhandles me out the door, mumbling under his breath about me humping him with 'that' all over me.

  "Hey, remember your disgust next time you drop the baby bomb." I play.

  "My woman, my baby, my bodily fluids, I'll handle. There's a huge difference."

  He stops by his parents, explains what our plan is. When he tells Cole and Maya the same, they back away apprehensively. I get it immediately, the look of fierce protection and adoration radiating from them. They aren't cool with leaving Darby.

  "Why don't you text Uncle Miller what you need, and I'll get it?" I offer softly.

  Both their shoulders sag in relief and they nod.

  We say our goodbyes, Miller refusing to let me drive and taking us to get Runner. I call my brothers, who, as expected, are cool with taking care of him. Then I call my parents, who are already on their way to Miller's from their hotel.

  When we get to Pierce and Darby's, I gather the items for the kids, get Runner's things, and find Miller hosing off the front porch. "One less thing to do tomorrow," he explains, loading us in his truck.

  Runner's depression takes a turn as soon as we arrive at Miller's and Austin and Andrew are tossing a ball, waiting in the front. The dog leaps over me to get to them, joining the fun.

  Mom and Dad are sitting on his small front porch, watching and looking very much in place.

  "How is she?" Mom asks as soon as I hit the stairs.

  "Awesome. Stephanie talked to her about five minutes ago and said she's still holding out on the epidural because things are comfortable."

  "She'll know when it's time."

  "Hell, Pierce should make a stand. Never in my life wanted to wring your neck as much as when you were in labor," Dad barks at her.

  "Pierce can't make her do anything," I point out sternly.

  Miller chuckles, and Dad shoots him a knowing look. "Yeah."

  "Guys, I know this isn't what we expected, but I can hang around and make dinner if you'd like. I hate to ruin our last night together."

  My mom jerks back, appalled. Dad's face goes hard.

  "Honey, I get you’re stressed, but that's a ridiculous thing to offer. This is family. We may be new to the Kendricks and Grahams, but we know family. We're perfectly capable of cooking our dinner and entertaining ourselves."

  "Thanks, Mom."

  "And while we're on the subject, we extended our stay at least a day. We want to meet the baby when Darby is up to it. Brasher was exceptionally amenable, offering as long as we like."

  "Doesn't everyone have to get back to work?" I pivot to my brothers who are now close.

  "My boss is cool," Austin answers on a chuckle, pointing at Dad.

  "I'm good, have my computer if anyone needs me." Andrew takes pity on a dancing Runner and tosses the ball high in the air for him. "Besides, I'm not missing the chance to meet little Andrew. Darby has a thing for me. She's probably naming her firstborn in my namesake."

  Everyone takes it as a joke, laughing along. And I try hard, but I can't cover the knot in my throat. For years, I stuck to a strict schedule, never once overstaying my trip’s homes, citing the importance of being in the office. Billing my hours, managing my clients, attending stupid partner meetings, hoping to be recognized.

  My great-grandmother died, and I was on a plane four hours after her service because I couldn't fathom missing the annual client appreciation event that they expected me to attend.

  No one cared how much I loved my Gamma; they cared if my ass was in Chanel, schmoozing to land the next multi-million-dollar merger with my firm.

  It hits me with so much force, the realization of what's happening—Miller's beautiful declaration of love, Darby clutching onto me as she felt the tale-tell signs of her baby coming, the past few days and nights, the previous months…

  "Miller, man, I think you better get her," Dad says, but I barely hear.

  I can't stop the tremors that take over right as I let out an unflattering wail, tears pouring out. My hands fly to my face as I'm hoisted off my feet and in Miller's hold.

  "It's been an emotional few hours," he clarifies. "She needs a shower and possibly a shot."

  "You do what you need to do for her. She's been living in a state of loneliness for so long. We expected this," Mom praises.

  "I'll handle the shot. Saw the tequila earlier," Andrew offers.

  "I'm okay," I choke out.

  "Sure you are, baby. Go get a shower. We'll be here when you get out, and we've got Runner," Mom soothes.

  Miller moves us across the porch, and I cling to him, trying my best to hold back the sobs bubbling in my chest.

  "I got you, baby. Let it go."

  "This is family, my family!" I spew out.

  He stops, places his lips on my forehead, and kisses lightly. "No, Princess, this is our family."

  Chapter 18


  Ashlyn tiptoes around the bed, clicking picture after picture on my phone, and I hang back wondering why the hell she's insistent on getting so many of Darby, Pierce, and the little blanket covered baby, all sleeping together in the hospital bed.

  As if she senses my question, she glares at me and places her finger to her lips.

  I throw my hands out in defense.

  She stomps silently.

  Pierce stirs, sliding his arm across Darby. "Baby, we can stop pretending. Miller's losing patience."

  Darby giggles and Ashlyn beams daggers at me.

  "You good, man?" I step up to the side of the bed.

  "Yeah." His blue eyes are so full of peace it settles over me. "This time, right here, it's what a man can only dream about."

  Darby nuzzles into him, sighing in contentment and moving the baby to his chest. Ashlyn's breath hitches, and I know she gets it.

  Years ago, we did this twice. Both times he was filled with hatred for himself and shame, it was hard to swallow. Today is a different scene. My new nephew may never leave their arms. And I don't blame them one fucking bit.

  "Did we wake you?" Ashlyn comes to my side and reaches over to run her fingertip over the baby's exposed cheek.

  "I have a teenager, a stubborn wife, and a son that tries to pull one on me every day. Rarely, I don't wake," Peirce answers her, placing his hand on the baby's chest. "And now a son who will need to eat soon."

  "And I have a husb
and that is a nutcase about my sleep, so I slept all morning," Darby adds. "We were resting when y'all came in."

  "The cavalry is on the way. You up for it?"

  "Yes," comes from Darby at the same time Pierce grumbles, "No."

  "Give the word, brother. I'll have Ashlyn sling the bitch, and the ice will stall them for at least an hour."

  "That is not funny, Miller."

  "Man, if I thought it would work, I'd piss her off myself," Pierce talks over her.

  "Hello, should we be cussing around the precious new human?"

  "Are you kidding? With this family?" Darby laughs loudly, jostling the baby, who scrunches his little face so much I'm prepared for a wail. Instead, like a natural, Darby runs her nose along his cheek and he calms, never opening his eyes.

  "Seriously, I think I lost the bitch. She's gone."

  "Spend some time with Pierce and she'll come back easily," Darby urges. "Or push a nine and a half pound baby out of your vagina. That works, too."

  I cringe, not having a vagina, but looking at my nephew and knowing he did not make this easy on his mom.

  He came into the world a little after midnight with Pierce glued to Darby's side. Annie had been in the room most of the labor, but somewhere close to the end, she joined us in the waiting room with wet eyes and explained she hated leaving, but the moment he came belonged to Pierce and Darby.

  Annie Graham was a nut, outspoken, and opinionated, but she loved her children fiercely. She went through hell with Darby, and even though this is her first grandchild, an event seventeen years in the making, she knew when she needed to step away. Which also meant she was a big softie.

  I told her this.

  She leveled me an artic glare but said nothing. A few minutes later, I found her introducing Ashlyn to a Pediatric doctor on call. The man couldn't take his eyes off of her, and when he took out his card, scribbling on the back and handing it to Ashlyn, I growled.

  Annie glowed, grinning at me sardonically and sending her message. Everyone thought it was hilarious. I did not. But I thawed a little when I realized she had used me to lighten the mood amongst the anxiety and tension in the room.


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