Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2) Page 32

by Ahren Sanders

  Today is our official housewarming party with every project done. Our renovated guesthouse complements the main house perfectly because of Ashlyn's design. And the outside turned into a huge outdoor oasis, unlike anything we ever imagined. It rivals her parents' backyard ten times over.

  There's a commotion at the back patio, alerting me that the couple of the day has arrived. All the women swarm Stephanie, snatching her from Todd's hold. Even in the distance, it's hard to miss the diamond on her finger.

  They are the largest celebration of the day.

  When Todd told me he was planning to propose, I immediately guided him differently.

  "Don't ask, make it happen," was my advice.

  "You got any ideas?"

  "Yeah, slide that shit on her finger, tell her you're getting married, and be prepared for her punch to the balls."

  "And then?"

  "Give Scottie a head's up so you can give her the wedding of her dreams."

  He half-listened to me, calling the next day with a limp. I laughed my ass off when he told me she is literally a 'ball buster'.

  "At least you got the ring on her finger. Nice rock," I comment when he steps to my side.

  "You and Pierce set a high bar. Every ring I looked at, Scottie was in my ear, critiquing and comparing. Many times I regretted taking him with me."

  I glance back at the group of women and zero in on Stephanie. The happy glow radiates around her. "I think you could have given her a pebble and she'd still be happy."

  "Not sure about that."

  "Man, I've only known her a few years, but I told you before, she's family. I'm fucking happy for you."


  "Going to give you a piece of advice."

  He arches his eyebrows and crosses his arms. "This should be good. Last time severely limited my chance for children."

  "Brace, man, because these women—Darby, Ashlyn, and Stephanie—they're three of a kind. It's not always easy, but you've just gotten on the best thrill ride of your life. Every day it gets better."

  "Got it. We going to pour martinis and share stories, too?" he replies coyly, smirking.


  "You going to stand up there with me when we make this thing official?"

  "No place else for me to be."

  "Figure Ashlyn and Darby will be there with us."

  "I'd assume. You going big?"

  "Not my gig. I offered my two cents for a beach wedding and Scottie threw a hissy fit."

  "What's wrong with a beach wedding?"

  "Apparently, it's unpredictable."

  I nod.

  "I made one demand."

  "What is that?"

  "They have three months."

  "Generous of you, but be ready for disappointment. I shot for six weeks and had to wait thirteen."

  “Well, if I was going for the day we met, I'd have to wait until next May. That shit ain't happening."

  "I hear ya."

  He looks back at his fiancée, then slowly scans the property. It's easy to read his thoughts before he even says, "This is fucking unreal. What started as a renovation turned into a palace."

  "Palace for a Princess."

  "You Kendrick brothers make the rest of us look like amateurs."

  "Take notes."

  "Arrogant son of a bitch." He grins, punching my arm. "I'm getting a damn beer."

  The gaggle of women breaks up, spreading out, and I see my opportunity. My eyes dart to find Cole waiting. I tip my chin in signal, and when Ashlyn's less than five feet away, he takes off running, gently knocking into her enough that she loses her balance.

  I step in, catching her in my arms. When I know we're close, I stumble backward, bracing as we free fall into the pool. She shrieks so loud it vibrates in my ears, even underwater.

  Her body flails against me, but I hold tight, standing and arranging her around me. The shock wears off and she narrows her eyes.

  "Miller Matthew Kendrick!" she spews, wiping water from her face. "You scoundrel!"


  "There are children around or I'd call you an asshole."

  "I didn't get your hair wet." I lean in to steal a kiss before she really gets going.

  There's a huge explosion of laughter from everyone around.

  "Finally! Pool's open!" Cole does a cannonball close, splashing us, and this time her hair gets a dose.

  Her head swivels between him and me, and she shoves hard on my shoulders. "You orchestrated that."

  "You should have skinny-dipped with me last night. Then we could have properly opened the pool."

  She huffs at the same time Evin comes to stand at the edge above us. "About time, I've been waiting forever. There's a lounger over there with my name on it." He points to the sun shelf.

  "Were all of you in on this?" Ashlyn asks in irritation.

  "Cole may be a terrific prankster, but he's an awful secret-keeper. He's been hopped up on energy, waiting for his show."

  She slices her eyes back to mine, a little growl rumbling from her throat. Evin chuckles, giving me a chin jerk on his way around the deck.

  "You're in trouble. And not only for dragging me in the pool against my will."

  "What else did I do?"

  "You knew Todd was proposing and didn't share with me."

  "Why the hell would I tell you? It was supposed to be a surprise."

  "I can keep a secret!" she defends with an irritated whisper. "Have you forgotten I'm keeping the biggest secret in my life?"

  I look deep into her eyes, sliding my hand under the material and around to rest on her lower abdomen. It's too soon for her body to experience many changes, but my fingers still trace the non-existent bump. "No, Princess, I haven't forgotten. If it was up to me, we'd be adding it to the long list of today's celebrations."

  "Doctor, confirmation, how far along, approximate due date," she reminds me of her list.

  "Baby, I've looked at half a dozen tests that gave me my confirmation."

  "Yes, but I want to hear it from the doctor on Monday."

  "You know everyone is on baby watch, right?"

  "I'm hoping Darby has taken their attention off of us."

  We both look to the side where Darby and Pierce are lying under the outdoor cabana with a sleeping Devin in his little swing. Runner is lying dutifully on the ground next to them. My brother is drinking a beer, curled around his wife, with his free hand draped on her lower stomach.

  Our wedding gave Darby an excuse to push Pierce's family plan back a little. He gave in but inwardly didn't slow his efforts.

  They found out about her pregnancy while we were on our honeymoon. Her history made her cautious to reveal they were expecting again, but it didn't last long. Similar to the first time, Evin sensed it immediately.

  My focus comes back to her, and my hand presses flat to her stomach. "If it's a girl, I want to name her."

  "Do you have something in mind?"


  She melts, pressing her forehead to mine. "I love you so much."

  We stay this way, lost in each other, with the sound of the party happening all around us.


  I flip off the last light, closing down the house just as my cell rings. The name on the screen doesn't surprise me.

  "Hey," I say low, not to wake Ashlyn who's asleep on the couch.

  The line is quiet, and I check to make sure the call didn't drop. He clears his throat and I stop dead. "Dozer?”

  "Almost nine weeks?" His question is laced with emotion.

  It's been a few hours since we finished our calls to the families to announce Ashlyn's pregnancy. Andrew was with us when we called Dozer, Janie, and Austin. Janie burst into tears on FaceTime, which triggered the avalanche of emotions in Ashlyn. They cried together, and at one point, I caught Andrew swiping his eye. No one said much as Janie peppered us with questions.

  It was obvious Dozer was processing the news in his own way. I've been expec
ting this call. "Nine weeks," I confirm.

  "She's happy." It's a statement loaded with meaning.

  "We both are."

  "You did that. You're giving her everything."

  There's no doubt he knows the intensity of my devotion to his daughter. Now is not the time to point out it's Ashlyn that gives me everything.

  “‘Til the day I die," is my response.

  "You're about to be a dad, Miller. One day soon you'll understand when I say this. Thank you, son." With that, the line goes dead.

  I close my eyes and blow out a breath, letting the weight of his words sink in. The events of the day roll through my mind. Based on dates and lab tests, the doctor estimates Ashlyn got pregnant within the days surrounding our wedding. Her system had no issues flushing birth control.

  I argued it was my relentless effort, which got me a deadly glare in the exam room. It didn't faze me one bit. Now, watching her sleep, I picture when the doctor pointed to the dot on the monitor and her hand trembled in mine.

  Her eyes bright, smile wide, and beauty glowing… all of it like the first time I saw her.

  Sheer perfection.

  I go to her, sliding my arms under her knees and back, lifting her from the sofa. She stirs, her eyes hooded and sleepy, coming to mine.

  "Time for bed, sleeping beauty."

  She nuzzles into my chest, settling her arms between us.

  "Did I dream it, or were you talking?"

  "Your dad called."

  "He wasn't surprised."

  "No, I don't think so."

  "Everyone knew."

  "They were expecting this. I didn't hide my intentions. Doesn't change their excitement." I make it to the bedroom and ease us down, leaning against the headboard and situating her across me.

  "Poor Stephanie."

  "Why poor Stephanie? She especially knew this was coming."

  "But both her bridesmaids pregnant? That's going to be a buzzkill."

  "No, it's not. Scottie and Billy can take up the slack."

  She peers up at me, her lips twitching. "I'm guessing our bachelorette party in Vegas will be a much different experience than she envisioned."

  I stiffen, my blood pressure spiking. "Bachelorette in Vegas?"


  I wait a split second for her to add something about changing plans. When she doesn't, my hands go to her ribcage and twist her to straddle me.

  "You're not going to Vegas."

  "As long as it's safe, I am."

  "Bull fucking shit!" My voice is louder than intended, but she gets my point. "You're not going across the damn country, especially now."

  "Here we go." She scoots back on my thighs and cups my jaw. "Miller, listen to me. They warned me about this but didn't think it would come so soon. We need to set some things straight."


  "You'll experience a lot of emotional changes and mood swings. There are things out of your control, but you must go with it." She repeats verbatim what my mom told her earlier.

  "Those are your instructions, not mine."

  "They apply to you. Because you will not turn into a maniacal beast for the next thirty weeks."

  "It's not maniacal if I'm taking care of my wife."

  "I'm not going to break, nor am I going to do anything risky. If Stephanie stays on track with a trip to Vegas, I'll be by her side and be safe."

  "Not going to happen." I make a mental note to call Todd. "Peirce will agree."

  "We'll see." The glint in her eye tells me I'm in for a fight unless Todd can persuade his fiancée to drop this. These women won’t give in.

  "Princess, not going to fight over this."

  "No, we're not. And we're also not going to fight that this week, I'm thinking about going back to work."

  I jerk, not expecting her to drop this bomb. "Now?"

  "Yes, you knew this was coming."

  "But now? With a baby?" She's right, I knew she was getting antsy, but today changed things.

  "Pregnant women work, Miller. The beauty of it is I'm able to make my own choices. It would be a shame not to get into my new office soon. I think I'm ready to put out some feelers."

  "Baby, you want to work again, I'll support you. But fuck me if you're going back to twelve-hour days."

  "Contract or part-time for the time being. Something lighter and less stressful."

  "I can get on board with that."

  She leans in, bringing her lips to mine. "Baby mania is about to implode in our world. Get ready."

  "Bring it on."

  She smiles before kissing me lightly. "I had my catnap. Think you wanna do that skinny-dipping thing with your baby mama?"

  My body twists, bracing before my weight hits her. "I think I want to have my baby mama in our bed right now."

  She slings her leg around my hip, scrubbing her nails along my jaw. "Maybe tomorrow night."

  "We'll call your doctor tomorrow and ask if it's safe."

  "To swim? Of course it's safe."

  "Swimming with you naked will lead to me fucking you in our pool."

  She presses her hips up, grinding purposefully. "You know this baby could very well have been conceived in a pool."

  I groan, bucking against her, and remembering that morning vividly. The image of her seated fully on my cock as she floated before me. The sun and water reflecting off her skin as I pounded into her. I'd been an animal, but she'd taken every brutal thrust, her body flying out of the water when she came, taking me over the edge with her.

  The hunger building in her eyes tells me she remembers the same.

  "We'll be kick-ass parents."

  "Yes, I think so, too."


  My phone beeps from the nightstand, and I carefully scoot out from under Ashlyn, grabbing it on the way to the kitchen. There's no need to read the text to know who it's from.

  "You good?" Pierce answers mid-ring.

  "Better than good." Devin's little giggle flows through the line. "He's up?"

  "It's unusual, but too much excitement at your place today has him wired. I sent Darby to bed a little while ago. Knew you'd be up. Remember the adrenaline rush that comes with the first night of confirmation."

  "Yeah, it's unreal."

  "Only gets better, brother. Told you this before, but your life is truly beginning again."

  "Can't fucking wait."

  "Happy for you, Miller. Never in a million fucking years saw this coming until the day we drove up to that house."

  "Fate has a way of stepping in."

  "Have you been listening to Mom again?"

  I chuckle, shaking my head. "That was all Dad."

  We stay silent for a few seconds, then I answer the unspoken question. "I'm calling Todd tomorrow. He's going to nix this Vegas shit."

  "Figured you'd handle it. But it doesn't mean Darby didn't pitch a fit when I told her she wasn't going to Vegas without me for a goddamn bachelorette party."

  "I'm on it."

  "Enjoy tonight, man. Pleased as shit I get to go through this with you."

  "Ditto. Talk tomorrow."

  We hang up and I take a look around before heading straight back to Ashlyn's side. My mind goes to thoughts of our future family. It hits me immediately exactly why Pierce is aiming for five more kids.

  This feeling is fucking immeasurable.

  Yeah, my life finally makes sense.


  There are a lot of people behind the scenes that keep me going, and when the time comes, help me prepare the roll out. Thank you to my editor, graphic designer, and the group of women that throw in your advice and wealth of knowledge to encourage me.

  A special THANK YOU to you- the reader-for purchasing, downloading, and reading this book. Without your support this would not be possible. Hope you are ready for the ride as the Southern Charmers Series continues. Evin Graham is about to meet the woman who will turn his perfectly crafted world upside down.

  *Hint, I dropp
ed a few clues throughout this storyline to give you insight.

  Happy Reading!

  Bonus Extravaganza

  Not ready to let Miller and Ashlyn go?

  With the renovations complete and Ashlyn as his wife, you’d think Miller’s life would calm down…Not a chance.

  There’s never a dull moment with this crew as they gather together for another celebration. Be prepared for an unexpected surprise that Evin never saw coming.

  Click here for an added Bonus Scene- I Can't Wait to Read More

  Stay tuned for Evin’s story— Book three in the Southern Charmers Series coming soon!

  Have You Met Pierce Kendrick?

  Learn Where it All Began….Enjoy the Prologue of Pierced Hearts



  I turn off the engine, taking a moment to admire the landscape of my parents’ property. Everything looks the same, but I couldn’t feel more different. It’s been a long time since I lived my life without a plan.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Lynda rolling Mom onto the terrace. Runner, my golden retriever, crawls halfway across the console, excited to finally be here.

  “What do you think, boy? Ready for some changes?”

  He barks his reply.

  We jump out, and he races to the fields, checking out his new surroundings. My heart leaps when my mom stands, taking four steps away from her wheelchair, and extends her arms to me.


  “Get your skinny butt up here!” she haughtily calls back.

  I cross the distance and almost collapse into her arms. It’s been seven long weeks since her surgery. Seeing her stand and take those steps sends relief flooding through me. Of course, Dad, Lynda, my brother, Mom’s physical therapist, and her doctor had all sent videos, but witnessing it in person makes it all the more real. She’s fine.

  “Looking good, old woman. Glad you fixed yourself. I was dreading coming back here to a lazy slug.”


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