That Which is Unexpected

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That Which is Unexpected Page 13

by A. L. Bridges

  Between the three of them lies the capacity of the modern male’s descriptive words to use when describing a woman’s level of attractiveness: Cute, Sexy, and DAMN! I’ll leave who is which up to interpretation.

  “Umm… how do I look, Cole?” Cheza coyly asks.

  “You… umm… you…” I say while simultaneously trying to stand and dislodge the foot from my mouth. I succeed at one.

  “DAMN!” I shout as I trip on the table leg and fall face first into Sara’s chest, knocking her down in the process.

  “I bet your face hurts now doesn’t it?” Tia asks while nodding.

  “Bitch,” Sara mumbles as I extract myself from her slightly under-cushioned bosom, not that I’m suicidal enough to ever tell her that.

  “You know Cole, I bet that I wouldn’t fall down if you fell into me. You would probably just bounce right off!” Tia adds while I help Sara to her feet.

  Sara’s expression tells me that Tia is only a few seconds away from getting slapped, and I’m only a few seconds away from having a major catfight on my hands.

  “SO! Shall we go?” I loudly ask while trying to diffuse this situational bomb by grabbing Sara’s arm and forcefully leading her towards the door. I open up the door for Sara, look back, and see that I may have inadvertently caused another situation. I hold the door open for Tia and a pouting Cheza before following Cheza out the door.

  “You look beautiful by the way,” I whisper into Cheza’s ear as I pass by to open the car door for her.

  I know that the second bomb diffusing is a success when I see Cheza smiling as I close her door. I go to the other side, enter the car, and we are on our way. I find myself repeatedly shooting glances over at Cheza. It’s really hard not to.


  I jump and yelp as that lights up inside my mind like a giant neon sign. That damned Airi! I look around and see that Tia and Cheza have turned to look at me and Sara is looking at me through the rearview mirror.

  “Sorry, I thought I just saw a bat fly by the window,” I say as an excuse. This seems to satiate the other two, but Tia continues to look at me with concern. I mouth “Later” at her, which gets her to turn around.

  We arrive at our destination: a jazz lounge in Scottsdale. I go around the car, open the door for Cheza, and help her out. I hold out my arm for her to take, not so much out of gentlemanly pride as it is for the fact that I’m not about to allow the birthday girl to trip and fall. Cheza takes my arm as I see Tia grab two presents from the back of the car. We go inside the restaurant and Sara tells the host of our reservation. He leads us back to a circular booth in the corner with a clear view of the band.

  We order, eat, and then the band starts playing a jazz rendition of Happy Birthday. This rendition includes a three minute saxophone solo as the waiter holding the cake glares at the player. The waiter sets the cake on the table, grabs a bread roll and hits the saxophone player in the head, who then finishes the song five seconds later.

  “I apologize for that folks. My friend Mikey tends to get a little carried away,” the waiter says after Cheza has blown out the candles, as he is cutting the cake.

  “No problem, it’s better this way in fact. That was far more entertaining than just the song would have been,” I tell the man, cutting him a bit of slack.

  “Alright present time! These are both from Cole,” Tia announces, after we finish the cake, while handing Cheza the presents over Sara. Cheza starts with the small box on top, unwraps it, gasps, and beams at me from across the table.

  “Go on, Cole. Put it on for her,” Tia says while digging her elbow into my ribs so forcefully that if I don’t leave the booth, one of my ribs will probably crack. I take the pendant, bring it around her neck, and fasten the clasp. I feel Cheza shiver when my hand brushes up against her bare back. I return to my seat and Cheza opens her other gift.

  Cheza flips the top of the box open and I hear her gasp as Sara looks in the box and raises an eyebrow at me. I guess she’s surprised I could pick out women’s clothing so well. Glad it’s not Tia in Sara’s position—Tia would have made some crack about cross-dressing. Cheza flips the box closed as she smiles. It kind of looks like her face is a little red, but that may just be the candle light.

  “Alright, let’s get going. I’m beat,” Tia announces and rushes us out the door, stopping only to pay at the front.

  The ride home is a silent one. We walk in the door at a quarter ‘til eleven and head towards our bedrooms.

  “Do you like your gifts?” I ask Cheza from the hall as she sets down the box with her sweater in it.

  “Yeah… one more so than the other,” She replies.

  “Well cut me a little slack. I don’t shop for women’s clothing often… or ever, in fact,” I say and walk over to give her a hug.

  “Happy birthday, Cheza. Goodnight!” I say as I walk out of her room.

  I think I hear her whisper, “it will be” as I close her door.

  I head into my room, strip down to my boxers, and call it a night.


  Chapter 21: The Attack of the Merrywidows!

  I heard a car honking. I looked out the window and saw Jason in the driveway, sitting in the driver’s seat of a white sports car, so I went out to meet him. He rolled the passenger window down as I approached.

  “Birthday present from your mom?” I inquired.

  “Yeah, kind of her way of saying ‘sorry we haven’t seen each other in two years.’ I would still be angry, but this car is so awesome that she is forgiven,” Jason replied.

  “It is an awesome car, but couldn’t you have come up to the door?” I asked.

  “No, that’s not really possible at the moment on account of my huge, throbbing, erection,” Jason said.

  “You said that like a normal person would say ‘I can’t because my foot hurts.’” I told him.

  “My foot does hurt… from the lack of blood going to it. Anyway, go get Rei. I’ll give you guys a ride,” Jason replied.

  I ran into the house to fetch Cheza and my backpack. Since the Saturn Sky is a two-seater, Cheza sat on my lap.

  ‘It’s fine if it’s only for one day, right?’ I thought as Cheza adjusted in my lap so she could sit comfortably.

  Jason started driving to school. About ten minutes into the drive, Jason squeaked like he was trying really hard not to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked as Jason’s face turned red from lack of oxygen.

  “What?” Jason questioned with his voice at a higher octave than normal. Jason looked over at me and started laughing his ass off.

  “What’s so damn funny!?” I practically yelled. Cheza grabbed her ears and gave me a look that clearly said, “Cole, small car, voice loud.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized to her.

  “Oh, nothing,” Jason said as he looked back over at me, finally in control of his laughter.

  I glared at him, but he didn’t budge. The car was silent for the next minute with the radio off.

  “How come I’m always the one moving!?” Jason said in the higher pitched voice he uses when imitating Cheza.

  Cheza reached over and punched him in the arm while calling him an ass. It took me a few minutes before I finally got it.

  “Oh you dick! She’s my little sister!” I said while punching him in the arm.

  “Aw same spot!” Jason said, switching hands and rubbing his arm with the hand that was previously on the steering wheel. He looked over at Cheza, who was sporting a disappointed little pout, and started laughing again.

  ‘I guess she’s disappointed that I didn’t punch him harder, but he is the one driving.’ I thought.


  I wake up to the feeling of someone snuggling into my right side.

  “Cheza, I know it’s your birthday, but you really should be sleeping in your own bed,” I say without opening my eyes.

  “Your sister climbs into bed with you? That’s interesting,” I hear.

  I open my
eyes to find that it is Natasha who is snuggled up to my right side. She is smiling up at me while wearing a black merrywidow with black stockings attached to garter belts and black lace panties.

  “Natasha? What are you doing in my bed?” I ask.

  “We are in your dreams of course! Speaking of which, what the hell do you have me wearing? It’s like crazy uncomfortable… but it sure does make my boobs look great though, huh? Ugh! So not important. Anyway, something bad is coming. Like really bad. I don’t know exactly what it is yet, but be prepared for a fight… I think. I’ll try and get some help to you as soon as I can… if I can,” Natasha says uncertainly.

  “Oh, and Cole?” Natasha asks.

  “Yeah?” I respond.

  “Make sure you protect her.”


  [May 16th]

  I wake up in my bed with nobody snuggling into my right side.

  However, there is somebody straddling my lap.

  Aaaaaand that somebody seems to have handcuffed me to my bed with fuzzy handcuffs. I open my eyes and see that ‘that somebody’ is Cheza, wearing the same thing that Natasha had been a moment ago. Natasha’s bust may have been bigger, but the ensemble looks better on Cheza.

  “Why do my dreams keep doing this to me?” I sigh.

  “This isn’t a dream Cole,” Cheza says before leaning over me and moving towards my face. Note to self: buy a door lock.

  “Uh, dearest sister? What are you doing?” I whisper when her face is six inches from mine.

  I realize that with both of my hands cuffed to my bed and with no way to ‘Zombie-block’ her, I am completely helpless. I can’t even cut my wrists on the handcuffs to try and break free with my blood… damn, this is well thought out.

  “This,” Cheza whispers just before she sticks her tongue in my mouth. How can something that feels so good ever be bad? When it’s someone you consider a little sister so you’re fighting yourself while it’s happening, that’s how! She breaks away after a minute or so.

  “Cheza—” I start to say, but she cuts me off.

  “Cole, I’m not your sister. Right now, I’m just a girl that wants you—an eighteen year old girl. Isn’t that enough?” Cheza asks. I stay silent and think for a moment.

  “Cheza… are you sure?” I ask. Cheza smiles warmly at me.

  “You’re it, Cole. You’re the one. You have been ever since I was that nine year old girl that came into your room crying after having nightmares about watching her parents being torn to shreds by wolves,” Cheza says and then kisses me again.

  I’m about to reaffirm her feelings when


  flashes in my mind. Airi again, but I’m not mad at her this time because she’s right. This can’t happen. Not right now at least, but what am I supposed to say?


  I’ve got it!

  “Okay, but not tonight. I just had this pretty fucked up dream that I need to tell Tia about so all this is going to have to wait,” I say to Cheza. She looks a little disappointed, but she also looks concerned.

  “Alright… but you’re going on a date to make it up to me,” Cheza replies.

  “Great! Who with?” I inquire. Cheza punches me softly in the chest while smiling, before getting off of me and heading towards the door.

  “Um, Cheza? Can you un-cuff me please?” I ask.

  “But your note told me not to,” Cheza says.

  “What note?” I question.

  “The note that was in the gift box? It said ‘Come to my room at midnight and quietly handcuff me to the bed. If I struggle and ask what you’re doing at first, don’t worry it is just part of the act. If I accept the situation, then feel free to un-cuff me.’ I assumed that you wanted me to wear this too, seeing as it was with the note and two pairs of handcuffs,” Cheza replies.

  “Right, that note. Well the situation has changed since I wrote it so un-cuff me, please,” I tell her, not wanting to embarrass her by saying I didn’t write it. Cheza grabs the key from my nightstand and unlocks the cuffs.

  “Thanks. That merrywidow looks great on you by the way,” I say.

  How do I even know what that is? I vaguely recall seeing a Victoria’s Secret poster for one… suddenly all the pieces click in to place: The Victoria’s Secret run. The wrapping job. The well thought out restraining device. (Why is this starting to sound like some sort of heist?) The reason for there being only two presents. Cheza’s gasp and possible red face. The quizzical look Sara gave me. The words Cheza spoke before I closed her door. They all point to one thing: Tia.

  Tia and I have some things we need to discuss… tomorrow.


  Chapter 22: Jewelry can be Messy

  ‘It’s amazing what you will notice about someone that you consider a little sister, and therefore not really a girl, once they’ve had their tongue in your mouth.’ I think the next morning as I watch Cheza bend over to pick up a spoon that she dropped.

  “Tia, you and I need to talk about something,” I whisper to Tia.

  “I agree. Let’s go into the basement,” Tia whispers back. We walk down to our usual area and sit on the benches.

  “I want to be angry, but I just can’t. Your prank was too damn elaborate this time,” I admit.

  “What…? Oh right, the lingerie thing. So how was it? The sex with Chezarei?” Tia asks.

  “What? I didn’t have sex with her!” I reply.

  “Wait, let me get this straight. She had you handcuffed to your bed, completely defenseless, and nothing happened?” Tia asks incredulously and I think back to last night.

  “Ah, so something did happen,” Tia says with a sly smile. My expression must have given me away…

  “Good! I feel this partially makes up for the complete mess I made of her first opportunity,” Tia adds.

  “What!?” I shout as I rise to my feet. “You guys had me convinced that that was all a dream! Why!?”

  “Well, Chezarei was embarrassed and you gave her an easy way out. I went with it so I wouldn’t embarrass her further,” Tia replies.

  “What did you do with the sweater I was going to give to her?” I ask.

  “I gave it to her instead. She seemed to like it. You did a good job. Anyway, on to what I need you to talk to me about: the thing last night in the car,” Tia says.

  “Right. Well, it started yesterday while I was napping. I had this dream where I was talking with my Drive through a large silver door in an area covered in darkness. He told me that he wasn’t the same as Airi—that’s what I call the voice that whispered in my head that I told you about before. Well, yesterday when we were in the car, this sentence suddenly flashed in my mind in a similar fashion to turning on a neon sign in complete darkness,” I tell her.

  “What was the sentence?” Tia asks, looking and sounding worried.

  “No drooling on the birthday girl,” I reply.

  “Hahaha! I think I like this Airi!” Tia exclaims and then regains her composure. “However, that is technically her telling you to do something. We need to be really careful, Cole.”

  “Yeah about that, I had this other dream last night and this girl told me that danger was coming and to be ready for a fight… possibly. Airi told me to tell you about this last night when I was searching for an excuse to stop Cheza’s advances for the night,” I tell her.

  “Hmm…” Tia thinks about this information for a moment. “Training. We need you to be ready, just in case. Also, I want you to take six magazines to your room, and take your gun and Sic blade there every day after training. Grab a 25 round JHP magazine and two 20 round JHP magazines, along with a 25 round WFNGC magazine and two 20 round WFNGC magazines. You need something to carry all this stuff if you need to go into battle… I’ll have Sara see what she can do. Alright, let’s get to work. We need you to be faster, stronger, and we also need to lower your reaction times.”

  I spend the rest of the day having Tia beat the crap out of me. I have never be
en gladder that my body heals quickly.


  [May 17th]

  “There’s something I’ve been wondering,” I say to Tia during our break.

  “I’m guessing that Loki has known about Cheza for ten years, assuming that Eric had heard that Loki would be going for this girl so he went there first to explain the situation and relocate her family. Only, he arrived too late to save her parents so he killed Loki’s agents, took the cowering little girl from her hiding place, and brought her home with him and said, ‘I got you a little sister while I was out, Cole! Take care of her and oh, when you realize what you are in ten years, protect her so the world doesn’t end. Thanks!’” I sarcastically exclaim.

  “So what’s your question?” Tia asks.

  “Oh, right. If Loki has known about Cheza for so long, why hasn’t he come for her before?” I ask.

  “Simply? Because he didn’t know where she was, but that changed with Illapa’s treason. The more complicated version? I think that Loki knew where she was all along. Had he truly needed Chezarei, he would have come for her right then. No, I think something is up. He left Chezarei here on purpose because it either didn’t interfere with his goals, or it furthered them somehow. Trickster gods are… well, tricky. I should know. I dated Coyote for a while and he was always pulling tricks in bed, like the ‘Let’s leave the lights off,’ and then ‘It’s so dark that I accidentally stuck it in the wrong hole, my bad!’” Tia exclaims, finishing her rant. Something suddenly dawns on me that I’ve never considered before.

  “Did Uncle Eric tell you to train me in close quarters combat because he knew that I would need these skills someday? Did he start teaching me about swords and fencing when I was ten because he knew I would be needed to protect Cheza? Is that the reason he set her up to be like a little sister to me? So I would have a stronger connection to her and thus be a better protector?” I ask as these questions just overflow from my mind.

  “Once you start thinking like that, paranoia will take over your life, Cole. Eric wanted me to train you so you could defend yourself and so you wouldn’t get fat and lazy like the majority of America’s youth,” Tia replies.


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