Together: A Surprise Pregnancy Romance

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Together: A Surprise Pregnancy Romance Page 6

by Jennifer Van Wyk

  “They okay?”

  “As far as I know, yeah. People are going slow, taking it easy. But I’ll have to leave again in about six hours to clean the streets again.”


  “Yeah. You staying here tonight?”

  “She wants me to, that okay with you?”

  “I’d appreciate it, actually. That way she’s not here alone. Getting too close to the end and if I’m gone and she goes into labor, I’ll be a mess.”

  “I’m here then. For however long you need me.”

  “Good, man.”

  “I wouldn’t watch White Christmas with her so she wasn’t thinking so earlier.”

  He scrubs a hand over his bearded jaw, smiling. “Bet that pissed her off. She’s been begging me for a few weeks to watch it with her. I keep telling her to watch it alone but she swears it’s not the same. I can’t do it, though.”

  “Same. It’s torture.”

  “So what’s new with you?” he asks as I pull the bag out of the microwave and toss a second in. Since Dean’s home, I know he’ll polish off the last of the pizza but no doubt still be hungry. And let’s be honest. You could be stuffed to the gills and the smell of popcorn would lure you in for more. After pouring the first bag into a large bowl, I sprinkle it with a little bit of salt and set it on the counter, waiting for the next bag to finish popping.

  “Might have gotten a beautiful lady pregnant,” I tell him at the perfect timing. He’d just chugged down a bunch of water.

  Sputtering and coughing, he shoots me a glare and I laugh.

  “Fuck you,” he says, wiping up the water. “Not even funny.”

  “Oh, trust me, I know. It’s the truth, though.”

  “What the fuck? You’re thirty-five. Don’t you know to wrap it up?”

  I shrug. “It was a strange night and she said she was on the pill.”

  “So she trapped you?”

  “Fuck no. It’s not like that.” At least, I don’t think it is. Ashley’s not that way. I genuinely think the pregnancy, if there even is one, is an accident.

  “You seem calm about this. How long have you known her? Can’t be that long since you proposed to that bitch Stacia. Wasn’t that like a month ago?”

  I wince. “Yeah. It was the same night.”

  Now it’s his turn to laugh. “Oh, fuck me. You had a drunk one-night stand that ended up with getting the girl pregnant? Only you. Holy shit.”

  “Shut up! It’s not…”

  “Like that? Oh yeah. It’s exactly like that. You’re such a dumbass.” He shakes his head and refills his glass, looking in the fridge for something to eat.

  “Pizza’s in the living room.”

  “Oh good. I’m starved.”

  He’s always hungry. I suppose that’s what happens when you’re 6’5” and two-seventy.

  The microwave dings again so I take care of the second bag of popcorn while he goes to the living room to say hello to his wife and find the pizza.

  When I join them, he’s taken my seat next to her on the couch.

  Josie looks content as she cozies up to Dean, his one arm over the back of the couch and around her shoulder.

  It’s hard not to be a little jealous of the two of them. My first marriage didn’t last. We thought it was love but as it turns out, friendship, even if there was some attraction there, too, doesn’t lead to love the way we had expected. The chemistry was never really there, and if I’m being completely honest — and this is something I’ve been thinking about for the last month — the chemistry wasn’t there with Stacia either. I just never realized it until I spent time with Ashley and discovered what it was like to be with someone I truly wanted. I never knew what it felt like to have a desire for a woman so deep.

  On the screen, Kevin is deciding that he’s strong and is going to defend his house and I’ve decided that if Ashley is pregnant with my child, I’ll do everything in my power to do what Dean has taught me to do. I’ll protect her and the baby, I’ll be there for her in any capacity she’ll allow. I’ll work my ass off to be the best father and partner for her to raise a child with. I know she won’t want me for more than that, her words as we stood by her car after Roy, the taxi driver, dropped us off at the bar that day have played on a loop in my head every single day since.

  “It was fun.”

  “It was fun. Maybe we should…”

  “I’m going to stop you right there, Harry.” She’s back to calling me Harry again which can’t be good. That can only mean she’s trying to de-humanize the situation or something of the sort. “We can’t. I mean, the other night was fun.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her.

  “Okay, yesterday was fun, too.”

  “So was this morning. And later this morning. And this afternoon.”

  She blushes and I want nothing more than to reach over and run the pad of my thumb over the pink in her cheeks. But the soft smile she’s giving me tells me she’s about to deliver the don’t call me speech so I keep my hands to myself.

  “Yeah. But…”

  “But, you don’t want a repeat?”

  “It’s not that, but it’s kind of that? You and I just got out of long-term fairly serious — or at least, we thought they were serious — relationships. For heaven’s sake, you proposed a couple days ago! To someone who definitely wasn’t me. Last night was not normal for me. The drinking, the sex with a stranger, all of it. And I need to wrap my head around that.”

  “Did I pressure you?” The thought alone makes me sick, and it’s not from the alcohol. That’s out of my system now and I feel great. Or, I did, until this conversation, anyway.

  “Not at all. But, the fact is, I wasn’t acting like myself the past couple days.”

  “I’ve heard people say that alcohol sometimes brings out the truth in people.”

  Ashley looks away, running her hands through her long, thick, dark hair. “I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t have a good time with you, but this is where it ends for us. I need to get my life back in order and I need to do that alone.”

  “I’ll respect that.”

  I might not like it, but I’ll respect it. Besides, what she said about acting out of character holds true for me, as well. I’ve never had a one-night stand, never slept with someone I hadn’t been dating and getting to know, and I rarely drink alcohol. At least not to the extent that I did last night. Probably why both of us got so incredibly trashed last night. Our systems aren’t used to it.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What are you sorry about? And please don’t say us having sex because that might hurt my ego,” I tease, grinning. “Seriously, Ashley. We had a great time, yeah?”

  She nods.

  “And I’m not going to deny that you’re right, the last couple nights probably shouldn’t have happened but I don’t regret that it did. It was fun and maybe exactly what both of us needed. A night to cut loose and lose ourselves in someone else. But…”

  “There’s always a but,” she jokes.

  “But, I also won’t deny that I wish things were different. I wish that I’d met you on a night that we both hadn’t just had our hearts broken and that we didn’t make sketchy decisions.”

  “Yeah. If only, huh?”

  “If only.”

  I open her car door and she slides in, I lean inside her window after the door is closed and window is rolled down and kiss her gently on the lips. “Maybe things will look different for us in a few months.”


  “Would it be okay if I look you up then? Check in, maybe? Take you to coffee, not drinks, obviously. We can’t be trusted when we’re drinking around each other.”

  She chuckles and nods again. “I’d like that. My last name’s Porter. I’m on Facebook and Instagram as my name, no funky screen names to remember. I have Snapchat, too, but honestly it kind of annoys me so I don’t go on often.”

  “Got it. I’ll find you.”

  “You do that. But not for a while. I
need to sort out my head first.”

  “Three months. Then I’m coming for you.” I kiss her again but this time it’s not so light. It’s a reminder of how good things can be between us.

  “Three months. And maybe I’ll answer.”


  She smiles, her eyes twinkling and I step back and watch her drive away.

  The reminder of the fact that she needed time to sort out what was going on in her head hits me hard. But how could she have done that if she was worried that she might be pregnant? I feel like such a jerk. It’s not that all the responsibility lies on one person when the sex is between two consenting adults, but I knew better. I never go without condoms. The only time I did was with my ex-wife and we were married.

  My phone rings and I go on alert. Josie looks at me then at my pocket and I do the same. “Niko, you pick up that phone right now or I’ll reach into your pocket and do it for you,” she warns, sitting up and reaching for me.

  I slap her hand away. “Back off, crazy. I’ll do it.”

  “It’s her. I know it.”

  “Would you stop?”

  I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, seeing Ashley’s name light up the screen as it rings for the third time. I don’t want her to change her mind and hang up so I quickly answer.

  “Ashley? Hey.”

  “Hi, Nik.”

  “Speaker! Put it on speaker!” Josie whispers loudly.

  “Babe. Leave the man be.”

  “Yeah, leave me be,” I tell my sister in a whisper but with my hand covering the mouth piece on my phone. I don’t want her hearing Josie’s voice and getting inside that beautiful head of hers.

  I walk out of the living room and behind me I see Dean holding Josie back. I may have shocked the shit out of Dean earlier by telling him that I might have gotten Ashley pregnant, but he never asked for more information. He knows that when there’s something to tell, I will. He also respects me enough to wait for me.

  I close the door to the spare bedroom, the one I’ll be sleeping in tonight, and ask Ashley, “So? What’s the verdict?”

  “Took all eight of the tests. They said the same thing so I assume it means that…”


  “I’m pregnant.”

  I sit down on the edge of the bed and drop my head, keeping the phone pressed to my ear. “Show me?”

  “Uhh, explain that please?” she asks, hesitation clear in her voice.

  “Can you take a picture of one of the tests? I’m not there with you and I feel like I’m missing out on something.”

  “Oh my gosh, I thought you wanted me to pee on a stick on video call or something. I was going to be like we need a discussion on boundaries and fast.”

  The thought of it makes me pull a face but also is a fast reminder that her peeing in front of me is going to be the least of our worries in a few months.

  “Yeah, no. I don’t really want to see that. But do you have any of the tests that you can take a picture of? My sister will want to see, too.”

  “Your sister?”

  “Yeah, I’m here now. She’s actually going to have a baby truly any day now.”

  “Your sister.”

  “Yup. Mrs. Maxi Pads,” I tell her, smiling.

  “Well, shit.”

  I grunt out a laugh. “It’s okay. I should have explained. I kind of knew you were thinking I was buying them for a girlfriend or something.”

  “If your sister’s pregnant, why does she need maxi pads?”

  “Something about after the baby comes. I honestly didn’t pay attention.”

  “But you bought them for her.”

  I lie back on the mattress, throwing an arm over my forehead and keeping the phone against my ear. “Yeah. It’s no big deal. Ashley?”


  “Are you…” I clear my throat because saying what I’m about to say makes me nervous. “Are you planning to keep it?”

  “Yes.” Her answer comes quick and sure and the relief I feel is immediate.

  I blow out a breath. “Thank God.”

  “I take it that’s okay with you?”

  “Yeah,” I tell her quietly, emotions clogging my throat. “I am definitely okay with that. I get that this situation is far from ideal but we’ll make it work. We’ve got a lot of lifetime to catch up on and I know it will take time, but I’d really like the two of us to get to know each other better.”

  “I agree. The baby deserves to have parents who at least know the basics about each other, right?”

  I’m not even going to go there right now. I want to know a whole lot more than the basics but we’ll leave that discussion for later. Instead, I simply agree, “Right.”

  “It’s the holidays and I’m going to be at my parents’ until the day after Christmas. You around that day? Can we maybe get together?”

  “I’m here. Whenever, Ashley, I’m here. And if between now and the next time you and I see each other you feel overwhelmed, or sick, or just like you need to talk about it all, you pick up your phone and you call me.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be okay.”

  “Promise me, Ashley. You might not know this about me but it’s important for you to understand that I don’t sit on the sidelines well. Being a leader comes pretty natural for me so if I get bossy, it’s not because of any other reason than I like to be in control.”

  “I remember a little of that,” she says shyly.

  “Oh yeah? You do, huh?”

  “I do.”

  “You liked it.” My words are a reminder, not a question.

  On the other end of the phone I hear her suck in a breath and it brings me a hint of satisfaction.

  “Are we keeping this between ourselves?”

  “You said you were at your sister’s house? Does she know that I was taking a test?”

  I try not to groan. “Yeah.”

  “Then tell her. If she’s anything like you, she’ll throw you down and give you a wet willy or something until you tell her, anyway, so might as well just get it over with.”

  Wet willy. What the fuck? I can’t help laughing because that’s like grade school shit. “It sounds like you have a traumatic wet willy experience.”

  “So bad. My middle sister wasn’t as terrible, but my big sister was the worst. Like the literal worst. She was always such a shit.”

  “Most sisters are the worst,” I say loudly, hoping Josie hears.

  “Hey!” Josie says not quietly on the other side of the door.

  “Shh. Babe.”

  “My sister’s waiting at the door. If you’re sure, I’ll let her know, only so she doesn’t go into early labor trying to get it out of me. If there are people in your world who need to know, tell them. But after that, I vote for keeping it quiet until we’re past the first trimester. My sister had a couple miscarriages and it was hard enough to go through when no one else but her husband and myself knew.”

  “First trimester, huh? You know stuff about pregnancy.”

  “A little. My sister, Josie, she never shuts up.”

  “Well, that’s good. I know nothing.”

  “We’ll get there together.”

  “Thank you, Nik, for being so good about this.”

  I know what she means without having to say it. She’s glad that I’m accepting this and not being a dick about it. But I’m thirty-five, not seventeen, and I’m mature enough to handle what life throws at me. I’m definitely mature enough to take care of my responsibilities without flaking or pretending they don’t exist. “You’re welcome.”

  “Guess we’ll be talking before that three months is up, huh?”

  “Want to know a secret?”

  “What?” she whispers.

  “There was no fucking way I was waiting three months. I’ll talk to you soon, Sally.”

  “Bye, Harry.”

  I grin to myself then holler, “You can come in now!”

  My sister practically falls through the door. “Well?”
r />   “You’re going to be an auntie.”

  “Holy shit. Are you for real?”


  “Whoa,” Dean says, his eyes wide. “You got a woman pregnant?”

  “That’s the rumor. I have no idea what I’m doing. I feel like an asshole.”

  “Not to sound like an asshole myself, but uh, why didn’t you wrap it up?”

  “Apparently we were in a hurry? Or just too drunk? Or maybe we’re just dumb?”

  Josie takes a seat on the bed and grabs my hand in hers. “We’re here for you, you know? It will be great.”


  “It’s a baby. That’s a blessing, right? Is it weird that I’m excited?”

  I blow out a breath. “A little. You’ve never met her. What if you two don’t get along? How can I have a baby with a woman I’ve only spent time with while I was drunk or hungover?”

  “You’ll do it because you have no other option. Also, who doesn’t get along with me? I’m like a ray of sunshine. Everyone loves me.”

  Dean laughs probably a little too hard if the sharp look Josie sends his way is anything to go by. I chuckle quietly. “Right.”

  “Whatever. You know I’m lovable.”

  “You’re also pretty hardcore,” Dean reminds her.

  “Hardcore? What the heck’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Babe. It’s impossible for you to step aside when it comes to your brother. You’ll be overprotective like normal, and this time there will be a baby in the mix so it will be worse.”

  Josie rolls her eyes and squeezes my hand. “Don’t listen to him. I’ll have my own baby by then so I won’t even have time to go all insane for you.”

  I look up just in time to see Dean give me a knowing look. One that says, she’s full of shit but we’ll let it be for now.

  “Will you keep us updated and let me know when she’s ready to meet us?”

  “Of course. Give us time, though. She and I have a lot of learning about each other to tackle first.”

  “She’s going to fall in love with you, I just know it.”

  I don’t let her words settle in. It’s so premature and ridiculous to think about that I won’t even let my head go there.

  Instead, I squeeze her hand back and say, “Obviously. What’s not to love about me, right?”


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