Bonded by Accident

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Bonded by Accident Page 3

by Evangeline Anderson

  “You’re on the pill, aren’t you?” Crystal demanded.

  “Well…yes,” Brandi admitted reluctantly. Not that it did her much good since she never, ever found anyone who suited her to scratch her itch.

  “So see—you’re protected from his little swimmers. And you don’t have to worry about getting alien AIDS or anything,” Crystal went on. “Because Kindred don’t get those kinds of diseases.”

  “What?” Brandi frowned. “How do you know? What do you—”

  But just then they heard heavy footsteps climbing the front steps.

  “Oh my God!” Crystal whispered-giggled. “Here comes our first customer. Quick—grab a seat, Brandi!”

  The two of them scrambled to find an open seat, reminding Brandi of a frantic game of musical chairs when they were younger. She found herself sitting between a curvy blonde girl with gorgeous skin on one side and a tall African American woman with a perfect figure on the other. A new thought occurred to her—

  Suppose the Kindred customer—whoever he is—doesn’t even pick me? Suppose none of them do? Just look at these girls—they’re perfect. I mean, plenty of them are plus-sized but they all have gorgeous skin and hair and faces. Why would a Kindred pick me over any of them? And what if—

  The front door opened, cutting off her thoughts. And then the most enormous man she’d ever seen walked in and Brandi had to bite back a gasp.

  Her first thought was, Oh my God, he’s massive! He must be over seven feet tall! And his eyes…are they two different colors?

  And her second was, Where do I know him from? Why does he look so familiar?

  She had no answer for her question and then she had to stop looking because just then, the enormous Kindred turned and headed right for her.

  Chapter Three

  Slade was the first one in the door—not that there was a line or anything. In fact, he was the only male at the Pairing House this time of morning. Probably because the other Kindred were all still eating breakfast.

  But Slade was hungry for something else entirely.

  The minute he walked in, his eyes swept the room, looking for her—for the girl he had been dreaming of. Or at least, a Pairing Puppet who looked like her.

  When he saw her, he gave a little grunt of surprise. Seven Hells—it was hard to tell without a closer inspection but one of the puppets appeared to look exactly like the one he’d been dreaming about! It seemed like a pretty big coincidence but he was too horny to care.

  Slade walked over to take a closer look. She was one of the only ones without a book in her hands. Instead, she was just staring down at her lap and she seemed to be breathing kind of hard.

  It really was amazing how life-like these puppets were! Slade had only been to a puppet house once before, back when he was a fighter in the Blood Circuit and before he met and joined with Cinda. The trip had been a treat by a previous master—not the one he had killed—for his success in the arena. Slade had had his pick of the puppets but none of them had been nearly as beautiful or life-like as the one he was looking at now.

  Impressed with the expert craftsmanship, Slade put a finger under the girl’s chin to lift her face for a closer look. Big brown eyes rose to meet his—eyes a male could fall into and drown if he wasn’t careful, Slade thought. Just like in his dream, she had a cute little nose, soft, kissable lips, and thick, wavy brown hair that fell to the small of her back. Even better, she wasn’t stick-thin or so petite he was afraid he might break her. And her scent…Gods. He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with her feminine fragrance. He hadn’t been this near a female in literally years—he’d forgotten how good a ripe female could smell.

  “Aren’t you just fucking gorgeous,” he murmured, stroking his fingers lightly over her long, silky brown hair. “Tell you what, sweetheart—how about if you stand up so I can see you better?”

  There was a flush on the girl’s cheeks and her eyes seemed to get even wider but she stood for him on command. She was wearing a pretty pink blouse made of some silky, stretchy material and a black skirt that came down to mid-thigh. The outfit seemed designed to minimize her hips and ass for some reason but Slade was glad to see that both were ample—as were her breasts.

  “Goddess, just look at you,” he breathed, walking in a circle around her, taking her in from all angles. “You’re exactly what I’ve been dreaming of, baby! Look at that gorgeous heart-shaped ass! You’ve got enough for a male to hold on to—fucking perfect!”

  He ran his hand over her ass as he spoke and the girl actually jumped and gave a little gasp. Slade couldn’t help admiring the realistic reactions. These Mother Ship Kindred craftsmen sure as hell knew what they were doing!

  Leaning forward, he pressed his face to the side of her neck, letting her silky hair brush his cheek, and inhaled deeply, drawing her sweet scent into his lungs. His shaft, already stiff in his trousers, now felt hard enough to fuck a hole through a plasti-steel wall.

  “Gods, sweetheart,” he growled softly in her little pink ear, “Can’t wait to taste that sweet little pussy of yours. Can’t wait to fuck you!”

  * * * * *

  Brandi felt like her heart was going to pound its way out of her chest at any moment.

  Oh God, was she really going through with this? Now would be the time to stop this charade. To say, “Oh, I’m so sorry—I’m just a tourist from Earth who wandered off from the tour group and I wound up someplace I don’t belong.”

  But somehow the words wouldn’t come out of her mouth. Because her heart wasn’t only beating hard with fear…it was beating hard with lust too.

  There was something about the massive Kindred…Brandi couldn’t put her finger on it but it drew her to him like a magnet. He was clearly at least ten years older than her and not conventionally handsome—there were lines on his face that spoke of a difficult life. Her Grandma Ida would have said he “had some city miles on him.”

  But he was huge and muscular and his eyes were amazing—the left one was brilliant green and the right one was pure melted gold. Brandi couldn’t get over the feeling that she knew him somehow but that was purely ridiculous. She would definitely remember if she’d met a seven-and-a-half-foot—tall giant with gorgeous, mismatched eyes.

  Still, the feeling persisted and it kept her mesmerized as the big Kindred had her stand so he could look her over from all angles. Brandi supposed she ought to feel like he was looking her over like a piece of meat and be upset about it. But somehow she wasn’t. Having the big Kindred admire her wasn’t like the feeling she got when her boss’s eyes crawled all over her at work. There was real appreciation in the gold and green gaze and unbridled admiration in the Kindred’s deep, growling voice when he called her “gorgeous” and “perfect.” It made her feel like a goddess.

  He also seemed to like the fact that she was plus-sized—which was a definite mark in his favor, Brandi thought. She got damn tired of being fat-shamed or even worse, compared to Crystal—who was skinny as a whip—and found wanting. But the massive Kindred hadn’t even looked twice at her cousin—he had made a bee-line straight for Brandi as though she was the only one he wanted.

  Speaking of Crystal, where was she? Cutting her eyes to the left, Brandi saw her cousin was just sitting there with wide eyes and a dropped jaw as she watched what was going on, not even pretending to be a Pairing Puppet now. Brandi certainly hoped the big Kindred didn’t notice what a bad actor Crystal was or they might both get busted and this would all be over before it began.

  Does that mean you want to go through with this? whispered an incredulous little voice in her head. Are you really going to do this, Brandi? He’s huge! What if he hurts you?

  But though there was urgency in the big Kindred’s voice when he talked about wanting her, there didn’t seem to be any violence in him. When he touched her, his big hands were gentle. Even though he thought she was a Pairing Puppet, Brandi didn’t think he’d hurt her.

  Plus, he was so big and his hands were warm and he smelled amaz
ing. Some rich, masculine spice pervaded the air around him, filled with notes of smoke and leather and male musk. It was intensely attractive. In fact, it made Brandi think of those ridiculous commercials for male body spray where the guy sprays himself and gets attacked by beautiful women a second later.

  If they could bottle what this guy smells like, those commercials would be reality, she thought, inhaling deeply through her nose to get more of the delicious scent. I wouldn’t mind jumping his bones right now! Or letting him jump mine.

  The thought made her feel giddy and sexy and scared and horny all at once. Oh God, this was so out of character for her! Ever since that fateful night with Earl in the backseat of his car had changed the entire trajectory of her life, Brandi had always been so careful about using protection during sex. But now it seemed like she was going to throw caution to the winds and give in to the overwhelming need she felt rising inside her.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” the massive Kindred growled, taking her by the hand. “Let’s go upstairs so I can fill that sweet little pussy of yours with my cock.”

  The rough, dirty words sent a surge through Brandi—a combination of fear and desire. She had to ask herself again—was she really going to do this?

  The answer appeared to be hell yes.

  She allowed the big Kindred to take her by the hand and lead her out of the main room where all the other girls sat silently. They left Crystal behind too and she had a moment to wonder if her cousin would go through with this as well. Brandi supposed she probably would. All she’d talked about in the shuttle on the way up to the Mother Ship was wanting to get some Kindred cock. So probably—

  “Okay, sweetheart—here we are,” the massive Kindred interrupted her thoughts with a deep, growling voice. “So take me to your room.”

  Chapter Four

  Brandi looked up at him in surprise.

  “My room?” she blurted before she could stop herself.

  The Kindred looked surprised as well.

  “You can talk?”

  “I…um…” Brandi wasn’t sure what to say. Busted! whispered a little voice in her head. Now he’ll know you’re not a Pairing Puppet! You are going to get in soooo much trouble!

  But the big Kindred’s next words made her feel relieved.

  “Gods, the craftsmanship on you girls is fucking amazing,” he rumbled, looking down at her appreciatively. “I love that you can talk too—not just lie there and take it.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “You are programmed to react, right?’

  “Oh, um…yes. Yes, I am,” Brandi dared to say. “Um…my room is this way,” she added.

  Leading him down the long hallway full of doors which she assumed led to the rooms where the Pairing Puppets “serviced” their customers, she picked one at random and opened the door.

  Inside was a well-appointed bedroom with a large four-poster bed in the center of the room. It had a deep red spread and plenty of pillows and the mattress looked thick and solid. There were no windows but gold and red pictures hung on the wall, adding to the ambiance. A warm, golden glow was coming from the corners of the rooms—the indirect lighting setting the mood even more. Sensuous music was playing softly and the air smelled fresh, as though the room had just been cleaned.

  “Nice,” Brandi muttered. “Looks like a sex hotel.” Which was exactly what it was, she supposed.

  “What was that, sweetheart?” The massive Kindred cocked an eyebrow at her. “Did you say something?”

  “I, uh, said welcome to my room.” Brandi stepped inside, her heart pounding and the big Kindred followed her and shut the door behind them.

  Almost at once, he took her in his arms. Burying his face in her hair again, he breathed her in, his muscular arms tightening around her like warm steel cables.

  “God, baby, your scent is driving me fucking crazy,” he groaned softly. “You don’t know how bad I need you right now—need your sweet little pussy wrapped around my cock!”

  Brandi felt weak with fear and lust as she felt his big, hard body connect with hers. God, he smelled so good. Was it some kind of cologne or just the natural scent of his skin? Whatever it was, it was making her feel incredibly hot. She’d never known that a scent could do that to her before but damn, the big Kindred’s scent was doing it now. Suddenly she could barely breathe she wanted him so much.

  Surprising herself, she reached up on tiptoes and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips met and the big Kindred kissed her back hungrily, devouring her mouth as his hands roamed over her body from her hair to her breasts, to her hips to her ass which he squeezed possessively as he pulled her tight against him. The rock-hard bulge that branded her belly through their clothing left little doubt that he truly was in need.

  He’s got fangs, Brandi thought to herself as she felt the sharp little points with the tip of her tongue. He must be a Blood Kindred. I wonder if he’s going to bite me?

  The thought held a tiny zing of fear which only fed her excitement. God, she was so hungry for this! Hungry to be with a man again—even a stranger.

  But he doesn’t feel like a stranger, insisted a little voice inside her head. I feel like I know him. Where have I seen him before?

  Brandi didn’t know and didn’t care. The fact was, she somehow felt more comfortable with this massive alien male than she had with any of the guys she’d tried dating in the past three years. Being with him just felt right somehow in a way she couldn’t explain or deny.

  All she knew was that she wanted him—needed him—and he seemed to need her too.

  “Gods, baby, your mouth is so sweet,” he groaned in her ear when they finally broke the kiss. “Wanna suck your sweet nipples too. Take off your shirt and let me see them.”

  Brandi fumbled with her stretchy pink blouse—a nice one she’d bought on sale the last time her tax returns had come in. She hadn’t had much call to wear it until now but she was glad she’d put it on this morning—it was easy to get off.

  The shirt came over her head, leaving only her lacy white bra in the way. The big Kindred was in such urgent need he didn’t even wait for her to take it off. He simply pulled the straps off her shoulders and peeled the white lace down, baring her breasts.

  Then, for some reason, he stopped.

  “Gods…” he murmured, just looking.

  He was staring at Brandi’s bare breasts in a way that made her nervous. Did he not like what he saw? Her nipples were too big and puffy, she thought uneasily. She’d always believed so—it had made her self-conscious when she had to change for gym class in school so she always tried to hide them. They—

  “Look at how beautiful you are, baby.” The big Kindred interrupted her worried thoughts in a hushed, almost reverent voice. “Look at these sweet, suckable nipples.”

  He traced a line with one fingertip around the wide pink band of her areola and Brandi couldn’t hold back a moan.

  “You like that?” He looked at her, his mismatched eyes glowing with desire as he pinched her tight pink nub, sending sparks of desire through her entire body and making her moan again. “You like to have your nipples played with, baby?”

  As a matter of fact, Brandi did—although she would have been embarrassed to admit it under other circumstances. But it suddenly occurred to her that she was pretending to be a sex robot—she could act as kinky and horny as she wanted.

  “Yes,” she whispered, covering his big hand with her own. “Yes, I love to have my nipples played with…and sucked.”

  His eyes were half-lidded with desire, the gold and green burning into her.

  “I think I can help you with that,” he rumbled. “Let’s go sit on the bed and get more comfortable.”

  Brandi let him lead her to the bed but before he sat down, she put out a hand to stop him.

  “Wait—your shirt. Take it off,” she demanded.

  He was wearing a satiny dark green shirt that brought out his eyes, which widened slightly at her words.

  “Demanding little thing, aren’t you?” he grow
led. “I fucking love that. Okay, baby—I’ll strip for you.”

  Rapidly, he unbuttoned the green shirt and slid it off, revealing the most mouthwatering chest Brandi had ever seen in her life.

  Oh my God, he looks like something out of a superhero movie! His pecs were hard and his abs were chiseled—not to mention his biceps were huge.

  “Wow…” Brandi breathed, reaching out to touch him.

  He rumbled a laugh. “Sounds like you like my chest almost as much as I like yours, baby. Come on—I want to suck those sweet, puffy nipples of yours.”

  Before she knew it, Brandi found herself on the bed with him, lying on her back with the big Kindred bending over her. Taking her breasts in his hands, he rubbed his rough cheeks against them, like a cat marking its territory. A low, rumbling groan came from his broad chest.

  “I’ve been dreaming about these,” he growled and then leaned forward to take one of her nipples into his mouth.

  Brandi gasped and arched her back, pressing up to get more of her breast between his lips. His hot, wet mouth felt incredible on her and she liked the feel of his sharp fangs bracketing her sensitive tip as he sucked.

  The big Kindred responded to her move with a groan and sucked harder, nursing her tender peak and then nipping lightly before running his tongue over her aching nipple to soothe away the tiny pain he’d made. Then he switched to the left nipple and sucked it just as hard while he pinched and tugged at her right peak.

  “Oh! Oh…” Brandi didn’t know what to call him but it didn’t seem to matter. This was, after all, going to be an anonymous, one-time encounter. Still part of her wished she knew his name, but he couldn’t exactly tell her even if she dared to ask—he had his mouth full.

  “Gods, baby—your nipples taste so good,” he groaned, looking up at last. “Tell me, do you like it when I suck them? Like it when I make them all red and swollen from my sucking?”

  “Yes!” Brandi bucked against him, wanting more but not sure how to ask for it. She was still supposed to be a sex robot, right? How aggressive should she be? As good as his mouth on her breasts felt, her pussy was aching and tingling between her thighs, anticipating being filled with the massive shaft she could feel pressing against her. It felt so big it was a little scary but again, the fear only pushed her excitement higher.


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