A Sister's Sorrow

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A Sister's Sorrow Page 28

by Kitty Neale

  ‘You know what I think about the man so I won’t harp on about it, but I’ve known Roger a long time and he’s always had a selfish streak. He doesn’t take life seriously, and if it ain’t fun, it bores him,’ George said.

  ‘Yes, I got that impression too. You don’t mind me hiding out here with you, do you?’

  ‘You know you’re always welcome here. Mum left me some lunch so do you fancy a bite to eat?’

  Sarah was peckish and happy to share George’s lunch. They talked about Albert and Lena’s forthcoming wedding, though no date had been set yet, the weather, the latest music, but mostly they talked about Tommy. ‘Thanks, George,’ Sarah said afterwards. ‘It’s been good to share so many lovely memories.’

  ‘I miss the little man, and it’s nice to talk about him, especially his day at the funfair.’

  Sarah helped George to wash up, and then went back to the front room to sit on the sofa. She felt so much better. She’d enjoyed sharing memories, laughing at Tommy’s antics, and crying a few times. It was just what she needed and now she felt ready to face the week ahead with renewed vigour.

  Mo had convinced Samuel to go to work, saying that she felt much better. He got extra in his pay packet for working on Sundays, and she knew he hated turning the overtime down. In truth, there was nothing wrong with her, but it gave her a good excuse to hide away from the outside world and anyone who might have seen her photos.

  It was about half past two when Mo heard a knock on the front door. She climbed out of bed to look out of the window and saw Roger’s van. She’d heard Sarah go out earlier and knew she hadn’t returned, so, puzzled, she threw on her dressing gown. She quickly checked her reflection in the mirror, and though she was only wearing a touch of mascara, she was happy with her natural appearance, and ran downstairs.

  Roger was just walking off back towards his van.

  ‘Hey, are you looking for Sarah?’ Mo called.

  Roger spun around and once again she was struck by his ice-blue eyes.

  ‘Yes, I thought she knew I was coming over to take her out today but she doesn’t appear to be home.’

  ‘I heard her go out this morning, but I’ve no idea where.’

  ‘That’s odd,’ Roger said, though Mo didn’t think he seemed bothered.

  ‘In that case, she’s bound to be back soon. Do you want to come up to my place and wait for her? I’m bored stiff and could do with a bit of company,’ Mo said, well aware that her red satin dressing gown had fallen open to reveal her low-cut matching nightdress with lace that stretched across her large chest.

  ‘Yeah, all right,’ Roger agreed.

  As he followed her upstairs, Mo wiggled her hips, sure that his eyes would be on them, and as they walked into her room, she gestured towards the sofa. ‘Take a seat, love. Sam’s at work, doing a spot of overtime, some political VIPs or something, so, as you can see, I’m on my own.’

  ‘You’re having a lazy day then?’ Roger asked as he took a seat, eyeing her nightclothes.

  ‘You could say that,’ Mo replied, ‘but I’ve been pretending to be ill all week.’

  ‘Have you? Why have you been swinging the lead?’

  Mo was desperate to share her sordid secret, and thought that unlike Samuel, Roger was broad-minded enough to understand. ‘I’ve made a right balls-up … a really big mistake and now I don’t know what to do about it.’

  Roger rolled his eyes, ‘Come on, Mo, it can’t be that bad. What have you done?’

  ‘Promise you won’t say anything if I tell you?’

  ‘Scouts’ honour.’

  ‘No, I mean it, Roger. You can’t tell a soul.’

  ‘I know how to keep my mouth shut, Mo.’

  ‘Yeah, well, I’ve been really stupid. I should have known better, but I let this bloke talk me into taking my clothes off to pose for photographs. I thought he was genuine and was going to make me a top model. Instead, I’ve been humiliated and now I think my nude shots are being brandished about all over Battersea. I’m so ashamed and can’t face going outside.’

  ‘Blimey, Mo, I thought it was going to be something really bad. That’s nothing to worry about, not nowadays. I’ve seen plenty of pictures of nude women, and don’t think anything of it. If anything, you’ll probably be someone’s pin-up now and you’ve every right to be proud of that, especially with a gorgeous body like yours.’

  ‘Do you really think so?’

  ‘Yes, I know so. Cor, I wish I had one of your photos … I’d keep it next to my bed and admire it every night.’

  Mo wasn’t normally one to blush, but she could feel her cheeks burning. ‘That’s nice of you to say so, but what about my Sam? I know him and he’ll be furious if he finds out.’

  ‘He may not, so stop wasting time worrying about something that may never happen. If it does ever come out, deal with it then.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Roger. I feel a bit better about it now,’ Mo said, and sashayed over to the sofa to sit next to him.

  ‘’Ere, Mo, have you got any of your photos? I’d love to have a look at them.’

  ‘No, cheeky, I ain’t,’ Mo replied with a naughty grin, and didn’t push Roger’s hand away when she felt it sliding up her thigh.

  ‘How about you give me a private viewing then, pose for me like you did for the photographer?’ Roger asked lustily.

  ‘Oh … I don’t know about that …’

  ‘Go on, it’ll be our secret. I’m getting really turned on thinking about your beautiful body.’

  Mo saw Roger’s face inching closer to hers, and their lips met. She returned his kiss and groaned in pleasure as his hand slid between her legs. It was seductive, irresistible, and she responded to his touch.

  ‘Please, Mo … pose for me,’ Roger asked as he pushed her nightdress off her shoulders to flick her erect nipples with his tongue.

  Mo gently pushed him away to remove her dressing gown, then slipped her nightdress off. It fell to the floor, leaving her naked, and she relished the look of desire in Roger’s eyes. Then she slowly walked across the room and lay on the bed to pose, just as she had for Barry, and asked huskily, ‘Do I look good?’

  Roger groaned, rubbing his bulging crotch. ‘Oh, yes, Mo, you’re stunning,’ he said, then walked over to stand by the bed.

  Mo reached out and undid his trousers, freeing his erect manhood. She smiled, and said, ‘Well, look at that. I think you want me.’

  ‘Oh, yes, I do, but like this,’ Roger growled and climbing on the bed he roughly flipped her over, then pulled her up at the waist until she was on her knees.

  Mo moaned with delight as Roger took her from behind. She loved it that he was so commanding as he held her hips and thrust furiously in and out of her.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ Roger panted.

  Mo’s pleasure mounted, and she was about to reach an explosive orgasm when the door flew open and she saw Samuel’s horrified face.

  ‘What the fuck are you doing with my woman?’ Sam screeched as he ran towards Roger.

  Roger scrambled from the bed and desperately tried to pull up his trousers, while Mo jumped in between them. ‘Please, Sam, it’s not what you think!’

  Samuel roughly pushed her aside. ‘I know what I saw … you filthy tart … and as for you!’ He flew at Roger.

  ‘No, Sam,’ Mo cried out, but Samuel was beyond listening.

  With clenched fists he pounded Roger’s face, over and over, Roger crying out in pain as blood spurted.

  Mo jumped on Samuel’s back, screaming, ‘Get off him, you’re going to kill him!’

  He shook her off, and continued to pound Roger until the man fell to the floor unconscious. With blood dripping off his fists, Samuel stood over him, while Mo cried, ‘Oh, Sam, what have you done? Is he dead?’

  ‘I hope so,’ Samuel spat, but then Roger groaned.

  ‘You black bastard,’ he said as he regained consciousness. ‘I’ll have you for this. You won’t get away with it. I’ll get the police on you.’
/>   Mo panicked. She knew the police would come down hard on Samuel, and he’d no doubt go to jail. ‘Quick, Sam, you’ve got to get out of here.’

  Blood was running from Roger’s nose, and dashing it away with the back of his hand he winced and said, ‘You can run, but you won’t get far. I’ll have you nicked for this!’

  Mo grabbed pound notes from the biscuit tin and shoved them at Samuel. ‘Go! Go before he calls the police!’

  Samuel looked at Roger and then blinked, his wild eyes clearing as he seemed to come to his senses. He took the money and headed for the door as Roger tried to stagger to his feet.

  Mo grabbed her dressing gown from the floor and wrapped it around herself, then tried to help Roger, but he shrugged her off. ‘I’m sorry, Roger, I wasn’t expecting him home so early.’

  Roger just glared at her, but then he managed to get to the small sink where he splashed water onto his face.

  Mo realised she was shaking, and sat on the edge of the bed, just as the door flew open again. Her heart sank when she saw a confused-looking Sarah standing there.

  ‘What the hell is going on? I’ve just bumped into Samuel in the street. Please tell me it isn’t true,’ Sarah cried, but as she judged the scene before her, she already knew it was.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Sarah – we didn’t plan on this happening. It just sort of did. One of those crazy heat-of-the-moment things,’ Mo answered.

  Sarah saw that Mo could barely look her in the eyes. ‘How could you? You’re supposed to be my friend!’ she snapped, then turned her attention to Roger. ‘As for you, George was right all along. You said you loved me, yet you jump into bed with my so-called best friend.’

  Roger spun around from the sink, and Sarah didn’t know if she was more shocked to be looking straight at his naked body or his battered face.

  ‘Don’t come that one with me, Sarah. What did you expect? I’ve tried to be patient, but if you ask me, you’re bloody frigid!’

  Sarah gazed open-mouthed at Roger. ‘I’ve just lost my brother, but all you care about is getting me into bed. You disgust me, the pair of you,’ she said, turning to glare at Mo before fleeing the room. Her mind was in turmoil, and she still couldn’t quite believe what she’d seen. She couldn’t face going into her room, knowing they were both upstairs and possibly laughing at her. She was devastated by Mo and Roger’s betrayal and headed for the man who now felt like her only true friend.

  George was surprised to see Sarah on his doorstep. She’d only left about a half hour ago, but one look at her tear-streaked face told him something was terribly wrong. ‘What’s happened?’ he asked.

  Sarah fell into his arms and sobbed, ‘Oh, George … you won’t believe what I walked into.’

  George held her close and could feel her shaking as she cried into his chest. ‘Come on, let’s get you inside,’ he said, and led her through to the front room. ‘Sit down,’ he offered, then fetched her a damp flannel to wipe her face.

  ‘I’ve been such a fool,’ Sarah said. ‘I was nearly home and saw Samuel running up the street. He was in a bit of a state and told me he’d just beaten Roger up. He said he’d found him in bed with Mo. Well, I thought he must have got it wrong – you know he can be a bit paranoid sometimes – but when I walked in, it was true. Roger was stark naked and Mo … she said sorry.’

  Sarah began to cry again, so George put his arm around her shoulder. How could Roger have done this to her? The girl had been through so much already, and Roger must have seen her vulnerability. ‘I could bloody kill him. This is typical of Roger, but I’m surprised at Mo.’

  ‘I can’t believe it. She’s supposed to be my friend and I trusted her. As for him, I’ve always had my doubts but he’s such a good liar!’

  ‘I don’t know what to say, except the bloody pair of them deserve each other and I hope they both rot,’ George said.

  ‘I loved Roger, but when Tommy died I found that he wasn’t the man I thought he was. He seemed so insensitive and it hurt that he didn’t come to his funeral.’

  ‘You didn’t say anything.’

  ‘I know how you feel about him and I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. Oh, George, how can I go home now? I don’t want to live in the same house as Mo. Samuel’s never coming back – he said Roger’s getting the law onto him. How can I rest in my room knowing what’s going on above my head with the love of my life and my best friend?’

  George flinched. She’d described Roger as the love of her life. The words had cut him, but he hid his feelings well. ‘You can stay here until you get something else sorted. Tell you what, write me a list of what you need and I’ll go and pick it up.’

  Sarah’s tears had dried, but now she looked pensive. ‘Thanks, I’d appreciate that, but I want to come with you. I don’t care if I never see Roger or Mo again for as long as I live, but as I’m never going back there, I want to take everything, including Tommy’s things.’

  ‘I understand and don’t worry. I’ll make sure they keep out of your way. They’d have to get past me to get to you and that ain’t gonna happen.’

  Chapter 45

  It was half past six on Monday morning. George and Sarah were sitting at the table as Lena fried some sausages, but both looked half asleep. Lena had heard Sarah crying in the night. The poor girl was devastated by Mo and Roger’s betrayal, and following so soon after Tommy’s death, no wonder it had knocked her for six. Lena had suggested that she take the day off work, but Sarah refused, saying that she’d rather be at work than sitting at home brooding.

  Lena dished up breakfast, which both George and Sarah ate in silence. She was itching to share her news, though worried that her timing was inappropriate. Still, it might give Sarah something else to think about. ‘It’s been an absolutely terrible past few weeks, especially for you, Sarah, so I think we could all do with something to look forward to.’

  ‘You ain’t wrong, Mum. Have you got anything in mind?’ George asked, perking up a bit.

  ‘As it happens, I have,’ Lena answered with a teasing grin.

  ‘Well, spill the beans then,’ George said as he mopped up the last of his egg with a slice of bread.

  ‘Albert and I have set a date for the wedding,’ Lena said, and though she’d tried to sound calm, the excitement in her voice was obvious and she couldn’t suppress a whoop of delight.

  George got up from the table and walked around to his mum, placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. ‘That’s lovely news, Mum. Congratulations. So, when is the special day?’

  ‘In November. I know it sounds a bit sudden, but we don’t want to wait any longer. It’s only going to be a small affair, but it’ll be a special day and boy do we all need one!’

  ‘Congratulations, Lena, that’s wonderful news,’ Sarah said, but Lena could see the smile on Sarah’s face was just a front, masking her pain.

  ‘After the wedding, I’ll be moving into Albert’s house. That means you’ll be able to have my room, George, and if Sarah would like to live here permanently, she can have yours. It’ll save you looking for somewhere else to rent, Sarah, and it’s ideal here for you, just up the road from the shop. What do you think?’

  ‘Hang on, Mum. That might cause a bit of gossip.’

  ‘You know you’ll be in separate rooms so your conscience will be clear, and the only people who will gossip are those with dirty minds. Now then, what do you think, Sarah?’

  ‘Yes, that sounds perfect, thanks, but how do you feel about me living here, George?’

  Before George could answer, Lena said, ‘He’ll be more than happy about it, and glad of the company, won’t you, George?’

  ‘Suits me,’ George said, and gave a thumbs-up sign.

  ‘Good, that’s settled then. Albert wants me to stop working, so Sarah, we are going to promote you. You’ll be the manageress and you can take on an assistant. I’ve every confidence in you. Do you think you’re up to it, love?’

  ‘Lena, yes, definitely. I do
n’t know what to say,’ Sarah answered, sounding surprised.

  ‘Thanks will do, and of course your wages will be increased to reflect your new position.’

  ‘Well then, thanks, Lena. I won’t let you down,’ Sarah said, looking brighter.

  Lena had seen how Sarah worked and trusted her. She felt the added responsibility would do the girl good and help to take her mind off the tragedies that had surrounded her lately. ‘I was also hoping you’d help me with the planning and arrangements for the wedding too. Like I said, it’s only going to be a small do, but there are still lots of arrangements to make.’

  ‘I’d love to help,’ Sarah said.

  Lena felt pleased with herself. Sarah looked happier. With a smile she said to her son, ‘George, would you like to give me away?’

  ‘With pleasure, Mum, but will I have to pay Albert to take you off my hands?’

  ‘You cheeky sod,’ Lena said and smiled.

  It would take time for Sarah to feel anything other than sadness, but Lena felt sure her upcoming wedding day was a good way to start getting the girl back on track.

  Sarah went upstairs to dress for work. This would soon be her own room, and she liked the idea. She’d always felt at home in Lena’s house and found it luxurious compared to her damp room.

  Unbidden, the images of Mo and Roger returned and she tried to push them away. She had cried herself to sleep last night, and now despised the woman she’d once considered a close friend. Thankfully, when George had run her back to the house yesterday, Mo had kept out of the way, and Roger’s van wasn’t outside.

  As for Roger, she wished she’d listened to George in the first place. Her own instincts had told her too, but she’d dismissed them, and now regretted it. It was a lesson learned, and now she’d never forgive him for being unfaithful to her at a time when she needed him the most.

  Her eyes began to well up again, but she clenched her jaw tightly. She refused to cry over either of them any more. Once dressed, she applied a touch of lipstick and was reminded of the reward money she had tucked away in an old handbag. She’d had big plans for this money, but since Tommy’s death she hadn’t seen the point in anything any more. Now, though, she’d been given a promising opportunity in Albert’s shop, and with her increased salary and affordable rent at George’s, she wasn’t sure what to do with the money. For now, it would remain tucked in the handbag, something to think about in the future. Drawing a deep breath, Sarah went downstairs to face another day.


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