Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 4

by Marie Cisneros

  Despite all my protests, he placed the collar lovingly around the woman's neck and knelt down so she could kiss the tips of his fingers in gratitude. I squeezed my eyes shut tight against the sight of his tenderness with another woman, but I couldn't keep them closed for long. I realized I had to see, had to witness this or I'd never break free of him.

  I stopped struggling. I shifted in my seat so that I could look resolutely forward and take it all in. My eyes flashed a 'fuck you' in his direction. I hardly blinked as he removed the nipple clips I'd bought him for his birthday from the bag and screwed them on tight. I counted my breaths to calm myself as he ran the chain from the clips up through the gap in the table, clipping the ends onto an O ring, and then ran another single chain, one of mine, down her back, threading in between the cleft of her ass. He clipped the end of the single chain to her clit piercing and then tugged hard enough to make her whimper. Her breasts rose, parting as he pulled on the chain. She squirmed a little and was rewarded with a quick, hard slap on her left ass cheek. She regained her composure immediately and remained very still as he asked her a series of questions.

  "Is anything feeling too tight, pet?"

  She shook her head as best she could, consider it was face down and shoved into the padded opening in the table.

  "Do you remember your safe word?"

  She nodded.

  "Tell me your safe word, pet."

  I was ready for it. She uttered the word, and it was, of course, my safe word. Our safe word. I finally understood what was happening. I readied myself with a very deep breath. I was drooling miserably around the ball gag, and I knew my mascara was running down my face in black rivers, but I didn't care. I sat up as straight as I could, and prepared myself to witness every intimacy we'd ever shared between us reenacted ten feet from me. Bring it on, you bastard! I thought, since I couldn't speak. And he did. Every scene we'd done together, he acted out in an abridged version, with the woman on the table. Moments I cherished played themselves out before me. It wasn't long before I began to relive the moments along with him. It wasn't long before my resolve to hate him began to melt a little. As each scene played out, it began to feel more and more like I was watching home movies of our encounters, and my eyes began to run hot and wet. The dark-haired girl came over and removed the ball gag. She wiped my face with a cool cloth and offered me water to sip from a straw.

  The woman on the table became more and more aroused, sank deeper and deeper in that delicious space we call 'sub space'. She was writhing, the chains attached to her body pulling taut as she did so. Her ass was rosy red from his strenuous cropping. Her pussy was wide open and dripping with juice. As her body heaved and writhed in search of resolution, mine began to do the same. The heat of my arousal wafted up, bringing my own scent up into my face. I wanted desperately to touch myself, to relieve the pressure building inside me. I started rocking in the chair, hoping I could somehow maneuver myself so my pussy could rub against the soft fabric of the chair. I realized I was moaning just as loudly as the woman on the table when he raised his head and looked at me from across the space between us. He was smiling with infinite tenderness.

  "Do you know that I love you, pet?" He asked me as he stroked the rounds of her red and swollen ass.

  "I do." I said. And in that moment, it was all I could feel. I understood why he'd shown me what he'd shown me. He had a gorgeous woman under his hands, strapped to his table, begging for his touch, and yet, here he was, looking across this space at me, professing his love.

  He signaled my caretaker with a nod of his head. She came and undid my bonds, offering the wet cloth again so I could wipe my face. She offered me a gauzy black ankle length dress to put on, and instructed me to sit back down in the chair. The lights over the table clicked off and the room was plunged into darkness. The curtains before me were closed, and when they opened again, and the lights came on, the room was empty. The table had been packed up and placed in a carrying bag much like those lugged around by massage therapists. The leather bag on the floor was packed and zipped shut. There was a rose on the floor, thorns resplendent among the foliage, and another cream colored envelope.

  I rose up out of my chair and walked toward the letter. I sat down on the floor, gathering the fabric of the dress around me. I opened the envelope.

  Happy Anniversary, pet.

  I thought you might enjoy a trip down memory lane.

  The table is yours to keep, of course. The bag...well, it's still mine,

  but I was hoping you'd keep it at your place

  until after the wedding.

  After all, I really won't have further use for it

  unless you're there, will I?

  In the bottom of the envelope, nestled in the cream paper, shone a brilliant solitaire diamond set in white gold.

  A Simple Fantasy

  I couldn't help but think of you. After all, here I was, away for the weekend, laying in my brother-in-law's bed with my wife. As soon as I laid down, I knew I was going to have a wild encounter. And I knew I would think of you right from the first kiss.

  I leaned over and kissed my wife. But in my mind it was your mouth my lips touched. The first kiss was a soft one. An invitational kiss. But it was followed by a more passionate kiss. Our mouths parted and my tongue slid inside her mouth, feeling her warm, moist tongue on mine.

  Our bodies pressed together as we continued to kiss, my hands slowly caressing her back, moving down to her ass. I squeezed on her ass cheeks, pulling her tight to my hardening cock. All I could think of was what it would be like to be in your bed with you, our mouths pressed together in passion, my hands pulling at your ass, you feeling my hard tool pressed against your belly.

  I pulled my mouth away from hers and began to kiss her neck, thinking of your neck. My tongue would dart out and slide across her skin, and I wondered what your skin tasted like. I continued to move, my one hand now cupping her breast, pulling at her nipple. Soon my mouth reached her tit and I took the nipple between my lips, biting it softly, sucking it into my mouth. I thought of your description of your breasts and I pictured your nipple in my mouth. I thought of how you would breathe as I sucked your tits. I imagined your hands on my head, your fingers running through my hair as I pulled and bit your erect nipples.

  I heard her moan, and wondered what your voice sounds like. Do you moan while making love? Do you scream as you are about to climax? Do you talk dirty while having sex? I continued to suck on her nipple, my hand cupping her other breast, pulling on her nipple. My other hand slowly moved down her body, across her belly and between her legs.

  She was so wet. My thoughts were on you. I imagined my fingers sliding between your legs. Do you get really wet? Are you wet now? I thought of what it would be like to slide a finger inside of you. Then a second. My fingers moved easily inside of her pussy as I switched my mouth to her other breast. Her breathing was so heavy now. She was so turned on. But I wanted it to be you. In my mind, I was on your bed, sucking on your tits, fingering your pussy.

  finally I pulled away from her tits and began my descent down to her mound. My tongue slid across her soft skin, across her belly. I kissed her belly button before continuing down to her midsection. My hands reached up and continued to caress her nipples as I slowly made my way between her legs. She parted them quickly, beckoning me to bring my mouth to her wetness, but I slowed my pace. My hot breath brushed across her pussy and I could smell her sweet aroma. I imagined your pussy so close to my mouth. I wanted to taste you.

  My tongue brushed across her pussy lips and I tasted her sweet juices. I craved you. All I pictured was going down on you. My tongue lapping your juices as your hands played with my hair. I heard another moan and knew that she was experiencing deep pleasure at this oral delight, but it was yours. I was giving it to you.

  I took my time enjoying her (your) pussy. I wanted as much of her (you) as I could get. I was now lost in the passion of an intense sexual experience with
you. My mouth covered your trimmed mound, my lips pressed against your wet pussy lips, my tongue darting in and out of your cunt. I moved one hand to your pussy and slide a finger past my mouth and inside of you. I begin to rub your clit as my tongue continued it's assualt on your lovenest. You began to buck your body, pulling yourself tighter to my mouth, my fingers rubbing and pumping in random.

  "Oh god!" You groaned, as I took control of you. I slowed down and begin to softly kiss your soaking wet mound. Finally I stopped and turned you over so that you were on all fours. My face was still down at your legs, and now your ass and pussy were facing me. I kissed your cunt again, then began to lick your anus. You groaned as my tongue darted into your tight hole, my fingers moving to continue to fuck your pussy.

  I wanted you so bad. I needed to be inside of you. I brought my body up so that I was on my knees behind you, my very hard, stiff cock right at your opening. My hands moved gently across your back as I prepared to enter you for the first time. I closed my eyes, wanting to focus completely on the feeling of my cock sliding inside of your incredible pussy.

  I felt the head of my penis come in contact with your moistness. For a second we both stopped breathing, then we gasped together as I moved forward, my cock slowly entering your body. You were so wet that I easily slid inside of you. I fell forward and kissed your back, not wanting to move as I twitched inside of your incredible body.

  Finally I raised myself straight and took a hold of your hips. I began to pump, slowly at first, then increasing my rythym. You matched me, pumping backwards with each of my thrusts. We fucked hard, intense, passionately.

  I could feel myself getting close, and I didn't want to cum just yet, so I slowed our pace, until I stopped pumping altogether. I waited a second, enjoying how tight you were wrapped around my tool, and then I pulled out.

  You (she) quickly turned around and knelt in front of me. Our lips met again and we kissed hungrily. You (She) pulled away and began to kiss my chest, moving down to one of my nipples. NOthing turns me on more like having my nipples sucked and bitten, and you (she) did just that. I groaned as she pulled on them, her hands reached down and took grabbed my hard tool while her mouth focues on my nipples.

  She pushed me backwards, and I fell onto the bed. Without pausing, she brought her mouth down to my hard cock, still wet with her juices, and began to run her tongue up and down the shaft. She moved to my shaved balls and sucked them into her mouth. I groaned at the mixture of pleasure and pain, as she sucked on them hard, her hand pumping my tool.

  I looked down and saw you. Your eyes twinkled as you brought you mouth back up to my cock. Our eyes locked together and I watched your tongue slowly move across the head of my tool, my cock jumping at the sensation. You took me into your mouth, the first quarter of my 8 inch cock disappearing into your face. My hands went to you hair, assisting your head as it bobed up and down on my cock. It felt so good. It felt so intense.

  It wasn't long before I felt my climax close. But I wanted my first orgasm to be inside of your pussy. I pulled your mouth off my tool and brought you up my body. You sat down on my cock and it easily slide inside your very wet pussy. My hands reached for your breasts as you began to ride up and down on my shaft.

  Your fingers went to your cunt, and I watched as you rubbed yourself while riding me. It was so amazing to see you let go so much. You pumped harder and harder, your eyes closed and I watched the pleasure on your face.

  Finally I could take it no more. I felt my cock begin to swell, and I knew that I was about to explode inside of you. I grunted, and then tilted my head back as my cum exploded inside your body. As soon as the warm liquid hit your insides, your pussy tightened around my shaft and you began an intense orgasm. You bit your lip in order to stay quiet, but still a soft groan escaped.

  She collapsed down on top of me and we rested. All I could think about was you. You are my fantasy. My desire. My dream. I want you. I want to experience you. I crave ... you.

  The End.

  The Page

  The chirping of his pager interrupted the meeting for the third time that morning. Quickly squelching the offending instrument he murmured his apologies and returned to the presentation. As the focus turned back to the technical presentation, he carefully slide the pager from his belt.

  One the nice things about these digital pagers is that you can send a message and don't have to dial back to a blind phone number. He had expected the same simple message that he had previously received: "Be ready at lunch" and they were all signed "B". This message was simple and to the point "Monte Carlo, RM 2526, 1230" no signature was necessary. Checking the time stamp on the message, he knew that the sender must be in town, or very close. Making some mental calculations he knew that he would need to leave the office by no later than 12:00. The would be apologies to make and excuses to fain. This was an important client but his role was largely technical and his presence wouldn't actually be required until after 2:00. More calculations. The more he thought about it, the more inclined he was to just ignore the message and go about his business. But on the other hand....he smiled as he checked the previous messages...he felt a familiar rush in his groin. This wasn't the first time that he had been a party to the games of "B" but this might be the best.

  "B" was actually "BEFun4ME", but through the course of time had simply become "B". "B" was a night owl and inhabited chat rooms in the wee hours of the morning. Not being able to sleep he started exploring the chat rooms and ended up talking to "B". Sometimes he regretted giving "B" his pager number, but always he responded.

  The meeting seemed to drone on and on with no real progress. A quick glance at the clock, 11:50. Angela, the divisional manager was leaving the room. She smiled and winked as she went by. "Suffer" she mouthed. The woman had guts. No sweat he thought, schedule is still good. Blah, blah, blah, the speaker was going over the same material, again. Check the watch: 11:55. He was beginning to feel a little nervous. His leg was making sewing-machine motions. Changing position in his chair, he glanced a look at the Operations Managers' watch" 11:57. The sensation in his groin was changing from a tingling to a hardening. Shifting again his seat, he tried to make accommodation with out appearing too obvious. Despite his best effort he was beginning feel the pressure. A quick sideways glance. Sheila from the contracts department was aware of his increasing discomfort and he hope that she didn't notice the tent in his pants. Oh, geeze, 12:03. A single word popped into his head: Vespers!

  Strangely his mind was drawn back in time to when he was a kid knowing that the older girls would be soon headed to the showers. Regular as clockwork he would suffer the same feeling as the Father droned on, knowing that he and Ritchie Malosky would soon sneak into the plumbing closet and peer in to the girls shower room hoping almost beyond hope for that glimpse of female flesh. He would even pray, promising God that he stop, if he just could get a little peek of "it". Butts and boobs were good but oh how he longed for a glimpse of more; of "it". Especially Mary Catherine'. He and Ritchie would take turns peering through the cracks around the water pipes. Watching as the girls, in enter, shower, wash hair and preen. Listening to the giggles and gossip. It had become a ritual for he and Ritchie. A quick thrill. Forbidden fruit. It was THE secret. Understood and shared but never spoken. They both would sneak in and out of the closet with out saying a word. Back to their respective rooms, walking as quickly and inconspicuously as possible considering their aroused state. Usually the shower show was short lived, seeing little more than than a quick glance of a breast or two. When they were fortunate enough to get a little more of a show they allowed for touching themselves. Neither ashamed nor proud of their respective states, it was simply a fact of life. There didn't seem to be anything odd or gay about masturbating in the presence of each other, neither was watching the other, much more interested in the flesh beyond the wall but acutely aware of the purpose for being there. .

  The movement of someone in the room snapped him back reality. Fin
ally, the meeting ended. 12:09. Oh...God...he was behind schedule. As he turned to leave, he collided with Sheila...ummmm Barnes? Not a serious collision, but enough that he was sure that she felt the bulge. Excuse me. Sheila? From accounting, right? Lunch? No, he had some business to take care of. Next week? Sure. He would love to.

  Heart pounding, he left the building and drove quickly from the parking lot, headed south on I-15 heading straight into Vegas. It was hot as hell. Most people complained about the extreme summer time temperatures but he embraced was a challenge for him. Exiting at Flamingo, he turned south on Vegas Blvd. Traffic was snarled along the strip. Between the overheated cars and the gawking tourists it was a wonder than anything ever moved here in the summer. He was really feeling impatient, nearly frantic as he waited for the light to cycle. This wasn't the first time that "B" had summoned him via the pager or his e-mail. The messages would come in varied intervals. Several in a day to once a month. It had become an obsession with him to figure out who the person was. The first time the message was to meet at a bar on the strip. He showed and waited for about 20 minutes before leaving. The next message was "Sorry, had to check you out. Nice butt! B". He was once directed to an address on the strip an adult theater and arcade. He sat in the dark, waiting and watching for the better part of an hour. Guys alone and with girl friends. A page. "Enjoying the show? B" another "Wait! Still another "Don't touch yourself" finally "It was good for me! Was it for you?" He knew that it was a silly obsession but sometimes it was as though "B" was watching him. The pages came from different area codes. Sometimes Dallas, sometimes California. Strange, even though they came from far away, their timing was uncanny.


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