Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 27

by Marie Cisneros

  I woke up first and took my shower. I decided to go make that non-supper into an early breakfast and had my pleasure in sucking him into full hardness. Took the chance to ride him, too... I don't get to do that often enough! It feels good just to have your lover's cock in you. No movements, just being filled. Mmmmm.

  He took over soon enough and gave me yet another pounding. I am so spoilt... I don't do much if at all and get sent into orbit *big grin*

  So when we took a break, I went back to cock worshipping. He asked me to rim his ass... now that could be an alternative title: First time I ass rimmed. He was pleased that I had something "virgin" to give to him.

  But I digress.

  I rimmed. Really, you think there's so much to it? There isn't. I went back to read up on it and hmm, ok. There's only so much you can do with your lips and tongue. And fingers, I suppose. But this was a RIM not a probe.

  So I rimmed. It was easy because he was clean, and also busy distracting me with his fingers on my clit and pussy. There's something to be said for concentration, but when you're orgasming, you do whatever you're doing with way more gusto.

  Had yet more yummy cum. Great breakfast stuff.

  He took his shower. I'm still not sure if he was annoyed or pleased that I was so into sucking cock.

  By this time, he was seriously late for work. We dressed and left in a hurry. I had to take a cab home since work and home were in two opposite directions. First time I didn't get to alight from that funky car at home.

  Reading this through, it looks like Swing night is going to be rather tame...

  The Walk

  A beam of sunlight caressed me awake I rolled over expecting roll into his warm embrace. He wasn't there; his office must have called him in while I was dreaming. I lie still for a moment letting myself wake up, slowly I began to remember what I was told to do today. Master told me to go for a walk in the park, alone. "Since it was such a nice summer day." He said. I found it odd because normally I don't go out without him. I didn't give a second thought as I was getting ready in the clothes he had laid out for me. On my dressing table lie the outfit and a note written on his personal stationary I picked it up and began to read.

  "Darling Ivy.

  I regret having to leave but I had business to attend to in Chicago. Now before you start pouting I'll be back this evening. You are still to go on your walk, please do try to enjoy yourself.



  I reread it twice savoring his words the scroll of his hand after reading the closing. I lifted the fine vellum to my face inhaling his dark masculine scent. The scent smelled better on his porcelain skin, either way it made me damp with feminine desire. Deciding not to dwell on my need I tucked his letter away in the drawer of my nightstand.

  To wear Master had left a demi-corset made of the finest deerskin that he stitched Himself. He tailored it so that it could be worn under all my dresses. I took great care in lacing the corset pulling it as tight as I could get it by myself, my pussy tingled in excitement as I did so. Next, I moved on to the simple white "Alice in Wonderland" pinafore and apron I smirked as I thought of the joy Master must have had picking my clothes out. The cotton on the pinafore was cool and crisp against my sensitive skin. The apron had pink gingham edging.

  The whiteness of my outfit, that included white thigh high stockings and matching Maryjanes. Looking at myself in the mirror, I must say I was pleased to see how my dress brought out the ruby color of my hair that I left hanging loose around my shoulders.

  I took the bus to Latson Park, on the way there I sat all the way in back. Nobody really looked at me as I sat there idly toying with my apron. Except for this one guy in leather jacket he just kept staring and staring. So right before my stop came up I teasingly lifted my skirt so he could catch a glimpse of my bared hairless pussy. He stood open mouthed as I walked past him; I just grinned as I walked past.

  The park was full of activity today, the smell of freshly mowed grass and barbecue invaded the air, and it reminded me of days gone past. For a second I was a small girl in my backyard. I began my walk by watching a blonde girl play with some other darker haired boys. I followed their steps as though I were enchanted. I heard something that caught my attention. Something seemed to whisper "Ivy".

  My walk led me to the park's botanical garden, and as I walked I heard steps almost in rhythm with my own. As I knelt along the path of the rose garden looking at the lustrous reds, yellows pinks and whites of the almost perfectly formed roses the light sweet scent hung in the air. As I knelt examining the gorgeous blossoms I felt eyes on me. The eyes seemed to pierce into me. I felt my heart flutter. My mind told me to run. I rose to my feet slowly began just to walk in the opposite direction making sure to try and cover myself in a large group of people. I heard the same steps behind me and my mind began to spin. I couldn't think properly. My animal instinct kicked in and I began sprinting through the park. The air swooshed behind me as I ran I could tell my pursuer was keeping up. I looked behind to see an absolutely breath taking sight. The man behind me wore a large black trench coat it billowed as he ran. I stopped to look at him he wore a large brimmed black hat. He looked strangely familiar.

  He caught me pinning me up against the trunk of an oak tree. My delicate flesh scraped against the rough bark. My mouth opened in a scream that my assailant muffled with a deep probing kiss. I wriggled against him scraping myself farther

  "Owww. Let me go." I protested.

  The man pulled me from the tree, the wind stung on my damaged skin; I started to sob hot and heavy tears. They weren't necessarily tears of pain, more so of regret. I kept thinking why did I have to take this walk? I could've lied to Master but than what kind of submissive would that make me?

  As I was being drug through the woodsy area on the edge of the park I stumbled and fell to my knees in the cool damp earth I let out a small scream. The man looked down at me I tried to see some facial features. He pulled me to my feet I looked down at my dress it was streaked with dirt, if I got home and Master saw this he would beat my ass red for sure. I wailed mournfully the man leading me just chuckled at it echoed through the woods hit my ears wit such harshness.

  The man and I had reached the darkest part of the woods; he pressed me against a tree. He reached grabbing my hair and slapping my face. It stung enflaming my cheeks.

  "Good girl" he whispered in my ear in voice that touched my soul.

  "Master You frightened me." I chuckled through the tears my heart still racing.

  "Good." He smiled wickedly tilting His hat up so that I could see his face.

  Shattered Lovers

  Cassandra sunk hopelessly onto the corner of her bed, tears welling up in her ice grey eyes. She drew her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her knees. She began to sob as she replayed his words to her over and over and over.

  "Your nothing to me, your ugly, I can't believe we went out this long." Christian, her boyfriend smirked as he began to mock her. She always took his abuse, he made her believe she deserved it. "We're done babe, now get out of my face before you make me lose my patience again." Cassandra stood there in total silence as she watched him so casually stride away from her like she was trash.

  She began to look around her room. Stuffed animals, books, everything, he thought she was a loser for these things. She saw one of her stuffed lion's sitting on her bed, she grabbed it and hurled it against the wall. She froze as her reflection caught in the mirror of her room. Her fire red hair, she always kept cut so short had gotten longer. Even her clothes, a simple green sweater and her wrap-around skirt she felt made her look beautiful. She thought it looked nice, his voice echoed in her mind as she heard his laugh. "You look like a clown with your hair that long, why would you wear that? I swear you look like a grandma." She collapsed on her bed and began to sob again.

  "Your right, I'm ugly and a loser. How could he ever love me?" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she bur
ied her face in her pillows. Cassandra didn't hear the bedroom door open as her best friend Sasha slowly walked in.

  The two were as different as night and day, Cassandra being shy and reserved. Never trying to stick out, while Sasha adored being unique. Her cropped spiky blue hair illuminated this as she slowly walked into Cassandra's room and sat down beside her friend. Sasha didn't want to admit it, but Cassandra made her complete, in every way, shape and form. She never thought Sasha was weird, stupid, or anything, she knew her inside and out. Now her idiot boyfriend had hurt her, again.

  Sasha didn't tell anyone of the times Cassandra stumbled into the apartment with a black eye, or tearstained cheeks. Out of respect for her best friend, she always kept quiet. She hated Christian, she hated the fact he always made Cassandra feel like she was worthless. When Cassandra was something so pure, he could never even hope to be anything like her.

  She gently rubbed Cassandra's back until her friend stopped crying, Cass quietly sobbed as Sasha picked the stuffed animal off the floor and set it back onto its place on her bed.

  Sasha desperately wanted to say the words that would make her best friend realize the guy was nothing. His control was just a way of putting himself up. Yet she knew that Cassandra fell for him hard, why she'd never know. She waited until Cassandra had regained her composure before she started to speak.

  "Cass, Christian was bad for you. He never respected you, he never saw you as an equal, and he never saw you as a lover. Just a pet he could boss around," She gently wiped a tear from Cassandra's face as she inched closer. "He never saw your beauty, your fun, the fact you accept things without hesitation. Just love people for who they are." She gestured to herself.

  Cassandra quietly wiped a stray tear from her face with the arm of her sweater. Sasha was always there for her. She hated herself for making Sasha worry so much, even at the hospital, when she was in the accident. Sasha had left work on the spot to be with her friend. Meanwhile Christian had the gall to break up with her shortly after she was released. Didn't even ask if she was ok, just said what he wanted and left.

  Sasha gently touched her arm, Cassandra was roused from her memories and looked at her friend. Sasha was unique, but she never saw that as a bad thing. Ever since they were children, Sasha was always making sure she stood out. Cassandra admired that trait in her, actions that she could never do.

  Sasha looked her in the eyes and continued, "Cass, there are many things I'll probably never understand, honestly it doesn't bother me a bit. I do know this however, you're a very special person to those in your life and you need to see that too." Cassandra was amazed, Sasha, the fearless one thought she was special? Even after all the grief she put her through? Cassandra felt so lucky to have a great friend, she began to sob again, not out of sadness but she was happy to have such a friend. Sasha said nothing but embraced her friend as she began to cry again. Sasha slowly ran her finger through Cassandra's hair as she sobbed into her shoulder.

  "Sasha, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for never getting away from him. I'm sorry for making you worry so much, please I'm so sorry for everything." Sasha gently pulled her away from her shoulder and stared into her eyes before gently kissing her cheek. Cassandra was taken aback by her actions. Sasha blushed a moment before speaking.

  "Cass, ever since we were little we've been best friends. We've been through everything, high school, getting our license," She giggled softly, "Dealing with me after I got my piecing. Yet I never knew how to say this till now. You complete me, I always feel alone without you. Cassandra, I love you, and I always will." Sasha looked away for a moment as Cassandra began to blush a deep crimson. Slowly Sasha ran her fingers along her face, gently wiping away any tears that were still there, she gently whispered to her friend, "I always thought you were beautiful, forget what he said. I know this will change our friendship, for good or bad. I had to say it. I won't see you being just a pet to him anymore." Cassandra was speechless, her best friend, her companion, had just said she loved her. Cassandra's mind was a maelstrom of emotions, some good some frightened, but when Sasha kissed her cheek. It somehow felt right, it felt familiar, and it felt safe. She felt Sasha place her hand on her leg, and gently hugged her with the other. She looked up and stared into her friends emerald green eyes and smiled softly.

  "Sash, I don't know what to say, you mean so much to me. I can't find words for it, I..," She began to stammer, Sasha smiled as she softly kissed her on the lips. The two kissed for what seemed like an eternity. Sasha slowly withdrew her lips from Cassandra's and gently held her head in her hands.

  "I know Cass, I know how you feel, let me take away all he's done to you. Let me heal you," Cassandra could only gently nod as Sasha embraced her again, Sasha began gently kissing her neck, up along her jaw line, to her lips again. She shivered as Sasha brushed her lips against hers again, as they pressed them in their second kiss. Cassandra melted into Sasha's arms as they began to kiss more passionately then before. She felt Sasha's tongue gently probe into her mouth, Cassandra moaned softly as she felt Sasha run her fingers down her arm, allowing her nail to gently stroke the inside of her elbow.

  Cassandra was feeling different then any time Christian was with her, she felt safe, and she wanted to share every experience she ever could with Sasha. Not only did she complete Sasha, but Sasha completed her. Sasha smiled gently as she ran her fingers along her back as Cassandra looked at her with almost serene grace as she kissed her back for the first time. She felt Sasha's hands run along her bare skin and gently nodding Cassandra raised her arms to allow Sasha to take her sweater off. Sasha stared at her friend's body, Cassandra was by no means well off in the bust, nor was she overly thin by any means.

  Sasha smiled softly as she took in the sight of Cassandra sitting there in just a simple white bra. Cassandra began to blush as she tried to hide her breasts with her arms. Sasha gently took her arms and began to kiss her hands.

  "You are so beautiful, yet I never dreamt you would look so perfect." Sasha gently ran her hand along Cassandra's collarbone and began to trail down to one of her breasts, gently tracing the material of the bra to the center of her chest. Cassandra blushed and smiled.

  "I always felt so small around you Sash, come on, even in a t-shirt your bigger then me." Cassandra giggled at Sasha's Powerman 5000 shirt that barely covered her ample chest.

  Sasha smiled softly as she gently ran her hands through Cassandra's hair as she pulled Sasha's shirt off, Cassandra smiled and giggled softly as she saw Sasha was wearing a tiger striped bra. Sasha took Cassandra in her arms and began to gently nibble on one of her earlobes as she ran her fingernails gently along her back and stopping just shortly after the wrap around dress then back up to Cassandra's bra, she looked at Cassandra almost waiting for approval as Cassandra nodded softly.

  Sasha unhooked Cassandra's bra and gently removed it from her, freeing her petite but very perfect breasts, she shivered slightly as Sasha ran one hand gently over her tiny nipples which were already slowly becoming erect. Sasha gently cupped one of breasts as she laid Cassandra back upon on the bed. Sasha gently began to massage Cassandra's breast as she began to gently kiss down to the other one. Sasha felt Cassandra shiver as she gently kissed her breast and began to gently suck on one nipple while massaging the other with her free hand.

  Cassandra let out a soft moan as she began to run her hands through Sasha's hair and down her back. Sasha gently ran her tongue from the nipple she was working on, between Cassandra's breasts, up her throat and began to kiss her again. Cassandra fumbled with Sasha's bra for a moment before freeing her friend as well. Sasha shrugged out of the lingerie and placed it to the side as Cassandra began to gently rub Sasha's larger breasts. She heard Sasha coo softly as the two lay on the bed embracing each other in another kiss.

  The couple lay there for what seemed an eternity, Cassandra felt amazing just at the touch of Sasha's fingers along her back, her ribs, gently running through her hair. The feeling of her lips
against her neck, her ear, everything made her feel warm inside. Almost a fire that Cassandra thought was dead was burning with an intensity that made her body sweat.

  Sasha smiled gently at Cassandra as she gently began to undo the clasp holding her skirt fastened to her waist. Cassandra blushed as she felt the click of the clasp being released as Sasha slowly removed the fabric from her legs. Sasha pulled her close again as she began to run her fingers down her back, gently allowing her nails to brush against the small of her back before running over her panties. Stopping only to give her backside a small squeeze, Cassandra jumped forward a bit almost startled as she met Sasha's lips again for another passionate kiss, this time Cassandra took the initiative as her tongue slowly entered Sasha's mouth. She felt an excitement rush through her body as Sasha met the kiss with her own tongue as Cassandra felt Sasha's thumbs hook her panties and slowly pulled them down exposing herself to Sasha completely.

  Cassandra began to blush a deep crimson as Sasha drank in her beauty, she didn't try to cover herself anymore. She was as much as part of these events as Sasha was. She fumbled as she undid Sasha's belt and unzipped her lover's jeans, slowly pulling them to the ground, tiger striped panties and all, and she noticed Sasha must shave a lot as she was completely bare. Her attention was quickly roused from her view as she felt herself being gently pulled to her feet. Sasha smiled softly as she led Cassandra back to her bed and laid her back upon the soft covers, her fingers slowly tracing a path up her legs, past her waist. She smiled as her finger slowly traced a path around Cassandra's stomach then began to arc downwards again.


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