Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 51

by Marie Cisneros

  I feel my body start to slowly shiver, the shivers merge into convulsions as the sheets caress my body. My body trembles in the aftermath as my hands fall to my sides. Oh yes, silk sheets are sinful, very sinful. I curl up in the sheets and close my eyes.

  I wake up with a start as I hear Dad knocking on the door. "Arwen, aru awu awake in there? Dinner is almost ready." God, I hate my name, Mom named me after some elf chick in a book she loved as a teen. Most everyone else just calls me Jaden. Yeah I know, that's just as bad, but I like it. It makes guys give me a second thought most times. I untangle myself from the sheets and grumble as I pull clean clothes out of my bag. Before I dress, I spray some Tommy Girl on my skin. Can't be going down to dinner smelling like sex. I pull the tight mulberry tee-shirt over my head, completely forgetting a bra, and underwear as I wriggle into a pair of tight blue Wranglers. My bare feet silent on the stairs, and I hear my Dad talking to someone.

  I don't think anything of it, he's probably on the phone to someone at work, they call for him a lot on the weekends. As I come down the stairs I notice the lights in the dining room are out and there is candlelight flickering on the walls. I get about six feet from the dining room and that's when I smell a familiar smell, but one I haven't smelled in a long time. I stop dead in my tracks. My mind screams for me to run the opposite direction, but my heart can't believe it. I hear a door shut, and I get the sinking feeling that Dad's left me here with the person in the dining room. I turn into the dining room and see him standing there in dress blues, holding a dozen red roses in his arm. Stran smiles at me, and I turn tail and run.

  I nearly slip and fall on the hardwood as I run, I throw open the front door, running out into the front yard. My feet slip on the wet grass as the rain pours down, I fall to the ground in a heap of crying, screaming, pissed off female. Hot tears are hidden with the rain falling on my face, "Fuck you Stran! You left me here with a broken heart you asshole!" I lie face down in the yard as the rain pours down, sobs wracking my body. I know he followed me, I can feel his hands pulling me up off the grass. "Jaden, Baby, come on get up, come inside out of the rain. Please baby, it's cold." My clothes are soaked, my nipples hard, tight and painful from the cold. His fingers brush over my nipples as he helps me up, it felt like I'd been struck by lightning.

  Stran's dress blues are soaked through, stained with grass, I look at him as I get up. "Why the hell are you here? How the hell did you get here? Why the hell did you leave me?" He looks at me with a pleading look on his face, I know he wants to go inside out of the rain, but I want answers. "Jaden, your Dad tracked me down out in Norfolk and asked me to come here. He flew me out here, picked me up and brought me here. I had to come see you and explain myself. Please let's go inside, I'm not liking this rain much." "Damn you Stran Kendahl. I should have never let you follow me home that night." I storm off into the house, nearly slamming the door in his face, served him right if it smacked him in the face.

  I head up the stairs, going straight for the shower in my room. I could care less what Stran does, I'd be happy if he just left. I strip out of my clothes as I approach my room, clothes left on the stairs, in the hall, by the time I reached the shower I was very naked and shivering. Nights here on the lake get cold and wet, cuts right through to your bones. I get angry at myself for coming up here, he was the last person I wanted to see. I thought I was over him, and just when he decides to walk back in my life it feels like a knife right in the gut.

  I shut the bedroom door and lock it, this is the one place I can hide from him. I turn on the shower, letting the water run hot into the tub, steaming up the mirror, caressing my cold skin back into life. I step in the shower, lean against the wall and let go. The tears fall steadily down my face, as I fall to my knees on the floor, shivering as I weep. I never loved Chris like I did Stran. Stran was my whole world, and it crumbled in my hands one catastrophic day in America's history. And now he was here, in my Dad's house, waiting downstairs for me, or at least I thought he was still there.

  I took my time in the shower, mostly for the warmth and a place toe. Ie. I put on a silk nightgown and the matching silk robe that went with it. It was just long enough to cover me to mid thigh, but it was the only thing I had clean and dry. I walked down the stairs, the sharp, biting, scent of wood burning caught my attention. I quietly walk into the living room, and see Stran's dress blues draped over the sofa, drying. The pants, the jumper, the tee-shirt, all of it was laying there drying. My mind wandered to where he was, and just how little he had on. I looked over at the fire raging in the hearth, then around the house. My Dad was nowhere in sight, knowing him he was long gone for the weekend. I'd heard it was supposed to rain all weekend in Chicago, so he was probably way out of town.

  I walk around the sofa, seeing Stran lying on the floor wrapped up in a blanket near the fire. He's asleep, just like I'd seen him be for so many nights in our life. My fingers tremble as I reach out to touch his face, my fingers brush his cheek, and he smiles. His eyes open slowly, as he pushes the blanket down his bare chest. "Jaden, Baby, I'm so sorry I left you hanging like that. I had to go, and when I got back I got sent up to New York to help out up there teaching a school in Ballston Spa. When I got back from there, your Dad left a message at my work center for me to call him. I never knew your Dad was a Senior. I called him back and here I am. Jaden, you know how the Navy is, and you know how seriously I take my job. I want things to work between us, I want you back. I love you. I always have. I had that picture of us up in my pit, I looked at it every night before I went to sleep. You mean everything to me. I'd give up everything for you, even the Navy."

  Stran reached out to touch my face, but I backed away, sitting against the sofa on the floor with my knees pulled up into my chest as silent tears fell down my cheeks. "How am I supposed to believe you? Nine months Stran! Nine months you left me in the dark. I could have had a kid in that amount of time! How am I to know you don't have some other woman waiting back in Norfolk for you tonight? How?" My words cut him like a knife, he makes a face as if I hurt him. "Jaden, there is no one in Norfolk, I promise. You have to trust me Baby, that's all I can say. Trust me." How could I bear to trust him again, when he tore my heart out? I didn't know, all I knew, seeing him laying there like he was, it was making my clit tingle. I wanted him all over again, just like I had so many nights of our life. His eyes were like smoky emeralds in the firelight, his skin, dark from the summer sun, was making me wet. I wanted to touch him all over, press my skin against his, just once more. He was like a drug to me, a want, a desire, a need I couldn't satisfy.

  Stran reachut aut again to touch me, this time his fingertips brushing against my calves. I looked up at him, tears stained my cheeks. "How am I to trust you? How sup supposed to forget the last year and a half and go back to the way things were? I can't Stran, as much as you profess loving me, heartache's hard to kill." His face was a mass of concern, "I know Baby, it's been hurting me to be without you, but I've been so busy. I thought for awhile that you were seeing someone else, since I didn't hear from you. Then I realized that you were probably just as busy as I was, being a civilian now. Please baby, don't stop loving me, please." His eyes pleaded with me for forgiveness, as his fingers lazily made their way up the sides of my thighs. Could he sense the feelings pent up within me? I knew I was playing with fire, but was the pleasure of a few hours worth the pain of getting burned again? I didn't know, but I knew I was close to explosion, he drivdriving me mad with his fingers on my legs.

  I scooted closer to him, stretching out my legs, he began massaging my feet, something that he only rarely did when we were together. I lie back, flat onto the floor as his hands work over my feet, my calves, my eyes close as my body untangles. My job as a LDR Nurse is hell on my legs, and I neglect them so much when I come home off duty. I can feel his hands on my thighs, as they move farther up, untying my wrap, I can feel Stran's body close to mine, smell the familiar smell of him, the heat of his body. I want to surrender al
l to him, but I don't want him thinking I'm letting him off easy. His fingers trace the curve of my breast through the silk, I shiver slightly, damn it! I know he noticed, my body is betraying me!

  I shiver again, pulling away. His fingers caress my face, holding my cheek in the palm of his hand. I instinctively turn my face towards his palm, as his fingers run through my hair, down my back. Stran knows my body all too well, he could always control my body long before my mind. He knows how much he means to me, and he knows how to use it against me. My palms move lightly down his chest, as my fingers glide down his body. Stran moans softly, I can only wonder if I was thet wot woman to touch him like this? My fingers tremble as they brush against the scar on his thigh, the one he got when he was still a kid living on the farm in Minnesota. Ther not nothing between he and I but the small scrap of silk that covers my body. I look up at him sitting in front of me, tears welled up in my eyes, his face a mass of concern as he pulls me into his arms, wrapping me tight to his chest. "Oh baby, I am so sorry for the pain I've caused you. You mean everything to me. I'm so sorry Arwen Jaden." Stran's never called me by my first name, much less my first and middle put together. I fall apart at the seams, the hardass in me has given up, for the moment.

  I get up off the floor, moving towards the stairs. I want to lay in my bed, I want to feel him next to me like I always did. I feel his fingers brmy hmy hand as I walk away, I take his hand in mine leading him up the stairs. There is nothing more enticing than a farmboy in his boxers being led by the hand up to your bedroom. Just the knowing look in his eyes, makes me think things I hadn't thought in months, things about nights he and I shared. I open the door to my bedroom, the sheets still a mess from my pleasure before, but I don't think Stran cared a bit. I stand next to my bed, facing Stran, his hands run down my arms, my eyes close as the silk slip glides over my body. I stand there at the mercy of his touch, his lips nip at my neck, as he works his way up to my earlobe, nipping, my knees go weak as I moan. I can feel him grinning against my ear, my fingers snake down to his boxers, sneaking in the waistband, shoving them down his muscled calves. I take him gently into my hands, stroking, teasing, getting used to the feel of his cock in my hands after such a long time. I continue teasing him as I nip on his neck, he growls sensually into my ear as I nip his chest, slowly making my way down onto my knees. Stran moans from down deep, almost an animalistic sound as I take him into my mouth, licking ever so gently, slowly reminding Stran of what he had been missing.

  It takes every bit of strength in Stran not to buckle at the knees and come down on top of me. My fingers work up a steady tempo as my tongue pleasures his cock, I can hear him moaning above me, whispering endearments, encouraging me onward. I'm more than happy to oblige, I'm one of those women that love giving head. My mind wanders back to our last night together, as my body re-enacts that night for him. "Babydoll, as much as I don't want you to stop, I want you right now."

  Stran gently brings me up off my knees, pushing me onto the bed. His fingers waste no time, as he kisses me deep, stealing my breath away. His fingers tease my aching clit, tracing circles on the sensitive flesh, as my pussy becomes increasingly wetter. I shiver, moad crd cry out as his fingers sink into me, his lips and tongue working over my nipples. "It's been awhile huh baby?" I gasp in response, as his tongue flicks against my clit, I yelp in pleasure, it has been awhile.

  I come quickly, my juices washing over Stran's fingers, slowly he pulls them out of me, careful to not leave a puddle behind. I look up at him, eyes glazed over in sheer ecstasy, he begins to slowly, sensually lick his fingers, savoring every last bit of me. "Mmmhhh, just as I remember you tasting baby doll. It's been awhile, a long while." With that thought still lingering in my mind, Stran takes hold of my hips, pulling me closer to him, he wants this just as much as I do.

  The first push is always the hardest, but each inch after is painless, just as I remembered. Stran slowly leans forward, kissing me, murmuring in my ear how much he loves me, as he moves with me. Our bodies move in one smooth motion, his breathing against my neck is ragged, he's getting close. I can feel the heat, the ache, the burn within me waiting release. My nails dig into his back, my body arcs up to meet his as I bite into his shoulder to stifle my scream. Muscles in Stran's body spasm, he groans with his release, as his body shivers. "I love you Jaden." My eyes are closed, slow dri drift into sleep wrapped in his arms. The pain was worth these few hours of pleasure.

  I wake with the thunder crashing outside, rain pours on down. I reach over for Stran, but my hand only finds a cold, empty sheet. I get out of the bed, wrapping myself in the sheet, heading out into the hall, listening for him. Nothing. I head down the stairs, seeing the roses he had last night put in a vase of water. The fire burned out hours ago, only a very few small embers struggle to burn. "Stran? Are you here?" There is no answer. I wander through the kitchen, finding a note stuck to the counter.


  I'm sorry that I left you alone after what we did last night, but I had to go. I wasn't completely honest with you last night when you accused me of having a woman waiting in Norfolk for me, and I denied it. There is a woman waiting for me, my daughter. Last night brought out parts of me that I thought were lost, parts of me that only you could bring out in me. Thank you for reminding me what a good woman feels like, I will never forget you. Take care of you, I wish you the best always.


  I crumple the note up in my fist, if he has a daughter since us, there had to be a woman involved. He never mentioned a daughter when we were together, much less him being involved with anyone. Never again will I let him into my life, if all he can do is cause me pain. Never.

  Taxi Ride

  It’s midsummer, the early hours of the morning, in a hot, crowded bar. I lean closer to catch what you are saying and at that moment a girl close by staggers against us, spilling white wine over my dress, chill on my hot flesh. She sways on her way, leaving us staring down at my dress, then you reached to stroke my breast, its nipple erect against the cold material, my eyes like saucers, my lips parting in surprise and lust.

  You smile, a strange focused look in your eye, as you slide your arm round my waist and pull me towards you. My hand comes up to push you away but you grab my wrist and pull me towards the door, leaving my friends and my drink behind, and to my surprise I follow you willingly.

  The night air feels chill on my wet dress and I shiver as you flag down a taxi. You say something I don’t catch to the driver, and stand back to let me enter, wriggling across the seat, looking back at you, wondering what you have planned for me.

  The taxi is modern, and the smell of leather from the seats permeates the air. For a few seconds we sit in silence, then you reach over, pulling down the screen between us and the driver so we’re hidden from view. I turn to look at you and speak but you put a finger to my lips and I stay silent, heart racing.

  Without either of us speaking we smile and I part my lips to draw in your finger, sucking and licking it. You watch me, your head on one side, and then slide in your thumb instead while you fingers grasp the side of my face, so tight that I wince. Your other hand comes up too, clamped hard, and I cry out, only to feel your hand sting my cheek and hear you hiss “not a fucking sound, bitch!” Shocked I obey, wondering what the hell I’ve let myself in for.

  After a considering look, your hands still up to my face, then with the other hand your reach into your pocket and bring out a leather lace. You reach for my left wrist and I start to fight back but you’re more powerful and soon you’re kneeling on my chest and arm, pinning me down so I can’t reach to hit or scratch you though I wriggle hard still, trying to buck you off. Exasperated, you hit me again with the back of your hand harder, and while I gasp in shock you tie the lace tight round my wrist and loop it round the handle of the back door; reaching to tie the other end round my right wrist.

  I’m trapped, my arms stretched out above my head, the laces biting my flesh tight, and you know it. Y
ou spread my legs roughly and kneel between them, looking down at me thoughtfully. I feel your fingers sliding inside my thong, and strangely the thought that goes through my head is that once you’ve seen I’m wearing PVC you’ll know for certain that you’re right, I am a slut.

  You slide your finger inside my thong and smirk when you find how aroused I am by your mistreating me. I see you lick your finger slowly, then slide it in again, this time making me lick my own juices from your hand. As I squirm before you you slide in a second, and a third finger, watching how I react. As I murmur with pleasure you withdraw them and push my legs wider apart, making me wince again and forcing me to arch again from the pain.

  You reach into your pocket and pull out a penknife, and though suddenly I’m terrified I try to not show it too much. You reach for my thong and slice it off at each side, sniffing it and putting it into your pocket. Then it’s the turn of my dress. You pull it down over my breasts so that they’re bare, and then you slash the material down from just below the neckline; in disbelief I watch as any potential remaining modesty is gone.


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