Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 63

by Marie Cisneros

  "You own every inch of me my Master. Every inch of me is Yours to use as You desire. From this day forth I will wear Your collar's with pride and honour Master."

  Taking the leash into His hand He takes her to the dungeon He has created for T/their pleasure. He knows that for the rest of her stay T/they will spend many hours in here.

  The Man in the Mirror

  It was a cold winter's night and the moon was full and ripe shining its light like silver fingers through the window; Maxine was alone in bed listening to the wind fiercely howling like wolves outside her window and the rain drumming on the roof. A perfect night for loving.

  Maxine, unable to sleep decided to run herself a hot bath, she swung her long tanned legs from beneath the snow white bed clothes and put her feet to the ground feeling the soft springiness of new carpet beneath her toes, for some reason tonight she was much more aware of herself but was unable to put her finger on the reason why...

  Clad in only her black satin thong she walked across the bedroom to the en-suite. Walking that short distance even though the central heating was on full blast made her nipples erect, she stood for a moment savouring the feel of her breasts slowly firming up and her nipples tightening and hardening into little buds before stepping into the bathroom her feet almost gliding across the smooth surface of the warmed marble floor.

  She padded over to the large Jacuzzi bath, turned on the taps and added a little of her favourite scented oils to the water, then caught sight of herself in the full length mirror.

  She sat on the edge of the bath as it filled and eased off her thong already wet with her mounting juice revealing her tight shaven pussy, still looking into the mirror Maxine began to play, sliding her hand down her body over the soft swell of her breasts and her hardened nipples, down lower across her flat stomach and lower still until she reached her pussy so smooth and warm.

  Spreading her legs further apart, Maxine watched in the mirror as she slid her middle finger down over her swollen clit and let out a gasp as electric currents flew from her clit and dissipated through out her body, then allowing her finger lower into her wetness, teasing her hole evoking more juice to flow making her tip her head back and close her eyes in sheer pleasure.

  When she opened them again and looked into the mirror she saw herself flushed from her little session but then she saw a man, wearing only black boxers staring at her... she looked around the bathroom no one was there but when she looked into the mirror again there he was staring directly at her, he had the buffest body she'd ever seen on a man broad chest and strong arms corded with muscle tapered waist and lean, long athletic legs.

  He smiled at her, got up and walked round the side of the bath and straight through the now rippling mirror towards her...

  Maxine's body went into overdrive, her nipples went even harder and when he stripped off his boxers her love juice over flowed and started gushing down her legs.

  This was the man that invaded her dreams, the one that made love to her night after night and assaulted her senses in her waking state and now he was here naked in front of her in the flesh!

  She felt as if she was to faint, as light-headed as if the oxygen had thinned in the room, as he knelt down in front of her. He looked her deeply in the eyes his soft brown eyes the shade of caramel clashing with hers of emerald green, passion flew between them like lightening sparks.

  Maxine breathed a sigh as without a word he parted her thighs and tentatively lapped at her swollen pussy sending pleasure rocketing through her now trembling body.

  She began to run her fingers through his jet black hair pushing him closer to her wetness he obliged by lapping more urgently and then slipping one then two fingers into her pussy, she was moaning for him over and over she was so close to orgasm, she knew she was going to cum.

  Then he stopped.

  He looked up at her and smiled then said in a slow deep passion drugged drawl "I know what you want, and you love it when I do it don't you?" Maxine opened her eyes and managed to nod her head every movement heightening her arousal, her need for him. "But im not going to just give it to you this time, I'm gona make you work for it. Do you think you can do that?" she nodded again. He smiled and raised himself up from his kneeling position.

  He got in the Jacuzzi bath and slipped into the warm scented water beckoning her to join him, she did slipping in and straddling his waist, she could feel his long thick cock pressing against the lips of her pussy and she couldn't resist the urge to slip her pussy down onto it.

  He let out a low guttural moan as he relished the feel of her tightness around his member which was joined by more as she began to bounce up and down on it. She was enjoying it too and knew that it wouldn't be long until they both came, the warm water adding to the pleasure they were both experiencing.

  Maxine's moans got loader and more passion laden as her bounces got harder and faster taking him even deeper inside her she opened her eyes to watch his pleasure as she rode him to the brink he had his eyes closed and he was moaning freely now, she could feel his strong arms covered in butter tanned skin helping her forcing her almost violently onto his shaft, she could feel him building up for his climax and she too ached to come.

  Then like magic the fireworks came.

  Her pussy clamping round him as she exploded her juices and him pulsing deep within her as he finally unleashed his torrent of hot cum inside her moaning her name.

  They stayed like that for a while as they recovered from there high. Then he lifted her gently off him and laid her in the bath as he got out and dried himself off. He turned to her again and whispered "good girl, I hope I satisfied you tonight as u satisfy me every night" then he ran his hand over her eyes and sent Maxine into a deep sleep in the warm water.

  He turned and walked naked back into the rippling mirror once more and disappeared.

  Maxine woke with a start from her sleep a little confused but feeling wonderful she looked around the bathroom and wondered if it was all a dream.

  Until she saw the black boxers hanging on the side of the bathtub... She smiled to herself as she fingered the soft fabric.

  "He'll be back for these... And when he does I'm going to make him stay."


  Mary was a lovely woman with full hips and 40D cup breasts; she was the one that those could target with "You have such a pretty face, but you could lose a few pounds" types. A plus sized girl with "child bearing hips," as her father once called them lovingly.

  But in this day and age of the "heroin chic," Barbie and the ultra-thin looks pressed upon the world by Hollywood standards, her "child bearing hips" had no place in the lives of men that approached women for dates; it was as if she was almost invisible to them except the few that only wanted a quick, anonymous fuck.

  But that wasn't what she was looking for.

  But Mary wasn't sloppy; she was an active person despite an arthritic knee and walked in the woods down the road from her home almost daily when the weather was nice. She'd seen the sexy joggers--both men and women--there as well, but they paid her no mind.

  During one of these walks, she must have missed a change in the level of the ground as she tripped and fell.

  As she went to get up, silently cursing to herself as she thought she heard laughter in the background, a hand was outstretched to help her up.

  "You should watch where you walk, love. You could have broken something," a male voice said.

  Mary looked up and took the hand, her blue eyes meeting another set of blue eyes that were attached to a man with shoulder-length, blond hair.

  "Thank you," she said shyly, taking his hand as he helped her up.

  "Are you sure you're all right, love?" he asked.

  "Yeah. Nothing hurts anyway. I'm a big girl; I can handle it."

  "Indeed you are. And a beautiful young woman, if you will pardon me saying so. I'm Zander. And who may you be, love?"

  "Mary," she said. Why was this man eve
n bothering with her?

  "Well, Mary," he said, lifting her up. "I'll just take you over to my campsite here and make sure you are all right."

  "Should you carry me? You could get a hernia."

  "Must take precautions, love." He had no intentions of putting her down until he got to their destination.

  Mary was amazed he could carry her as she had to outweigh this man by at least thirty pounds. What was he, about 5'11, 185 to 190 pounds at most?

  But he carried her as if she were light as a feather, never letting her go until they reach a small site.

  Zander wasn't the typical kind of man she had dreamed about; he was just a rough-and-tumble looking man with his blond head tousled that seemed the type to be happy in sneakers, bare feet and jeans, though reasonably attractive.

  She always fantasized about being with men with the flat torsos, muscular arms and tights asses she always saw or read about. But she knew they'd never want her. But Mary always thought if she could lose enough weight, that could change.

  She would have never before considered being with a Zander, who was dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, jeans with the knees ripped and sneakers. Hardly camping clothes, Mary observed, unless he was just there for the day.

  When they got to the site, he gently put her down before throwing off his shoes.

  "Can't stand anything on my feet if I don't have to," he grinned at her. "Now let's make sure you're all right."

  "I'm sure I am," she said as his soft hands went across the ankle she had fallen on.

  He gave her a smile again, gazing at her with those eyes of his. "Looks like you are. But I'd like the company if you don't mind."

  "I don't think I saw you here before," Mary observed. "I walk the paths here about every day."

  He told her he had gotten a job as an assistant professor at one of the colleges; he had just come into the area and was enjoying the day. "Camping for the day," he added.

  "Do you have family here?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "Just me. My folks are in Seattle and my wife died last year."

  "I'm sorry," she said softly. He must have married young, she thought; he didn't look any older than her own age--thirty-three--maybe younger.

  "Thank you. I haven't really gone out with women since she passed, between my work and the transfer and all." He paused for a moment. "So what about you? Surely such a lovely woman has a man in her life somewhere."

  Mary shook her head. "No, not really. I'm not exactly the type they go for."

  "Why?" he asked gently.

  "Well, you got a look at me. Do the math."

  "Mary, don't ever underestimate yourself. Please." The last word was added with that engaging smile again and his eyes seemed to burn right through her clothes.

  He then began to stroke her face gently. "You are a beautiful woman. Don't ever let anyone tell you different."

  She could feel herself growing excited as he stroked her face, her nipples pressing against her bra, her own shirt seemed to tingle every inch of skin it caressed. She seemed hypnotized by those incredible blue eyes, and for the first time, she noticed his build under what he wore; strong shoulders, long legs and slim hips.

  Instead of feeling frightened by this man touching her, she was growing incredibly turned on. She crossed her legs and shyly looked down. This was not the kind of man she had expected to attract.

  "There's no need to be shy with me. I won't hurt you. You are too lovely to hurt."

  She felt the blush creeping back up her neck and onto her face. "And no embarrassment either. Stand up, love. I want a better look at you."

  "Take off your shorts." The command was unmistakable, and she was shocked at his sudden request; even more surprised herself by following his orders, stepping out of her short and showing her entire legs.

  He then came over and pulled off her top and sport bra in one sweep, baring her breasts underneath as he looked into her eyes. Mary was now naked and vulnerable in front of a practical stranger.

  "My God; what a beautiful sight you are," he said sexily.

  Mary was still a little embarrassed; she tried to cover herself with her hands.

  "Uh-uh...", he shook his head at her attempt to hide herself. It wasn't until he reached down to stroke himself that she noticed the growing bulge in his jeans. Once seen, her eyes seemed fixed there.

  "Come here, love," Zander said as he held out his hand to her. She put her hand in his and he gently put her back to the ground.

  Once there, he put a hand on one of her hips and gently reached out for her shoulder with his left hand, and with his right hand now off her hip, took her trembling left and put it on his now complete erection.

  She could feel it pulsing through his pants, and it gave her a surprising feeling of power. She resolved to let him lead her.

  He seemed to anticipate her response, and gently used the hand on her shoulder to lower her, so she was lying down completely on the ground.

  Mary wasn't sure what he wanted from her next, but she was growing excited at the thought of this man about to be with her.

  He seemed to growl in his throat and said in a throaty whisper, "I want to make love to you so much."

  Then his hands were tracing her curves, from her feet up her legs to the hip. Then he was stroking her breasts and stomach with one hand, while his other hand was suddenly massaging her groin.

  "Oh, you want to also, don't you?" He nuzzled her neck. "You are so wet, my love."

  "Yes. It's been so long for me since I did this."

  Then, he was reaching around and stroking her with a finger. "Let me take care of you, love."

  When his finger brushed her clit, she wriggled a bit, but his hand on her stomach held her. His slow trail from clit to hole and back was calculated to make her squirm.

  She turned her head to one side and bit her tongue to keep from moaning. She wanted desperately for him to tell her what to do, something, anything she could do to make him stop teasing her.

  "I know what you need," he told her.

  She raised her hips slightly in response.

  "Not that yet, love." He cupped her calf up to his face and began to trace his tongue up the inside of her leg.

  When he reached the swell of her mound, he gently slid the tip of his tongue between the lips of her sex. When he slowly entered her with his tongue, he brushed her clit again and she cried out.

  Then he stopped and waited for her to settle down again before he began circling her swollen bud with slow, languid movements. She lost sight of everything else as she slowly built toward ecstatic pleasure.

  Just as she felt herself ready to dissolve into total bliss, she began to buck her hips unabashedly at his mouth, and he stopped and pulled away from her.

  "I don't think it's time for that yet, love."

  Before she could completely capture her feelings, he was pulling her into a sitting position, and she saw that he had undone his pants, and his erection was exposed.

  She looked at it, and saw it was thicker than that of some of the men she had been with. He leaned down and kissed her deeply.

  When he pulled away, she could taste the salty musk of her own arousal, and somehow it only turned her on more.

  Then he put his hand behind her head, and guided her over his throbbing penis.

  "Now, my love, if you want to be allowed pleasure you must give pleasure. Show me you know how to suck cock."

  The tone he used made her quiver with a need she didn't recognize. She moved to lick the head.

  She had done this a time or two with a couple of "fuck buddies;" this time was different though. Zander's erection promised pleasures, and his manner assured her he would deliver them.

  Somewhat less timidly, she began to use her tongue and mouth to both lick and create a suction in her mouth.

  "Stroke my balls when you do that…that‘s it, love… are so good," he encouraged her as she
slowly began moving down the length of his penis.

  Soon she was stroking his testicles lovingly in her hand as she licked and sucked on his engorged cock as he began moving his hips up to meet her mouth. She was no longer the one moving.

  With his hands on her head, he was fucking her mouth. Suddenly, she seemed to catch the rhythm of it and her throat began to relax.

  She started to relish the feeling of his desire for her. She could feel her swollen clit rubbing the skin around it, and her wetness was beginning to seep down her thigh.

  Suddenly, he pulled her head back with a near-roar of lust and pulled out of her mouth. He picked her up with one hand and lay her back.


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