Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 101

by Marie Cisneros

  The man struggled under Sarah, but that didn’t matter anymore. Sarah was no longer the tiny girl she appeared to be. She gripped him tighter and suckled at the wound until she got her fill of him. She smirked and licked it gently, the now sleeping man pressed to her frame. Sarah pushed him onto a bench; propping him up and licking her lips clean quickly. Mustn’t keep the Professor waiting… She sighs gently, moving back to the car with a shiver of memories flooding her about that special night. She smiles softly, remembering now with relish – how she wished she could relive that glorious night again and again. She sees that the Professor is still slid down in the front seat, eyes closed. She shakes her head and gently opens the door, sliding in, buckling up and starting the car. She grins darkly, licking up the last of the blood on her lips and speeds to the exit, sliding right back onto what is called The Indiana Toll Road. Sarah gently lets her mind drift back to that night once more…

  She felt the heat upon her skin before she entered the ceremonial chambers, blushing she glanced around and saw all these people standing around. The ones, standing at what looked like a stone altar, were all dressed in beige and black colored robes-carrying staffs or daggers. She looked around her now and realized that all of the people before the altar, including her were still all naked Sarah frowned, looking around at all the people as the gong sounded as they surged forward, sliding down on their knees. Sarah trembled moving to her knees, not understanding. A man in a red robe stood forward on the altar, smiling strangely down upon them. He began to speak of the One Mighty God – the one true God that would remove them from their pitiful lives and lead them onto the path of enlightenment. Sarah’s eyes lit up – enlightenment- that she what she wanted from her God. She starts to cry, bending her head down in prayer as the man speaks in the strange language again. The others in the robes start to make their way around the naked people – giving them hits of acid, pushing couples, three’s and four’s of people together – encouraging them to make love while the man prays. Sarah watches around her – her eyes wide and shocked. The man continues to pray loudly, the acid washing through her. She shudders and stands – looking around her, finding Star with two other men. The Priest upon the altar spotted her, smiling darkly and beckons Sarah to him, a knife behind his back. She shivered, smiling and moving forward slowly. Suddenly, a hand clasped around her wrist gently, tugging her. Sarah jerks her head back to see who it was. A man, mideastern looking, just stood there, staring back into her eyes softly in almost an understanding. Sarah shivered gently, frowning, telling him she needed to go to her God. He only smiled; telling her all that would meet her tonight would be death unless she came with him. Her drug befuddled mind didn’t understand him completely but as he tugged her wrist again, she slowly complied – following the dark eyed one into one of the back chambers – barely hearing the amid cries of pleasure and screams of pain coming from behind her. The man smiled and gently shut the chamber door – cutting out all the horrors he didn’t want her to see just yet.

  Sarah chuckled to herself, grinning as she remembered meeting the Professor. He did tell her his name, but alas, she barely could pronounce it. She preferred calling him Professor anyway. Her laugh brought him out of his slumber as she sensed him shifting. A dark yet soothing voice spoke up. “Why don’t you at least put on The Cure? I can stomach them….”. A dark chuckle from the other side of the car. She grinned, looking at him and shaking her head, “Can’t you at least try some of the music I listen to?” He only gave her a smile and looked silently out the window. She sighed happily, knowing him and he knowing her all too well. She stares ahead of her as another sign passed. South Bend …. 24 She smirked softly, going back into her memories.

  He took her hand gently as she saw they were only in another hallway. She frowned up at him gently, shivering, as his eyes seemed unearthly as they flashed golden. He picked her up with ease, holding her tight in his arms. He quickly moved into another area, moving down further and further until she realized from the dank and humid breath upon her they had traveled underground. She whimpered gently and pressed closer to him, closing her eyes and slowly falling into a drug hazed sleep nestled in his arms. He moved swiftly to his private chambers, making sure no one was following them.

  She frowned softly, never understanding why he did that. Why did he take me? Of course I love him… I need him… She gripped the wheel tighter – shoving in a tape of The Cure and turning it up for them. At some point I need to ask him… I need the truth… She bobs her head to the music, wondering and once again letting her mind drift.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  She suddenly frowned darkly. No! No, I can’t think about this stuff right now. We have things to do… he is counting on me. You can nightdream when you get to the temple you stupid child… Nodding at that last thought she gripped the wheel and began to sing, not realizing her Mentor’s eyes were on her. He watched her for some time, wondering what was going on in her head. A dark smile slides across his lips, knowing full well she will eventually tell him; She always did…

  The End.

  An Unexpected "Senior Moment"

  Sometimes I can be quite lonely and need human companionship, especially when I am away from home for a lengthy period. I'm not talking about being at a conference for a few days and having a one-night stand or "doing" the company secretary who is also at the same hotel. I never did that. No, I mean work assignments that take you to another state or country for several months.

  Take, for instance, in 1999 when I was working in London for 3 months. One afternoon I was standing on the Earl's Court tube platform on my way to Kew. Now, I'm an "older " guy - lots of gray and white hair, but I like to think I'm quite fit and certainly quite able to be turned on.

  Well, this one older woman, maybe near my age, approached me to ask for directions. Perhaps she felt I was a fellow "older" person and would likely be trusted to give accurate directions. She was very attractive and stylishly dressed, had a nice figure, gray hair, lovely smile. I gave her the directions and, as she was going away to wait for her train, I had this instant inspiration, perhaps arising from a desire to relate more closely to someone, and said,

  "Are you in a hurry? Perhaps we could have some tea or coffee?" Damn, if she didn't accept! I was excited.

  So, off we went and we found a tea shop a couple of streets away and had some scones and clotted cream and tea. We had a very pleasant time. She asked what I was doing in London. I told her that I was on a research study leave at Imperial College. I have a PhD maths degree. She asked, "Are you American or Canadian?"

  I replied, "Yes, an American."

  Then she asked, "What do you like about London? What have you seen in your free time?" And so the conversation went.

  Of course, I was interested in her and so, noticing that she had a small briefcase and was dressed in a professional manner, I asked, "Are you a professional?" I asked.


  "What profession?"

  "I am a university administrator with a doctorate in archaeology from Edinburgh."

  "Do you still do archaelogical digs?"

  "Yes, every summer, I join a group of Edinburgh students for some work out on the isle of Lewis in the Hebrides."

  "Wonderful! I love Lewis, and Harris, too. The stone circles are exquisite."

  "That's where we do the work, at the Calliunish stones."

  This is marvelous, I thought, a person I can relate to.

  I found out that she is married, but her husband, a petroleum engineer, is abroad for weeks at a time in the Middle East and Indonesia. So, I told her,

  "Me? Well, married, but my wife is in America, working."

  So, I'm alone. This very attractive English woman with the Scottish degree, is also alone. Well, as we hit it off so nicely and respectfully with no overt hint of trying for something more from either of us, there was a tension in the air.. like I'm thinking, "Hmmm, I wonder if I can connect with
her again.. and maybe she's thinking the same."

  Well, she took the initiative and blurted out, "Are you free Friday night?"


  "Well I have a ticket to the London Symphony performance, and if you'd like to accompany me, it would be nice, and I can arrange to get another ticket by exchanging mine, and getting two together."

  Hmm.. intriguing.

  "Sure, I'd like that. Thanks."


  Remember, she is atractive - in her 50's.. I'd place her in her late fifties. I'm over 60. I met her on Friday for dinner and then the symphony and more engaging conversation. We are hitting it off. We seem to be giving intellectual delight to one another. But there is the tension as our eyes met at various times and examining her face and she was obviously checking me out, too, and I am delighting in her smile and the twinkle in her eyes. I could feel myself wondering what else would happen that evening.

  After the performance, she asked if I'd like to see her flat and have a drink, and besides, she'd like the male escort.


  So, we take the tube to Kensington, actually not far from my office, and then the short walk to her flat.

  She has a beautiful flat with 2 bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen, dining room and living room. There is more conversation, more relaxation, more nightcap, more defenses down (if they were ever up. She got up to put some things away and then she came behind me and bent over to kiss me on the top of my head. I turned and her lips met mine. And, thanks to her nimbleness and agility, she leaned over the sofa and tumbled down to my lap. We kissed again. She said she misses her husband terribly when he is away for such extended periods of time, and, of course, I was feeling very much the same way. There are more kisses.

  Feeling bold, I put my hand up her shirt and up her back. She's doing the same and then she begins to unbutton my shirt. I unbutton her blouse. It is obvious where this will go. Here we are, two older people and we are in the beginnings of foreplay, sighs, moans, and touches. Her breasts are small, but not tiny. I am kissing them, licking them. By this time she has my belt undone and my zipper down and she is now grabbing my cock. We stand, we help each other disrobe, and then she takes my hand and leads me to her guestroom. Then she leads me to the bed, sits and climbs in, drawing me in with her. There are more kisses. And then I lower myself to kiss her breasts and waist and the tops of her legs, all the way down to her knees, ankles, feet. And then I repeat the kissing and licking until I am back up to her inviting and wet pussy.

  We move about and she kisses me all over, ending with kissing my cock and balls, licking and sucking briefly. Then she whispered, "I want you inside of me.. I want you to make love to me... I want you." AT our age, there is no worry about birth control and so intercourse is a complete and spontaneous pleasure. She guided me in and it felt like velvet and it was tight, as though she were a much younger woman. We were one, united in this ilicit, but so right, love.

  Releasing my love to her, pumping my sperm into her as she tightened and came and drew me in as though I were her true lover, I heard her sweet soft moan, which blended with mine. We lay there in the bed together holding each other, not bothering to clean up or anything like that, and spent from our ecstasy, we fell asleep. We awakened around 6 and had sex again and then we cleaned up, showered, and off we went to our separate appointments.

  We hooked up many times over the next two months before her husband came home. He was home only for a month and then he was off again. So, we carried on quite regularly for another month. We stayed togeher the last two weeks before my leave was finished and I had to return home to Boston.

  This affair of 3 months inspired me and opened my emotions. Yes, I fell in love with her and, as she told me, quoting "Annie's Song" by John Denver, "You fill all my senses. I love you and will never forget you." The inspiration was total. My research was stimulated and I got two research papers published out of it. That woman was superb! Is superb.

  We e-mailed occasionally and then less and less. We still e-mail every few months. But, I miss that affair. It wasn't just physical; it was also mental. She was happy and fulfilled, and so was I. We remain so.

  Illicit? Sinful? In the minds of some, yes. But for her and for me, this was life-changing, life-affirming, inspiring. We love.

  I will be at a conference in Manchester next summer and I hope to connect with her when I am in London for a few days. Maybe a week? I look forward to tea with her again. And in another year I will have another study leave. Who knows what will develop?

  The Love of a Cowboy

  I galloped around the herd sizing it up with the experienced eye of a lifelong cattle driver. Satisfied with my primitive inventory, I headed back to camp where my three companions waited for me. I was always the first in the saddle in the morning and the last back to camp at night. Being a woman working with men in a man's job meant that I had to work extra hard to gain my share.

  The men I traveled with now treated me fairly, which was why I was still with them after three years, but I had worked with crews in the past that had slighted me my pay and other things as well. I had gotten lucky one winter when I heard about a crew looking for an extra hand and met Boss and his men Jacob and David.

  All three were good men who worked their share and didn't taunt me. Boss was a mature man with dark hair and frosty wings of gray at his temples. It was hard to pin down his age exactly and we all deferred to him because it was his herd and his crew, but also because his quiet commanding presence demanded nothing less. Jacob was a slight man who was nonetheless strong and capable. He was intelligent and an exceptional horseman. He was good with the cows too, he attended all the birthings of the calves and we had lost no calves or cows since I had started with them. David on the other hand was a big man. Not fat at all, but burly like a blacksmith and he always had to cut the sleeves from his shirts to accommodate his large arms. He was a happy man who found pleasure many places and was slow to anger.

  When I reached the camp, the three men had already finished supper and the coffee was still brewing. We ate and talked some, but we were all tired and we went to our bed rolls early. This night I felt a presence near me and a hand touched my shoulder. I turned to see Jacob looking down at me. I smiled and reached my hand up to his face and he bent in to kiss me. I picked up my blanket and we moved away from the fire to a place where we could spend the night alone.

  I had always granted sexual favors to the men in the crews I was working with because I had learned that if I didn't give them, they would be forced upon me and when we were in the wilderness I could get no help. I never felt any danger from this crew and in the beginning, it was merely habit, but they had gotten used to it and I didn't mind, so I had lain with David and with Jacob on many nights and, on a few occasions, both at once.

  Tonight I spent with Jacob who was an intense lover. David was a quiet and powerful lover. I had never spent a night with Boss. He knew what we did and never said anything about it. I never actually offered myself to him because it made me feel shameful somehow. Something that I had never felt before. It had always been a matter of practicality.

  The next day, we prepared to move on. We pulled up camp and loaded the wagon. We stopped at dusk and began to pitch camp. It soon became apparent however, that we didn't have everything. We were missing the box with most of the food in it. Boss rarely got angry, but now he was livid.

  "Can't I leave you sons-of-bitches alone to do anythin' right?" He bellowed at us. "You boys wander around lettin' yerselves get distracted" at this he turned his head to look right at me. Again I felt the shame roll over me. "Y'all are gonna go back and get that godammed box tonight and bring it back here!" we all got up and went to saddle our horses because we all knew that Boss meant NOW.


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