Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 116

by Marie Cisneros

  A Letter To My Love

  My dearest love,

  It is not everyday that someone can experience a joy as unique as the one that we share everyday.

  A few years ago, as we both met, we were involved in our relationships, with two separate lives. You seemed happy and content, as did I. Little did we know at the time that deep inside each other, we longed to be apart from them, and be together you and I.

  As I look back to those moments of time when we exchanged glances across the room, I can still remember the laughter in your eyes as I looked deeply into them. The hunger we felt was never divulged, and it lay dormant inside of us.

  I held you close as we grew closer in our friendship, but never crossed the thin line between friends and lovers. I had often wondered what my life would be like with someone such as you, but I never let my emotions show. Or at least I tried not to.

  For the next couple of years, we grew nearer and nearer to one another, revealing some of our most intimate moments to each other. The bond of our friendship became a solid one, and the line steadily grew thinner and thinner as time went by.

  The day you left, it seemed, as hope had been lost. You were now on your own and flying solo, yet I was still very much attached. Maybe I should have spoken my feelings, maybe if you knew how I felt. Maybe I should have told you how I truly felt deep in my soul before you had picked up and resettled in another city.

  Oh we still kept in touch, yet this grew more and more less frequent, until finally I heard nothing from you for some time. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, then quite suddenly, you appeared once again.

  No longer being attached myself, I slowly and carefully divulged more of my truest feelings, hoping that you might in some way feel the same. Happily you did and we made plans to re-ignite our friendship.

  The evening was perfect, all but for the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Here we were alone, with no diversions other than our bodies pressed closely together. But I took my time, not wanting to ruin the evening we were sharing.

  As we returned to your house, spending intimate time with you was all I had in mind. I had long waited for this moment when we would be more than just friends.

  I can still feel the giddiness in my stomach as I kissed you sensually for the first time. Our lips met and it felt so right. You gently guided me to your room and we kissed again. As I watched you undress, my mind raced with all the thoughts of how I had imagined it would be.

  We lay in your bed; naked, soft skin pressed tightly together, our bodies in synch with our minds. Our kissing was a small fire that gradually grew into a raging inferno, with no sign of stopping.

  Nervous as I was, I still had to make sure you were pleasured before I entered you. The first lick of my tongue on your moist lips was fantastic, as I tasted your juices for the very first time. My tongue wanted to explore deeper into you, as I parted the folds of your labia.

  Our passion grew to new heights and I knew that it was time to solidify our union. Reaching for the condom I had conveniently brought with me, I kept telling myself to relax and take it nice and slow.

  I gently spread your legs with the same thought in my head. I was still quite nervous as my cock slowly eased into you. Your pussy engulfed me completely and my breathing grew ragged. I could not believe we were making love. I had long imagined this moment, but it paled in comparison to the real thing.

  We stroked back and forth in single unison, your moans turning to screams of bliss, bouncing off the walls and filling my ears. We moved so perfectly together and it wouldn’t take long for another orgasm to overcome your body.

  As you shook on the bed, my cock still deep inside you, I could feel my own climax building. I let you relax before continuing, and as you did I remember gently suckling on your erect nipples, biting them occasionally.

  Resuming our perfect rhythm, my cock plunged deeper into you, making our bodies press against one another’s. The buildup inside my balls overwhelmed me and I could not hold on for much longer. One final deep thrust and I exploded with such a force, I thought I would pass out.

  Since our first encounter, we have shared many stories, laughs and even more tears. Our weekends and our time online are cherished moments that I keep dear to my heart.

  When we make love, it is a sacred moment in time between two people so much in love. Our bodies melt against each other’s and we move as one. Nothing could compare to the feelings you bring out in me, sexually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

  You are my lover and my friend. You are the kindest, sweetest and most caring lady I have had the pleasure of knowing, let alone loving. You will forever remain a very dear soul to my heart, a true friend in my head and an extremely talented lover in my crotch.

  Many hugs, kisses, licks and gropes to you dear lady, for you deserve them and so much more.


  The End.

  The Library

  My name's Eddie; I'm an avid reader. I love to learn and I am enthralled with words. Knowledge is important to me. I've been a card totting library patron since I was seven years old and I still go at least once a week to get my fill of the smells and the words there. I love mysteries and who-done -its.

  My favorite librarian is a little ole lady named Myrna; she is around sixty-five years old. She was there the day I got my library card. She still calls me Sonny and smiles when I walk through the door.

  When I walked in this afternoon on my lunch hour, she wasn't there. I panicked. I feared that she had died. But the substitute librarian assured me that she was only on vacation and that she, the sub, would be able to take care of all of my needs.

  Looking at her young face and beautiful smile, I thought a wicked thought, "You can say that again," as my cock pressed against my cold steel zipper. I never wear underwear; it binds me. But the cold metal of the zipper doesn't feel too good either.

  "My name is Simona' if you should require my help," she smiled and went to the checkout desk to assist another reader.

  Simona' was a very shapely woman with brilliant blue eyes and muddy water hair. Her smile was so bright I felt I needed to wear sunglasses in her presence. My blood ran hot when I saw her in the area where I was reading the latest Stephen Donaldson fantasy of dragons.

  She smiled at me as she passed my table and I winked back.

  After lunch, I went back to my dreary office and couldn't make myself work. I thought of Simona' and had fantasies of my own. Thoughts of us walking along a beach on an autumn afternoon her hand in mine; the sun reflecting off her shiny hair drove me mad. Her eyes full of joy and only for me.

  I couldn't wait until five o'clock to return to the library to watch her as she straightened the books and restocked the shelves. To see her bright eyes scanning the tables for mistreated books to put back in their places.

  When I arrived just after five, she was checking in some books. She looked up and smiled. "How was your day, sir? Are you here to read some more, or are you going to check out a few books to read tonight?"

  Simona' had remembered me from my earlier luncheon trip.

  I'm going to do some reading here, then will probably take a couple home to read tonight before bedtime," I assured her.

  She smiled again and seemed pleased that I wasn't going to just pick out some books and run home with them.

  I found a table close to the checkout desk and watched her as she greeted other patrons. She didn't seem to smile at them as much as she did me. Every time a new customer would come in, she glanced in my direction.

  Simona' would walk around collecting left books off of tables and putting them onto a rolling cart. Her skirt swished as she rounded each table. I noticed that because it was impossible for me to read with her so close to me.

  Just before closing time Simona' sat next to me and asked how long I had been coming to the library.

  "Since I was seven years old. I love reading," I told her. "Ms Myrna was yo
ur age when I started checking out and reading library books."

  "Really? I didn't think she was that old," Simona' smiled and ran tongue over her ruby red lips.

  "I don't remember her ever not being here. When I was young, I thought she lived here." I confided to keep her close to me.

  She smelled like honeysuckle. I wanted to breath her into my memory so that whenever I saw or smelled honeysuckle that I would see her face. My heart beat fast and my breathing became shallow when she sat beside me.

  Closing time came and she shooed the patrons out of the dimly lit library. I was hesitant to leave, but I didn't want her to know the passions that were burning in my groin. I scooted out last and took one more whiff of her fragrance.

  When I got into the car to drive home, her scent lingered there beside me and my dick pressed against the teeth of my zipper once again.

  I went home and masturbated. I was in lust. It had to be. One doesn't meet someone and fall in love at first sight. That just doesn't happen in real life.

  But those pangs were there and I couldn't keep my prick soft. Every thought of her smile brought it to full attention. I still smelled her perfume and every sniff made me hard again.

  I played with my prick at least three times before I fell asleep exhausted, my fingers still stroking the tip of my oozing arrow. I dreamed that Simona' lay beside me and when I awoke my cock was covered in spilled cum.

  I guess I had wet dreams of her all night long. I thought I'd outgrown that phase many, many years ago. My heart was beating fast. I looked at the clock and it was only four o'clock. Too early to wake up.

  I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep for a few more hours anyway. Then the smell of her filled my nostrils once again. I smelled my hand and it wasn't there. I guessed I had really memorized the fragrance after all.

  The aroma of her clamed me as I stroked my nearly flaccid dick to a stiff state. I ran my thumb over the hole in its acorn head and rubbed the semen between my fingers. Then I brought my hand to my nose and smelled it. The scent was honeysuckle.

  My shaft stood tall and my heart beat faster. I had never had this kind of reaction about any other woman I had ever met. I could always erase their faces from my memory if I needed to.

  What was different about Simona'? I wondered as I jerked off one more time. I couldn't believe I had anymore cum left in my balls. But within minutes the thick seed spewed over my hands and my body shook with pleasure.

  Soon, I drifted off to sleep and dreamed of her sucking my prick as I licked at her soothe shaven pussy. I just knew it had to be shaven. She was too spectacular to have a hairy cunt.

  The alarm blared at me and it seemed I had just fallen back to sleep. I stumbled from the warm bed into a hot shower and shook my head to clear my sex rattled brain. But to no avail, Simona's face danced in the spray of water that skidded over my skin.

  I rubbed the soap, which now smelled of honeysuckle, over my chest and pubic area. It foamed quickly and made my prick slippery. My hand automatically started wanking it once again, her face in my mind smiling and licking her lips.

  Dressing for work, I made sure that my hair was immaculate and my shoes polished. I put on a new tie and buffed my shoes. I wanted her to want to take me home tonight.

  The morning lingered longer than usual. A light mist fell from the sky and dampened my spirits. Finally it was 11:30. Lunch time! Library time!

  I grabbed my umbrella and headed for the library. Walking in, grabbing an umbrella bag, I stuffed the wet bumper shut into it so that the floor would not get slippery.

  I placed it in the umbrella stand and glanced around for the woman who made my heart beat as if it were going to come through my chest.

  She wasn't at the Checkout desk. She wasn't at the Book Return desk. I quickly looked around in the children's books, reference books, Encyclopedias, magazines and I still didn't see Simona'.

  My heart was pounding in my chest. I was sure others close to me could hear it as loudly as I could. I became embarrassed; sure that others were watching me and knew what I was thinking.

  Finally, I settled in a chair that was in an area where I could scan most of the library without anyone noticing that I was scanning the areas. Looking for the woman that kept me hard even when she didn't know it.

  I was panicked. I had to see her before I returned to my job or I would not be able to work the rest of the day. Then, just as I was about to give up hope and slink away back to my office, she came from the back.

  When she noticed me, a smile crossed her face and she came toward me. I hoped that I wasn't imagining this act. I took a deep breath and planted a smile on my face.

  Simona's hand flew up in the air and she waved at me. A smile adorned her red lips and she licked them as she came towards me. My dick got hard again. I just knew it was going to betray me.

  I scooted closer to the edge of the table to try to conceal my stiffness. Simona' slipped into the chair next to mine and said, "Hello, Eddie, I'm glad you came back today."

  My mind went wild! I thought, gosh, she is as interested in me as I am in her. Then my spirit was broken.

  "You left your notebook here last night," she whispered in her library hushed voice.

  My heart broke. She didn't see me in the same light as I saw her. I'm just another book reader. Nothing more.

  "You come here every day at lunch and after work?" she asked.

  A spark began to grow once again. She noticed that? Hmmm!

  "Yes, I do. I love reading! And it gets me an hour of quiet time in the middle of the day. Relaxes me on my drive home." I explained.

  "I think that's wonderful. I love to read too. Do you have a favorite author?"

  Bobbing my head up and down, I almost forgot to answer then I realized that her lips had stopped moving and realized that it was my turn to speak.

  "Ahhh, Yeah, I do. Doctor Seuss", I smiled.

  She giggled softly and the lights danced in her eyes. I knew I wanted this woman more than I have ever wanted any other woman.

  "What else do you like to do?" she asked.

  I realized that we were having a conversation. She wanted to know more about me. So I told her of my hobbies and the movies I liked and before I knew it the time had changed to 1:00. I had to leave.

  She smiled and said that she had enjoyed talking with me and hoped to learn more about me that evening.

  "I'd like that," I told her and headed back into the rain. I was a half a block away when I remembered that I had left my umbrella at the library. I debated on going back but decided to wait until five o'clock so as not to look anxious.

  By the time I got to the office I was wet and cold. But I didn't care. I also had a semi-date with a very beautiful, sexy librarian.

  The afternoon crawled by second by second; I guess because I knew I would see her after work. The rain had stopped by the time I left the office. I floated on air to the library and when I walked in, Simona' was checking out books for a little boy about six years old.

  She was laughing and talking with him. It reminded me of when I first met Ms Myrna. I knew she was having a lasting affect on the boy. I smiled and remembered my first time to the library.

  When he walked away his smile was broad and he could barely carry the books he had chosen. I even thought I saw a small bump in his shorts.

  I pulled my umbrella out of the holder. It was dry. I took it with me to the table I had planned to read at so that I wouldn't forget it. I was deeply buried in Peter Straub's Floating Dragon when I sensed her standing behind me.

  "I wondered who had left their umbrella here," she smiled as she sat beside me.

  "Yeah, I just ran out when I realized I had overstayed my lunch period," I explained. "But I remembered where it was after sitting in a wet suit the rest of the afternoon."

  She giggled softly once again and her eyes sparkled in the florescent lights.

  "How far away do you live?" she asked.

  "I live about twenty minutes from the city. Not a bad commute," I explained.

  "And do you eat before you go home or after?"

  "Sometimes before; other's after. Depends on my mood. Why?"

  She blushed then smiled brightly. "Well, I... ah, I thought maybe you might ask me out to dinner with you." She licked her lips lightly.

  My mind smiled and screamed, "YES!" But my face didn't betray my heart pounded louder than a pile driver.


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